
The education behind Gu Ailing's success cannot be copied, but it can be...

Foreword: The mixed-race girl Gu Ailing succeeded

The education behind Gu Ailing's success cannot be copied, but it can be...

In the past two days, at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Gu Ailing, a mixed-race girl of Mixed Race, has won the third gold medal for the Chinese team in the ski event challenge, which not only stunned the world at once, but also her extraordinary performance and outstanding results also made people think of a lot of thoughts about her success.

There is no doubt that many of the factors behind her success, and even behind her, are indeed worth thinking about, especially about the education he has received.

First, Gu Ailing is a model for the success of elite education that cannot be copied but can be used as a reference

The education behind Gu Ailing's success cannot be copied, but it can be...

Some people think that Gu Ailing's parents and her entire upbringing belong to the elite class, so they think that she is the result of elite education and cannot be copied for other children and families. But Ben Jun believes that this view is only half right.

Indeed, in terms of her family background and the IQ and emotional intelligence of her parents, it must first be admitted that she is an outstanding talent cultivated in the context of an unrepeatable elite family.

But at the same time, we must also admit that there are also quite a few elite parents in the world who have not raised their children to become successful people in the end, and have not made their children continue the bloodline of their parents or family elites, which may be the case since ancient times.

On the contrary, there are also many very ordinary and even low-level parents of families, according to the grassroots simple education methods of the common people, so that their children are reversed into the phenomenon of success, such as the Tokyo Olympic diving champion Quan Hong Zen.

Therefore, those who believe that only the elite education of elite families can cultivate elite talents are actually not entirely accurate.

Ben Jun believes that if a person's growth and success cannot be copied, then such a statement applies to everyone, including ordinary families, and Gu Ailing's success brings people the greatest inspiration and reference, which is actually the result of "teaching according to aptitude".

In other words, the growth process of any person is actually unique, and each person's individual differences, family differences, physical differences, personality differences, environmental differences, occasional cause differences, etc., will inevitably create that the growth process and results of all people are not the results of the only model, and everyone's growth cannot be copied.

As Zhang Yimou said in the design concept of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games, "No snowflake in the world is the same."

Therefore, all parents in the world must face their own situation and the actual situation of their children, remember to "teach according to their aptitudes", learn from the universal general education rules included in elite education, and seek truth from facts and rationally tailor-made planning and practice of their growth careers for their children.

Second, Gu Ailing is a model of self-education success that cannot be copied but can be used as a reference

The education behind Gu Ailing's success cannot be copied, but it can be...

From Gu Ailing's short 18 years of growth experience, it can be seen that from the perspective of personal talent conditions, he has many personality factors to succeed from the beginning.

Ben Jun believes that the most important of these factors has made her different:

The first is the guarantee of physical health.

That is to say, her parents, including grandma and others, not only have a very high IQ and emotional intelligence, but also are people with athlete physical fitness, are people who like to put sports first, and have been influencing her since childhood, and naturally put sports in the first place in life and life, not only making her innately strong physical quality impossible for anyone else to copy, but also forging her with a unique self-education spirit that likes to fight. It laid a solid foundation for her to cope with the difficulties and challenges she encountered on any life path she chose with strong physical security.

Ben Jun believes that in this regard, Gu Ling's love and parents' approach, to bring inspiration to all parents and children is:

No matter what profession the child is engaged in in the future, parents must put the child's physical health in the most important position from an early age, must first "savage its physique", and then consider the problem of "civilization and its spirit", do not "correct the child's typos" for the sake of test scores, no matter what the child does in the future, physical health must always be the first.

The second is a unique growth experience.

The particularity of Gu Ailing's family has made her growing up under the guidance of "Mother Rabbit", with both the thinking and living conditions under the integration of the two social systems and cultures of China and the United States, as she herself said, although she lives in the United States, she spends more than 30% of her time living and studying in China every year.

In this way, she naturally absorbed the self-confidence brought by the "no retouching" of American society and the combination of cultural cognition brought to her by the "retouching" of Chinese society, but avoided the growth risks brought about by some negative effects of the two social cultures, including the experience of receiving education in China and the United States at the same time, which enabled her to have enough time to exercise and touch a wider range of learning fields in the relaxed school education environment in the United States, and at the same time, she learned the efficient learning habits of china's high-intensity examination and learning experience. And under the careful guidance of his mother, he chose the most correct content to support his development.

This kind of growth process, which is influenced and integrated by two different cultures at the same time, is impossible for 80 or 90% of people to do, including the success brought to her by the uniqueness of her growth, which is indeed impossible to replicate.

However, Gu Ailing's unique growth experience also has a very important enlightenment for the growth of ordinary family children, that is:

No matter what kind of family, parents should create as many opportunities for their children as possible from an early age within the scope and situation of their own ability, so that children can get different cultural experiences and perceptions, let children spend in a relatively rich growth experience, and practice the "way of culture and martial arts, one by one" as much as possible, so that children can reach the highest height of their own growth.

The third is a high degree of rational self-discipline.

From the relevant reports after Gu Ailing won the award, it can be seen that her physical quality and unique experience have enabled her to develop the habit of extraordinary rational thinking and become a person with a high degree of self-discipline from an early age.

There are many manifestations of this rationality, whether it is persistence in their favorite ski sports or the perseverance of never backing down from the learning of other knowledge and skills.

Ben Jun believes that her high degree of self-discipline and rationality, although she has "three excellent qualities" cannot be copied, it is worth thinking about and learning from the parents of the majority of students:

- Good thinking habits.

Gu Ailing has had good thinking habits since she was a child, thinking about problems has always been a manifestation of rationality and high self-discipline, and rigorous and correct way of thinking is precisely the basis for her correct decision-making and action in her growth, and the formation of a good way of thinking is undoubtedly directly related to her thinking habits in life.

It is precisely because she has developed good habits of thinking that she can not only adapt to any pressure of the growth process, but also make the right choice between different types of life needs such as material life, secular life and spiritual life very early.

Therefore, parents of children in the world must remember:

No matter what kind of family you are, the sooner you try to cultivate your children to form rigorous and correct rational and self-disciplined thinking habits, the better.

-- A firm sense of purpose.

Gu Ailing was influenced by her mother, from childhood like skiing, on this issue, in addition to the reasons of natural talent, her inner hobby and rational understanding of the nature of the sport, so that she has been firmly committed to skiing as an important choice in the direction of life since she was a child, and has never wavered.

Even when encountering setbacks, difficulties, and even physical injuries and bruises, it has never weakened, and even become more and more loving.

This kind of hard work of "holding on to the green mountains and not relaxing" is very valuable and worth learning from all students.

- Strict self-discipline.

From Gu Ailing's growth experience, it can be seen that although she has a brilliant talent, has a lot of superhuman energy, and is also full of love for life, she can live with a complacent and conceited mentality.

However, her good literacy makes her show extremely rational and rational binding force in her views on all issues, especially she especially understands the truth that "happiness is all struggle" and "there is no pie falling in the sky", and she is a very self-disciplined person.

This self-discipline is manifested in her actions, which, in her own words, is "when I want to do my homework, I use 100% of my energy to do it, and I spend 100% of my time skiing, so that I can skate to the best grades and get the best grades in school."

It can be seen that she has a wide range of interests but a clear direction, is not only persistent in her own goals, but also very dedicated and fully committed, has a strong sense of time and efficiency for all the things she needs to complete, never goes with the flow, looks left and right, and so on.

Her rational domain self-discipline seems to be able to list more manifestations, which is too much.

This very rational and valuable quality of hers is worth learning and learning from all young students.

On this issue, the majority of young students and parents should also acknowledge one fact, that is:

The educational content of our country, from kindergartens to primary and secondary schools, has always had requirements in this regard, and even the important content of ideological and moral education for students at all levels and in all types of schools.

Therefore, Benjun believes that the inspiration that Gu Ailin brings to parents and students is that self-education is very important, and the quality of letting students learn rational self-discipline cannot only appear in books, classrooms, campuses, and test paper scores, and more importantly, only when students put them into action, will they turn the goals of verbal truth into real success goals.

At the same time, Gu Ailing's successful self-education inspires everyone:

It is not difficult for a person to choose a goal towards success, but it is difficult to practice self-motivation and self-education persistently.

In other words, it is not difficult to start everything, but it is difficult to end because there is no persistence.

Third, Gu Ailing is a model of successful family education that cannot be copied but can be used as a reference

The education behind Gu Ailing's success cannot be copied, but it can be...

There is no doubt that the impact of Gu Ling's mother's correct family education concept is the most important core element of her success.

People can find from Gu Ling'ai's experience of growing up that after his mother borrowed from different family education concepts in China and the United States, she presented the best family education concepts and methods in front of her children, thus creating the success of her children, which is worth thinking about and learning from parents in reality.

Ben Jun believes that from the only reports, it can be seen that Gu Ailing's mother has used the following educational concepts and methods to inspire all parents and children:

The first is to respect education.

Gu Ling's mother is not strict with her child's education, but all she does is respect her choice and help her achieve her goals, but she will not be required to pursue perfection, do not have to go to Stanford, and do not have to win the championship.

For each choice in the child's growth process, basically only from the thought and behavior of the guidance, guidance, support, but not all-encompassing, just give reference advice, the final where to go, the decision is in the hands of the child himself.

In this way, once the child chooses the goal he thinks, it must be the most reasonable development direction made by the child after self-assessment, so that success has a solid internal driving force premise.

Ben Jun believes that this point is worth thinking about for all parents, because once the child is respected by the parents, he will have an independent personality and thoughtful thinking.

In reality, many parents often always think too much for their children, do too much, and always hope that their children will choose the direction of development according to their own will, ostensibly for the good of their children, but in fact, they are the final result of coercing their children's growth.

The second is exemplary education.

In the process of growing up, Gu Ailing's mother did not conduct condescending preaching and persecution education to her children because she was an elite mother, but attached great importance to her own words and deeds.

For example, Gu Ailing is in contact with skiing and falls in love with this extremely challenging sport, because her mother loves skiing, and has taken her to the snow field since she was a child, and there is not much deliberateness when playing, but she has made an example to let the children feel and experience, and even for the children to compete or learn, they can drive for more than eight hours without fear of hard work, becoming a model who is willing to pay for the children but does not ask for returns.

It is this kind of educational concept of "silence is better than sound here" that children make an example, and Gu Ailing's mother let her children teach them to be human, curious and independent in the process of parents' unknowing understanding.

This is in stark contrast to the practice of many seemingly selfless parents in reality, but always want to reciprocate.

The third is to appreciate education.

In the process of educating children, Gu Ailing's mother has one of the biggest characteristics, that is, not only never hit the child, but also pay special attention to protecting the child's creativity, always "praise the child's intelligence less, praise the child's efforts more", encourage the child to think boldly and independently, stare wide-eyed to find the advantages of the child, and appreciate the child's hard-working spirit, telling the child that he does not have to be a "perfect person", but he must always insist on learning and eat the hardships that must be eaten.

Ben Jun believes that it is this kind of "appreciation education" that allows children to cultivate hardships and stand hard work from an early age, which awakens the driving force behind Gu Ailing's development, ignites her interest and enthusiasm, and allows her to release endless explosive power on the road to success.

Although Gu Ailing's mother did not hit her children from childhood, she guided her to sweat in sports, let the children improve their endurance, perseverance and ability in the busy, and find confidence and fun from self-breakthrough, which is different from the one-sided "appreciation education" of "hard-working education" in our reality, but did not learn the one-sided "appreciation education" of "hard-working education", which is very worthy of thinking and reference from the majority of parents.

The fourth is to encourage education.

Although Gu Ailing's mother said to her children, "Don't be a perfect person, because there is no existence, what school you go to, as long as you like it yourself, but more importantly, you will not give up learning for a lifetime", but in the face of children's interests and hobbies, she has always inspired and encouraged children to play freely, accept challenges, try their best to create a corresponding environment for children, and give full protection, support and encouragement.

At the same time, in the face of all of Gu Ailing's other hobbies, such as piano, football, basketball, modeling, and diving, her mother always encouraged her to touch and even rush out of the "ceiling".

And growing up listening to her grandmother (actually "grandma") and "you are the best" from her childhood, which increased his never-ending self-confidence.

In contrast, many parents are much inferior in reality, so it is better to learn from this successful education method.

Conclusion: Learn from successful education and teach according to your aptitude

Ben Jun believes that the majority of parents should see from Gu Ailing's success that whether it is elite education, self-education or family education, it is actually the result of teaching according to aptitude, and teaching according to aptitude is the most valuable concept and wealth of our Chinese education from ancient times to the present.

Although this concept is not the latest educational concept, it is undoubtedly the most correct eternal educational concept, only because in the long history of thousands of years of educational development, many parents have not solved this problem.

In the context of today's country's pursuit of high-quality, balanced and high-quality development of education, it is even more necessary to let all children in the world bloom their own beautiful flowers of life under the domination of this concept.

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