
Pulse Q&A | Inverted nipples, chest pain, male breast hyperplasia, could it be breast cancer?

author:Department of Oncology

Question Introduction

Question 1: Is inverted nipple an early symptom of breast cancer?

Question 2: Does breast cancer cause chest pain?

Question 3: Can breast hyperplasia in men turn into breast cancer?


Are inverted nipples an early symptom of breast cancer?

Dr. Wang Zhenzhong

Inverted nipples do not represent early symptoms of breast cancer.

Some women's inverted nipples are caused by congenital dysplasia and are mostly present, which is not caused by breast disease. Some patients with mastitis may also have inverted nipples, so care should be taken to differentiate.

Some patients with early breast cancer may cause inverted nipples due to the pulling of breast tumors, but not all breast cancer patients will have inverted nipples, and some patients with intermediate or advanced breast cancer may also have inverted nipples. Therefore, if the nipple suddenly appears inverted, it should be timely to the hospital for treatment combined with relevant examinations to clarify the specific reasons, and give corresponding treatment according to the situation.


Does breast cancer cause chest pain?

Dr. Yu Yang

Breast cancer itself is possible to produce symptoms of chest pain, but chest pain is not a specific symptom of breast cancer.

Why? Because from the primary lesion, if the breast is large enough and produces a mass effect, it will squeeze the surrounding normal tissue. This results in pain or other uncomfortable sensations.

Of course, some patients may have metastases from the lungs or bones by the time breast cancer is detected. If there is already lung metastases. Or if there is a metastase of the sternum, ribs, etc., these metastases can themselves cause pain, or cause symptoms because the metastasis has compressed the normal organs around them. These symptoms often manifest as pain, that is, breast cancer is likely to produce chest pain symptoms.


Can breast hyperplasia in men turn into breast cancer?

Dr. Wang Jing

Breast hyperplasia in men can turn into breast cancer.

After men are found to have breast hyperplasia disease, they also need to undergo breast ultrasound and other examinations to determine whether there is a comorbid solid tumor in the hypertrophic breast gland, and if there is no obvious solid tumor, it generally does not occur malignant; but if male breast hyperplasia is combined with a solid tumor in the gland, there is still a possibility of malignancy becoming breast cancer.

However, the probability of male breast hyperplasia and cancer is relatively very small, so there is no need to worry too much, pay attention to maintain a happy mood, strengthen exercise, avoid overwork, ensure adequate sleep, and eat a nutritious and healthy diet.

Warm tips: This article is only used as a popular science article, does not provide professional diagnosis and treatment opinions, specific diagnosis and treatment, please carry out under the guidance of professional doctors

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