
Hunan University of Science and Technology Foreign Chinese College: "one core" leads the "double gold" to pave the way

author:Red Network Yongzhou Station
Hunan University of Science and Technology Foreign Chinese College: "one core" leads the "double gold" to pave the way

The Outer Chinese The Faculty's teaching building.

Red Net Moment February 9 news (correspondent Zhang Yunfang Ou Huaen Zhang Jian) Ouyang Yun, a graduate of the National Youth Furong Cup Translation Competition Excellence Award during school, had many employment options, and finally let her choose to become a grassroots teacher The reason is very simple - to return to her hometown, return to the place where she needs to do her love; Tang Yueqin, a graduate of the class of 2008, resolutely chose to teach at the grassroots level, and the final test results of the class she taught ranked among the best in the same grade, and she was successively awarded the "Exhibition of Quality Education and Scientific Research Achievements" The first prize of the national level, the provincial excellent class of "one teacher and one excellent class"; Zou Haitao, a graduate of the class of 2017, took root in the frontier, worked tirelessly, never forgot the original mission of Lide Shuren, and was selected as a "grassroots teacher in southern Xinjiang"...

Hunan University of Science and Technology Foreign Chinese College: "one core" leads the "double gold" to pave the way

Alumni Tang Yueqin shared her teaching experience.

More than 80% of graduates choose to serve the grass-roots frontline, and the students who register for the Yongzhou grass-roots teacher preparation examination account for more than 85% of the total number of teacher training students every year, and the satisfaction of employers with graduates has reached more than 95%. In recent years, the School of Foreign Chinese of Hunan University of Science and Technology has focused on the growth of students into talents, with the implementation of Lide Tree people as the core, paving the way for the construction of "Golden Specialized Golden Courses", exploring and creating a very distinctive education ecosystem, realizing the unity of cultivating foreign language professionals and serving the society, and handing over the eye-catching report card of cultivating application-oriented talents.

Hunan University of Science and Technology Foreign Chinese College: "one core" leads the "double gold" to pave the way

Characteristic campus culture brand - elite student forum.

Adhere to the Lide tree people to build a hard-core "golden specialty"

"Teacher, it's a job with temperature." Zhuo Yujiao, a graduate of the class of 2010, with her vision and love for education, threw herself into the frontline of rural teaching as soon as she graduated. Over the years, Zhuo Yujiao has worked silently, bravely shouldered heavy burdens, volunteered to tutor left-behind children, and became the first female political and educational director in Xintian County. During the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, she also transformed into a "network anchor", and "Douyin Flipping Classroom" successfully attracted nearly 20,000 "hardcore fans". What makes her do grassroots education so well? She explained the mystery behind it - the talent training model of "professional + vocational + entrepreneurship" of the School of Foreign Chinese.

"The goal of foreign language education is not only to cultivate talents who can 'speak foreign languages', but also to cultivate new people of the times who are red, specialized, and comprehensively developed, who are worthy of the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation." According to the dean of the College of Foreign Chinese, the college originated from the English Department established in the early days of the establishment of the school, recruiting the first batch of English majors in 1971, establishing the Department of Foreign Languages in 1992, and merging the Department of Foreign Languages with the English Teaching Department of the University in 2015 to form the College of Foreign Chinese. At present, there are three undergraduate majors in English, Japanese and Business English, and the English major will be approved as a national first-class undergraduate major construction point in 2021, and the Japanese major will be a provincial first-class undergraduate professional construction point.

The college continues to strengthen professional construction, with the goal of first-class professional construction, focusing on the construction of "new liberal arts", aiming at the characteristics of foreign language majors, closely docking the development of regional industries and industries from the aspects of talent training programs, professional reforms, curriculum settings, etc., breaking down the inherent barriers of the profession, formulating a practical professional construction system framework, encouraging students to choose courses across majors, organically combining the "tutor system + college system", launching the "foreign language +" talent training model, and focusing on cultivating applied and compound talents.

Hunan University of Science and Technology Foreign Chinese College: "one core" leads the "double gold" to pave the way

Alumnus Jiang Xiaomeng returned to his hometown to inherit the handmade tea making skills of Linglong tea.

Jiang Xiaomeng, an alumnus of the Class of 2015, is a direct beneficiary of the "Foreign Language +" talent training model. After graduation, she gave up the job opportunity to stay as a university counselor, returned to the countryside to start a business, and has been engaged in the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage and innovation and entrepreneurship for 7 years, and founded Master Jiang Ecological Tea Industry Co., Ltd., actively helping rural revitalization work, and her career has been prosperous. "During the days of study at Jingjing Academy, tutors and students from different majors often gathered to discuss problems and research projects, and the knowledge and friendship gained in these processes are unforgettable." Jiang Xiaomeng said, "In the days of studying in the Chinese College, I not only improved my professional knowledge and skills, but also made a qualitative leap in my comprehensive ability. ”

Highlight the value of educating people and create a dynamic "golden lesson"

Before the class, the study list of the seminar tasks is arranged to guide the students to learn independently after class; in the class, the simulated situation is "moved" into the classroom to excavate the moral education elements of the professional curriculum... The national first-class undergraduate course "Introduction to English Linguistics" has a high attendance rate in each class, and students actively participate in the speech. Teacher He Liping, the main speaker of the course, broke the "code" behind the "golden lesson": not only to train students' language skills, but also to pay attention to the organic unity of knowledge transfer and value guidance. These "golden lessons" have become the memories of many students.

Hunan University of Science and Technology Foreign Chinese College: "one core" leads the "double gold" to pave the way

He Liping, the national first-class undergraduate course lecturer.

Hunan University of Science and Technology Foreign Chinese College: "one core" leads the "double gold" to pave the way

Alumnus Zeng Ting participated in the national finals of the "Teaching Star" competition.

Runner-up of the National Finals of the "Teaching Star" Competition of the Foreign Research Society, the third prize of the 9th "Foreign Teachers' Society Cup" National College Foreign Language Teaching Competition, the special prize of Hunan Province, the special prize of Hunan Province Foreign Language Course Ideological and Political Teaching Competition, the first prize of Hunan Provincial College Classroom Teaching Competition... This is the "report card" handed over by Zeng Ting, a graduate of the class of 2007, from teaching for 11 years. In the face of excellent teaching results, Zeng Ting always thinks back to the unforgettable classroom of her alma mater. "In the university classroom, the teachers made me feel the high order, innovation and challenge of a good lesson, and they made me more determined by my dream of being a teacher." To this day, Zeng Ting has always kept the teachings of teachers in her heart, practiced her responsibilities with the faith of teaching and educating people, and conveyed knowledge and attitude and enthusiasm to students.

"Be a good 'scribe' and be a good 'human teacher.'" Under the leadership of the dean of the College of Foreign Chinese, according to the characteristics and ability and quality requirements of professional talent training, the college takes the ideological politics of the curriculum as the soul, integrates the ideological politics into the classroom teaching, and digs deep into the moral education connotation and elements of each course, so that the course content is silent and into the mind. In recent years, the teachers of the college have undertaken 11 industry-university cooperation and collaborative education projects in the education department, 25 provincial teaching reform projects, 3 provincial curriculum ideological and political construction research projects, won 4 provincial teaching achievement awards, published 74 teaching reform papers, and the number of education reform topics approved by the project has increased significantly compared with before, and has won successive awards in classroom teaching competitions, and the excellent rate of comprehensive evaluation of classroom teaching has remained above 94.3%.