
Go deep into the grass-roots level to inspect and send health, and military dependents will not be discharged from the hospital to enjoy preferential treatment

author:Learn the Legion
Go deep into the grass-roots level to inspect and send health, and military dependents will not be discharged from the hospital to enjoy preferential treatment
Go deep into the grass-roots level to inspect and send health, and military dependents will not be discharged from the hospital to enjoy preferential treatment

The 901st Hospital went deep into the grassroots to inspect and send health——

Military dependents are not discharged from the hospital to enjoy preferential treatment

■ Hao Donghong, reporter of the People's Liberation Army Daily, Sun Xingwei

"Family members who come to the team can also enjoy round-the-clock services." On the eve of the Spring Festival, the patrol detachment of the 901st Hospital of the Joint Logistics Support Force braved the cold wind and came to a certain unit stationed in Anhui to inspect the clinic.

"According to the "Interim Regulations on the Guarantee of Medical Treatment for Military Personnel and Military-Related Personnel" implemented on January 1, we have included the spouses of servicemen, the parents of officers and non-commissioned officers and the parents of their spouses in the scope of inspection services, so that they can effectively enjoy the preferential treatment policy for relatives of military personnel." The leader of the hospital said.

The reporter saw at the scene that many military sisters-in-law led children and old people holding their grandchildren and successively came to the inspection desk.

"Recently, I feel some discomfort in my eyes, and I always feel blurry when I see things..." Aunt Chen, 67, told military doctor Duan Tonghua that she was uncomfortable. After Duan Tonghua's careful examination, he gave detailed treatment suggestions.

Subsequently, Duan Tonghua picked up a coloring page on the key points of the policy produced by the hospital and preached the relevant policies and regulations to Aunt Chen and the military family members who came to see the doctor.

"One man is a soldier, and the whole family is glorious." The new policy not only enhances the sense of gain and honor of soldiers, but also makes our military dependents feel happy! Chen Mei, the mother-in-law of Li Bin, a cadre of the ministry, told reporters that his wife suffered from chronic diseases and needed long-term treatment and medication. After the implementation of the new policy, it is much more convenient for the wife to see a doctor and reduce the burden on the family.

"In order to cooperate with the implementation of the new regulations and do a good job in the medical protection of military and military dependents, our hospital has launched a number of preferential treatment policies: military families can live in exclusive wards, and medical treatment has opened up green channels..." Hu Liang, a doctor at the hospital, introduced a series of preferential policies and supporting measures for military families in detail.

"Experts come to our door to take the pulse for us, let us rest assured that we are healthy and healthy for the New Year, we will certainly support the children to redouble their hard work in the army, and live up to the care and love of the organization!" A family member who inspected the scene of the clinic praised it one after another.

Go deep into the grass-roots level to inspect and send health, and military dependents will not be discharged from the hospital to enjoy preferential treatment

Published on February 8, the 2nd edition of the People's Liberation Army Daily

Source | People's Liberation Army Daily, Learning Corps (ID: xuexijuntuan)

Go deep into the grass-roots level to inspect and send health, and military dependents will not be discharged from the hospital to enjoy preferential treatment

Producer: Ou Can, Zhang Xiaohui

Editor: Yan Shan, Zou Fei

Editor-in-charge: Zhou Zhou, Danger Qiaoqiao