
Randall talks about the conflict with the assistant coach before: there will always be arguments in the game, but the starting point is good

Randall talks about the conflict with the assistant coach before: there will always be arguments in the game, but the starting point is good

Live Bar Feb. 8 , Knicks lost to the Jazz in the regular season today, Knicks player Randall in an interview after the game about his conflict with the team's assistant coach when he played against the Lakers.

Randle clashed with assistant coach Scott King during the last overtime loss to the Lakers and slapped the assistant coach's laptop aside, chanting words until the other staff separated the two of them.

Speaking about this, Randall said: "Frankly, there will be intense exchanges and arguments during the race, but it is all based on a good starting point. Everyone wants to win, everyone is motivating each other to win. This is good. I also hit Scott King's computer today, and I wasn't angry, but I did slap it. ”

Randall talks about the conflict with the assistant coach before: there will always be arguments in the game, but the starting point is good

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