
The United States does not even spare its neighbors? Canada's capital has fallen! The riots were a wake-up call for Trudeau

author:An Qing's point of view

Western countries led by the United States have gradually fallen under the attack of the new crown epidemic, and in addition to the enemy of the epidemic, the Western people have a new enemy, that is, themselves. Recently, the Canadian capital Ottawa broke out a large-scale anti-COVID-19 vaccine injunction, at the same time, the anti-vaccine forced people and vulnerable people in Canada to assemble to form a "free motorcade", even including protesters in Toronto have joined the team, the number of protesters reached 7,000 in a time.

The United States does not even spare its neighbors? Canada's capital has fallen! The riots were a wake-up call for Trudeau

According to the Global Network, at first, this group of demonstrators was composed of truck drivers, who hoped that the Canadian government would cancel the measure of vaccination on the Canada-US border, but as the demonstration spread, the protest demands of the demonstrators became more and more generalized, and the voices of various anti-epidemic measures rose and fell. The demonstrators held up flags and surrounded the Canadian Parliament, not only camping and making loud noises in the urban area, but also parking 500 heavy trucks in the so-called "red zone", resulting in the paralysis of traffic in many canadian urban areas. Not only that, but there are also more and more criminal acts caused by the protests, and Canadian President Trudeau has urgently transferred himself and his family from Ottawa "for security reasons".

The so-called "democratic freedom" system that the United States and the West have always been proud of has played a vivid and bad role in the grim situation of the epidemic. The politicization of the epidemic in the United States has spread to Canada.

The United States does not even spare its neighbors? Canada's capital has fallen! The riots were a wake-up call for Trudeau

It is worth noting that this nationwide insurrection in Ottawa was premeditated and organized. According to reference sources, this demonstration was promoted by relevant US forces behind it. It is understood that the trade between Canada and the United States mainly relies on truck transportation, truck transportation accounts for 70%, and the Canadian government announced on January 15, 2022 that all cross-border truck drivers need to provide proof of full vaccination, and unvaccinated Canadian drivers need to be quarantined after returning to Canada, which has triggered the dissatisfaction of many truck drivers and Related Enterprises in the United States.

This allegation has also been confirmed by CNN. In addition to the support of its own Conservative Party, the Canadian demonstration was also supported by Fox News and podcaster Logan and billionaire Musk. Former US President Trump even came forward to support the Canadian demonstrators, saying that they were very brave in resisting "illegal directives", which caused a response from his supporters, who planned to launch similar protests in Washington.

The United States does not even spare its neighbors? Canada's capital has fallen! The riots were a wake-up call for Trudeau

At the same time, not only the relevant personnel support, according to the Canadian police, the demonstration also received financial sponsorship and technical support from the United States, although under the pressure of the Canadian government, these millions of dollars of cheering funds have been returned, but it is enough to show that the United States is not too big to see the lively nature of the difficult to move. It is precisely because of the continuous financial support of the United States that this riot can continue. This is the false friendship between Canada and the United States, on the one hand, the two sides unite against China, on the other hand, the United States also wants to stir up Canada's internal affairs behind the scenes.

In fact, Canadians are not at ease with the United States, according to a latest Canadian poll shows that 78% of Canadian respondents are worried that the political conflict in the United States will threaten their country, undermine their national security and economic growth, in terms of the Riot in Canada, since January 29, this riot has been as long as 13 days, not only affecting people's normal life order, but also adversely affecting normal people's behavior and activities. As the hegemon of the Americas, the United States is close to Canada, and with the addition of nato members and members of the "Five Eyes Alliance", its influence on Canada is naturally huge.

The United States does not even spare its neighbors? Canada's capital has fallen! The riots were a wake-up call for Trudeau

Today, the United States is no longer a beacon of democracy, the country is constantly exporting right-wing words and deeds to other democracies, and the political risks of the United States have spread to Canada, Parris, a former foreign policy adviser to Trudeau, said. The protests in Ottawa are a "wake-up call" for Canada. In the past two years, whether it is against wearing masks, opposing vaccinations, or opposing various anti-epidemic measures such as home isolation, it has been staged in many cities in the United States and the West, and the emphasis on "human rights" and "freedom" promoted by Western countries has killed millions of people.

Now, at the instigation of the United States, Canada has also gone to the anti-China road, but it does not know that this is a dead end. While making superficial friendships with the United States, I hope that When Canadian President Trudeau is pointing fingers at the affairs of other countries, he will look back at his own situation and what he should care about and what he should not care about, which a qualified president can see clearly.

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