
All encounters are just meeting oneself. Someone likes you that is he has seen in you the traits he likes that belong to him, but in fact, it has nothing to do with you, and to be yourself

author:Bunny Little Free runs

All encounters are just meeting oneself.

Someone likes you

That's him in you

I saw the qualities he liked

It belongs to his likes

It's not really about you

Face it calmly and be yourself

Someone hates you

Project his repellent self

His nasty

Face it calmly and be yourself

Someone appreciates you

That's him through you

Collided with the inner self

His appreciation

Face it with joy and calm yourself

Someone is jealous of you

That's when the other person doesn't accept themselves

His jealousy

You allow him to be jealous

Keep doing yourself

There is no such thing as something in the world for no reason

Meet or leave

Love or resentment

All just

Met myself

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