
Shanghai's local state-owned assets reached 25.77 trillion yuan, and this year it will focus on promoting 6 aspects of work


In 2022, Shanghai state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises will focus on promoting six aspects of work. The first is to pay attention to risk prevention and control and promote the high-quality development of the state-owned economy.

On the afternoon of February 10, the 2022 Shanghai State-owned Assets and State-owned Enterprises Reform and Development and Party Building Work Conference was held. Bai Tinghui, secretary of the party committee and director of the Shanghai Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, said when summarizing and deploying the work tasks of Shanghai's state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises that Shanghai state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises will adhere to the general tone of the work of taking the lead in a steady word and seeking progress in a stable manner, take the in-depth implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" for the development of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises as the general traction, take the comprehensive completion of the three-year action implementation plan for the reform of state-owned enterprises as the overall goal, take obedience to the overall situation of service, take the optimization of supervision and prevention and resolution of major risks as the theme, grasp the key points, make up for shortcomings, optimize supervision, and strengthen demonstration, and pay more attention to comprehensively deepening reform. Pay more attention to innovation-driven development, pay more attention to optimizing the layout of state-owned assets, pay more attention to improving the level of supervision, pay more attention to highlighting the characteristics of party building, unite our efforts, forge ahead, and strive to achieve new breakthroughs in the reform and development of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises.

According to the data, by the end of 2021, the total amount of local state-owned assets in Shanghai reached 25.77 trillion yuan. In 2021, local state-owned enterprises in Shanghai achieved operating income of 3.88 trillion yuan, total profits of 346.989 billion yuan, net profits of 276.623 billion yuan, and total taxes and fees paid of 272.224 billion yuan.

In addition, the remaining five aspects of work are: pay attention to serving the overall situation and optimizing the layout structure of state-owned assets; pay attention to stimulating vitality and deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises; pay attention to innovation-driven and cultivate new momentum for economic development; pay attention to managing capital well and improving the level of state-owned assets supervision; pay attention to political guidance and effectively strengthen party building.

Shanghai's local state-owned assets reached 25.77 trillion yuan, and this year it will focus on promoting 6 aspects of work

2022 is the end of the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform and regional comprehensive reform, Shanghai state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises will strengthen their determination, decisive victory, strengthen the sense of opportunity, seize the window period of reform; strengthen precise policies, run out of the acceleration of reform; strengthen the sense of responsibility, grasp the initiative of work; strengthen the system concept, give play to the effectiveness of reform; strengthen typical leadership, enhance the display of reform, and ensure that the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform is fully concluded.

Zhang Wei, vice mayor of Shanghai, pointed out that state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises are the backbone of Shanghai's economic and social development, and Shanghai should maintain the stable and healthy development of the state-owned economy in 2022. First, we must adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress in a stable manner, earnestly grasp the overall idea of preventing risks and promoting development, and promote reform, development, and stability in a down-to-earth manner. The second is to accelerate the improvement of the energy level and level of state-owned assets supervision, consolidate the main responsibility of enterprises, and firmly adhere to the bottom line of no systemic and regional risks. The third is to solidly promote the reform and development of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises and the key tasks of party building, implement the major strategies of the state and the whole city, complete the tasks of the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform with quality and quantity, and continuously improve the vitality, efficiency and market competitiveness of enterprises.

At the meeting, the "Shanghai State-owned Assets and State-owned Enterprises Online Supervision service platform" was released online. The Shanghai Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission focuses on the key areas and key links of state-owned assets supervision, effectively integrates state-owned assets supervision information resources, creates an integrated real-time online supervision model of state-owned assets with "one cloud, two ends, and key applications", strives to achieve unified login, unified handling, unified feedback on enterprise-related matters, unified aggregation of regulatory applications, unified aggregation of regulatory data, and unified display of regulatory results, so as to achieve accurate and efficient transmission of state-owned assets supervision information, effective integration of regulatory resources, information sharing and business collaboration, and realize one-network enterprises and one-screen viewing of enterprises.

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