
During the fierce battle to defend Wuhan, Song Meiling went to the front line four times and escaped from death five times. The first time was in Lanfeng County, Henan. At the beginning of the battle, the elite division of the Japanese general Sakagaki was from the south of Hebei

author:Maintain the offensive line

During the fierce battle to defend Wuhan, Song Meiling went to the front line four times and escaped from death five times.

The first time was in Lanfeng County, Henan. At the beginning of the battle, the elite division of the Japanese general Sakagaki encircled Wuhan from the south of Hebei. Gui Yongqing and Qiu Qingquan led their troops to hold lanfeng county, a key place, and the garrison was negligent, so that the enemy easily took Lanfeng.

Chiang Kai-shek was furious and restricted Gui Yongqing to retake Lanfeng for twenty-four hours, or else execute him. Gui Yongqing was frightened and scattered, and personally went to the front line to supervise the battle, and the two divisions under him took turns to attack.

One brigade of the Forty-sixth Division was completely destroyed in the charge, and the brigade commander of the other brigade, Ma Weilong, personally grabbed the light machine gun charge, and the whole brigade was destroyed. Division Commander Li Liangrong burst into tears and cried to Gui Yongqing: "Commander, what do you see!" My forty-sixth division, forty-sixth division, it's all over! It's all over! ”

Gui Yongqing's tears also came out of his eyes, he did not want his subordinate officers and soldiers to see the crying face, turned his face to the back, and glimpsed that not far behind several officers were surrounded by a woman wearing a steel helmet and wearing an officer's uniform, it was Song Meiling.

At this moment, the enemy fired a row of shells, and the world collapsed and the smoke was thick. Even Song Meiling herself did not know whether she was rushed by the officers to avoid it, or whether it was the result of the shaking of the shells, and she fell under the fortification bunker. Luckily, he didn't lose his life.

The second time, on the position of the Seventy-first Army in Fujinshan, Henan, on the ninth day that Song Xilian's army was firmly defending this key pass, Song Meiling came. In the trenches of the forward position, the regimental commanders Shen Zhisheng and Zhang Shaoxun suddenly saw Song Meiling jump in, and they couldn't believe it and were extremely excited.

The officers and men in the trenches cheered. Shen Zhisheng shook the phone to Song Xilian at the command post of the Shantou Army and reported that Madame Jiang had come. Song Xilian was horrified and told him to protect Lady Jiang well, and he came down immediately. Song Meiling grabbed the microphone and told Song Xilian not to leave the command post, and to go up the mountain herself in a moment, and the heavy truck she brought would arrive at the intersection of zuoshan foothills within half an hour, and ask Song Xilian to send the officials of the Ordnance Department to receive it.

At this time, the Japanese army began a new round of attack, after several bombing and strafing, the trench officers and men suffered heavy casualties, and the stretcher team also suffered casualties. Song Meiling ran in the trenches, helping to rescue the wounded soldiers. She has a lot of strength and is very agile, and she can single-handedly carry a wounded person on a stretcher.

At this time, Song Xilian kept calling: "Is Madame Jiang here?" "Is Madame Jiang safe?" You must ensure the safety of Madame Jiang! "Hurry up and ask Madame Jiang to leave the line of fire!" Please Madame Jiang speak! ”

Song Meiling shook her hand and did not answer the phone. Song Xilian also ordered his subordinates to send Song Meiling off the line of fire quickly and ask her to return to Wuhan quickly. However, after repelling this round of Japanese charge, Song Meiling still let four capable soldiers and a company commander escort her to Song Xilian's military command post.

At this time, the enemy planes came to drop bombs and strafe again, and Song Meiling jumped from this crater to that crater along with five officers and men, and was quick and alert, just like a veteran.

When Song Xilian saw Song Meiling, he was surprised. This usually beautiful and solemn lady was covered in dust, and the soldier's uniform on her body had opened several openings, and the dust and sweat on her face were stained with smoke and smoke, making it look filthy.

Soong Mei-ling took out from her pocket Chiang Kai-shek's handwritten letter to Soong Hee-lian, which said: "... All the athletes of the Seventy-first Army led by Ru fought a bloody battle against the Golden Mountain, and the achievements were brilliant. Ri Kou was like the Fear of Yue Fei of the Jin People, shaking the mountains and shaking Song Xilian's army. Happy to think of this, Yu shen was pleased... I hope to convey To the whole army Yu Zhi's reward and consolation, to work with one heart and one mind, and to continue to encourage..."

Song Xilian held the letter and burst into tears.

The third time was in Wanjialing, south of the Jiujiang River, to comfort the Fourth Army of Chiang Kai-shek's ace army led by Wu Qiwei. Wu Qiwei's wives Long Wenyu and Song Meiling walked together, and both ladies were dressed in military leggings, walked in good shape, and ran to the forward position.

After the planes were bombed indiscriminately, the artillery bombarded densely; after the artillery hit enough, they used the aircraft to reconnoiter and fly low to take a closer look; the bunkers on the Chinese positions were completely destroyed, and the officers and men were exhausted, so they blew up the charge horn and launched a charge.

Who knows, when the Japanese army rushed to the front of the Chinese position, the Chinese officers and men seemed to fall from the sky, the machine guns and grenades hit the head and cover the head, and the Japanese soldiers fell in a row and fled back.

It turned out that Wu Qiwei had a trick: in the thick walls of the trenches, through many trenches, the top of the cave soil and stones were very thick. When enemy planes and artillery were raging, officers and men burrowed into these holes; when the Japanese charged, a fierce tiger came out of the hole and beat the invaders fiercely.

Song Meiling and Long Wenyu also worked with the officers and soldiers to drill this bullet shelter hole. However, such trenches are not absolutely safe, and if a bomb or shell hits the entrance of the trench, the people in the cave will not be spared. Once, a large bomb landed right near the entrance to the cave where Song Meiling was hiding, and if the bomb was a little left, Song Meiling would be crushed to pieces.

The fourth time was on the way to the Front Line of Huangmei. The Japanese plane found a small car running east from Guangji to Huangmei, followed by three trucks, and repeatedly chased it to bomb and strafe.

The driver saw that the situation was not good, and wanted to stop to protect Song Meiling and escape. Song Meiling believed that the terrain of Siye was open, and it was better to rely on two legs to escape than to rely on a car, so she asked the driver to increase full horsepower and run fast. However, the car could run through the plane in the sky, and finally, a group of bombs landed on the back of the car, the car was thrown off the road and rolled over twice, and Song Meiling's head, arm, and leg were injured several times, but fortunately it was not fatal.

The driver was alert, quickly got out of the car, and pulled open the door. Song Meiling drilled out and ran towards the left front desperately. Immediately after, another set of bombs, the car was destroyed, and the air wave pushed Song Meiling to a high hurdle. She subconsciously lay down under the stone ridge, clinging to the gap under the wall, and escaped with her life.

The fifth time was in the office building of the Military Commission in Wuchang City. On July 23, 1938, Soong Mei-ling and Chiang Kai-shek were in the Military Commission office building in Wuchang when Japanese planes attacked, and they hid in the air defense trenches downstairs.

The Japanese plane repeatedly dropped bombs on the place, a heavy bomb landed near the air defense trench, Chiang Kai-shek and several defenders fell in response, and three guards were killed. Song Meiling passed out for several minutes before she woke up, and less than a meter to her left, there was a guard lying in a pool of blood.

Chiang Kai-shek was so dazed that he saw that Soong Mei Ling had come back to life, and he cried out with joy: "Darling! ”

During the fierce battle to defend Wuhan, Song Meiling went to the front line four times and escaped from death five times. The first time was in Lanfeng County, Henan. At the beginning of the battle, the elite division of the Japanese general Sakagaki was from the south of Hebei

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