
Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

author:Mr. K

What do the residents of neighboring Japan, which is across the ocean from us, view this spirit of professionalism?

The god of Tempura

Success is a formula, but also a time is not hurried

If, like me, you have no resistance to Japanese cuisine, then you have probably heard the name of Tetsuya Hayotome, a good friend of the sushi god, who may not be as famous as the previous sushi god, but in the tempura world, he is a chef who no one can stand out. ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

Many people may think that tempura is not as simple as fried food, what mysteries can be eaten? The tempura made by Tetsuya Hayato is the same as his, and the horns are sharp, and you can taste the sharp edge of bilu when you taste it.

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

Tempura, produced by the small shop of the god of tempura, "Ishi Yamaju", is not just wrapped in flour, pasted noodles, and fried. Tetsuya Hayotome's unique skill is to accurately grasp the thickness of the paste, oil temperature control, and cooking time of different ingredients. The cooking skills of this tempura god depend on the senses: observing the stirring of hot oil, listening to the sound of the ingredients, smelling the layers of oil, and coming out of the pot at the most precise time, presenting the most perfect taste of tempura. ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

There are many legendary tempura delicacies in the store, one is a 45 ° C semi-cooked shrimp, thin as a cicada wing puff pastry is not greasy, the shrimp meat in the middle of the bite still maintains a fresh and sweet sashimi state; the other is a perilla sea urchin, wrapped in only two pieces of perilla leaves, of which is a fresh and refreshing sea urchin. Mr. K has friends who visit this small shop every time he goes to Tokyo because he is obsessed with these god-level tempuras. ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

Tetsuya Hayotome also has her own rhythm in making tempura, he used to use more intense heat and shorter time to present the most exquisite taste of food, and he would also observe the speed of the guests to ensure the timing of the next piece of tempura. The power of making tempura for more than 50 years has become as natural as an instinctive reaction. ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

Tetsuya Hayotome's dedication to her work is not only reflected in the food, many friends who have been to the mountain house have described this tempura small restaurant as exquisite as an art museum, from the hat-type brass range hood in the store to the 100,000 yen worth of tableware utensils, if delicious tempura is to taste food, eating in the shop of the god of tempura is equivalent to enjoying art. ▼

Address: Fukuzumi 1-chome 3-1, Koto-ku, Tokyo

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

Late night cafeteria granny

As long as it is still needed, even the smallest existence will have meaning

In Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture, there is a real-life "late-night cafeteria" run by a 91-year-old grandmother, Misako Mizoguchi. ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

This small shop is in the corner of the street, not too conspicuous, during the day Misako rented it to others to make a delicatessen, and at 9 pm, it became a late-night canteen for the grandmother, which was open until 9 o'clock the next morning, and has been open for 70 years. ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

It is reasonable to say that at this age, it should be the time to enjoy the old age, why does the grandmother have to work so hard? Misako said that there are many people who only leave work in the vicinity at night, and this small shop can make it easier for everyone to fill their stomachs, and the fatigue of the whole day can also be swept away. As a result, it has become a small restaurant frequented by office workers, neighbors, and regular customers.

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

Even if there are more customers in the middle of the night, they are all taken care of by the grandmother alone, and considering the healthy diet, the dishes will be extra vegetables, as if they are for the family, and every link is carefully considered. ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

The rice balls made by grandma herself are the signature of the store, which has been sold for 70 years, and can be sold out every time, and everyone really likes it. ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

People who come here say that Misako and this late-night canteen always give people the same warmth. Usually Misako doesn't talk much, just silently expresses love with food, and sometimes uses simple words to encourage others, eating delicious meals, and listening to it is a good medicine to heal the soul. ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

There are many regular customers in the shop, and a girl who works at the night show is particularly worried about Misako, who chooses to escape from reality because of her living conditions. Misako rarely said something heavy: How can life continue without becoming strong? ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

The girl has been visiting Misako's late-night cafeteria since 4 years ago, and she used to call Misako "Mom" like everyone else. Listening to Misako's words, the girl could no longer suppress her inner emotions... ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

Grandma has devoted almost her whole life to this late-night canteen, and she still plans to stick with it. She joked that it was not so much that she helped others, but that these people also inspired and healed her, and that she was born as a human being, and as long as she was still needed, it was the most real sense of existence and happiness in life. ▼

Address: 7-11 Kamikyo-cho, Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

The heirs of sugar

Time can be a challenge or an opportunity to realize your dreams

Let's take a look at these exquisite sugar-carved dolls, which originated from a traditional Japanese sugar-making process called "Amezaiku" ("Saoku" in Japanese). This traditional sugar-making craft, which has been passed down for more than a thousand years, has been almost lost in Japan, and when it comes to this, you may be guessing which old ancestor they must have come from... ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

It is hard to predict that these cute sugar carving dolls are actually made by a very young sugar carving craftsman, born in 1989 by professional sugar carving master Tezuka Shinri. ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

Brother Tezuka has been very interested in sugar carving making since high school, and is completely self-taught by interest, and is now the owner of the famous candy store "飴細工アメシン". Don't think it's a big deal, there are only two stores in Japan that can make Amezaiku sugar carvings, a skill that can be said to be the giant pandas of the candy world. ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

Amezaiku sugar carving is quite a test of the craftsman's skills, the difficulty is that to heat the maltose to a high temperature of 90 ° C, it must be quickly molded with a tool within 3 minutes to prevent the syrup from solidifying. The production process must be clear and fast, and it must endure high temperatures, so the hands of sugar carving craftsmen must have large and small burns and cuts. ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

A successful sugar carving craftsman, in addition to the need for excellent technology as a foundation, in fact, aesthetic and artistic skills are also crucial, because this determines the image, color and beauty of the work. In addition to practice, pioneering ideas and inspiration are also important factors. ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

Brother Tezuka's best hand is to make vivid goldfish candy carvings, does it look very realistic? ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

Although Tezuka's job is to make these traditional sugar carvings, but his personality is not conservative at all, he usually likes to chat with guests, but also willing to promote this traditional handicraft, idle nothing will also fly the soul, cameo a DJ, feel personality is sweeter than sugar Oh. ▼

Live no longer greasy 丨 A few Japanese professionals teach you to start by doing small things seriously

In Japan, in fact, as large as all walks of life, as small as the streets and alleys, it is not difficult to find and feel this kind of professional spirit that integrates time, technique and art, and this attitude of spending time or even exhausting a lifetime to achieve only one thing, is it not worth ringing a wake-up call for all of us? Greasy is not to judge people by appearance, nor to take the meaning out of context, but to start with the loss of a firm self and the belief in the direction of life.

The desire to succeed quickly without effort is a failure in itself. In our living space, there are always different distractions, following the pace of time, precipitating, exploring and even taking risks in time, in order to discover the trajectory of practicing dreams.

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