
People to middle age, men are easy to be, these women are fascinated by the "fascinated" regardless of home What kind of woman is the most attractive? Most attractive to men? I'm afraid different people have different opinions. A person

author:The story is small and spicy

People reach middle age, men are easily overwhelmed, these women are fascinated by the "fascinated" disregard for home

What kind of woman is the most attractive? Most attractive to men? I'm afraid different people have different opinions.

When a person reaches middle age, his knowledge and knowledge are more. Ordinary women naturally can't get in.

As Schiller said in Don Carlos: Charm is the power of a woman, just as power is the charm of a man.

Attractive women can easily fascinate men and can't even take care of the home. Let's take a look at the beauties that can fascinate middle-aged men too much.

01. Mr. Zhang is a woman in her 40s, with various styles

I am a visionary. Over the years, although there was no shortage of women around me, I never betrayed my family.

Young and beautiful women, I have seen a lot, but seen a lot, in my eyes, they are all fans of rouge vulgarity.

But last month, I was overwhelmed by a woman. She's the secretary of one of my clients and she's in her early 30s.

Although her facial features are not exquisite, the whole face looks very comfortable, especially her whole temperament, which is very feminine.

She can grab a man's heart with her gestures as if she were tickling and making people want to stop. Especially her eyes, in the blink of an eye, the whole soul disappeared. I didn't leave her contact details. I've been thinking about her for the last few days and want to contact her again.

Re: Beautiful women, men will love it. But if you see too many beautiful women, you'll get bored. Especially in today's society, with the development of makeup technology and technology, all women can become "beautiful women" as long as they use snacks, but there are too many styles and styles, and not all women can have them. Women of various styles are more able to grasp the hearts of middle-aged men and make them addicted. However, for women with diverse styles, please restrain yourself from releasing your charm, otherwise middle-aged men will be easily crushed. After all, most middle-aged men have families and families.

02. Mr. Feng is a 42 year old woman who knows men very well.

There is a female colleague in the company, who looks very average and has a very average figure, but she has a big advantage, that is, she understands the heart of men.

She loves watching the NBA, she loves to read comics, she loves to watch football, so when men discuss this, she can also speak up and her opinion is good.

Of all the women I know, she's definitely not the best looking person, but definitely the one who can be remembered the most by men. Last month, my wife and I had a fight. It was so violent that we almost got divorced.

I was depressed during that time, and he kept comforting me after she could see at a glance that she understood the problem. In the future, whenever she encounters something annoying and wants to talk to someone, she will definitely be the first.

Re: The first time a man looks at a woman, it will be a face. But attracting men with your face alone won't last long. Get men used to your presence and start relying on you. This requires women to understand men. The more women understand men, the more they can eat middle-aged men to death. However, middle-aged men must also understand that since this kind of woman can fascinate you, she can definitely make other men fascinated, so don't be stupid, so as not to be beaten.

03. Mr. Zhan is a beautiful and temperamental woman of 38 years old

When I'm fine, I like to read books at the city library.

Last Sunday, I spent an afternoon in the library, but my mind wasn't on the books at all, I couldn't get the content at all.

I kept staring at the beautiful woman sitting diagonally across from me. She is very beautiful, it should be the university era, plain face, plain face, irrelevant but very delicate, even the small pimples on the face look so natural.

What is even more rare is that she has a remarkable temperament, long hair flowing, and she read a book there for an afternoon, and she is immersed in it, which is so beautiful. Nowadays, most of the women are smashing*, chasing dramas, and doing variety shows. A temperamental and beautiful woman like her, reading an afternoon, is really rare.

Last Sunday, I went to see her again. Didn't expect to meet me. She looked up and saw me. I looked at her blankly. She smiled at me and I was stunned. Yes, this Sunday, I went again, she was not there, her heart was empty, and she didn't bother to talk to her husband when she came home.

Reply: For middle-aged men, the love of beauty is definitely still there. Who doesn't love to see beautiful women? Even old men in their seventies and eighties like to look at beautiful women. It is human nature. But the only woman who can really attract middle-aged men, make them fascinated, and even forget the time is only temperamental women, temperament is a very mysterious thing, can not see, can not touch, but can really feel. Beautiful and temperamental women are definitely a big killer of middle-aged men. However, middle-aged men should also have self-knowledge and avoid eating bowls and looking at pots. After all, the happiness around you is what you should cherish and wait for.

When men reach middle age, they are more likely to be overwhelmed by these three kinds of women, overwhelmed, and even lose their attention to the family. #Emotional Emotion##Emotional PK Desk# #我要上 Headlines #

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