
The nurse's mother was playing with the child and was punched out of the retina by a one-and-a-half-year-old Xiaobao

The nurse's mother was playing with the child and was punched out of the retina by a one-and-a-half-year-old Xiaobao

Dr. Zhang Shanshan examined the patient

Red net moment February 9 news (correspondent Zhang Mengna) a few days ago, nurse mother Ms. Zhang came home from work and eagerly hugged the one-and-a-half-year-old Xiaobao to play, in the happy moment, Xiaobao was very excited to jump and jump, followed by a wave of the hand, the small fist landed on her eyes without any mistake.

Ms. Zhang only felt a hint of severe pain, the sight in front of her felt a little flashy, after a moment of rest, still felt that something was wrong, the next day she came to Changsha Xiangjiang Aier Eye Hospital for treatment, the deputy chief physician of the Department of Ophthalmology Zhang Shanshan for its detailed examination, the diagnosis is a retinal fissure, it is precisely because the baby inadvertently caused by a punch, and the small black spot in front of the eyes is the retinal traction formation of the hole, the need to immediately carry out retinal laser photocoagulation, through the laser to seal the rift, Prevent the liquefied vitreous body from entering the retina through the crack hole to form a retinal detachment, avoiding further development of the disease.

Fortunately, the laser treatment process for retinal tears is relatively simple, the staff informed the preoperative and postoperative precautions in detail, and soon Ms. Zhang completed the treatment, follow-up needs regular observation, and told that it can be reviewed after half a month.

Zhang Shanshan, deputy chief physician, said: Retinal rifts are a serious problem, most common in the elderly, trauma and patients with high myopia. Symptoms such as flashing sensation in front of the eyes and black shadow fluttering may be caused by cracks, and relevant examinations need to be carried out in time to eliminate them, so do not miss the best treatment time.