
"Clearing blood vessels and lowering three highs" - how much do we need to know about cardiovascular disease?

author:A quiet time to read
"Clearing blood vessels and lowering three highs" - how much do we need to know about cardiovascular disease?

When people reach middle age, we will more and more appreciate the importance of health, in the upper and lower age, we become the backbone of the family, we not only have to maintain their own bodies, but also take care of the elderly around them, then, about cardiovascular disease we need to know how much?

"Clearing Blood Vessels and Descending Three Highs" is a joint work of Li Ning, head of the Nutrition Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, and Xie Hongzhi, chief physician and associate professor of the Department of Cardiology, who combine their years of clinical experience to provide readers with relevant knowledge of cardiovascular diseases from diet, exercise, living, medication, sleep, seasonal transition, psychological regulation, etc., aiming to help us understand the prevention and treatment of diseases, take care of our bodies, and stay away from pain.

"Clearing blood vessels and lowering three highs" - how much do we need to know about cardiovascular disease?

With the improvement of people's living standards, the incidence of many chronic non-communicable diseases such as hyperlipidemia, diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease and so on has increased year by year. At the same time, with the faster pace of modern society, people's pressure is also increasing, and vascular diseases are also showing a trend of rejuvenation. Our body is like a machine, running every day and night, to ensure the stability of this machine, we need to master the skills of maintenance, to keep it healthy.

"Clearing blood vessels and lowering three highs" - how much do we need to know about cardiovascular disease?

So, why are more and more people getting the "three highs" now, this book provides us with the health formula published by the World Health Organization, that is, "100% health = 15% genetic + 17% environment + 8% medical treatment + 60% lifestyle", which shows that our health is inseparable from genetics, environment, medical treatment, lifestyle and other factors. What we can do is to develop a healthy lifestyle, respect the scientific nature of medical treatment, and choose appropriate drugs according to the reasonable recommendations of doctors. In terms of diet, we should explore the diet structure suitable for ourselves, scientifically arrange daily diets, choose more foods that are beneficial to blood vessels, and in sports, we must remove blood vessel garbage in multiple directions through targeted exercise.

"Clearing blood vessels and lowering three highs" - how much do we need to know about cardiovascular disease?

While doing a good job in prevention, we must also be able to capture the alarm signal of blood vessels in time, and pay enough attention to and treat some signals of cerebrovascular diseases and cardiovascular diseases with caution. The book also mentions many special precautions, such as the high incidence of angina, myocardial infarction, and cerebral thrombosis in the early morning, emphasizing the "three and a half minute principle", effectively reducing the pressure of blood vessels by "opening your eyes for half a minute, sitting up for half a minute, and hanging on the edge of the bed for half a minute" to effectively reduce the pressure of blood vessels and smoothly pass through the dangerous period.

I think the most addictive part of this book is that the author carefully prepared a customized 4-week recipe for the majority of readers, the recipe is divided into four categories, namely blood vessel clearance, blood pressure reduction, blood sugar reduction, blood lipid reduction recipes, recipes, not only carefully arranged for everyone three meals a day, and taking into account the intake of fruits and vegetables and various nutrients, both to ensure nutritional balance, but also to achieve the purpose of protecting cardiovascular health.

Staying away from disease is the expectation of each and every one of us, so let us arm ourselves with knowledge and build a safety barrier for health.

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