
In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it


In life, acquaintance is fate, and two people becoming husband and wife is even more a fate.

I believe that many couples who enter marriage are with good expectations, holding the hand of their son and growing old with their children.

But in reality, a beautiful marriage is not easy to come by, and the excessive intervention of the elders will cause even the most loving couples to have selfish intentions, not to mention driven by interests.

In 2020, in a village in Yiyang, Hunan, a woman named Long Fen had a car accident and was sent to the hospital, Long Fen was already unconscious.

The doctor issued a critical illness notice to her family, and her husband, Liu Xiaodong, knelt on the ground and prayed with tears in his eyes for the doctor to save his wife no matter how much money.

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

Fortunately, Long Fen walked through the ghost door and entered the ICU, while her husband Liu Xiaodong made a floor on the ground and took care of it day and night for more than a week.

In order to save Long Fen, the husband's family spent a total of more than 100,000 yuan, and it is gratifying that the wife finally woke up and restored her former health.

However, what was originally a successful event actually changed drastically after his wife was discharged from the hospital, and she went directly back to her mother's house and brought back the compensation of 400,000 yuan.

Later, after returning to her husband, she found that 400,000 of Kari had disappeared, and only more than 10,000 yuan was left, and Liu Xiaodong could not imagine that his wife, who was sincerely treated, was so kind to him.

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

In a fit of anger, Liu Xiaodong proposed a divorce, and her father-in-law Liu Yuan not only did not help his daughter-in-law, but also let her sever relations with her mother's family!

What's going on here? Is the 400,000 yuan in compensation really stolen by the mother-in-law?

Matchmaker matchmaking

Long Fen is an ordinary woman in the countryside, but since she was admitted to Changsha Polytechnic, she has become a famous intellectual in the village, she is introverted and usually rarely talks to people, and she sees the age of marriage, but she still does not even have a boyfriend.

Long Fen's emotional problems made the whole family very annoyed, and since she did not take care of herself, the family had to arrange various blind dates for her.

Under the introduction of the matchmaker, she met a man named Liu Xiaodong.

Liu Xiaodong's family is in business, although the level of education is not high, but all aspects can be regarded as outstanding, to say that the only headache is also his emotional status.

Under the guidance of the matchmaker, the two became husband and wife within a month of knowing each other, at that time, Liu Xiaodong was very satisfied with this wife, and in addition to filial piety, there was no other requirement for her.

During the period of love between the two, Liu Xiaodong also took good care of her, because the two families were very close, and his son-in-law-to-be often went to the Dragon family to help with things.

Long Fen's family is also very satisfied with this down-to-earth and capable man, but they feel that some are not worthy of their daughters.

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

Therefore, this marriage was not so smooth from the beginning, but the daughter liked it, and said that she would marry everything, and finally Long Fen's parents had to follow her, and the two quickly held a wedding.

After marriage, the two threw themselves into the decoration business together, worked together every day and went home together, and their lives were also full of ease.

But no one expected that Long Fen, who was filial and capable, actually had a car accident because he quarreled with his mother-in-law.

Soon after the marriage, Long Fen added two precious daughters to the Liu family, but the birth of the child did not let them leave their in-laws and mother-in-law, but took their daughters to continue to live with their in-laws.

Long Fen knew that it was not easy for Liu Dad and Liu Ma to pull their husbands up, and indeed they should take good care of them.

In the same way, she also felt that her parents were not easy, so as long as she got anything good at her husband's house, she would immediately send it back to her mother's family.

Liu Xiaodong gives a point, and she will also send a point to her mother's house.

His wife's thoughts Liu Xiaodong were all in his eyes, and he had never talked to Long Fen because of this matter.

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

However, how can a family get along day and night, how can there be no quarrels? Therefore, Long Fen would occasionally quarrel with her mother-in-law because of some trivial matters at home.

However, she did not expect that she had almost lost her life this time.

A car accident occurred

Before the accident, she also bought shoes for her daughter, and when she received the goods, she found that she was not wearing the right clothes with her daughter, so she planned to buy a new pair for her daughter.

But her mother-in-law did not understand what is called online shopping, so she said that she wasted money indiscriminately, that it was inappropriate to buy things and could not be refunded, and that she was a loser when she heard the worst.

Just because of these few words, Long Fen was extremely aggrieved in her heart, no matter what had happened before, she could not care, but this time her mother-in-law misunderstood her, she said that she would not give up, and the two had a big fight.

After that, Long Fen snatched the door and got into the car back to her mother's house, unaware that the accident was quietly coming.

That day, Long Fen's car was driving normally on the road, and suddenly a car appeared, and it was too late to dodge, and Long Fen had a car accident.

After the ambulance arrived at the scene, Long Fen was already in a coma, waiting for the hospital to inform Liu Xiaodong, who rushed back at a speed of 160 on the highway despite the danger to his life.

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

From the beginning of Long Fen's hospitalization, her husband's family spent about 100,000 yuan to rescue her, but what made them angry was that Long Fen, who was so obedient and calm before, instantly changed like a person.

Without saying a word, she went back to her mother's house alone, and went to the court with her mother to get 400,000 yuan in compensation.

The mother-in-law swallowed it

Father-in-law Liu Yuan told reporters that as long as he thought of his daughter-in-law's car accident, he was very uncomfortable.

That week, he and his son worked day and night, saving money and taking out all the family's savings to treat her, but he did not expect that his daughter-in-law would secretly get compensation back to her mother's house after being discharged from the hospital.

Liu Xiaodong said that after his wife had an accident, his mother-in-law took her back.

Since then, the two have even become very difficult to meet, even the current meeting, is also the wife secretly out, he thinks that he was deceived by his wife, the 400,000 compensation was swallowed by the mother-in-law!

Accompanied by reporters, after finding Long Fen, he began to ask the reason, and Long Fen always said that the compensation money was deposited regularly by himself, but the father-in-law and her husband insisted on going to the bank to check.

As soon as the bank was checked, Long Fen was dumbfounded, and the staff told her that there was only 15,000 yuan in the card, and there was no regular 400,000 yuan at all.

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

Liu Xiaodong was even more certain that the money must have been taken by his mother-in-law!

Long Fen also fell into contemplation, could it be that his mother really transferred his money?

In order to find out, Liu Xiaodong returned to his mother-in-law's house with his father and wife, and as soon as they met, Long Fen held Long Li's arm.

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

Obviously, the relationship between mother and daughter is very good, but Long Li saw Liu Xiaodong on the other side, and she did not have a good face, but because the reporter was there, she did not dare to express it so obviously, or invited several people to her home.

After sitting down, Liu Xiaodong first talked about this compensation payment, and then, Liu Yuan also said that they could not leave long fen's accident, so the compensation money could not be taken away by the mother's family.

After the father and son finished speaking, Long Li said that he did not privately swallow, and this money was indeed saved regularly, and then took the reporter to see the receipt for saving money, which clearly wrote a sum of 300,000 yuan and two sums of 50,000, and both were in Long Fen's name.

After that, she also took out her 100,000 yuan pension, saying that this money was enough for her and her wife to live in the village, and there was no compensation for stealing her daughter.

But as for why they did this, the second elder has looked at it for so many years, and how difficult it is for their daughters to marry in the past is the same as Spiegel in their hearts.

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

The daughter's marriage was difficult

Long Fen's mother said that Xiao Dong was not sincere with Long Fen, and when the hospital issued a critical illness notice to the patient's family at that time, Liu Xiaodong showed a hesitant attitude.

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

And the daughter married for more than ten years, earning more than 100,000 yuan a year, but there is no money in her hand, all the income is handed over to her father-in-law Liu Yuan, for this, Liu Xiaodong did not respond, obviously Long Li said the truth.

Long Fen told reporters that after 11 years of marriage, all the money she earned was in the hands of her father-in-law, and all her expenses included the cost of her daughter.

It's all the money you earn from your own hard work to pick up the rags and sell the waste.

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

The reporter learned from her mouth that Long Fen earned more than 10,000 yuan a year from scrap products, and she had not lived a good life after marrying into the Liu family for so many years, and the Liu family had a car and a house, but she was reluctant to spend money on Long Fen.

So as soon as the compensation came, they helped their daughter save the money.

Long Fen's father also said that the Liu family drove a car of three or four hundred thousand, but they would not let my daughter sit, and if they were willing to pick them up one day, Long Fen would not have an accident.

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

In addition, Long Li also said that Long Fen's health was not good, and after the first birth, she did not have time to nurse well, so she became pregnant with the second child, and due to the instability of the fetus, the hospital let the hospital receive a stabilization injection.

But at that time, the Liu family's economy was not allowed, and after the daughter beat for a week, the Liu family sent the weak Long Fen to her mother's house without a word of condolence.

Long Li looked at her daughter very distressed, in order to protect the child, she took Long Fen everywhere, just to keep the unborn child, however, the doctors are saying that the child can not be saved, there is no way, Long Fen had to do abortion.

As we all know, a woman who has a miscarriage is like a confinement and needs to rest for a month, but Liu Xiaodong ignores her body and strongly wants to take Long Fen home to work, and as a result, Long Fen faints on the ground while working.

Saying that they would take good care of Long Fen, Long Fen's parents did not believe Liu Xiaodong's rhetoric at all, which is why they would desperately save money.

The husband files for divorce

As he spoke, the fathers of the two sides fought hard, and Long Fen's father directly threw the father and son out.

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

After leaving the house, he turned around and left a "divorce" for Long Fen, Long Fen was very scared in her heart, she knew that she loved this man deeply, no matter how noisy, she never wanted to leave.

Coupled with the fact that the two still have children, no matter how her husband pushes and shoves, she follows Liu Xiaodong and hugs her husband tightly with both hands.

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

But Liu Xiaodong was very repulsive to her, and his mouth kept saying, "If you can't solve this matter, you can't be together!" ”

And then Liu Yuan, as Long Fen's father-in-law, not only did he not persuade him, but he also said, "If you can't take care of your mother, you will break off relations with them."

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

Liu Xiaodong said that the two have two children, if Long Fen wants to continue, he must take out 200,000 yuan, as for how much money his wife pays to the family every year, he does not care at all, he now only sees his wife's compensation.

In fact, Long Fen's parents also have a reason to do this, since their daughter married into the Liu family, she has always reported good news and no worries.

So when the compensation money comes down, the old two must keep it for their daughter no matter what, afraid that she will have no money and nothing in the end, only by keeping this money for her daughter, Long Fen can have some right to speak in her husband's family.

But now, because of a sum of money, the two families are very unhappy, Long Fen and Liu Xiaodong's marriage is also because of the mixing of the two families has a rift, the left is the beloved husband, the right is the parents who love themselves, how will Long Fen choose?

In order to resolve the conflict, the reporter helped her contact the local judicial organ and let Liu Xiaodong also participate in the mediation.

After a few days, the two met again, but still tit-for-tat, without a little affection and concessions, Liu Xiaodong strongly said that if Long Fen did not come up with a compensation of 200,000 yuan, the two would end here.

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

The staff in charge of mediation said that according to the law, 400,000 yuan of compensation metal Yu Longfen's personal property, how to deal with this money is her right.

But for the sake of family harmony, he suggested that both sides take a few steps back, give some money to the children, and keep the rest in the bank.

However, she did not accept the mediator's suggestion, saying that the Liu family did not lack this money, and this money was indeed deposited regularly and could not be withdrawn.

After so many years in her husband's family, she worked hard and suffered all kinds of grievances, she also wanted to use this money to explore her husband's sincerity.

If you really love her, this money will definitely return to her husband in the end, but in the current situation, whether the marriage between the two can continue has become unknown.

Because of a car accident, the two families fought each other, is Long Li and his wife at fault?

From the perspective of daughters, they really don't, but from the perspective of marriage, they really shouldn't interfere too much.

And look at Liu Xiaodong, the husband and wife's income for more than two years is in the hands of his father Liu Yuan, the daily expenses of his wife and children, but also rely on her to collect waste, it is difficult to close from the ghost door, do not take good care of Long Fen's body, and even quarreled because of the compensation.

For the sake of profit, Liu Yuan did not care at all about the marriage between his son and his daughter-in-law, not only did not persuade him to make peace, but also let Long Fen sever his relationship with his mother, which was simply ridiculous.

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

The marriage of two people has now become a matter of two families, the Liu family for the benefit of 200,000, the Long family is also to protect their daughter from bullying, what is the meaning of this farce in the end!

Do you have to separate the two to satisfy everyone?

On the day of mediation, the two did not let anyone, and finally there was no way, only to suggest that they live separately and rent their own houses, in the end how to solve this matter, but also depends on the thoughts of the parties.

Marriage is not a business, two people who love each other together are not calculating gains and losses, nor is it a good marriage who pays more.

A really good marriage is that two people work together, it is to give each other more understanding and companionship, if everyone can tolerate it, it may not be to the point of tearing their faces.

In 2020, the wife's car accident compensation was 400,000 yuan, and only 15,000 were left to return to her mother's home, and the husband wanted to divorce after learning about it

I hope that the two can think clearly as soon as possible, and I also hope that the parents of both sides will not interfere too much, the children are already old, they should have learned to run their own families.

Finally, I sincerely wish that this farce can end as soon as possible and that the two people can return to their previous happy lives.

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