
Jiangxi Intangible Cultural Heritage Year - Wuyuan "Lifting Pavilion"

Jiangxi Intangible Cultural Heritage Year - Wuyuan "Lifting Pavilion"
Jiangxi Intangible Cultural Heritage Year - Wuyuan "Lifting Pavilion"

The Spring Festival is the most grand and grand traditional festival in China, and its history is long. In the process of inheritance and development, some relatively fixed New Year customs centered on the celebration of the New Year have been formed throughout the country, which embody the essence of traditional Chinese culture.

Jiangxi is a major province of intangible cultural heritage, with 88 national intangible cultural heritage representative projects and 560 provincial intangible cultural heritage representative projects as of June 2021. This video brings you the folklore intangible cultural heritage project related to the Spring Festival - Wuyuan "Lifting Pavilion".

Source: Department of Culture and Tourism of Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Audiovisual Network

Editor: Lei Yang

Validation: Zhou Qin

Issued: Wang Lizhen

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