
Beijing Winter Olympics | 24 solar terms and 12 zodiac, Hickory laughed

Guangzhou, 5 Feb (Xinhua) -- On the evening of 4 February, at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the beautiful countdown to the twenty-four solar terms stunned the world.

Some people also question whether the people of the world sitting in front of the audience and the TV set can understand the romantic aesthetics of The Chinese style.

Beijing Winter Olympics | 24 solar terms and 12 zodiac, Hickory laughed

The English translation of the twenty-four solar terms is "The 24 solar terms", solar means "sun". This translation is very precise, because the twenty-four solar terms reflect the laws of the sun's movement throughout the year, for example, the "vernal equinox" sun directly at the equator, the "summer solstice" sun directly on the Tropic of Cancer, the "winter solstice" sun directly on the Tropic of Cancer, the twenty-four solar terms divide the area between the direct solar point from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Cancer into 12 parts, from the "vernal equinox" back to the "vernal equinox", and the year is completed.

The ancient Greek mathematician and astronomer Hipbacchus, in order to mark the position of the sun on the ecliptic (the route from the earth to see the sun in the sky for a year), divided the zodiac belt into twelve sections, every 30 degrees as a "palace", and named it after the main constellations contained in each "house" at that time, which is the origin of the twelve constellations.

Beijing Winter Olympics | 24 solar terms and 12 zodiac, Hickory laughed

On the evening of February 4, the opening ceremony of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games was held at the Beijing National Stadium. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Lei

It is precisely because of the mastery of the reciprocating law of the sun that human cultivation and harvesting are more handy, and human civilization can enter a new stage of development.

Because of the common full moon lack, the ancient time and calendar of the East and the West have invariably chosen the decimal system, many of which are still used today, and whether it is the twenty-four solar terms in the East or the zodiac of the zodiac in the West, it is the same thing that human beings try to understand nature.

Thousands of miles apart, but also close to the end of the world – thousands of years of human exploration echo the Olympic spirit of "more unity" today, and Hicks will smile if he can travel to Beijing on the evening of February 4, 2022.

Editors: Liu Ning, Yu Sihui, Zhou Xin

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