
[As the second general of the Eight Ye Party, why did Yongzheng be merciful to his subordinates after he took the throne] Readers who have read the "Yongzheng Dynasty" must be familiar with the code name of "Eight Ye Party". Since the crown prince Yin

author:Travel through history

[As the second general of the Eight Masters' Party, why did Yongzheng show mercy to his subordinates after he took the throne?

Readers who have read "Yongzheng Dynasty" must be familiar with the code name of "Eight Ye Party". Since the deposing of Crown Prince Yinrong, the eighth son of the Emperor, Yin Rong, has been hovering around the position of crown prince, and behind him is the full support of a huge group. This sphere of influence not only covers the crown prince, the relatives of the emperor and the state, but also the important subjects of the dynasty. Among them, the ninth son of the Emperor and the tenth son of the Emperor of Kangxi have been following Yin Yu with a dead heart. Since Yongzheng ascended the throne, although Yin Was also suppressed, the final outcome was quite satisfactory.

Why did old ten escape the disaster? Xiaobian believes that there are the following three factors that affect the Yongzheng Emperor:

1. The tenth son of the Emperor, Yin, was born into a noble family, and the matriarchal family was powerful

Yin's maternal grandfather was The Early Kangxi Auxiliary Chancellor Taishi Guoyi Gong Shu Bilong, his mother was Concubine Wen, and his maternal aunt was Empress Xiaozhaoren of Kangxi. Yin De and Alinga, who had successively served as ministers of the Inner Guard, were his uncles. Their family occupied a considerable weight in the ruling class of the Qing Dynasty. As a ruler, especially in the case of regime change, Yongzheng would not fail to consider these factors.

2. Great wisdom is foolish, and wisdom is self-preservation

Yin's position in the Eight Ye Party is not the most prominent. He did not become a vanguard like Lao Jiu, nor did he have the deep heart and snoop on the throne like Old Fourteen. Dealing with people is a big grin, not too much attention, at the critical moment, you can also say a word for the old thirteen. This is like a clear stream in the muddy Eight Masters Party. Although there is no work, at least it is not excessive. At that obscure moment, nothing was clear, and with this kind of means, it had to be said that Yin's great wisdom was foolish and wise.

3, their own factors, difficult to become a climate

Yin Yu knew that his skills were inferior to those of others, and he did not have the ability to be an emperor. In the Yongzheng Dynasty, he once said to Kangxi that "his sons could not read since childhood, and among all the princes, he was the worst in school." Even if Kangxi chose the crown prince among the emperors, it was estimated that he would not choose Yin, and he knew this. In feudal times, you could be greedy for wealth, but you could never be ambitious for imperial power. Of course, Yongzheng also knew this, he understood that his tenth brother was not his opponent at all, nor would he create any moths.

Historical records: Yin Yu was imprisoned by the Yongzheng Emperor in the second year of Yongzheng because the party was attached to Yin yu. It was not until the second year of Qianlong that he was released and awarded the rank of Auxiliary Duke. Qianlong died on the ninth day of September in the sixth year of Qianlong, at the age of 59. Funerals are performed according to the Gushan beizi rituals. This result was compared to his brother Yin Yu yu Yongzheng in the fourth year of Yongzheng, who was 45 years old at the age of 45, and the ninth brother Yin Yu was tortured to death in prison at the age of forty-three. He also stripped off the yellow belt, reduced him to a commoner, and gave him the names "Akina" and "Seth Black". At this point, Yin Zhen was able to die well. #Qing Dynasty Those Things##Qing Dynasty# #历史 #

[As the second general of the Eight Ye Party, why did Yongzheng be merciful to his subordinates after he took the throne] Readers who have read the "Yongzheng Dynasty" must be familiar with the code name of "Eight Ye Party". Since the crown prince Yin
[As the second general of the Eight Ye Party, why did Yongzheng be merciful to his subordinates after he took the throne] Readers who have read the "Yongzheng Dynasty" must be familiar with the code name of "Eight Ye Party". Since the crown prince Yin
[As the second general of the Eight Ye Party, why did Yongzheng be merciful to his subordinates after he took the throne] Readers who have read the "Yongzheng Dynasty" must be familiar with the code name of "Eight Ye Party". Since the crown prince Yin

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