
Laughing at the Jianghu: Zuo Lengchan's suspicion of killing Ding Xianshitai was much greater than Yue Buqun!)

In "Laughing proud of the jianghu", who killed Ding Xianshitai, it can be said that it is a public case that is difficult to find the murderer. Although Mr. Jin Yong borrowed the hengshan sect disciples in the later description to say that the murderer was Yue Buqun, it was also quite far-fetched. And in fact, even if Dingxuan Shitai himself pointed out who killed her before she died, others may not be able to avenge her, because looking at the whole thing, it will still be more far-fetched after all, at that time, in addition to Dingxiao and Dingyi, the two masters and murderers, there was no fourth person present, and there was even a possibility that the murderer was hidden in the shadows, and even Dingxuan Shitai himself could not say who killed her.

Laughing at the Jianghu: Zuo Lengchan's suspicion of killing Ding Xianshitai was much greater than Yue Buqun!)

Later, the Hengshan Sect disciples said that Yue Buqun was a murderer, and in fact did not get any definite evidence, but after the Five Peaks Sword Sect merged into the Five Peaks Sect, everyone competed with the sword to win the marshal, and saw Yue Buqun pierce Zuo Lengchan's eyes with a needle, and it just so happened that Fox Chong had participated in the battle of Ren Yixing's restoration, and knew that the Oriental Undefeated after practicing the Sunflower Treasure Book also used needles as weapons, so the Hengshan Sect disciples deduced that Yue Buqun was a murderer based on this. But such a thing, if we make another inference, is also completely reasonable!

For example, Xia Kejun believes that the death of Dingxian and Dingyi is too close to the time when Yue Buqun got the sword spectrum to ward off evil spirits, and Yue Buqun rushed to The Song Mountain where Yue Buqun rushed to the Song Mountains after learning the information from Fujian, and from a time point of view, Yue Buqun simply did not have time to practice swords from the palace during this time, so it is a bit unreasonable to say that Yue Buqun used needles as weapons to assassinate Ding xian and Ding Yi after practicing the evil sword spectrum. But if the needle that killed the two masters was used as a dark weapon, then if it was a dark weapon, why must the murderer be Yue Buqun? Can't it be someone else? Therefore, here Xia Kejun thought that killing the two masters was too suspicious to be Zuo Lengchan, because in that case, the two masters and the Hengshan Sect had become the biggest obstacle on the road of Zuo Leng Zen and the Sect, and Zuo Leng Zen had every reason to kill the stumbling blocks on the road of the two masters and sects, and with the intention of calculating and not having the heart, Yue Buqun had this strength, and Zuo Leng Zen also had this strength to kill the two masters. Moreover, not long ago, Zuo Lengchan also sent Songshan disciples to ambush and kill Dingjing Shitai in Fujian, and almost killed Dingxian and Dingyi in the Longquan Cast Sword Valley. Killing his fellow martial artists indiscriminately, this crime made Zuo Lengchan, the ally of the Five Peaks Sword Sect, rest on his face!

Laughing at the Jianghu: Zuo Lengchan's suspicion of killing Ding Xianshitai was much greater than Yue Buqun!)

Judging from this point of view, Zuo Lengchan's suspicion of killing the two masters was much greater than that of Yue Buqun. However, as Chivalrous Jun said, the above statement is actually a complete inference, and we can't come up with any empirical evidence! That year was not like what identification technology there is now, if it is placed in modern society, it is only necessary to pick up the steel needle from the two masters and extract the fingerprint to find out the real culprit. Therefore, who the murderer of the two masters was, this is completely a confused account.

At this time, it is very clear why Master Dingxiao did not say who the murderer was before he died. Because even if she said it was useless, the real murderer could completely deny it, and no one else saw him commit the murder anyway, as for the words of Dingxuan Shitai, the real murderer could be completely pushed clean, anyway, there was no proof of death. The people who heard these words were limited to a limited number of people, such as Ling Huchong and the Yellow River Laozu, and moreover, the Yellow River Laozu and these famous and upright sects were in a state of hostility, and if they really wanted to confront each other, the real murderer could be said to be maliciously framed. Therefore, who the real culprit was, in that situation, was not the most urgent thing at all. What's more, Xia Kejun also said earlier that there may be two masters who are too bright and the murderer is in the dark, and they themselves may not know who the murderer really is.

Laughing at the Jianghu: Zuo Lengchan's suspicion of killing Ding Xianshitai was much greater than Yue Buqun!)

At the ceremony where Ling Hu Chong took over the Hengshan Sect, Master Fang Zheng and the Chong Void Daoist Commander invited Ling Hu Chong to discuss secretly after the ceremony, and the Chong Void Dao Commander praised The Hanging Void Dao Master for being too far-sighted, and the original words of the Chong Void Dao Commander were like this:

"I talked to The Abbot about Master Dingxuan's foresight, and I really admired it. When she was seriously injured, she could still think of this, which was even more rare, which showed that The Dingxian Master's wife Ping Su was so high that she returned to the west until her death, and she was always clear and clear. ”

Laughing at the Jianghu: Zuo Lengchan's suspicion of killing Ding Xianshitai was much greater than Yue Buqun!)

Why did the murderer want to kill Dingxiao and Dingyi, Dingxiao was very clear in his heart, Master Fang Zheng and Chong Xuan Dao Commander as outsiders were even more like mirrors in their hearts, it was nothing more than because the Hengshan Sect had already clearly stated that they would not obey Zuo Lengchan's orders, that is to say, Zuo Leng zen advocated the Five Peaks and Sects, the Hengshan Sect would not support it, and if the Five Peaks Sect were less Hengshan Sect, what kind of Five Peaks Sect could be counted as the Five Peaks Sect! This was the main reason why the two masters would be killed. The murderer is expected to be the hengshan sect of the three dingzi generation of teachers too dead, Hengshan up and down the climate will not be a climate, Hengshan sect of small nuns who can stop the trend of the faction? Therefore, at this time, the selection of an heir is much more important than who is the murderer, and this successor Hengshan leader must be able to lead the Hengshan Sect to continue on the road of opposing the merger and estion, and at this time, Ling Hu Chong appeared in front of the Dingxuan Master, which can be said to be a suitable person sent by heaven to give Himxiao.

Laughing at the Jianghu: Zuo Lengchan's suspicion of killing Ding Xianshitai was much greater than Yue Buqun!)

Why did the kings think so?

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