
#Copying Books## Copying Books Punch card 31 days #Punch card On the sixth day, some people usually work hard like Desperate Sanlang in order to make money. Commuting traffic jams to be patient. Being scolded by the boss to be patient and work

author:Self-improvement inspirational quotes

#Copying # # Copying 31 Days # Punching In the sixth day of punching, some people usually work hard like Desperate Sanlang in order to make money. Commuting traffic jams to be patient. Be scolded by the boss to be patient, and work pressure to be patient. Pay low, be patient. All patience is to want to make more money. Give yourself a better quality of life.

Not being able to live a melancholy life, not being able to have a brand name all over your body, and not being able to splurge on it at will should not be a reason to embarrass a person. Because they only exist in a small number of people, and this also means that it belongs to the minority way of life. 99% of people have to be careful, have to suffer from traffic jams in order to punch, and have to live a life of selective consumption, which is a common and popular phenomenon. Where is the shame?

In contrast, obviously there is no money to pretend to be a big guy and others to rush to pay the bills, have to go hungry, or borrow money from friends for three days to live, obviously even have problems with food money, but also learners to buy famous brands have to use a bright and beautiful appearance to cover up the ugly and embarrassing reality, which is the biggest sadness of the public's face being fat.

#Copying Books## Copying Books Punch card 31 days #Punch card On the sixth day, some people usually work hard like Desperate Sanlang in order to make money. Commuting traffic jams to be patient. Being scolded by the boss to be patient and work

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