
What happened to the "cottage machine" big guy with unlimited scenery in the past, after his wife rolled up money and ran away?

author:Shuai Zhen Finance

If you don't succeed, you become a benevolent person. It is the poisonous oath made by countless entrepreneurs when they dream back in the middle of the night, and this old saying is similar to the Internet saying "either live or die" according to today's understanding.

Among the entrepreneurs who have emerged like a tide, Chen Jinling, the former "originator" of the cottage mobile phone, is the best practitioner of this sentence.

What happened to the "cottage machine" big guy with unlimited scenery in the past, after his wife rolled up money and ran away?
From the "prince of mobile phones" to the "madman", Chen Jinling's life can be called a wonderful absurd drama.

First, "Huaqiang North" and the dream of making a fortune

Huaqiang North, a place where recklessness and heroes are born.

This is a commercial area located in Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, its predecessor is an industrial park for the production of electronics, communications, electrical appliances, etc., once had more than 40 factories.

What happened to the "cottage machine" big guy with unlimited scenery in the past, after his wife rolled up money and ran away?

Later, with the development of the economy, the regional functions of Huaqiang North changed, and gradually became the largest electronics market in China, from 1998 to the present, it has become one of the most traditional and popular commercial booms in Shenzhen.

The times create heroes, Huaqiangbei is like a stage built by the times, countless businessmen who started with electronics have successively appeared on the stage, and you have sung and I have appeared on the stage, and together composed the poems of rise and fall in a specific era.

What happened to the "cottage machine" big guy with unlimited scenery in the past, after his wife rolled up money and ran away?

In these stories, the life of Chen Jinling, who is known as the "originator of the cottage mobile phone", can be called a legend that no one has replaced, and it is still circulated in the streets and alleys.

What happened to the "cottage machine" big guy with unlimited scenery in the past, after his wife rolled up money and ran away?

I believe that every large city has such a place, it has various brands of electronic products, computers, mobile phones, tablets, digital cameras, etc., while the quality of products is uneven, genuine and parallel goods are muddy.

When 16-year-old Chen Jinling went south from his hometown in Jiangxi to Shenzhen with his uncle, Huabeiqiang was such a place, and after becoming the distribution center of China's electronics, with the lack of market control, it gradually became a gathering place for cottage machines.

The irregular market adds a lot of trouble to law enforcement managers, but it also provides a space for many small traders to start from scratch and do business.

Chen Jinling, who has just arrived in Shenzhen, like many poor entrepreneurs, has set up a stall near the electronic market and put on the electronic digital products he has bought, even if it is open.

What happened to the "cottage machine" big guy with unlimited scenery in the past, after his wife rolled up money and ran away?

At that time, the mobile phone market was the era of the rise of three-code machines and five-code machines, the cost was low and the profit margins were large, with a clever mouth that could speak the Tao and the strength to endure hardships, Chen Jinling's business gradually started.

Here we explain the three-code machine and the five-code machine. The so-called three-code machine does not refer to the encoding of three different names, but refers to the encoding of the same name and the same value in three different positions, that is, the IMEI code, which is the string code on the back of the mobile phone, and the string code on the packaging box, the string code inside the mobile phone, of course, this IMEI code is forged, it belongs to the standard "black mobile phone";

Like the three-yard machine, the same is true for the five-yard machine. "Five-in-one" specifically refers to the five-code-in-one mentioned in mobile phone sales, which means that the three codes included in the IMEI code are also added to the three packages of cards and the codes on the invoice.

A regular mobile phone can only correspond to one mobile phone, and a serial number of a five-code machine may have hundreds of mobile phones.

What happened to the "cottage machine" big guy with unlimited scenery in the past, after his wife rolled up money and ran away?

In short, the three-code machine and the five-code machine belong to the cottage machine, at that time Huaqiang North Fish and Dragon mixed, high-end machine and cottage machine coexist, both high-end technology and inferior goods, like Chen Jinling rely on cottage mobile phones to start a big person.

Second, the road to prosperity of the "mobile phone prince"

The number of people doing the cottage mobile phone business is innumerable, how did Chen Jinling succeed?

At the beginning, Chen Jinling just set up a stall by himself, took the goods he got from the agents, and earned the money that belonged to his own acre and three points.

But soon after, Chen Jinling, who has a keen sense of doing business, found that there are countless "stalls" like himself in the Huaqiang North electronic market, without him Chen Jinling, tomorrow can come to a Wang Jinling, Li Jinling, he is at the end of the lowest end of the entire sales channel.

The young Chen Jinling was not willing to stop here, although he had not read any books, but he also had a dream, in his imagination of the future, his decision is not a "mobile phone seller" so simple.

What happened to the "cottage machine" big guy with unlimited scenery in the past, after his wife rolled up money and ran away?

Therefore, in the daily business, Chen Jinling began to pay attention to the entire electronic product sales chain, above him, there are agents, suppliers, and the object of his service is the scattered customers who come to Huaqiang North to shop for goods.

Just as the so-called place where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, Chen Jinling observed that some agents who have a lot of right to speak often hold the rice bowls of many small traders in their hands, and almost the entire Huaqiang North has their tentacles, and even can control the price of cottage machines.

The supply source of cottage machine manufacturers is the same as that of regular mobile phone manufacturers, so the appearance of the two is so similar.

However, due to the fact that the cottage machine uses a lower display, base frequency and camera configuration, coupled with its lack of design and marketing costs, this saves a considerable amount of cost for the entire production process.

What happened to the "cottage machine" big guy with unlimited scenery in the past, after his wife rolled up money and ran away?

In the year when the electronic market was in the mud and sand, the cottage machine because there was no cost of research and development, testing, channels, etc., the cost price when leaving the factory was mostly around 100 yuan, but it was sold to the lowest 400 yuan on the market, most of which were 600 yuan to 800 yuan, and the highest time could be sold to about 1,000 yuan, and the profit margin could reach 900%, which was a huge profit.

"Take the agency right and embark on the peak of life", Chen Jinling silently planned the struggle route for himself in his heart.

After that, things are obviously easy to see, the young KenPin Chen Jinling with his accumulated contacts, successively contacted some agents who provided the assembly of mobile phones, and ruthlessly renovated the façade shop, and the shotgun had a neat and elegant shop.

Later, he took the only agency right of the supplier at that time, the supply of goods in his hands increased, and several popular explosive models were available here in Chen Jinling, he sold at a low price according to half of the price at that time, signed a long-term supply agreement with customers with large demand, and accumulated several stable ways to make money.

What happened to the "cottage machine" big guy with unlimited scenery in the past, after his wife rolled up money and ran away?

In the years when the cottage machine was frantically cutting leeks nationwide, Chen Jinling stepped on several outlets to successfully go ashore, not only paid off debts, earned enough wealth to survive, returned to his hometown to buy a big house, changed cars, and even had a beautiful wife, saying that his life has reached the peak at this point.

In today's corner of the Internet, people can still pick up the deeds of Chen Jinling, about how much money he has earned, people have their own opinions, some say that they are worth tens of millions, some say that they are worth hundreds of millions, and more exaggerated statements emerge endlessly.

In any case, Chen Jinling's ability to mix with thousands of migrant workers like him is enough to show his success, wealth is just the icing on the cake, and the fact that the once glorious scenery is still a nail in the coffin.

Third, wealth gathers and people gather, and wealth is scattered

Before 2012, Chen Jinling's life had a highlight moment, as a representative of the successful return to his hometown, he became a small and famous person in his hometown, getting rid of the identity of the little brother who set up a stall, when Chen Jinling's side was full of people who called him "big boss".

Chen Jinling, who has been immersed in this atmosphere for a long time, his vanity is gradually revealed, and in the business field, he staggers, pushes cups and cups, and immerses himself in material prosperity and pleasure; at home, his beautiful and learned wife is obedient to him, and his life is happy.

However, under this "prosperous world" there are often hidden crises. After the success of Jumei founder Chen Ou, he was still anxious every day, and what he often said in his mouth was "We are going to be defeated", when the people next to him asked him what he was defeated by, he said he did not know, but there was always a new thing that could defeat them.

This is the sense of crisis on the way to entrepreneurship. Although Chen Ou finally ushered in a wave of tragic failures, his sense of crisis is correct, which is also the way of thinking that many industry leaders have.

However, Chen Jinling did not.

Chen Jinling, who came out to work hard at a young age and did not receive systematic business knowledge, succeeded entirely by relying on the huge profits of the outlet industry and the shrewdness of businessmen, but a success can rely on luck, and maintaining success depends on skill.

Chen Jinling did not see the huge changes in the mobile phone market between 2010 and 2012, before the iPhone4 frantically occupied the domestic mobile phone market, the launch of smart phones and the general trend of Apple mobile phones were completely ignored by him in a successful state.

Subsequently, the domestic cottage machine market ushered in a wave of reshuffle. With the improvement of people's economic strength, the daily necessities of mobile phones have also begun to pursue quality, at the same time, the market's control and crackdown on cottage machines has intensified, and Chen Jinling, which itself has made a fortune by "not being on the table", has faced a heavy blow to the cause, Chen Jinling can only look at the original sales of tens of thousands of stores a day, and slowly reduce sales until the warehouse survives and accumulates.

What happened to the "cottage machine" big guy with unlimited scenery in the past, after his wife rolled up money and ran away?

In this process, Chen Jinling is not not seeking transformation, but he is not very knowledgeable, he is not able to distinguish whether it is an opportunity or a crisis in front of him, several investment failures, seeking a way to step on the thunder, not only did not succeed in making a comeback, but was cheated into a lot of money, but also owed a bunch of debt.

People are often able to accept poverty with nothing all the time, but they cannot accept a night of getting rich and then falling into a trough again.

Chen Jinling, who constantly failed, no longer had the spirit of the past, at this time he was also middle-aged, and became cautious about life, at the same time, failure made him sensitive and irritable, often losing his temper with his wife and family around him.

His wife's personal conditions are much higher than Chen Jinling's, chen Jinling, who had money in his hands before, can still find a sense of existence in the value of wealth, thinking that his conditions are completely crushing his wife, but after there is no money in his hands, in the face of his still excellent wife, he began to have uncontrollable inferiority, in this situation, his family daily can be imagined.

The wife, who could not stand this kind of life, simply broke the boat and secretly ran away with a part of Chen Jinling's property and lover. His wife's betrayal became the last straw that crushed Chen Jinling, who could not accept the failure of his career, and attributed all this to the original pursuit of money, under the huge blow, Chen Jinling actually lost his heart overnight.

One morning, after walking out of the house, Chen Jinling never returned home, walking on the street alone in rags, doing nothing, living like a tramp.

What happened to the "cottage machine" big guy with unlimited scenery in the past, after his wife rolled up money and ran away?

Looking at his appearance alone, he is sloppy compared to the sharp brother of the Internet celebrities in previous years, and he can no longer see the appearance of the spirited years ago. For the people of his hometown, the "little prince of mobile phones" who was admired by everyone at that time has become a "madman" on the street today, and the people who ridiculed and ridiculed him at the beginning saw such Chen Jinling and chose to keep silent, occasionally seeing him on the street, and would pass him a cigarette.

With a life of great opening and closing, great ups and downs, and tasting the pain of sorrow and joy, chen Jinling now dreams back at midnight in the subway station, if he can look back on the first half of his life with a hint of clarity, I don't know what mood it will be?


People always love to watch the legendary characters in tv dramas, yearn for their life experiences, and repeatedly lament their bland daily life. However, after watching Chen Jinling's life experience, I have to admit that sometimes blandness is not a kind of happiness?

Author: Black Cat

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