
Lu Shan told a story: A sentence from my mother made me instantly become enlightened

Wen | Lu Shan

Dear Mom's readers, Happy New Year! I'm Lu Shan.

Last time in the article, I told you that in order to keep my head up and rest often between work, my mother bought me 5 peacock fish. These include two beautiful little male fish, two healthy and lively little female fish, and a sick little female fish that the aquarium owner wants to throw in the trash.

Today, I will continue to tell their stories.

When we got home, my mother and I named the small fish according to their characteristics: the two small male fish were called "Little Naughty" and "Little Yellow" respectively. Among the three female fish, the best-looking one is called "Little Pretty", the strongest and most domineering one is called "Little Bad", and the sick one with a small round belly is called "Little Fat Belly".

As soon as she got home and settled the other small fish, her mother began to treat the "little fat belly".

Mom first carefully put it into a small fish tank, adjusted the water temperature appropriately, and increased the amount of oxygen. Then every day I put it in another small glass jar and soak it in a salt bath for 15 minutes.

In order to accurately grasp the ratio of salt to water during the salt bath, my mother ran several places, but she did not buy an electronic scale that could be accurate to a few tenths of a gram.

Everyone said that the concentration was almost enough, not so precise, but the mother did not agree.

Mom said that less salt can not achieve the therapeutic effect, more salt is harmful to the health of small fish.

Later, my mother had a stroke of genius and thought that there was an electronic scale that could be accurate to a few tenths of a gram in the gold store she often visited. So, they took the medicinal bath salts to the gold shop, borrowed their scales weighing gold, and weighed more than a dozen packs of 0.2 grams of salt.

Lu Shan told a story: A sentence from my mother made me instantly become enlightened

For 3 consecutive days after that, in addition to carefully feeding the "little fat belly" every day, my mother would meticulously insist on giving it medicinal bath treatment at a fixed time.

On the second day of treatment, the original listless dorsal fin of the "little fat belly" stood up a little bit and began to eat.

On the second day of treatment, the rot on the tail of the "little fat belly" was less obvious, and the whole fish was a little more energetic.

On the third day of treatment, the rotten place on the tail of the "little fat belly", the white edge has basically disappeared, and the dorsal fin is completely erect.

On the fourth and fifth days, the "little fat belly" began to grow a new little tail.

On the sixth day, the seventh day... the new tail of the "little fat belly" grew a little longer, and the swimming became more and more energetic, and began to grab food with other friends.

Now, the "little fat belly" has re-grown a beautiful new tail.

Just yesterday, it gave birth to 59 healthy and cute baby tiger fish. In fact, this is the second time that the "little fat belly" has come to our house for more than two months. The first time was a month ago, it took 3 hours and brought us more than 20 cute baby fish.

In the eyes of others, "little fat belly" is just an ordinary, worthless little fish. In the aquarium, there are thousands of such small fish. And it was almost thrown in the trash because it was sick.

If it weren't for mom, the "little chubby belly" might not have survived today.

From childhood to adulthood, my mother told me again and again with actions that life is priceless and that every life deserves to be respected.

Lu Shan told a story: A sentence from my mother made me instantly become enlightened

There are two aquariums downstairs from our house, and we feel that the owner of A Aquarium is more professional, so we often go to his shop to patronize.

After the first birth of a fish baby last month, the "little fat belly" did not like to eat for a few days. My mother and I were a little worried, so we went online and looked up a lot of information. But because of the divergent opinions, it is difficult to judge.

I discussed it with my mother and decided to ask the owner of the A Aquarium for advice. I don't know if he just had a fight with his wife or what, but after listening to our descriptions and worries, he replied without anger:

Fish boy! What's so expensive? Do you still want to stew it with pork knuckle ginger?

In life, it is rare for anyone to talk to their mother with that attitude. So, at that time, I pulled my mother away. As I walked, I said indignantly that I would never patronize him again.

But Mom didn't say anything.

Lu Shan told a story: A sentence from my mother made me instantly become enlightened

In the fish tank of the three of them, there is a small green plant with thin, pointed leaves, which we originally bought at the A Aquarium.

Every time he finished eating, the "little one" ran to the small plant and ate a few of its leaves. Mom laughed and said it might be a "little powerful" dessert after dinner.

However, the more you eat, the leaves of the small plants become fewer and fewer every day, until one day they become bare.

After the small plants have become only a few branches, for several days in a row, when the "little strong" eats and goes to dessert as usual, he will be disappointed.

My mother asked me to buy a new one when I had time, but I went to aquarium B twice and didn't get it, so I bought another small plant with long leaves. What I didn't expect was that the little guy with personality of "Little Powerful" didn't even touch it.

My mother asked me:

Is this little tree in aquarium A sold out?

I told my mother that the boss had such a bad attitude that I didn't want to go shopping with him again.

Mom listened and didn't say anything.

When I came back from a walk that night, my mother took me straight into the A Aquarium and bought a "little dessert" that "Little Power" loved after dinner.

On the way back, I asked my mother a little sullenly:

The boss has such a bad attitude towards his mother, why does his mother have to help him?

Mom looked over at me and said:

Baby, mom is not helping him. Being able to buy what xiao Li wants is our purpose and the most important thing. Compared with Xiao Qiang's health and happiness, who he is and whether his attitude is good or not are not worth mentioning at all.

At that moment, my mood suddenly opened up. I was brought up by my mother's own hands, and I thought I had absorbed the essence of my mother's thinking very well. But as it turns out, I'm still far behind.

Mom always knew what she wanted most. Mom will always know what is most important to her.

Lu Shan told a story: A sentence from my mother made me instantly become enlightened

Let's tell you a little joke that happened to me and my mother!

In the fish tank of the three small female fish, the small corner next to the heating rod is warm and hidden, and it is not affected by the impact of the water, so it is the most comfortable place in the fish tank.

In addition to this, every time they are fed, some grain is washed up there and then gathered.

"Little Powerful" is a very domineering little female fish, which has occupied the most comfortable corner of the fish tank for a long time with its strong body and aggressive momentum.

Every time after feeding, as long as "Little Pretty" and "Little Fat Belly" also want to get together and share a little of the "surplus grain" stored there, "Little Powerful" will immediately rush over and drive them away.

Probably because I ate too much, last month I got gastroenteritis and pulled up my stomach.

I checked a lot of information, compared with my mother, discussed for a long time, and finally decided to choose a medicine called "British white tablets" to treat gastroenteritis.

Later, I saw a netizen who said that the effect of british white flakes in treating peacock fish is very good, but the price is a bit expensive. I told my mother.

A bit expensive? How much does a box cost?

Mom looked at me and asked.

With my mother's questions, I checked many places, but I didn't find the price of the big white film. How expensive can it be? A few thousand dollars a bottle? It doesn't matter baby, how much money we buy!

Mom said.

Lu Shan told a story: A sentence from my mother made me instantly become enlightened

That night, my mother and I went downstairs to the ATM to get 3,000 yuan in cash and went downstairs to the aquarium. When asked, there was indeed a legendary "British white film" in their shop. Mom was happy. How much does a bottle cost?

I asked.

A bottle? Don't buy that much, right? Usually buy a few tablets.

The owner answered.

My mother and I looked at each other for a few seconds, and in those few seconds, I remembered what my mother said in the morning: As long as it does not exceed a few thousand dollars a bottle, it is not expensive. So how much is a piece?

I asked again.

6 yuan.

The boss answered while busy greeting other customers.

$6 a piece? British White Flakes?

I thought I had heard it wrong and quickly repeated it.

Are you saying that for 6 bucks you can buy a piece of British white?

Mom couldn't hold her breath a bit and asked.

Oh, yes!

At that moment, my dear mother and I glanced at the bulging purse in her hand at the same time, and then laughed. That day, my mom and I spent 18 bucks to buy three "British Great Whites" and went home laughing all the way home.

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About the author: Gao Baobao

He wrote novels at the age of 15 and was admitted to the Graduate School of the University of Chinese in Hong Kong at the age of 38, with 20 years of experience in Chinese education.

She single-handedly raised her daughter to a Bachelor of Education (First Class Honours) from the University of Hong Kong and a Master of Education from the University of London's Number One School of Education, ranked no. 1 in the world. Only one year after graduation, the little girl's annual salary has reached 500,000.

Baby sister's parent-child education articles, warm and powerful, help you on the road to parenting to suddenly open up and take fewer detours.

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