
Look for contradictions in ordinary daily life

author:1 note

After starting an article, writing the beginning, I always feel very ordinary, usually there is nothing special to eat, drink and have fun in the end to write out and read it is not interesting, but I can't think of anything else, I can't write, I can't think, and then I stagnate.

After carefully observing social life, everyone lives around three meals a day all their lives, and even if there are other things, they still have to eat and sleep, which is inevitable.

The most ordinary and simple is to eat, drink, sleep and ordinary work, the only pressure comes from work at the moment, the need for income to maintain the basic costs of life, these things occupy most of their time and energy, can no longer create greater value.

People with a certain economic foundation, who are mainly thinking about getting greater benefits or working hard for their own interests and hobbies, can have more time to think.

In addition to the unexpected events, man-made events, of course, these events to act on people. Depending on the progress of the event, the characters will have corresponding emotional and emotional responses.

Finding twists and turns in small events will resonate with many people and be more attractive.

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