
Hyper-realistic sketchers dare to PK with photos, enlarge the details to show you, and the last one is absolutely stunning

Hyperrealism, also known as "photographic realism", is a form of painting in which the artist takes the photograph into a painting. Many people feel superfluous and think that this is a meaningless thing, but the hyperrealistic artists have still used their superb painting skills to conquer the attention of many people and create incredible hyper-realistic paintings.

Hopx John, an artist from Nigeria, is very good at using charcoal to create ultra-realistic black and white portraits, so realistic that his black and white paintings are often mistaken for black and white photographs. In The view of Hopx John, this is an affirmation of his work, because the biggest feature of hyperrealistic painting, that is, realism, is mistaken for photographs, which just shows that his work is painted like.

Hyper-realistic sketchers dare to PK with photos, enlarge the details to show you, and the last one is absolutely stunning

Photo vs painting

However, what bothered Hopx John was that people could only pay attention to the problem of image dissimilarity, but ignored the true value of hyper-realistic painting, and could not see the more layered details they integrated into the creative process, as well as the emotions that individuals invested in the portrait.

Hopx John's black-and-white imaginary paintings have richer layers and details than photographs, and if you look closely, you can see his amazing capture of details, focusing on the depiction of the skin texture and hair texture of the characters. Creating a hyper-realistic portrait often takes more than 100 hours of Time for Hopx John, and without a little patience and a sitting spirit, it may be difficult for ordinary people to do it.

Hyper-realistic sketchers dare to PK with photos, enlarge the details to show you, and the last one is absolutely stunning

In addition to the depiction of details, Hopx John's work also has a strong sense of light and shadow, as if we can see a beam of light hitting the model's face, and then forming a strong chiaroscuro contrast. The investment of time and effort makes every portrait of Hopx John seem to come to life.

According to Xiao Dai, most of this artist's artistic creation revolves around the theme of black people, and he hopes that with the help of his works, more people in the world can pay attention to some of the inequalities faced by black people and fight for more rights and interests for them. Next, let's enjoy the wonderful ultra-realistic paintings created by this artist.

Hyper-realistic sketchers dare to PK with photos, enlarge the details to show you, and the last one is absolutely stunning
Hyper-realistic sketchers dare to PK with photos, enlarge the details to show you, and the last one is absolutely stunning
Hyper-realistic sketchers dare to PK with photos, enlarge the details to show you, and the last one is absolutely stunning
Hyper-realistic sketchers dare to PK with photos, enlarge the details to show you, and the last one is absolutely stunning
Hyper-realistic sketchers dare to PK with photos, enlarge the details to show you, and the last one is absolutely stunning
Hyper-realistic sketchers dare to PK with photos, enlarge the details to show you, and the last one is absolutely stunning
Hyper-realistic sketchers dare to PK with photos, enlarge the details to show you, and the last one is absolutely stunning
Hyper-realistic sketchers dare to PK with photos, enlarge the details to show you, and the last one is absolutely stunning
Hyper-realistic sketchers dare to PK with photos, enlarge the details to show you, and the last one is absolutely stunning

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