
IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn

author:Interior designer Mu Mu

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn

Have you found that many people now have no "net red model" design in their home decoration, and they are embarrassed to introduce the decoration style and effect of their home.

But are these "net red style decoration designs" really good and worthy of everyone's pursuit?

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn

Internet celebrity is now a more popular word, Internet celebrity design is also overwhelming, in the home improvement industry, almost every year there will be some so-called "Internet celebrity design" appears.

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn

I really like to see the effect photos posted by others, but when I imitate it, it is not that thing, such as the following 5 Internet celebrity designs, I advise you not to imitate easily, because invisibly you may overturn the car, and the consequences of overturning the car are regret.

First, the Internet celebrity minimalist style

Minimalism is a more popular decoration style in the past two years, especially among young people; the sense of "nothingness" it creates is very relaxed and dashing, allowing occupants to remove their disguises and put down their fatigue.

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn

Wanted minimalist style

See the photos posted by others on the Internet, how to see how to like, and everyone thinks about less furniture, less decorations, decoration costs can certainly save a lot, and good-looking and cost-saving decoration who does not want to try it.

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn

Minimalist wind rollover

Imagination is always beautiful, but reality is always very cruel, you imitate the minimalist style everywhere reveals the atmosphere of "rental housing", cheap materials, no texture furniture and bland white walls, at this time to say that regret is too late, really want to dismantle and reinstall.

The real minimalist style is actually very expensive, and the sense of atmosphere you see is plainly piled up in renminbi; so don't try it easily, otherwise it is "drawing a tiger and not becoming an anti-dog".

Second, the sunken entrance

In Japanese design, the sunken entrance is like a tatami mat is an iconic presence; under the bragging of Internet celebrities, there are more and more designs for the sunken entrance.

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn

Some say it blocks dust from entering the room, and some say it makes the entrance more ritualistic, but has anyone told you about its drawbacks.

When we get home, change our shoes in the sunken entrance area, it can indeed prevent dust from entering the indoor area, but if there is no sunken entrance, will you wear outside shoes to enter the room directly, no, you will still change your shoes at the door and then enter the room.

The sunken entrance mainly has the following three disadvantages:

(1) There is a sanitary dead end

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn

The sunken entrance area is a few centimeters lower than the indoor floor, but the height difference of these centimeters will have a lot of dust in the corners, and the hygiene cleaning at the corner is really troublesome, if it is not cleaned, these dust will still be brought indoors, so there is no doubt that the occupants will increase the difficulty of housework.

(2) Safety hazards:

If there are elderly people and children at home, it is not recommended to do a sunken entrance, and there is no concept of a sunken entrance in their thinking, so the height difference is easy to trip them up.

(3) Not suitable for small apartment types:

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn

The sunken entrance is equivalent to entering the door after a step to enter the room, the area of the entrance area should be at least enough to open the entrance door, if left too small not only affects the internal opening of the door will also appear that the entrance is very forced and depressed; if the house area itself is not large and then divided into a piece to the entrance, then the overall comfort will be reduced a lot.

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn
IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn

Decoration tips: If you want the entrance to be well-maintained and ritualistic, you may wish to change the floor of the entrance area with a material or another floor tile, divide the area through the transformation of the material, and it is also better to take care of.

Third, the floor tiles are paved

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn

Roll-through effect

Floor material paving is a good way to appear spacious and atmospheric at home, so now many people will choose this way, the so-called paving means not to go through the door stone, all the floor tiles are connected to a piece, so that the effect of the paving is the effect of the net red model.

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn
IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn


However, some people only care about imitating the paving but do not remember to explain how to tell the good bricklayer master how to pave, the normal paving is actually more annoying for the tile workers, the corners and corners will increase, and it is more wasteful of bricks, so there are tile unions "self-righteous" choice of another way of paving.

Cut the floor tiles into the size of the door stone, and connect the two areas with the ground bricks through the door stone, which is also the floor tile paving, there is nothing wrong with saying it, but the effect is 108,000 miles.

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn

Floor mapping

Decoration tips: If it is a floor tile paving, be sure to draw a schematic diagram of the ground paving to the tile master, emphasizing not to pass the door stone; if it is a floor paving, you must also tell the master who lays the floor not to have that kind of wide and ugly edge strip, it is best to have drawings, do not explain it in order to save trouble, or think that the master knows, otherwise the only one who regrets it in the end is you.

Fourth, a large area of dark color wall paint

I have seen a lot of videos of internet celebrity home bloggers, a large area with dark wall paint finish, although the color is deep, but it looks unrepressive, but gives people a retro and exquisite fashion sense, so many young people can't help but want to try.

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn

Desired effect

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn

Rollover scene

The faster you try, the faster you roll over, really not ambiguous at all, the effect of imitation seems to have nothing to do with anything except dark color, and the more you look at it, the more depressed you are.

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn


If you want to restore it to the original white wall or change a color, you need to brush it with white latex paint three or five times and not necessarily cover the original dark color completely, and some people directly shovel the original wall paint and do it again, wasting time and money is their own.

Dark paint in the color grading process is actually a bit of a "gamble" meaning, even if the computer color correction is difficult to ensure that the color and color card is consistent, in addition to a large area of dark paint on the indoor lighting requirements are particularly high, if you are not careful, the day at home is also like night.

Fifth, net red terrazzo

For people who are "value first", the net red terrazzo is another "robbery" that cannot be escaped.

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn

I believe that after seeing the effect of the terrazzo bathroom posted by the home blogger, few young ladies could not bear to be unmoved, so they began to imitate it, but inadvertently overturned the car.

IMHO: these "net red decoration designs" should not be easily imitated, and if you are not careful, you will overturn

Terrazzo rollover

Terrazzo brick specifications and sizes are many, a lot of color, because the texture is different, so the style is also more, many people in the choice of as long as the terrazzo brick can be, but ignore these details, and the details also determine success or failure.

Written in the end: Many home bloggers are actually not professional designers, they post photos do not know how many filters are added, how many beautifications are opened, and what you see is only what they want you to see.

Internet celebrity design wins in the face value, but the car will also turn over on the value, so do not easily imitate, if you like a certain internet celebrity element or suggest that you find a professional designer to help you with the overall collocation, do not easily imitate yourself.

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