
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history

author:Walking through Africa

A little emotion after the vienna trip

The following 18 photos are taken while wandering around Vienna, and the first four statues in the streets and parks commemorate the masters who have made outstanding contributions to Austria in history, not only Austrians, but also foreigners living in Austria, such as Brahms. Can these seemingly inadvertent images smell something that needs to be felt?

A person's life seems to be long, and there seems to be a lot of things that can be done, but the most that can be done is only one or two things, and these two things are likely to be a person's mission to come to the world. Did those statue masters only do one thing in their lifetime? They have achieved themselves and left indelible merits and memories in the world. Sometimes I think that everyone comes into the world, and from the moment they fall to the ground, the education of their parents begins. So, what is the value, core, and essence of education? Is it to awaken the child's potential? Is it important or too important to help children find the qualities hidden in their bodies and the things they are destined to do? How many of the so-called elders who are fathers and mothers today have thought about this? How many can do that?

Western education is deeply influenced by the ancient Greek Socrates' idea of "midwifery", they visually compare education to the "delivery" process, parents, teachers are "midwives", children receive education to find the "original self", and then constantly improve themselves. The Western concept of education is not "shaping", but "awakening", and knowledge should not be imparted by others, but the children's self-understanding in thinking and practice. So, what do you think is the core of preaching, teaching, and solving puzzles? If I say all six words are "indoctrination," do you agree? And it implies "you can't question the teacher." If you think about it, you can't question authority, right? What would be the result if education were just an indoctrination and questioning was not allowed? Will it be inevitable that you will not be able to cultivate a master?

Today's parents, almost without exception, regard which school their children enter and how high their scores are, and regard them as supreme, and have completely ignored how to guide their children to become what kind of person they are. Whether it is a world wizard, or an ordinary person, no one can become an all-rounder, nor can it be useless, everyone is unique, under the guidance of parents, can see clearly "who I am", "where is my potential", "what road do I want to take", what will life be like? To put it bluntly, if you clearly know your own strengths, you can still play your own strengths to the fullest, will the words "life is brilliant" come to you? That's what these music and painting masters do, right? Of course, before parents are guided, the most important thing to do is to weigh themselves, am I qualified to teach my children? What do I have to help my child tap into his potential? If you want to become a beacon on the road of your child's life, you must let yourself walk on the road of self-discovery, do not know "who I am", and do not point out the country for your child. I have always believed in the words of Thoreau, the author of Walden, "There is no doubt that human beings have the power and consciousness to improve the quality of their own lives, and anyone can make himself both poetic and sacred." ”

18 What else can the image in the photo make people think? "A person's walking range is his whole world, and if he doesn't go out, the small space in which he lives is his whole world." Do you agree with this statement? In fact, the core of this sentence is "where does the human world view come from?" Try to travel along the way! Stepping out of the familiar besieged city, you will find that in the original outside world, every place may be beautiful, and every place may be sparkling.

For my life, I think so, in every time of life travel, I will meet some people, some things, whether joy or pain, are part of my life, it will not affect my pace of progress, will not disturb my thoughts or take me in the wrong direction, and will not become my stumbling block. Some people and things, or it may be a sweet period in my life' past, let me find inner happiness and warmth in it. We don't need to dwell on anything, and we can't get into pain, because what we want to meet is "happiness."

Staying at home, the most happy thing for me, "writing" is one of them, and on days when I can't go out, "writing" is the most interesting. "Writing" requires thinking, thinking about whether "my thinking" is right or wrong, you need to write "my thinking" clearly in simple language, and you need to explain why I think like this. "Writing" has enriched my life and made me more and more sober. Perhaps, it may also inspire the reader to like to think, if you can enlighten one or two people, it is better. I don't remember where I read such a passage, or whose quote it was, but it kept me in mind forever. "Many years later, if someone asks me, what was your contribution to society in those years?" I would say: I have spread a lot of words full of humanity, conscience, and the light of justice, and I have refused to merge with evil. Of course, "writing" has a special benefit that can prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Is it scary to walk into the twilight years? The real beginning of aging is not the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, nor the white hair on the top of the head, but a person's heart is no longer warm, no longer hot, no longer wild, losing the hot pillow of life, aging begins. A few years ago, I read a small article by Mr. Zhou Guoping, "Outside the Car Window", and I remember that the last sentence probably said, "If one day, I only care about the affairs of my life, and no longer have the pleasure of picking up the scenery along the way and listening to the music of the heart, at that time, I will really be old, vulgar, and live up to the beautiful journey of life." ”

Are there many benefits of traveling? Vision, vision, mind, cognition, upbringing, these words that people value very much, in which direction will they rush in a person's body? I long for these words to flow through my own body on a higher level.

A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history
A little emotion after the Vienna trip The following 18 photos are taken while strolling around Vienna, the first four statues in the streets and parks, commemorating the outstanding contributions made to Austria in history

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