
I have two houses, 7 figures in savings, retirement salary of 6,000 yuan, a few years ago I married 50-year-old Xiuling, before the marriage we each agreed to manage their respective sons, during my hospitalization

author:No two have feelings

I have two houses, 7 figures in the deposit, retirement salary of 6,000 yuan, a few years ago I married 50-year-old Xiuling, before the marriage we each agreed to manage their respective sons, during my hospitalization she took care of me meticulously, but the day before yesterday she made such a request to me, I was blindfolded, I don't know what to do

I am Lao Xia 64 years old this year, my wife died for many years, fortunately my son was angry, admitted to undergraduate graduate school, and then married a filial daughter-in-law to settle down in Shanghai.

A few years ago, our old house was demolished, we were indexed to make up a suite and 600,000 savings, I had expected to give 600,000 to my son, but my son said to keep me pension, he refused to collect this money, my son and daughter-in-law are so filial, really pleased.

As a result, I now live in a house of more than 100 square meters, and even rented out a suite, I don't have any financial pressure, I spend all day leisurely, looking for other old men to play chess, dance square dance, play mahjong, although life seems to be very sufficient, but I feel very lonely inside, I hope that there is a person in the lonely late night can accompany me, accompany me to nag or good.

Later, my chess friend introduced me to his cousin, she was very good-looking, but seemed to take the money a little seriously, and it didn't take long to meet, she began to talk about conditions, as if our marriage was like a transaction, she said that if the two of us got married, you must hand in the salary card, which made me immediately have the idea of quitting, where is the marriage, it is completely worth my money.

Later, my relatives introduced me to another object, and at first the conversation was OK, but when we talked about the future, she proposed that if the two of us became a dowry of 200,000 yuan, she would have to pay 200,000 yuan, and then I accidentally learned that her son was 200,000 yuan and needed to buy a marriage house.

Since then, I no longer have the luxury of finding a suitable wife, because I feel that there are too few women who really want to live with me, and it is as difficult as ascending to the sky, until I meet Xiuling.

Xiuling was working as a cashier downstairs from me, I went into the supermarket that day to buy daily items, I met her at checkout, to be honest, I was stunned at first glance, because she looked too much like the girl when I had a crush in high school, and at that time I also asked her if she had studied in my high school, she denied it, I knew it wasn't her, but she was too much of alike

After all the efforts, I got her WeChat, and I learned that she has been single, her son is not married, I often send her messages, but she does not reply to me all the time, because she needs to work hard to make money, but I am not discouraged, until one day her son is hospitalized and urgently needs 20,000 yuan.

I didn't hesitate to turn her around, and later after her son was discharged from the hospital, Xiuling thanked me very much and invited me to her house for dinner, and since then our relationship has become closer and closer.

We often went for a walk after dinner, we talked together, we also went hiking together, and after three months she gave me back 20,000 yuan, fortunately, at that time we already had a good feeling for each other. I am also more and more satisfied with her.

Finally, a month later, I confessed to Xiuling, and she also shyly agreed to live with me, which made me feel very happy.

On the day of receiving the license, Xiuling and I agreed with each other that each of my sons would take care of each other's affairs, and I would take care of all of Xiuling's affairs, and I would be responsible for her food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and I would give her 2,000 yuan per month for pocket money. Xiuling also agreed.

After the marriage I felt that my good life had begun like this, she cooked a good dish, whenever I went back to play chess, I could eat delicious meals, every time before going to bed she would give me a massage to relax, the house became cleaner, I think this big house is full of anger because of such a hostess, during that time I think I am really happy.

At the beginning of this year, my heart was not comfortable, so I went to the hospital for a checkup, I needed to do a small operation, when I was doing the operation, my son and daughter-in-law rushed back to accompany me, and finally because of the work, they left me 100,000 yuan, Xiuling was also next to me all the time to take care of me, I even ate on the bed, she even in order not to let me be so lonely, but also called a few old men who I often played, they were envious, because my old partner was too good to find.

Recently, because I sat for a long time, the blood vessels in my legs were blocked, and I needed to go to a small operation, this time my son could not come back, because it was a serious time for the epidemic, which was not very convenient and delayed. So this time it was Xiuling who has been with me. Again, as usual, she took very good care of me.

But this time, when I was discharged from the hospital, Xiuling made a request to me, and she wanted me to use another house as her son's marriage room. I was confused.

She went on to say, "I have no job now, I don't even have friends, I'm taking care of you wholeheartedly, and my son's salary is not high, if he doesn't rely on you as a stepfather, how can he marry smoothly?" ”

Although what Xiuling said was the truth, there was a little discomfort in my heart, although she took good care of me and I loved her very much, but under the identity of my wife, I was so hasty to give the 130 square meter house to her son, I was still unwilling. So I can only use silence as an answer.

Xiuling was also angry, she said: "Since you can't help my son, then I might as well work honestly and earn money to spend." ”

That night after she packed me up, she packed up my luggage and went back to my own house, I was distraught, called my son to say what to do, she only said that it was up to me to decide, I really did not want Xiuling, everyone thinks I should do what to do, should I promise her?

Comments: The wife is bound to involve property issues, but such a suitable person is really hard-won, if you feel that you really love her, a house to bring happiness for the rest of your life is also good, what do you think?

I have two houses, 7 figures in savings, retirement salary of 6,000 yuan, a few years ago I married 50-year-old Xiuling, before the marriage we each agreed to manage their respective sons, during my hospitalization

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