
Give you a "preventive shot" in advance: these 6 foods may not be suitable for eating at night

People in modern society, many people's three meals are irregular, because of work reasons, everyone's entertainment time is basically in the evening, which leads to many people in the evening with friends to eat, or they will have the habit of eating supper and snacks at night, in fact, many foods are not suitable for eating at night, which is not only not conducive to digestion, but also affects their sleep quality.

Give you a "preventive shot" in advance: these 6 foods may not be suitable for eating at night

Give you a "preventive shot" in advance: these 6 foods may not be suitable for eating at night

1. Refreshing food

It is not suitable for eating some refreshing foods at night, especially coffee, tea, pumpkin seeds, etc., coffee and tea contain caffeine, caffeine, are able to make their nerve centers in a state of excitement, which will lead to their own delay in entering the sleep state;

And pumpkin seeds contain pumpkin seed acid, but also a kind of food that can stimulate their own nerve centers, so that their spirit has been in a state of excitement, if they eat some refreshing food at night, this is not to help sleep, but insomnia is more serious.

Give you a "preventive shot" in advance: these 6 foods may not be suitable for eating at night

2. Ginger

The old saying has cloud "eat ginger at night is better than arsenic", it can be seen that eating ginger at night is very harmful to the body, ginger itself is warm, which contains some starch, volatile oil, ginger and the like, ginger can also accelerate blood circulation in the body, promote stomach digestion, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory and other effects.

If you eat ginger in the morning, it is conducive to the health of the human body and can promote the rise of yang in the body, but eating ginger at night will cause the human body to be on fire seriously, because ginger is a hot thing, which is not conducive to sleep and human health at night.

Give you a "preventive shot" in advance: these 6 foods may not be suitable for eating at night

3. Greasy food

In fact, greasy food is not only not suitable for eating at night, usually should also eat less, especially some fried food, high cholesterol content of food, if the human body intake is too much, it will increase the burden of the body's gastrointestinal, liver and gallbladder, pancreas, thereby affecting the nerve center of the human body, resulting in sleep disorders at night.

4. Sweets

Many people, especially women, will prefer to eat sweets, eating sweets at night will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, and sweets contain high sugar, which is actually difficult to be decomposed, and then it will be converted into fat, which will lead to body obesity in the long run.

Give you a "preventive shot" in advance: these 6 foods may not be suitable for eating at night

5. Spicy and irritating food

Many people eat together at night or like to order takeaway, eat barbecue, and these foods are basically spicy and irritating, after all, many people now belong to the heavy taste of the crowd, in fact, should eat light food at night, spicy and irritating food can easily lead to people's stomachs being burned, causing indigestion, resulting in poor sleep quality at night or difficult to sleep, especially onions, garlic, peppers and other foods.

Give you a "preventive shot" in advance: these 6 foods may not be suitable for eating at night

6. Foods that cause flatulence

In life, some foods will produce a large amount of gas after digestion and absorption by the human body, causing bloating in the body, such as common corn, chestnuts, bananas, beans and other foods, eating more of these foods at night, it is easy to bloat, not only lead to their own abdomen discomfort, but also directly affect their sleep quality, after all, abdominal distention, it will make it difficult to sleep, tossing and turning.

Give you a "preventive shot" in advance: these 6 foods may not be suitable for eating at night

If you want to have a good sleep, then the above 6 kinds of food, it is not recommended to eat at night, otherwise it will affect your health in the long run, after all, the quality of sleep at night is not good, it is easy to lead to a decline in the body's immunity, and some diseases are easy to invade the body.

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