
The Analects. For the second part of the political chapter: To learn from the past and to know the new, you can be a teacher

The Analects. For the second part of the political chapter: To learn from the past and to know the new, you can be a teacher

Zi Yue: "For the government to be virtuous, such as the North Star, dwell in its place and all the stars are together." ”

Confucius said, "Whoever rules the country with morality will be in a certain position like the North Star, and all the stars will surround it." ”

Zi Yue: "Three hundred poems, in a word, it is said: 'Thinking is innocent'. ”

Confucius said: "The three hundred verses of the Book of Poetry can be summed up in one sentence, that is, 'pure thinking'. ”

Zi Yue: "The Tao is governed by government, the Qi is punished, and the people are exempt and shameless." The way is virtuous, the same is courtesy, shame and dignity. ”

Confucius said: "By using powerful means and legal prohibitions to manage the people, and using the criminal law to restrain them, the people can only be exempted from crime and punishment, but they have no sense of shame; use morality to guide the people, use the etiquette system to unify the words and deeds of the people, not only understand the integrity of right and wrong, but also obey from the heart." ”

Zi Yue: "I have five out of ten and am determined to learn, thirty and standing, forty and not confused, fifty and knowing the destiny of heaven, sixty and obedient, seventy and from the heart's desires, not exceeding the rules." ”

Confucius said: "At the age of fifteen I am determined to study; at the age of thirty I have my own virtues and principles of being a man; at the age of forty I am no longer confused when I encounter things; at the age of fifty I know what is not pleasing to the fate of heaven for the sake of human domination; at the age of sixty I can correctly treat all kinds of speech without feeling unacceptable; at the age of seventy I can do whatever I want without going beyond the rules." ”

Meng Yizi asked filial piety, and Zi Yue said, "No violation." Fan Chiyu told him: "Meng Sun asked filial piety to me, and I have no violation of yue.' Fan Chi yue: "What is also?" The Son said, "Birth, deeds are courtesy; death, burial is ceremonial, and sacrifice is courtesy." ”

Meng Yizi asked what filial piety was, and Confucius said, "Filial piety is not to violate etiquette." Soon, Fan Chi drove for Confucius, and Confucius told him: "Meng Sun asked me what filial piety was, and I replied that he should not violate the etiquette. Fan Chi said, "What does this mean?" Confucius said, "When your parents are alive, they must serve them according to the prescribed etiquette; after the death of their parents, bury them according to the prescribed etiquette and sacrifice them." ”

Meng Wubo asked filial piety. Zi Yue: "Parents are only worried about their diseases." ”

Meng Wubo asked what filial piety was. Confucius said, "Parents are preoccupied with worrying about their children's illnesses, and can treat their parents with such feelings."] ”

Ziyou asked filial piety. Zi Yue: "The filial piety of the present is said to be able to be nurtured." As for dogs and horses, they can be raised; if they are disrespectful, why should they be different? ”

Ziyou asks what filial piety is. Confucius said, "Many people today think that filial piety is enough to be able to support parents. In fact, dogs and horses are also kept. If you are not respectful and filial to your parents, what is the difference between supporting your parents and raising dogs and horses? ”

ZiXia asked filial piety. Zi Yue: "Color is difficult." There is something, the disciple obeys his labor; there is wine and food, mr. food, did he think that filial piety? ”

Zi Xia asked what filial piety was. Confucius said, "When serving your parents, the most difficult thing is to be kind to your parents." With things that children do for their parents, and with delicious meals for their parents to eat, can we think that this can be regarded as filial piety? ”

Zi Yue: "I will not contradict my words all the time, like foolishness." It is enough to withdraw and save its selfishness, and it is not foolish to return. ”

Confucius said, "I taught Yan Hui, and all day long he did not raise any objections or questions, like a stupid person." When he returned, I observed that when he discussed with others in private, he was able to play what I said, which showed that he was not stupid! ”

Zi Yue: "Look at its cause, look at its cause, look at its safety, and people are worried about it?" Who's who? ”

Confucius said, "To look at a person's deeds, we should look at the motives of his words and deeds, observe the path he has taken, and understand what he is content with." So, how can this person be hidden? How can this person be hidden? ”

Zi Yue: "Knowing the new from the past can be a teacher." ”

Confucius said: "If you review the knowledge you have learned, you can gain new understanding and experience from it, so you can rely on this to become a teacher." ”

Zi Yue: "Gentlemen are not instrumental." ”

Confucius said, "A gentleman is not like an instrument, but has only one use." ”

Zigong asked the gentleman. Zi Yue: "Go first and follow it." ”

Zigong asked how to be a gentleman. Confucius said, "You should first act to practice what you want to say, and then say it later." ”

Zi Yue: "Gentlemen are not compared to the week, and villains are not compared to the week." ”

Confucius said, "Virtuous people make extensive friends without colluding with each other in the right way, and people of inferior character collude with each other without regard to morality." ”

Zi Yue: "To learn without thinking is to be reckless, and to think without learning is to perish." ”

Confucius said: "Just studying without thinking will look at the meaning of the text, confused and have nothing to gain, but just thinking without learning will be mentally tired and have no gain." ”

Zi Yue: "Attacking heresy, the harm is already there!" ”

Confucius said, "The study of heretical miscellaneous studies only brings harm." ”

Zi Yue: "By, the daughter knows!" To know is to know, not to know is not to know, is to know. ”

Confucius said, "O Zhongyou, let the teacher teach you the attitude toward knowing and not knowing!" To know is to know, not to know is not to know, this is the wisdom. ”

Zi Zhang Xue Ganlu. Zi Yue: "If you hear more doubts, if you are careful about the rest, you will be widowed; if you see more than you are poor, if you are cautious about the rest, you will be remorseful." Words are too much, deeds are remorseful, and Lu is in it. ”

Zi Zhang had to learn how to seek official positions. Confucius said: "We must listen more, put aside what we do not understand, and be cautious about saying what we really understand, so that we can make fewer mistakes; we must look more, and put aside those who have doubts and do not do it, and for those who really understand, we must also be cautious, so that we can reduce regret afterwards." Talking rarely makes mistakes, and there is rarely regret in doing things, and naturally there are official positions. ”

The Duke of Sorrow asked, "What is the people's service?" Confucius said to him: "If you straighten out the wrongs, the people will obey; if you lift up the wrongs, the people will not obey." ”

Lu Aigong asked, "What method can be used to make the common people obey?" Confucius replied, "If you promote those who are upright and put them above the unrighteous, the people will obey; if you promote the unrighteous and put them above the upright, the people will not obey the rule." ”

Ji Kangzi asked, "What if the people are respectful and loyal and persuaded?" The Son said: "When you come to the village, you respect it; if you are filial and kind, you are loyal; if you do good and teach it, you will persuade it." ”

Ji Kangzi asked, "What should be done to make the people respectful, loyal and encourage each other?" Confucius said, "If you treat them with a solemn attitude, they will be respectful; if you can be filial to your parents and love your young, they will be loyal; if you can appoint talented people, people with low educational ability, they will encourage each other." ”

Or confucius said: "Zi Xi is not a politician? Zi Yue: "The Book of Clouds: 'Filial piety is filial piety, friendship is to brothers, and charity is to government.'" 'Is it also a government, and it is a government? ”

Someone said to Confucius, "Why don't you go into politics?" Confucius replied, "The Book of Shang says, 'Filial piety is filial piety to one's parents and fraternity to one's brothers.'" 'Applying this principle of filial piety to political affairs, that is, participating in political affairs, how do you think you can be considered to be participating in political affairs?' ”

Zi Yue: "Man has no faith, and he does not know what he can do." The big car has no body, the small car has no body, how can it work? ”

Confucius said, "If a person does not talk about credit, he does not know what else he can do." Just as the ox cart does not have the key to the connection between the large rut and the horizontal wood in front of the rut, and the carriage does not have the wooden pins at both ends of the front horizontal wood, how can it still drive? ”

Zi Zhang asked, "Can you know the tenth life?" Zi Yue: "Yin is due to Xia Li, the profit and loss can be known, and the profit and loss of Zhou because of Yin Li can also be known." It may be followed by the Zhou Dynasty, although it has been a hundred lifetimes, it can be known. ”

Zi Zhang asked Confucius, "Can the liturgical system of the next ten lifetimes be predicted?" Confucius replied: "The Shang Dynasty inherited the etiquette system of the Xia Dynasty, in which the subtraction and addition of content can be known; the Zhou Dynasty inherited the etiquette system of the Shang Dynasty, in which the subtraction and addition of content can also be known." In the future, if there is a dynasty that inherits the Zhou Dynasty, that is, the situation after one hundred generations, it can also be known in advance. ”

Zi Yue: "Sacrifice it not to his ghost, but to him, but to do it; to see righteousness is not to do it, and there is no courage." ”

Confucius said, "It is not the ghost god you should sacrifice, you go to sacrifice it, it is flattery." To see something that should come forward and stand by is cowardice. ”

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