
There are seven literary classics with scale and depth, and you deserve it

author:Wallet banking

As the saying goes: what you don't get is always in turmoil. There are seven books that are classics in the history of literature, praised by generations, and they are worth savoring.

NO.1 "Lover"

There are seven literary classics with scale and depth, and you deserve it

Author: Margaret Duras Douban score: 8.1 points

Introduction: "Lover" is an autobiographical work, set against the backdrop of the life of French colonists in Vietnam, depicting the deep and hopeless love between a poor French girl and a rich Chinese young master, with strokes that reach some of the most fundamental and secret qualities of human nature, which is thought-provoking. The emotional power and even superb writing skills that surge from beginning to end in the novel are extremely infectious.

NO.2 The English Patient

There are seven literary classics with scale and depth, and you deserve it

Author: Michael Ondaje Douban score: 8.5 points

Description: With beautiful and lyrical brushstrokes, Michael Ondaje depicts the fate of four sad people in an abandoned villa in Italy at the end of World War II. They live in a paradise-like landscape, but they cannot enjoy the peace and tranquility that comes with the end of the war.

Exhausted from losing her father and child in the war, Anna stubbornly cared for her last patient. Caravaggio, who became a war hero for stealing skills and lost the thumbs of both hands, could only reimagine who he was through morphine. The Indian soldier Kip, smart and alert, was dismantling mines and bombs in a place where nothing but himself was safe. The British patient, whose whole body was scorched, lay in a hospital bed all day long, trapped in memories and hallucinations. In order to save his lover, he took on the name of traitor and went deep into the great desert, but he was three years late...

NO.3 "Tropic of Cancer"

There are seven literary classics with scale and depth, and you deserve it

Author: Henry Miller Douban score: 7.8 points

Introduction: "Tropic of Cancer" is the first of Henry Miller's autobiographical trilogy, describing Miller's life experience in Paris with several writers and artist friends, and at the same time, through the depiction of exaggerated and deformed life details such as work, conversation, banquet, and prostitute, it shows the inner spiritual world of poor artists and interrogates the meaning of survival in this chaotic and dirty world. After its publication, the book attracted many readers, and after the lifting of the ban in the United States in 1961, it became a best-selling literary masterpiece in the world, which profoundly influenced the European and American literary circles after World War II.

NO.4 "Hunger and Thirst for Love"

There are seven literary classics with scale and depth, and you deserve it

Author: Yukio Mishima Douban score: 8.0 points

Introduction: "The Hunger and Thirst of Love" was published in 1950, a novella, which is an extremely important pure literary novel. There are not many characters in the novel, but they all have a distinct character of drama. After the death of her husband, the protagonist, Etsuko, prepares to keep her virginity, but her father-in-law seduces her and pushes her into a frozen terror. At this time, she became obsessed with the gardener Saburo and used him as the basis for her happiness and the reason for her survival. After Etsuko and Saburo's love is discovered by her father-in-law, she herself cannot get rid of all kinds of troubles, and finally cannot continue to maintain love, so she beats Saburo to death with a shovel.

NO.5 "Paradise Lost"

There are seven literary classics with scale and depth, and you deserve it

Author: Junichi Watanabe Douban score: 7.5 points

Description: Paradise Lost is a soul-shaking masterpiece intertwined with dream and reality, spirit and flesh, joy and pain. Wonderful psychological activities and intricate emotional entanglements, dissolved into the exotic unique seasonal changing beautiful environment, people are breathtaking. After being published in Japan, "Paradise Lost" has long been at the top of the best-seller list, and has become a household name after being adapted into a movie and TV series of the same name, forming the so-called "Paradise Lost Phenomenon".

NO.6 "Golden Age"

There are seven literary classics with scale and depth, and you deserve it

Author: Wang Xiaobo Douban score: 8.8 points

Introduction: This is a long series of works set in the Cultural Revolution period. The 1960s and 1970s, when the Cultural Revolution took place, were the years of disaster for our country and nation. At that time, the intellectual community was powerless and ultra-"Left" politics was rampant. Intellectuals who are highly discriminated against often lose their self-will and personal dignity.

In this series of works, the male protagonist named "Wang Er" is in a terrible and absurd environment and has been treated unfairly, but he has shaken off the sad and indignant mentality of traditional cultural people and created a way of resistance and transcendence: since he cannot prove his innocence, he tends to prove that he is not innocent. So he used sex as the last stronghold against the outside world, showing sex as both a libertine skeleton and pure innocence, not only without shame, but also vigorously to the end, launching an extremely sharp and humorous challenge to stereotypes and political prejudices. Being fought and straightened out again and again, he was calm and optimistic, and won a full-line victory in the value realm. The author uses a witty brilliance candle to illuminate the ubiquitous repression of the year, so that the spiritual world is super-plucked from the tragic and dim shadow of history.

NO.7 "Spring Breeze Drunken Night"

There are seven literary classics with scale and depth, and you deserve it

Author: Yu Dafu Douban score: 8.1 points

Introduction: The 11 novels selected in this book have different emphases, including the helplessness of marriage under etiquette, the insurgencies of fierce love, the vague comradely feelings, and the devastating sexual bitterness and sexual eccentricities. While sympathizing with the suffering of intellectuals in the context of the old world, the author also casts ruthless ridicule at their speculation and pedantry.