
Popular movie 1979 No. 5 cover and inside page picture sharing like, just follow me!

author:Golden 80s

1. The cover of this issue is Chen Chong, a young actor from Shanghai Film Studio

Popular movie 1979 No. 5 cover and inside page picture sharing like, just follow me!

Chen Chong, a young actor at Shanghai Film Studio

2. The movie "Dawn"

Starring: Wang Dapeng, DaShichang, Ma Guanying, Li Zhentong

In the spring of 1930, Lin Han, the new representative of the Central Committee, and others came to the Honghu base area, and he promoted Wang Ming's left-leaning line, which was very exclusive of comrades who adhered to correct principles. The Kuomintang seized the opportunity to launch an all-out offensive...

Popular movie 1979 No. 5 cover and inside page picture sharing like, just follow me!

Movie "Dawn"

3. Movie "Cai Wenji"

Starring: Zhu Lin, Diao Guangqin, Su Min, Tong Chao, Dong Xing, Zhao Yunru, Wu Shukun

Popular movie 1979 No. 5 cover and inside page picture sharing like, just follow me!

Movie "Cai Wenji"

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Central Plains were in turmoil and chaos.

Cai Yong's daughter Cai Wenji was exiled to the rebels, but fortunately she was saved by King Zuoxian of the Southern Xiongnu, and she met King Zuoxian as she had been, married a man and a woman, and gave birth to a son and a daughter with King Zuoxian.

12 years later, Cao Cao pacified the Central Plains and made many contributions to the national economy and people's livelihood, and anbang Dingguo. After that, he sent envoys Dong Qi and Zhou Jin to the Xiongnu to redeem Cai Wenji.

On the way back to the Central Plains, Dong Qi was injured and could not immediately leave to return to Han, so Cai Wenji could only return to Yixia with Zhou Jin. As a result, Zhou Jin, a villain, actually slandered Dong Qi and Cai Wenji for misbehaving, and Cai Wenji went up to seek justice. After finding out the truth, Cao Cao severely punished Zhou Jin and promoted Dong Qi.

After 8 Chinese New Year's Eve and subsequent efforts, Cai Wenji sorted out more than 400 articles by her father Cai Yong, and at this time, the emissaries of the Southern Xiongnu also brought news of the death of Cai Wenji's children and Zuo Xianwang............

4. Movie "Stage Sisters"

Starring: Xie Fang, Cao Yindi, Feng Qi, Shangguan Yunzhu, Gao Aisheng, Li Wei, Deng Nan

Popular movie 1979 No. 5 cover and inside page picture sharing like, just follow me!

Movie "Stage Sisters"

Yue opera actors Zhu Chunhua and Xing Yuehong are a pair of worship sisters, and the two are beautiful and generous in life. The local tycoon and the inferior gentry tried to humiliate and tease Xing Yuehong with money, and Yuehong's father, in order to protect his daughter from being killed by the fake police, solemnly instructed the two at the last moment of his life to "be innocent and act seriously."

Xing Yuehong, under the temptation of many parties in the theater, finally fell into depravity.........

5. The movie "Bus Adventures And a Good Relationship"

Starring: Fang Ping, Li Yanyan, Zhang Zheng, Jin Sha, Hong Feng, Li Yan, Yu Wanfei

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Movie "Bus Adventures Tie The Knot"

The film tells the love story of the bus conductor Ah Yi.

The bus conductor Ah Yi is lively and kind, treats his work seriously, and treats passengers with affection. One day, the young girl Ah Zhen was bullied by the thief in the car, and Ah Yi was uneven and won Ah Zhen's heart.

After marriage, Ah Zhen and Ah Yi had a child and worked hard together to run their own small family. In order to make his wife and children live a better life, Ah Yi learned driving skills and hoped that he could become a qualified driver as soon as possible to improve his family's living environment.

6. British film "Crystal Shoes and Roses"

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British film "The Glass Slipper and the Rose"

7. Sanmao Youmei Shadow

Children's Day is coming, the uncle and aunt of Shanghai Fine Arts Film Factory have prepared colorful cartoons for the children, and Sanmao takes everyone to see what movies are in advance:

Popular movie 1979 No. 5 cover and inside page picture sharing like, just follow me!

Sanmao Youmei Shadow

Sanmao first came to "Panda Department Store", participated in a "Strange Ball Game", watched the unforgettable "Fox Hunter", and met "Cute Little Kitten". He also planted gold with "Avanti", congratulated "Fox Move", helped "Hedgehog Move Watermelon", and finally Sanmao became good friends with "Genius Acrobat".

8. Stills from the classic old movie "The Gunshots of the Secret Service"

Popular movie 1979 No. 5 cover and inside page picture sharing like, just follow me!

Stills from the classic old movie "The Gunshots of the Secret Service"

9. British film The Prince's Revenge (aka Hamlet)

Popular movie 1979 No. 5 cover and inside page picture sharing like, just follow me!

British film The Prince's Revenge (aka Hamlet)

10. A collection of films by the famous American comedian Chaplin

Popular movie 1979 No. 5 cover and inside page picture sharing like, just follow me!

A collection of films by the famous American comedian Chaplin

11. The back cover is the prince and Cinderella in the British film "The Glass Slipper and the Rose"

Popular movie 1979 No. 5 cover and inside page picture sharing like, just follow me!

The Prince and Cinderella in the British film The Glass Slipper and the Rose

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Popular movie 1979 No. 5 cover and inside page picture sharing like, just follow me!

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