
No one loves me

author:Jiangbei New Area Network Xiaowei

During my nap, I had a dream about a woman in transparent clothes standing on the endless grass singing to me...

The grass was green, her hair was black, the wind was blowing, the grass was moving, and so was her transparent dress; my heart suddenly felt as if it had been bitten by something, first a pain, and then like a bite off the wounded place, indescribably refreshing.

I asked the woman what song she was singing that could cure me; she told me: There is no name, and if there must be a name, it is called "Seven and Five Minutes."

I looked at her silently, the transparent dress, wrapped in a white jade body, really unreserved, and I suddenly felt that I was in love with her, free from all the rules, all the constraints, the perfect fusion of love and freedom.


I was awakened by the sound of a whip, and I sat up from the bed and looked around dazedly... The room was dim, and only a little light came in through the gap in the window, landing right on the alarm clock at the head of the bed, showing 7:08 p.m.

The feeling of loneliness ensued, as if it were isolated from the world by a window!

For a good weekend, I slept like this all afternoon. I lit a cigarette in a daze, then opened the window and saw the uncle in the square downstairs who was throwing a whip, and the children playing... The hustle and bustle of this world is hidden in their voices, hidden in the busy streets, and they follow the erratic neon, piercing my heart, stabbing me, and piercing the emptiness in my heart.

I remembered the dream I had just had: if there really was such a woman, everything would be reserved for me, and we would live transparently in this room, singing, eating, sleeping, and living endlessly.

Turn on the light, cook a bowl of noodles, the door of the house was knocked on, it is estimated that the landlord Lao Liu came to urge the rent, I have been dragging for more than ten days, and he seems to have become the only person in the city who will not forget me, every day between seven and eight o'clock, will definitely come to knock on my door.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by two uniformed policemen. I was a little surprised, although I was very miserable in this city, but I didn't do anything to commit adultery, how could there be a policeman coming to the door?

Stunned, a policeman asked me, "Your name is Aftertaste, aren't you?" ”

"I am... You guys..."

"You don't have to be nervous, we came to you to investigate an economic case... Do you know this woman? With that, the policeman took a picture from his bag and handed it to me.

"I know, she's my client, about three days ago, sold a used car at our company."

"Do you remember her name?"

I hardly thought much of it, so I replied truthfully: "Remember, Cha Xiaoqing." ”

The policeman looked at me with a puzzled look and asked, "You should not receive a few customers in a day, right?" ”

"It's quite a lot, but I was particularly impressed with her..."

"How about a profound Law?" ...... Don't be nervous, if it's convenient, we'll come to your house and say. ”

I cleaned up my place on the dirty couch, and when the two policemen sat down, I recalled: "Our car dealership rarely receives second-hand luxury cars, she sells a top-of-the-line version of the Porsche Paramela, only ran six thousand kilometers, the average person will not sell cars like this... Because it is a loss, this is equivalent to a quasi-new car, sold to us, at least depreciating two or three hundred thousand... At the time, I thought she must have been trying to get a better car. ”

"Why do you think she's trying to get a better car?"

"Women, buying a car is a perceptual consumption, will not cherish, will not consider depreciation."

"Well... Can you give us the collection account where she sold her car? That's what we're here for. ”

"She asked us for cash..."

I immediately reacted and sighed: "No wonder, I felt strange at the time, this year, there are still people selling cars for cash... At that time, I checked the formalities of the car, fully met the criteria for buying and selling used cars, plus she was very cheerful and did not bargain with us, so I withdrew cash from her account in the company... She wants cash, it should be to facilitate the later spending money without being exposed, right?! ”

The two policemen exchanged glances and sighed: "Yes, cash consumption is difficult to track, and your lack of vigilance has added a lot of difficulty to solve the case for us!" ”

I didn't say a word, but I was secretly amazed in my heart: a woman who looked so decent and beautiful was actually the object of the police's pursuit... I inexplicably remembered the melancholy way she looked when she stood by the car that day... Come to think of it, this is the scene that I remembered most about her, I haven't seen this type of woman in a long time... Once a woman is beautiful and rich, she is often particularly proud and feels good about herself, but she is melancholy, and her eyes, like melted ice water, can quench thirst, but it is also very cold.

"Comrade, let me ask you more, what the hell did she do?"

"It's not convenient for us to disclose this... Thank you for cooperating with our investigation, if there is a clue later, contact us at any time, for those who can provide us with major clues to solve the case, our public security organs will give a reward of 50,000 yuan... This is my contact information, my surname is Jiang, you write it down. ”

After sending away the police, the freshly cooked noodles were already lumpy, and I also lost my desire to eat, so I sat on the sofa like this, intermittently thinking about the picture of receiving Tea Xiaoqing that day.

I am just an ordinary person, busy every day for livelihood, I really can't imagine that I will be involved in an economic case, although legally I am innocent, but also indirectly to Cha Xiaoqing to provide convenience, just like the police said, at that time, if I can be vigilant, the abnormal behavior of Cha Xiaoqing feedback to the police, it is equivalent to meritorious service, maybe you can get the fifty thousand yuan bonus.

Fifty thousand yuan is really too much for me; when I think about it, the rent has not yet landed, and my heart is full of remorse!

I don't think I have the opportunity to meet this woman Cha Xiaoqing, she sold her car for cash, originally just to run, how can I have any more intersection with this unrelated person, and then find trouble for myself?

Half of my current pain is caused by my own family; I am wandering alone in Xiamen, but I have never longed to receive a call from home, because they will only ask me for money, but I have never had a word of concern.

My dad has been a wasted person since he got addicted to gambling; my mom is a retired primary school teacher, and there is another brother; recently my brother has a girlfriend, the woman wants a house, wants a bride price, the family has transferred this pressure to me, three days ago, I just called the family for ten thousand yuan; now, my mother's phone is calling again...

"Mom, it's so late, why haven't you slept yet?"

"The aftertaste... You have to think of a way to make a down payment for Yu Lei (my brother), and when he and Zhao Lin get married, even if our family has a wish, I can retire with confidence. ”

I forced a smile and replied, "Didn't I just transfer ten thousand yuan to you..."

"It's ten thousand dollars, but it's not a big deal!"

"I am a buyer and seller of second-hand cars, and I have tried my best to buy a house when Yu Lei got married."

"You are the eldest son in the family, can you understand your mother, can you help your mother share a little?"

"You all want to be understood, and who can understand me... Mom, it's not me complaining to you... I can't even get the money to rent an apartment now... You called me one day for Yu Lei's marriage, what do you make me think? ”

The other end of the phone was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Aftertaste, your father is not angry, your mother can only count on you, your brother has a hard time meeting a girl who can get married, and your mother can't watch this thing yellow... This time, when your mother owes you, you will think of a way. ”

"Mom, I can't owe it anymore... I am also a human being, and I also have emotions, do you think about how I broke up with Ziffy in the first place? Isn't Ziffy a girl who can get married? ...... Needless to say, if you want to blame me, blame me for not being able to keep Ziffy, and not being able to help the family. ”

"What happened between you and Qi Fei, my mother also regretted for you... You and her were at the wrong time, when your brother had just been admitted to college, and the family really couldn't come up with money..."

"You don't have to explain, I'll figure out the money... I really can't get it together, and you don't blame me, and I myself am living a mess now. ”

Hanging up the phone, I stood in the same place for a long time, subconsciously looking downstairs, the landlord Lao Liu was walking to this side with a briefcase, he must have come to collect the rent.

Dragging the rent again and again made me really face Lao Liu, so I picked up my mobile phone, ran out of the door, and then went downstairs from the safe passage, avoiding Lao Liu who was taking the elevator.

Hearing Lao Liu knocking on the door, my heart was a flurry of panic and shame.

Quietly hiding in the crowd, I unconsciously walked around the island; it had become a habit of mine, and I always liked to come here to listen to the sound of the waves when I was lonely and frustrated.

I had thought before: Is there anyone in this world who really loves me, but reality disappoints me, I am a tool to make money in the eyes of my mother and brother; Ziffy is also quite cold-blooded, two and a half years of feelings, saying that throwing away... Love seems to have become the most luxurious word in my life.

In a trance, I walked a little longer... Suddenly, I saw a somewhat familiar figure on the other side of the ring road... Some kind of thought flashed through my mind in an instant: Isn't that the tea Xiaoqing that the police are looking for?!!

At the moment, she was standing at a T-shaped intersection under the traffic lights opposite, wearing a baseball cap that seemed to me to be camouflage.

I shouted "Tea Xiaoqing", and I went against the traffic, broke through the oncoming light and shadow, and rushed towards the T-shaped intersection... I am already poor and crazy, in my eyes, Cha Xiaoqing is a walking yuan, worth fifty thousand!

On the noisy road, I wasn't sure if Cha Xiaoqing heard me calling her, she turned around and got into a taxi that happened to pass by, and soon, she left me far behind...

I didn't want to lose this fleeting opportunity, so I gasped for breath and called the policeman surnamed Jiang.