
Today is the 10th day of the first month of the 9:30, I am preparing to take a break, three news came, let me have a great increase in confidence, are closely related to our China! News 1: National pre-sale fund supervision of commercial housing

author:Brother Long talks about finance

Today is the 10th day of the first month of the 9:30, I am preparing to take a break, three news came, let me have a great increase in confidence, are closely related to our China!

News first, the introduction of national commercial housing pre-sale funds supervision measures housing enterprises are expected to obtain more liquidity.

Personal opinion: The newly introduced capital supervision measures ensure the flexibility of the use of pre-sale funds for commercial housing, and under the premise of ensuring project delivery, improving the flexibility of the use of pre-sale funds for commercial housing will become a catalyst for the improvement of industry fundamentals and the boost of investor confidence. For the previous practice of being too strict in the implementation of pre-sale fund management in some places, it will also have a certain correction effect. After the secondary market, real estate services and development have picked up, especially small real estate companies and property companies, which is also caused by the loosening of real estate policies, and the secondary market can still pay attention to low-weight real estate and related industrial chain industries.

News two, the central bank: the increase in the scale of social financing in January was 6.17 trillion yuan, a record high.

Personal insights: The scale of social financing is a comprehensive indicator of the relationship between finance and the economy, as well as the total financial support of finance to the real economy. The increase in the scale of social financing in January was 6,170 billion yuan, estimated at 5,385 billion yuan, and the previous value was 2,368.2 billion yuan. Money supply M2 in January increased by 9.8% year-on-year, with an estimated 9.2% and 9% previously. New RMB loans in January were 3,980 billion yuan, which is expected to be 3.7 trillion yuan, compared with a previous value of 1,131.8 billion yuan. The big fall a few years ago is not enough liquidity, interbank liquidity problems, plus stock market IPOs continuously, from December 22 last year after the mobile listing IPO, the market once withered, that is, the stock trading volume is not enough, after the end of the year the volume gradually enlarged, there should be trillions of transactions. The acceleration of new credit augurs well for more stimulus in stabilizing the economy. The acceleration of new credit indicates that there will be more stimulus policies in stabilizing the economy, and it can be speculated from the central economic conference a few years ago: moderately ahead of the acceleration of large infrastructure construction, which is good for large infrastructure. Moderate monetary easing is gradually being verified, which is good for the overall financial and capital markets.

News three, the Ministry of Transport: accelerate the construction of the national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network and major projects, and promote the pilot implementation of the construction of a strong transportation country.

Personal opinion: The meeting stressed that in 2022, we should deeply implement the "two outlines" and the "14th Five-Year Plan" series of plans, and plan and do a good job in accelerating the construction of an annual work of a transportation power. Transportation is the instrument of national rejuvenation and the foundation of a strong country. The construction of a national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network is the requirement of the times to support the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country. Traffic modernization is an important symbol of national modernization. The era of comprehensively building a "transportation power" has a solid foundation, rich connotation and great significance. A few years ago, the Central Economic Conference said: Moderately ahead of the acceleration of large-scale infrastructure construction, which has also achieved infrastructure madness, railway infrastructure and road and bridge construction are the direction of large allocation of domestic and foreign investment in recent years.

Fourth, A shares since the new year ushered in four consecutive Yang, north of foreign capital into the Shanghai Stock Connect for four consecutive days, and the direction of the Shenzhen Stock Connect is four days of outflow, which shows that the direction of the Shanghai Securities will be stronger than the ChiNext board and the Shenzhen Index, from the valuation point of view, the Shanghai Stock Exchange is indeed lying on the floor, the first 1.28 morning master brother micro headlines first full of respect, when many people did not understand, and the amount at that time is very clear in the low valuation of blue chip infrastructure large financial + core assets + performance of the main line.

The first target of the index is only 6.2 points away from 3495 points, the Shanghai index has limited room to step back, and the Shanghai 50 is already the bottom area, and the center of gravity will shift up in the next two weeks. Focusing on the four directions of Chinese characters, big infrastructure, big finance, and big health, it is better to superimpose. Weekly, the Shanghai index has risen 3.5% this week with the Big Yang Line, and next week can be expected.

Finally, the above views are some of my inner views, I hope to help everyone, after reading the praise is a virtue, the year of the tiger is auspicious! Position explosion!

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