
In ordinary years, I am willing to be treated with tenderness and live up to the years

Original Zhu Xiaojuan

This New Year, with the sleet of snow, passed so quickly. Looking back on this week or so, the taste of the year is also like this, the Spring Festival is pasted, the five blessings are hung, the new plants are added, and the lights are bright and the reunion of family affection.

In the world, there is no shortage of courtesies and exchanges, and there is nothing worthy of special celebration. It's time to worship the Year, and it's time to make a wish. In fact, whether you make a wish or not is just the sustenance that people yearn for, and you must know that everything in fate has been arranged, and everything has a fixed number.

In ordinary years, I am willing to be treated with tenderness and live up to the years

In the American chapter, there are many Beautiful friends who come to visit.

"Juanzi, why hasn't your current Meiwen been updated?"

My reply was, "My head is empty, there's nothing to remember." ”

In fact, no, I still have it in my mind, just some things that I don't know how to state. There are many times when I sit at my desk and want to write something, somehow, when I write, there is always another plot mixed in, and there is no clue. So even if I want to write a few paragraphs in a serious way, but always write and delete, delete and write and delete, and finally end without leaving a single word fragment, I don't know when this impetuous heart will be precipitated?

In ordinary years, I am willing to be treated with tenderness and live up to the years

Looking back on this year, there are still some gains in work, and I have also grown in myself, of course, there are still some deficiencies.

But this year has passed, all in all, it is ok. Sometimes I am physically and mentally exhausted due to various unsatisfactory work, but it has become a habit over the years.

No skill can only be obtained by labor, so the occasional exhaustion is needless. However, fortunately, the year-end accounts receivable, in full, arrived in full. As a little woman, although she has done nothing in this life, she should also learn to be content and happy.

In ordinary years, I am willing to be treated with tenderness and live up to the years

In life, I prefer block diagrams, whether it is grass or trees, I will collect them in my own gallery. Because I like to pursue the beauty of everything, I also fall in love with travel.

As for tourism, compared to the splendid architecture like a castle, I still like the idyllic atmosphere accompanied by green mountains and rivers, the fast pace of life away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the full of pressure, and yearning for the kind of idyllic mountain village style human fireworks, so that the soul is calm.

This time, taking advantage of the spare time, the fifteen people who organized the group also fulfilled one of my wishes.

When I stepped into Enshi, I inexplicably had a long-lost sense of closeness, so I didn't have time to think, so I spread my arms and gave a big hug.

Walking through the jungle landscape, the look of nature always makes my gallery burst, several times falling behind and increasing the horsepower to catch up, and sometimes being disliked by someone.

Wandering in the canyon, for every time you appreciate the strange peaks and strange rocks and each step of the cliff boardwalk, there is always a kind of surprise to amazement to amazement, more is the mystery of the heart can not be dissected and curious, there will always be mysteries that can not be interpreted.

In fact, this trip, I was intoxicated not only by its strange mountains and waters, but also by the pure natural scenery of the paradise, but also the quaint customs and customs, and the simple rural style. A pure emotion, feeling its impact and touching on my soul, always makes me addicted and fallen.

In ordinary years, I am willing to be treated with tenderness and live up to the years

This year, my life has also added a new field of space.

At first, it was a class reunion, and they were also very slippery when they played vibrato, and I was like an alternative person, who could only watch their funny gestures. Maybe it was idle, on June 16, I also officially entered the platform of Douyin, but I only acted as an audience.

In the meantime, I like to browse through various live broadcast platforms, rejoicing in grabbing single-digit items, and the dazedness when I really receive the goods can only fully reflect my ignorance, but as long as you follow the logic of one point price and one goods, most of them will be satisfied with you.

Occasionally, I will follow the trend of narcissism, write a paragraph of copywriting and send a picture, and also show my own works. However, in the past six months, I am still addicted to this platform, maybe I belong to people who value feelings, or maybe there is some emptiness in my heart, so I spend my spare time here.

I like to listen to other people's stories and listen to other people's songs, so I am often attracted by the poems in the poems, the lines in the novels, and the lyrics in the songs, and I am moved to tears, and I will also be attracted to a beautiful picture.

Perhaps once people have these infatuations and feelings, it is inevitable that a lot of desire and greed will arise inadvertently, and then accompanied by various diversified emotions, more and more become cute.

In ordinary years, I am willing to be treated with tenderness and live up to the years

In fact, life, that is, around some oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, add a little honey when needed, even if life makes you a chicken feather at any time, we must also learn to reconcile with ourselves. As long as it is straightened out and opened, the heart will be calm.

In thinking, I couldn't help but think of a line: "Life is a journey with no return, all the way bumpy and displaced." Some things make us unforgettable, some things make us unforgettable, and some scenes make us reluctant to give up. When we look back, we find that what we are striving for is not brilliance, but an experience. What you are looking for is not achievement, but a kind of no regrets, and what you want is not wonderful, but a kind of human nature. ”

In ordinary years, I am willing to be treated with tenderness and live up to the years

Looking up, I only saw a trace of morning light in the slit of the curtain, and I didn't realize that it was more than five o'clock in the morning, and I believed that the warm sun was visiting.

In ordinary years, I am willing to be treated with tenderness and live up to the years