
After worshiping the Sword Sect, I changed my career to Hammer Hugh (updated to Chapter 25)

author:Happy reading

Chapter 1

  "Jiang Xiaolou, you still haven't confessed?"

  The Sword Sect's Precept Hall's sword fell fiercely, and Jiang Xiaolou's white clothes were already soaked with blood, but her back was still straight, and she spat out two words with difficulty: "I don't." ”

  "This scoundrel!" Before the Elder of the Discipline Hall could utter a word, Sword Zun was already furious, "Stealing heavy treasures, injuring your sister, and not confessing to death, you are really bold!" ”

  The elder beside him immediately advised, "Your Honorable Lord Mo Qi, this Jiang Xiaolou acting in this way seems to be a natural evil heart, not that the Noble Lord's teaching is unfavorable." ”

  "Yes, Jiang Xiaolou's mentality, I thought it was a good seedling that day, but I really looked away."

  "What about the ice and fire dual spirit roots, all of which are heavenly spirit roots?" Linggen conflict, she is a natural waste of firewood, that is, to find out too late, in order to get lucky enough to enter the inner door. ”

  All kinds of ridiculous words came, and Jiang Xiaolou knelt on the ground, but still refused to bow his head.

  Everyone couldn't see it, and there was a figure beside her, no different from Jiang Xiaolou's appearance, just a few points younger, and a few inches shorter, and was furiously incompetent.

  "If you do it, you will recognize it!" Isn't it what you do that you can't explain? If the explanation is not clear, can't you ask your Master for forgiveness?! Do you have a brain problem?! ”

  No one noticed her existence, no one heard her angry voice, and the older version of Jiang Xiaolou who was kneeling on the ground completely ignored his young self.

  Twelve-year-old Jiang Xiaolou sat down on the ground, "Forget it, I don't care about you." ”


  This was not the first scene that Jiang Xiaolou saw on the Sword Sect Qingxin Road.

  Before visiting the Sword Sect, Jiang Xiaolou also inquired about the process of the Sword Sect's acceptance of disciples. The first step is to test the spirit root, the second step is to ask the heart, and the third step is to formally accept the disciples of the sword sect's peaks.

  Jiang Xiaolou carried the ten silver pieces of silver that had been abducted from the pit to the foot of the Sword Sect, and then measured out the best ice spirit root that was one of the best in the world, and before she could wait for how long she was happy, she was defeated on the road of asking the heart.

  Ask the heart to ask the state of mind, but also ask the obsession, some people see the enemy who never forgets, some people see the gold and silver treasures on the ground, some people see the beauty of the world, Jiang Xiaolou heard the failure answer is strange, like the one she is facing now, there seems to be nothing special, the only strange thing is that she seems to be just a bystander from beginning to end, and she can only follow the same person.

  She was always following another Jiang Xiaolou in the illusion.

  The first act is the Sword Sect's Disciple Ceremony, this Jiang Xiaolou successfully passed through the Qingxin Road, and after reaching the Dao Hall on the top of the mountain, it resonated with the sword in the temple and was found to be a natural sword heart.

  The Peak Lords of the Nine Peaks of the Sword Sect all handed her olive branches, and the coldest JunxianFeng Sword Zun also stood up, suppressing everyone and taking Jiang Xiaolou as a closed disciple.

  In the first year after worshiping the master, this Jiang Xiaolou had a clear sword heart, no bottleneck in cultivation, and even broke through the Three Realms when he first started, he was a famous genius disciple of the Sword Sect, and if there was no accident, 80% of them would have to go all the way to the ascension.

  When she saw this, Jiang Xiaolou felt that this plot was so happy, probably testing whether she was in a perfect state of mind... But before she could figure out how to break the game, the whole plot collapsed.

  In the second year after worshiping the master, Jiang Xiaolou, a High-quality Ice Spirit Root, awakened the Ultimate Fire Spirit Root!

  Even Jiang Xiaolou, who had not yet practiced, understood what this meant.

  The conflict of linggen made Jiang Xiaolou's cultivation extremely difficult, and the former genius disciple also became the famous Tianlinggen waste wood.

  However, she was still Jun Xianfeng's little sister, and with the protection of the division, she would not be so miserable.

  Then, the operation that made Jiang Xiaolou stunned came - her sword master performed an online opening and closing the door, and then withdrew a little master sister who was born with a sword heart and a heavenly spirit root!

  The appearance of the little master sister is the beginning of the tragedy of this Jiang Xiaolou in the illusion.

  Two born sword hearts, two Heavenly Spirit Roots, one is a waste of firewood that is absolutely in cultivation, the other is a genius whose cultivation path is unimpeded, and people with their own good deeds compare them to each other and come to taunt Jiang Xiaolou.

  And these people also subconsciously felt that Jiang Xiaolou was jealous of Xiao Shijie.

  Descending the mountain together, the little master sister was injured, that is, Jiang Xiaolou was harmed. The misfortune of two people breaking in, that only Jiang Xiaolou was at fault. The elixir and magic weapon that Jiang Xiaolou had painstakingly obtained had also become the little master's sister's in the blink of an eye. Even so, her master and brother still felt that she was jealous of the little master's talent.

  In the illusion, this Jiang Xiaolou never seemed to be able to defend, only knew how to do things in a muffled voice, to please her master and brother, and to see that Jiang Xiaolou outside the illusion was angry.

  At first, she was so angry that she felt really angry, and she was eager to grab Jiang Xiaolou's ear in the illusion and ask her if she had a mouth, and when Jiang Xiaolou finished saying everything she could say and scold, Jiang Xiaolou was also numb. Except for scolding jiang Xiaolou a few times when she was stupid and stubborn in the illusion, Jiang Xiaolou really didn't want to care anymore.


  While cursing the Sword Sect's questioning of the evil heart in her heart, she numbly watched the life of this Jiang Xiaolou.

  In fact, it was not long, the Jin Dan monk could live for three hundred years before he died, and this Jiang Xiaolou did not live to be a hundred years old.

  She committed the felony of colluding with the Demon Clan and was expelled from the Sword Sect. First he was deposed by Sword Zun to cultivate, then he was tortured by the Discipline Hall for fifty years, and finally he was beheaded by Sword Zun in the water prison, and his soul was gone.

  At this time, the mountain gate was full of joy, because the little master sister and the master brother were finally Daoist partners, and by the way, Jian Zun's mood was particularly bad, it seemed that it was also because of this matter.

  The plot of the next few decades progressed too quickly, Jiang Xiaolou only had time to look at it, she was ignorant and unconscious in this illusion, but only the sword of Sword Zun seemed to really slash at her soul, and the pain of the soul flying away was also incomparably real.

  Then, Jiang Xiaolou in the illusion died.

  "Lean—it hurts,"

  Jiang Xiaolou was in pain to jump to his feet, only to find that he did not know when he was leaning against the tree on the side of the road of Qingxin.

  A young man with a gentle smile was looking at her with concern, "This sister, are you awake?" ”

  This young man was born very well, a pair of peach blossom eyes, as if they could catch people's hearts. His temperament is also very gentle, and when he laughs, his eyebrows are full of spring, which makes people can't help but want to get close.

  "I..." Jiang Xiaolou was startled, and subconsciously stepped back, and the back of his head directly hit the trunk, "Was I asleep just now?" ”

  "Yes." The young man bowed his head and said, "The trial of receiving disciples is still in progress, and you can continue." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou squeezed out a sincere smile at him: "Thank you so much Master Brother." ”

  "You're welcome." The young man smiled slightly, then disappeared.

  Jiang Xiaolou leaned back again.

  In fact, at the first glance, she recognized who it was.

  Yun Zhao, the second brother of Jun Xianfeng, is the most gentle and amiable... Also the most indifferent and heartless person.

  In that illusion, when Jiang Xiaolou first entered, everyone treated her well, only Yun Zhao was the most distant. After Jiang Xiaolou's Linggen conflict, only Yun Zhao's attitude remained unchanged.

  Therefore, Jiang Xiaolou would have some hopes for him, so some attachments, and she would try her best to approach him like a fool, thinking that there was something special in his heart, and then she was beaten in the face by Yun Zhao.

  Yun Zhao treats everyone equally well, giving everyone three points, and Jiang Xiaolou also has three points, no more than anyone.

  If she wants more, she is doomed to lose what she already has.

  "Master Jiang, you are also too sentimental."

  "How can a waste like you be compared to a little master sister?"

  "If you voluntarily quit the Sword Sect, you may be able to live a few more days."

  Yun Zhao's indifferent voice was still in his ears, in stark contrast to Fang Cai's gentle smile.

  Is it a dream or an illusion?

  Jiang Xiaolou returned to the qingxin road and walked forward.

  This time, in a fog, she saw gold and silver waiting for someone to pick it up, pearlescent, almost blinding her eyes.

  Jiang Xiaolou walked forward with his fist clenched, while cheering himself up in his heart.

  You are here to seek immortality, Jiang Xiaolou! What is wealth!

  When she walked over the golden mountain, and further on, it was the old beggar who had raised her who was smiling at her.

  Jiang Xiaolou continued to walk forward without squinting.

  After the old beggar died three years ago, it was her own burial, and she asked for a thin coffin that did not expose him to the wilderness. Before Jiang Xiaolou came to the Sword Sect, he still remembered to give him three incense sticks.

  Jiang Xiaolou understands this matter more than anyone else.

  Jiang Xiaolou then walked forward, and the figure of the old beggar suddenly changed, from looking at her kindly to holding out his hand to her, as if he was asking for help.

  Jiang Xiaolou made up his mind and continued to walk forward.

  Suddenly, the white mist cleared, and in front of her was a small attic, there were already several people there, and the person dressed in the costume of the sword sect disciple said to her: "Congratulations to the master sister for passing the Qingxin Road." ”

  "Same joy and same joy." Jiang Xiaolou smiled and arched his hand, and then walked into the crowd.

  Seeing her coming, a teenager jumped out, "Black boy, why are you so slow?" ”

  "My legs are short." Jiang Xiaolou rolled his eyes without grace, and saw that someone was already looking at them, "You be quiet, don't bother me." ”

  This young man's name was Su Mingye, someone Jiang Xiaolou knew in front of the Sword Sect Gate, barely half a fellow countryman, and could become half a close friend if he had the chance.

  The same is true in the dream, Su Mingye and Jiang Xiaolou have a good friendship, and they are the few people who continue to communicate with Jiang Xiaolou after Jiang Xiaolou's linggen problem. Later, he also helped Jiang Xiaolou a lot, so he was also deeply implicated, Jiang Xiaolou died, and Su Mingye was probably assigned by the Sword Sect to go out to mine.

  Jiang Xiaolou deeply felt sorry for him.

  Now Su Mingye is still a jumping teenager, and he is not angry when he is downstairs by Jiang Xiaoxia, and obediently stands aside.

  None of the few people who had arrived spoke, presumably not wanting to leave any bad impression on the receiving ceremony, and Jiang Xiaolou also had time to slowly think about her dream.

  She said she was asleep, and Yun Zhao didn't deny it. If what she encountered later was the illusion, it seemed that it was indeed not an examination of the way to ask the heart, and it was a dream that seemed to be a hundred years, but in fact it took a long time and did not take long.

  But is there really such a real dream?

  I heard that there are people in the Cultivation Realm who can predict the affairs of the world, and there are also legends of big dreams in the mortal world, should she accidentally see her future?

  Is that miserable and nestful life, and can't wake up from the fight, is the future of her Jiang Xiaolou?


  Jiang Xiaolou recalled that long dream in horror, and was even more horrified to find that she remembered it clearly—the memories from that Jiang Xiaolou's entry to that Jiang Xiaolou's death were all piled up in her mind, even clearer than her own memory.

  Just like Jiang Xiaolou can now fully recall that when Jiang Xiaolou passed the second level of the trial, there was no such thing in this attic...

  So many people?!

  That Jiang Xiaolou was moving forward on the Qingxin Road, which was the first name of this pass, and when Jiang Xiaolou walked here, there were already people here.

  Does this mean that she will no longer become that Jiang Xiaolou?

  No, she would never become that Jiang Xiaolou!

  Jiang Xiaolou clenched her fists and made up her mind in her heart, no matter what that dream was, she would never be like that Jiang Xiaolou in the dream! Even if this was the fate number that those charlatans said, she came to the Sword Sect originally to change her life against the heavens!

Chapter 2

  The second level was completed, and the Sword Sect Dao Hall was close at hand.

  The more Jiang Xiaolou looked, the more desperate he became.

  The Hall of Passage was exactly the same as in her dream—not even the crack in the fourth brick in the third column on the right, and as to why she knew, of course, it was because the Jiang Xiaolou in the dream knelt here for the night.

  But she Jiang Xiaolou was born without a father and no mother, nor did she kneel to the heavens or the ground, how could she fall to this point?!

  Is it too late for her to run away from the Sword Sect now?

  Jiang Xiaolou couldn't help but look back, he was already far away from mortal dust, a fog, and the road was even more outside the green mountains and clouds.

  The Sword Sect Dao Hall was right in front of her eyes, solemn and mighty, and unattainable. this...... Is it the fairy way she asked for?

  "Next, Jiang Xiaolou!"

  "Jiang Xiaolou!"

  The voice of the Sword Sect Trial Disciple brought Jiang Xiaolou back to god, and she trotted all the way to the test stone.

  "It's coming!"

  The Sword Sect was very strict, and had already measured the root bone once at the foot of the mountain, and then again, in order to confirm.

  "Look at the main hall and look stunned?" Where did this dirt bun come from? ”

  "What good qualifications can such a person have?"

  When Jiang Xiaolou stood in front of the test stone, she could still hear the taunts in the crowd, but when she put her hand on it, there was only a cry of surprise.

  The ice blue pillar of light shot straight into the sky, the color was clear and pure, and even the real people and his holiness in the hall also had a lot of divine consciousness.

  "Tianpin Ice Spirit Root!"

  The people who were originally taunting Jiang Xiaolou could not speak, tianpin's linggen qualifications had won a lot at the starting point, and the linggen thing was born and could not be sought.

  Maybe these people standing at the Receiving Ceremony don't understand it so well, but after a few years, or even a few months, the gap between the spiritual root qualifications of the Heavenly Pins and the spiritual roots of these high-grade mortals will be revealed, and it will only get bigger and bigger.

  Many people looked at Jiang Xiaolou with a complicated face, her clothes were simple, she did not come from a large family at first glance, and she was black and thin like a tomboy - but on the road, she was already far ahead of them.

  "Hmm, good luck!"

  "Isn't it... Celestial Roots... It doesn't necessarily mean to soar. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't want to care about these sour words, quietly thinking about how she should break the situation and not let herself become like that in that dream.

  "This sister!" A slightly chubby girl came up to her.

  "What's the matter?"

  "Does Master Sister know anything about the Nine Peaks of the Sword Sect?"

  “...... No. ”

  The girl showed a sly smile, "Does that master sister want to know?" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou replied, "I don't have any money." ”

  With her years of experience in the past, it is clear at a glance that this is a businessman... But Jiang Xiaolou had that dream, there was no shortage of information from the Sword Sect, and she was indeed poor.

  "I don't need money, just make a good relationship with my sister." The girl smiled, "My name is Wang Yu, what about you, Master Sister?" ”

  "Jiang Xiaolou."

  "Little Lou Sister." Wang Yu called out from the good, "Sister Master, you are the Heavenly Ice Spirit Root, no matter which main peak you choose, you will not be rejected." However, each of the Nine Peaks of the Sword Sect was good at different sword techniques, and they were not necessarily suitable for the master and sister.

  Baichuan Peak Ten Thousand Waters Return to the Sect, Ice Water homologous, Master Sister can try, Ling Xiaofeng Sword Intention is cold, if cold ice turns snow, it is also very suitable for Master Sister.

  However, if the Sword Lord's Junxian Peak is a disciple, the above two peaks can be thrown. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou compared her memories and found that she was not wrong, pretending to be curious and asking, "Why is this?" ”

  "That's Lord Sword!" Wang Yu said, "As soon as you look at master and sister, you don't know these things in the Cultivation Realm, since lord Jianzun entered the Sword Sect, he has suppressed the Thousand Buddhas Lord and the Daomen Gate Lord, and he fought with the Demon Zun three hundred years ago, he is the first person who deserves the right path, and he can be accepted as a disciple by Lord Sword Zun, what a blessing it is!" ”

  “...... Is it? Jiang Xiaolou didn't think so—after all, she had also seen what a fortunate life she had been.

  Seeing that Jiang Xiaolou was in a bit of a trance, Wang Yu said, "Lord Sword Zun is a talented person, Master Sister, you are so talented, maybe Lord Sword Zun will look at it!" ”

  That's not necessary... Jiang Xiaolou felt slander in his heart, adjusted his face, and revealed a kind smile to Wang Yu, "Except for the Nine Main Peaks of the Sword Sect?" Does The sister still know? ”

  "A little bit of knowledge, a little bit of one or two." Wang Yu was very modest.

  "In addition to the main peak, the Sword Sect also has the Cast Sword Peak of Instrument Cultivation, the Danyu Peak of Dan Xiu, the Mu Chun Peak of Medical Cultivation, and the Baozhen Peak of Fu Xiu." Wang Yu patiently explained, "These are all external paths, with your spiritual roots, you must be a sword immortal!" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou began to choose one of the four in his heart.

  Since she was very likely to awaken the Fire Spirit Root, she couldn't choose the Nine Main Peaks, otherwise even if it wasn't Junxian Peak, someone like her who had once been a genius but had become a waste of firewood would certainly not be tolerated. Therefore, the only thing she could choose was these external paths of the Sword Sect.

  In the dream, that Jiang Xiaolou did not know these things deeply. The main peak and the outer path were already clearly distinguished, and those who worshiped the four outer peaks were all disciples with poor qualifications, and the Dan Yao Magic Treasure was not a direct transaction between the two sides, but was distributed through the task hall.

  Since then, in addition to treating injuries, Jiang Xiaolou has never been to the outer peak other than Mu Chunfeng.

  Mu Chunfeng is all medical cultivation, which is actually a good place to go. But one of her spiritual roots is an ice spirit root, and the other is a fire spirit root!

  Jiang Xiaolou is completely impossible to do medical repairs - unless she wants to freeze or burn the patient to death, ice and fire together can only be ice and fire double heaven, not offset.

  Wood Chunfeng, excluded.

  Dan Yufeng, Bao ZhenFeng, Cast Sword Peak, and Jiang Xiaolou all knew nothing.

  She could only choose according to her own speculations, both dan dao and instrument cultivation were used to use fire, and her fire spirit root might still have some uses, as for the runes... It seems to be more of a brain.

  Which to choose?

  Jiang Xiaolou was still tangled, and he heard a cry of surprise behind him.

  The green light soared into the sky, another Celestial Spirit Root?

  The teenager in front of the test stone was not any familiar face in her impression, which made Jiang Xiaolou uneasy and snickering.

  The uneasiness is because the previous events in that dream can no longer be compared, and the joy is also because it is no longer the plot in that dream.

  so...... Can she gamble that she won't awaken the Fire Spirit Root?

  What if it was just a dream?

  Jiang Xiaolou's heart was up and down, but in the eyes of outsiders, the Sword Sect was about to receive disciples, and it was normal for her to be nervous.

  Until the door of the Dao Hall opened, Jiang Xiaolou was still jumping left and right.

  Do you want to gamble?

  But...... Can she afford to lose?

  Jiang Xiaolou followed the crowd of worshippers into the Dao Hall. Look at the real people and His Holiness who are high above.

  The nine main peaks gathered together, the momentum was huge, the four outer peaks were crowded in the corners and corners, and only two people came.

  One by one, the disciples in charge of the trial read the names and qualifications of the people, and then the masters on the peaks chose their destination.

  "Song Mingye, Shangpin Water Spirit Root."

  "Wang Yu, Fan pin fire spirit root."


  "Jiang Xiaolou, Tianpin Ice Linggen."

  A series of gasping sounds sounded, and Jiang Xiaolou also took a deep breath, stood up, and walked to the sound insulation array.

  She bowed her head, her eyes afraid to look up.

  Just like in the dream, the sword lord sat on the throne high above, surrounded by a layer of light, unable to see his face clearly.

  The cultivators had great supernatural powers, and Jiang Xiaolou did not look directly at Jian Zun, because he was afraid that his hatred and fear would be too obvious and would be discovered by him.

  Lord Shao Yufeng took the lead, "Would you like to come to my Shao Yu Peak?" If you come, I will treat you as a true disciple. ”

  Another true person beside her said, "A good Heavenly Spirit Root, which peak to go to is not a True Transmission disciple, the Ice Spirit Root is in your Shao Yu Peak, what a pity it is to be buried." ”

  Lord Shao Yufeng originally just casually asked, laughing, "What Master Brother said is true." Shao Yu Peak is mainly golden wood, if you have these two kinds of spiritual roots, you can come to my peak to try. ”

  The real person said, "My Ling Xiaofeng Sword is right for the Ice Spirit Root." ”

  It turned out that he was the Lord of Ling Xiaofeng, and it was no wonder that he spoke so mercilessly, just like Ling Xiaofeng's sword intentions.

  The Lord of Baichuan Peak interjected, "Ling Xiaofeng Sword Technique is monotonous, it is better to come to my Baichuan Peak and learn the Water System Dao Method." ”

  Another peak lord joined the scramble: "I can also learn the Water System Dao Fa when I cross the Yuanyuan Peak!" ”

  Although several peak lords were not determined to win, they were not willing to be left behind, except for the Junxian Feng Sword Zun who had not yet appeared, these peak lords were almost quarreling.

  "My Nanhua Fengmu Dao Fa is first-class!"

  "I am the first of the Chige Peak Fire Sword Technique!"

  "I forged the sword peak... cough...... Top repair! ”

  As soon as these words came out, Lord Shao Yufeng burst out laughing, and everyone laughed. The main peak strongman is just that - what is the hustle and bustle of the Forge Sword Peak?

  Lord Shao Yufeng looked at Jiang Xiaolou again and said softly, "I am waiting here to compete, but it is better to ask this little disciple how to choose, don't be afraid, you just have to say which peak you want to choose, I will not force you to wait." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou immediately felt good about the great beauty Shao Yufeng. I heard that most of the female cultivators in Shao Yufeng had a very good relationship between the teachers and sisters, but unfortunately she did not have this blessing.

  "I... Can a disciple really choose for himself? ”

  Jiang Xiaolou looked at Lord Shao Yufeng with three points of longing, three points of uneasiness and four points of admiration.

  "Nature." Shao Yufeng Lord smiled, not only her, but the rest of the peak masters also looked at Jiang Xiaolou.

  Jiang Xiaolou said expectantly, "I want to join the Forge Sword Peak!" ”

  "Yes, Forge Sword Peak... What the?! ”

  Touching the bearded Baichuan Peak Lord, the Ling Xiao Peak Lord whose eyes are also as cold as ice and snow, the gentle great beauty Shao Yu Peak Lord, the stern great beauty Nanhua Peak Lord... They were all shocked.

  However, the most shocking thing was the Sword Forger Himself.

  He seemed to have just casually said that... Isn't this kind of Heavenly Spirit Root genius all eyes above the top and rushing to the Peak of jun strings?

  "I... cough...... Is this seat on the back of the ear," the Forged Sword Feng Lord, who had been lazily leaning on the chair, sat up awkwardly, "What did this little disciple say?" ”

  Compared with the Nine Peaks Lord here, the Sword Forge Peak Lord was indeed like a different kind. He did not wear white clothes, but wore a brocade robe embroidered with gold thread, with a handsome appearance, but less fairy, more like a ranger walking in the rivers and lakes than a cultivator.

  Jiang Xiaolou knelt down in his direction, "Disciple knows that disciples are ice spirit root disciples who are not worthy!" But joining the Forged Sword Peak is a disciple's dream! Please allow the disciples to fight for my dreams! ”

  "..."Or Shao Yufeng's lord stood up first to break the siege, and frantically hinted, "Do you know what you are talking about?" The opportunity to worship the teacher is not easy, it is best to think again. ”

  "It just is." The Casting Sword Peak Lord couldn't help but reconcile for a moment and looked at Jiang Xiaolou.

  And then...... Jiang Xiaolou directly kowtowed to him!

  "The disciple knows!" Jiang Xiaolou said from the bottom of his heart, "But the disciple only wants to forge sword peaks!" My whole family is a blacksmith! I just love sledgehammers! No one can stop me from sledgehammering! ”

Chapter 3


  Jiang Xiaolou's sledgehammer declaration made several peak masters very helpless, and what was even more helpless was that their cultivation could naturally see that although Jiang Xiaolou's sledgehammer heart was not so sincere, her heart that wanted to forge sword peaks was real and extremely earnest.

  "Master Brother, you rejected her first, this little disciple's spirit root is completely unsuitable for casting sword peaks, presumably it is a momentary brain fever."

  "Such a good seedling you can't eat in casting sword feng, and you still can't quickly reject her!"

  "Give her to my peak, and Ling Xiaofeng will have a generous reward."

  The Cast Sword Peak Lord plucked his ears and listened indifferently to the voices of several Lord Peak Lords. Shao Yufeng's lord was purely kind, Yueyuan Feng's old man had a bad temper, and Ling Xiaofeng was as cold as ever...

  The Sword Forger Peak Lord only didn't hear it, and looked at Jiang Xiaolou, who was still kneeling towards him.

  The two-way cynical eyes became serious, as if they wanted to see Jiang Xiaolou straight through.

  Jiang Xiaolou knew in his heart that this would be his last chance- moreover, she was also kneeling, her face was completely unwanted, this move was completely broken, if The Forge Sword Peak refused, she was afraid that she would not have any good treatment if she joined the other main peaks.

  "Do you really want to join me in forging sword peaks?"

  "Really!" Jiang Xiaolou cut through the iron.

  "No regrets?"

  "Never!" Jiang Xiaolou was exhausted.

  "Then come, there is still a lack of a closed disciple in this seat."

  Jiang Xiaolou's eyes lit up, and although the word "closed disciple" made her a little psychologically shadowy, she still did not hesitate to prostrate herself, "Meet Master!" ”

  All the seats were shocked, looking at the lord of the peaks who looked at him with wide eyes, the Sword Peak Lord had a rogue look on his face and said, "Why, you must also grab the disciples that this seat picked up at the disciple receiving ceremony for the first time?" ”

  "Brother Master, you..." Didn't that hurt her?

  Shao Yufeng's heart was anxious, but he still didn't say it in the open, and the other peak lords were also silent--the attitude of the Casting Sword Peak was clear and very tough, and they didn't want to be enemies with the Casting Sword Peak Lord, you must know that the magic weapons of the whole Sect Gate are all produced by the Casting Sword Peak, who dares!?

  "Come here." The Casting Sword Peak Lord hooked his hand towards Jiang Xiaolou.

  Jiang Xiaolou immediately jumped up from the ground and ran towards the Sword Forger Peak Lord.

  At this moment, Jun Xianfeng Sword Zun, who had been silent, suddenly said, "Slow down! ”

  Jiang Xiaolou heard it, but his footsteps did not stop, and he took a few more steps in the direction of the Cast Sword Peak Peak Lord, before he timidly looked at the Sword Zun.

  "Would you like to come to Junxian Peak?"

  The crowd was looking sideways again.

  This was the first time that sword zun had opened his mouth.

  It seems that he should not be able to hide from it- but Jiang Xiaolou does not understand where this sword lord has taken a fancy to himself?

  In the dream, that Jiang Xiaolou was in a mood when he was receiving the disciple, and after resonating with the sword of the full hall, he exposed the fact that he was born with a sword heart, and then the sword Zun proposed to accept the disciple.

  Since Jiang Xiaolou entered the Main Hall, he had always been cautious and cautious, and he did not dare to reveal any emotions, and the peak masters present did not find anything unusual, what was going on with the Sword Zun?

  The powerful breath of the Mahayana period was suppressed, Jiang Xiaolou only felt that her breathing was not smooth, and some of her legs were weak, her nails were almost embedded in the palms of her hands, and she did not kneel down.

  Another burst of breath dispelled the pressure of the Sword Zun, and Jiang Xiaolou said:

  "Disciples don't want to!"

  These four words are extremely difficult to say, but also incomparably firm.

  The various peak masters were shocked again, Jun Xianfeng received disciples, only when others rushed to worship the master, they had never seen Sword Zun personally open his mouth but was rejected.

  "Be bold!" Sword Zun's horse pawn Huan Jianfeng Lord gave a loud sigh, but there was a sneer next to him.

  "How? Have you all prostrated your head and worshiped the teacher and still want to buy and sell? ”

  Saying this sentence was the Lord of Chige Peak, who had always been at odds with Junxian Peak.

  Sword Zun didn't care if these people were watching his jokes or not, he was moved, and he didn't say much, the Honmei Sword "Chengying" flew out like a white rainbow and stabbed straight into Jiang Xiaolou.

  If you can't get it in vain, you've been brushed off, and this is going to hurt the killer?!

  "Brother Master don't!" Lord Shao Yufeng was shocked and was about to intervene to block it, but he saw that the Chengying Sword stopped an inch from Jiang Xiaolou's brow, only trembling but unable to move forward. And the swords of their respective peak masters also felt a strange resonance.

  This is......

  "Born with a sword heart!" Lord Baichuan Peak stood up directly, originally he only thought that Jiang Xiaolou was a good seedling, but now he was determined to win, "She must not worship into the Forged Sword Peak!" ”

  Several peak masters involuntarily began to whisper, turning their heads and ears.

  Sword Zun's sword was still hanging in front of Jiang Xiaolou's body, and he asked deeply, "Now, do you still want to forge Sword Peak?" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was stunned.

  This time it was not the influence of the Sword Lord, but the sword.

  The shadow of the sword zun, the dawn of Shao Yu Peak, the entry into the sea of Baichuan Peak, the red candle of Chige Peak... She briefly communicated with these swords in a mysterious and mysterious realm, and the chengying sword closest to her had the deepest contact with her, if she wanted, and the sword zun did not refuse, Jiang Xiaolou could even directly control the sword zun's chengying sword.

  In this instant, she felt that she was born to hold a sword, like a bird soaring in the sky, swimming fish in the water.

  Is this what it feels like to be born with a sword heart?

  Mingming Jiang Xiaolou clearly remembered the feeling of the Chengying Sword crossing the soul, but she was fascinated and generally felt that this sword was very kind.

  No wonder that Jiang Xiaolou in the dream would make such a choice, just a short contact in an instant made her so happy, that Jiang Xiaolou had learned the sword for so many years, abandoning the sword was like abandoning life, so she would rather die than let go of her own life sword.

  But now Jiang Xiaolou had not yet established a mental connection with any of the swords, and everything was still too late.

  Jiang Xiaolou could feel that she was unwilling, she was not willing to give up the sword, and the sword was not willing to give her. This is a feeling of intimacy in the spirit, and It is difficult for Jiang Xiaolou to refuse.

  Jiang Xiaolou's spirit controlled her to go forward to get close to the Chengying Sword, but Jiang Xiaolou took a step back and disconnected from the Chengying Sword as if fleeing for her life.

  And she was indeed running for her life.

  Jiang Xiaolou had a vague premonition that if she worshiped under the Sword Zun Gate, then everything in that dream might come true.

  Jiang Xiaolou said solemnly, "Disciple still wants to forge Sword Peak, this intention has been decided, please fulfill it." ”

  "Never!" Lord BaichuanFeng said very urgently, "Lord, if you talk nonsense with this little disciple, you will be finished by directly tying up JunXianfeng." Now these little disciples are living too well, and they even dare to pick fat and thin! ”

  Before Sword Zun could speak, the Sword Forge Peak Lord cleared his throat, "Did you make a mistake?" ...... She was already a closed disciple of honza. ”

  Lord Shao Yufeng hurriedly said, "Brother Jin Sheng, don't make trouble!" ”

  A disciple born with a sword heart, the Nine Main Peaks of the Sword Sect will also break their heads, and where to keep the Forged Sword Peak.

  "This seat is just a disciple, what is the trouble?" The Old God of the Forged Sword Peak was there, and his eyes slanted over the Lord of Baichuan Peak and the Sword Zun, "Xiao Yushui, Xiao Chonghua, do you have any opinions?" ”

  As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the Dao Hall.

  The Mahayana realm should be called a Chonghua Zun in the Mahayana realm, but after he became famous for his sword, everyone in the world called him a sword zun, and slowly, no one called this Dao number anymore.

  However, the Lord of the Forged Sword Peak was directly referred to by the Dao number, and a small character was added.

  As for the other Baichuan FengYu Shui Zhenren, that is just a head.

  Several peak masters who did not know the situation were afraid that the Sword Zun would be difficult, but they saw that the indifferent Lord who was high above took a step back in front of the Sword Forge Peak Lord: "Don't dare, then congratulations to the master brother for getting this disciple." ”

  "Tongxi." The Cast Sword Peak Lord collapsed back on the chair, "Xiao Lou, can't come yet?" ”

  "Yes, Master!"

  Jiang Xiaolou was ecstatic in his heart!

  Bai shi jianzun this big pit she finally relied on her own survival desire to hide, in the future as long as she avoids the people of Jun Xianfeng, she does not believe that she can still send it to the door to bully people!

  Moreover, this new master she was worshipping could actually suppress the momentum of the sword zun, and it seemed that it was also a thick thigh. In the conversation between Fang Cai and Jian Zun, Jiang Xiaolou obviously felt that although the Sword Forge Feng Lord did not speak, he also divided his strength to protect her--if it were not so, she would not dare to confront Chengying Sword.

  What does this mean? This Master zun is also a very good person, at least completely different from the sword zun who is always letting go of the air!

  Jiang Xiaolou ran upside down to the side of the main body of the Forged Sword Peak, and honestly stood with his hands tied.

  The joy in her heart was so full that it was about to overflow, and she couldn't control the crazy smile at the corner of her lips, which was also very contagious, making several peak lords who were vaguely concerned about her cry and laugh.

  ——This little disciple still didn't know how much opportunity he had missed when he missed Jun Xianfeng, right? Did she like to sledgehammer so much? Is sledgehammer so happy?

  Is it happier than learning a sword from a sword?

  Did The Sword Zun lose on not being able to use a hammer?

  Following this line of thought, the scene of the sword lord slashing the sledgehammer was imagined, and several peak masters trembled...

  fear...... Horror!

  The Casting Sword Feng Feng Lord patted the vacated position beside him and said to Jiang Xiaolou, "It's not a penalty station, sit." ”

  “...... The disciples did not dare. The position on the side of the Forge Sword Peak was the position of the Lord of one peak vacated by Dan Yufeng, and it was only one line away from the Lord of the Main Peak, and Jiang Xiaolou began to suspect that she, a good master, wanted to harm her.

  "Oh... Yes, too. The Sword Forger Peak Lord seemed to remember something, and then he felt another chair from the storage bag and placed it behind him, "Sit down." ”

  "Master Xie gave him the throne!" Jiang Xiaolou pushed back once, and the second time he no longer refused, carefully dipped half of his ass up.

  And then...... She collapsed into the chair.

  Jiang Xiaolou finally understood why the Casting Sword Peak Lord always looked like she couldn't sit straight--in other words, she absolutely couldn't sit up straight in such a soft and comfortable recliner!

  The appearance of this chair is no different from that of ordinary chairs, and it is completely impossible to find the mystery without sitting on it.

  Did Master Zun think that she hated that ordinary chair? Jiang Xiaolou couldn't cry and laugh in his heart.

  "That's right." The Sword Forger Peak Master said, "Cultivation, the most important thing is to be comfortable." ”

  His tone was also very leisurely and comfortable, Jiang Xiaolou did not know, in this simple sentence, the Sword Forger Feng Lord also used some small skills to make her mind relax a little.

  In fact, there is no need for him to say anything more, Jiang Xiaolou has begun to yearn for the Casting Sword Peak, there is such a master and peak master, presumably the Casting Sword Peak must also be a very comfortable place.

  She had not yet learned the method of sound transmission, so she did not dare to speak out on such an occasion, and only learned to slump in the chair like the Sword Forger Peak Lord, but because she was too thin, she still only had a small clump.

  Offstage is a tense receiving ceremony, but the pair of freshly baked masters and apprentices on the stage are as if they are on vacation.

  "There is something wrong with the Sword Forger Lord's move. How could this little disciple sit down in the great hall, and where was this place for all the peak masters? ”

  Deliberately observing their Huan Sword Peak Lord, he suddenly said.

  "Don't scare me." The Casting Sword Feng Master frowned, "Where do you care where my disciple sits, this chair belongs to your family?" ”

  Huan Jianfeng said angrily, "Is it not your family's that is not my family's?" ”

  "Guess what," the fish took the bait, and the Sword Forge Peak Lord idly said, "It's really my family's." Produced by Cast Sword Peak, it is not for sale. ”

  Master Huan Jianfeng was choked back by him, and he couldn't breathe, "That's not the reason why your little disciple is sitting on the top!" Today, the Nine Peaks are all there, how can a little disciple be so arrogant! ”

  "I can't sit down, who is the one at Chige Peak, who is the one at Ling Xiao Peak?" So unbridled! Among the several disciples brought by the peak master present, there were also a few who had been given a seat, and they were pointed out by the Casting Sword Peak Lord, and even those few main peak masters were suspicious of the Huan Sword Peak Lord.

  Huan Jianfeng's face turned red and he said loudly, "Those are the chief disciples of each peak!" What a beginner disciple can compare! ”

  "Who said this wasn't my chief disciple of The Forge Sword Peak?" The Sword Casting Peak Lord, "This is still the Deputy Peak Lord of my Forged Sword Peak, is it not worthy of the same seat as Er?" Do you look down on me for casting sword peaks? ”

  Lord Huan Jianfeng still refused to give up, "You said you were the chief disciple?" ”

  The Sword Forge Peak Lord looked at him as if he were mentally retarded: "Honza is the Peak Lord, and this seat says that it is of course." ”

  Huan Jianfeng's lord blew his beard and narrowed his eyes, unable to say anything to refute it, or Shao Yufeng's lord saw that the situation was not right, and gave him a step down, "Well, two master brothers, it's just a seat, why hurt and be angry." ”

  Huan Jianfeng snorted coldly, "This is all on the face of Master Sister." ”

  The Forged Sword Peak Lord let out a sneer and fell back into his chair.

Chapter 4

  The chief disciple, the deputy peak master, is concerned... Quite suddenly.

  Jiang Xiaolou was paralyzed in a chair and was directly hit by two large pies.

  The Casting Sword Peak Lord and the Huan Sword Peak Lord quarreled, and Jiang Xiaolou, who was the center of the contradiction, was invisible the whole time--of course, because the Casting Sword Peak Lord did not give her a chance to speak at all.

  Jiang Xiaolou was pressed into the chair by a gentle and strong force, and at the same time, he was covered with his mouth, as if he was afraid of what she would do.

  Therefore, Jiang Xiaolou had no chance to perform at all, nor was he able to cheer for the Casting Sword Peak Lord, and...

  "Well... Uh-huh..."

  "Honza forgot, sorry sorry..." The Forged Sword Peak Lord unapologetically unlocked the seal on Jiang Xiaolou's mouth.


  "When you're tired, go to sleep for a while, and if there's any problem, I'll talk about it."

  After saying that, the Forged Sword Peak Lord directly closed his eyes.

  Jiang Xiaolou's words were all blocked back, and he leaned back in resignation.

  The receiving ceremony has been halfway through, and Jiang Xiaoloubai has earned a viewing position, but he does not feel that it is interesting.

  She was thinking that The Forge Sword Feng didn't know what the situation was, and her conflicting Linggen didn't know how to deal with it, if the new Master was reliable, she might be able to ask him for help, if not, she could only take one step at a time.

  The first meaning of life: away from Jun Xianfeng, Jiang Xiaolou has completed most of it.

  The second meaning of life: cultivation, cultivation, and re-cultivation. Jiang Xiaolou didn't know anything else about that dream, but he always understood one thing, strength is the last word, and mortals and the cultivation realm are the same.

  Even if she was destined to awaken the spiritual roots of the two conflicts, it did not mean that she would have no way out!

  Jiang Xiaolou was cheering himself up, and the Sword Forge Peak Lord had already made a slight snoring sound, which made Jiang Xiaolou envious.

  The Sword Sect disciple rolled in, "Lin Shu, Tianpin Mu Linggen." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou sat up straight, looking at this Heavenly Spirit Root that had not appeared in her dream.

  This young man had a fair complexion, a beautiful face, bright eyes, and indeed had the temperament of Mu Linggen. He was dressed in a brocade robe that looked very expensive, and presumably he was also an incredible identity in mortal dust.

  A few peak lords who were also bored with interest came to the spirit.

  The Lord of NanhuaFeng stroked his beard and said, "Would you like to come to my Nanhua Peak?" If you talk about the wood sword method, the Nanhua Peak within the Sect Gate is unparalleled. ”

  He was right, the rest of the peak masters did not even have the heart to fight, Shao Yufeng may be able to compete, but Shao Yufeng does not accept male disciples, so this Heavenly Spirit Root seems to be destined to worship nanhua peak.

  "Disciples are willing to join The Forged Sword Peak."

  "Well... What the?! ”

  This face seemed to be familiar, the Nanhua Peak Lord was still laughing at the Baichuan Peak Lord and looked away, but he didn't expect that the feng shui would take turns to come back.

  Seeing the ghost, casting sword peak this is specifically to seduce the Heavenly Spirit Root?

  The eyes of the people looked at the Forged Sword Peak Lord...

  "Master! Wake up! Jiang Xiaolou, who was closest to the Cast Sword Peak Lord, had to push the Cast Sword Peak Lord under the gaze of the Zhongfeng Lord.

  The Sword Forger Peak Lord opened his eyes, "... Is this the end of it? So early this year? ”

  Lord Shao Yufeng reminded, "This disciple should worship under the Cast Sword Peak." ”

  "No." The Casting Sword Peak Master subconsciously said, "This seat is already closed. ”

  The Lord of Nanhua Peak relaxed his heart, "Hearing that, The Forge Sword Peak does not accept disciples." ”

  Lin Shu said, "If you can enter the Forge Sword Peak, the disciple is willing to be a disciple of the Outer Gate." ”

  The Lord of Nanhua Peak did not catch his breath and said bitterly, "You are a Heavenly Pin Mu Linggen, what are you going to do to cast sword peaks?!" Do you like to sledgehammer too?! ”

  Jiang Xiaolou felt a pain in his knee.

  "Tianpin Mu Linggen?" The Lord of Nanhua Peak deliberately pointed it out, and the Lord of the Forged Sword Peak could not understand it, so he said, "This seat does not know what the Cast Sword Peak has to plot, why is the Heavenly Spirit Root piled up this time?" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was trembling, she did have some small calculations, but not to the point of plotting against her, and when she heard the Casting Sword Feng Lord say this, she also had uneasiness in her heart.

  You must know that her Heavenly Spirit Root is destined to be destroyed, although this matter is not something she can perceive at this time, but in the end it can be regarded as something to hide.

  They all blamed this Lin Shu for many things--he was a wood spirit root, so why did he have to worship into the Forged Sword Peak?

  Lin Shu was a little puzzled as to what nanhua feng's master meant by the "sledgehammer", but he was still very calm, arching his hand, "The disciple has longed for the path of instrument cultivation for a long time, and he only wishes to be able to worship the forged sword peak..." After a pause, he seemed to have made up his mind, "Even if you can't be a disciple of the outer gate, being a sprinkler disciple will also make it." ”

  This attitude, so sincere, so humble, is almost humbled into the mud.

  "..."The beard of the rejected Nanhua Feng lord was going to blow up.

  The good villain in front of him worshiped under the main door of the peak, and he was a disciple of the closed door, this is good, he would rather be a sprinkler than worship into the South China Peak, he South China Peak is also too faceless.

  "Brother Jin Sheng then obeyed his wishes," Nanhua Feng said with a gambling breath, "since he insists on worshiping the Forged Sword Peak, I Nanhua Feng can't force it." ”

  "Forge Sword Peak is not a place to pick up garbage."

  The light and fluttering tone of the Cast Sword Peak Lord made the Nanhua Peak Lord almost want to punch him in the face.

  Heavenly Spirit Root disciples are also called garbage? So what is this garbage he can't pick up?!

  The Sword Forger Peak Master continued, "Since it is a Heavenly Spirit Root, it is not good to treat badly, so let's be an Outer Gate disciple." ”

  Lin Shu bowed his hand and saluted, "Lord Xie Feng." ”

  The Sword Forger Peak Master didn't say anything more, and the disciple who presided over the ceremony led him to the other side. The disciples after worshiping the master will be received by the brothers and sisters of each peak first, and the only exception present is Jiang Xiaolou, who is with the master of the Forged Sword Peak.

  Jiang Xiaolou was very confused, the Casting Sword Peak Lord closed the door and did not open it again, which made her a little relieved, but the attitude towards her and Lin Shu was completely different, but she was happy and doubtful - after all, it was also a Heavenly Spirit Root, wasn't it? The worshipper was also very sincere, and Jiang Xiaolou thought that he was no better than him.

  Wood Spirit Root or Ice Spirit Root, no one can win anyone on the refining tool casting sword, fire spirit root she does have, but it does not show it.

  Thinking about it, she could only boil down to the few ringing heads she had prostrated... It seems that Lin Shu is not at home!

  Jiang Xiaolou lay back again, and had to say that the chair that cast the sword blade was simply magical, and she didn't want to sit up at all.

  There were no twists and turns in the next disciple acceptance ceremony, and none of the remaining disciples wanted to worship the Forged Sword Peak, the outer peak was simply unattended, Jiang Xiaolou suddenly realized that the Four Outer Peaks did not seem to rely on this way to recruit disciples?

  When she turned back to inquire, it seemed that the relationship with Wang Yu should be maintained. Jiang Xiaolou thought leisurely, with a small calculation in his heart.

  The main hand of the forged sword peak rested on the back of his head and slept back.

  Jiang Xiaolou was also sleepy, but suddenly heard a name.

  "Jiang Wenyue, Tianpin Jin Linggen."

  How could it be her?!

  Jiang Xiaolou's heart suddenly moved, and he could no longer sit still.

  The girl dressed in white calmly walked out, and when she stood in the middle of the hall, the swords in the hall were all excited.

  Another born sword heart?!

  The various peak lords were shocked, Jiang Xiaolou's face was cold, but he already knew about this matter.

  Yes, Jiang Wenyue was the closing disciple of the Sword Zun in her dream, the little sister who was incomparably loved by Jun Xianfeng.

  but...... Shouldn't she have taken it back the next year?

  Jiang Wenyue knelt down and prostrated his head, "Disciple wants to learn swords, please accept me as an apprentice." ”

  ...... Finally came a normal point of the Heavenly Spirit Root. The peak lords glanced at each other, and somehow there was some relief in their hearts-although this Heavenly Spirit Root still couldn't look at them, the sword master was always stronger than the forged sword blade.

  Jiang Xiaolou stared at Jiang Wenyue deadly, but her actions were not out of line, and the eyes of everyone present were all focused on Jiang Wenyue, and she was not more than Jiang Xiaolou.

  There was a long silence in the hall, and the voice of the Sword Emperor came slowly, "However, entering the Junxian Peak is a true disciple." ”

  "Xie Jianzun!" Jiang Wenyue was overjoyed and prostrated his head excitedly.

  "What is the name of the sword, it is time to call it master." Huan Jianfeng said sarcastically.

  "Yes," Jiang Wenyue said with a flush on his face, "thank you Master Zun and all of you masters." ”

  The peak lords were obviously very satisfied with her, and it was no accident that this was the leading seedling of this generation.

  After Jiang Wenyue visited the master, this session of the disciple ceremony was over, and the sword casting master woke up and yawned.

  "Gone, little apprentice."

  Jiang Xiaolou stood up, only to find himself trembling slightly.

  The casting sword blade master put the two chairs into the storage bag and took Jiang Xiaolou's hand.

  "Don't be afraid." He didn't ask her why, but said, "I forge the rules of the sword blade, and if there is anything, I must first carry it by the masters and brothers." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou looked at him confusedly, not only did he understand, but he still didn't understand.

  Is this also what Master would say?

  In that dream, Sword Zun would never say that. Jun Xianfeng rules, can not give Jun Xianfeng shame, their own way to go, their own things to carry, the little master sister's things Jiang Xiaolou to carry. Jiang Xiaolou couldn't hold back, and no one would come to help. Jiang Xiaolou is dead, and probably no one will cry for her.

  This is no longer the case. Jiang Xiaolou comforted herself, this time Jiang Wenyue directly worshiped under the sword zun door, she had no relationship with Jun Xianfeng, presumably Jun Xianfeng would not have anyone to come to her trouble - if there is, she is also a person with a master.

  Led by the Cast Sword Peak Lord, the uneasiness in Jiang Xiaolou's heart seemed to slowly disappear.

  The Sword Forger Peak Master took Jiang Xiaolou to the new disciple, and the other Sword Peak disciples were leaving with the Royal Sword by the brothers and sisters, leaving only Lin Shu alone.

  The Sword Forger Peak Lord pulled out three chairs.



  The Casting Sword Peak Lord sat down first, and Jiang Xiaolou saw the situation and sat down with him, still familiar softness, or familiar comfort.

  Then, she heard the Sword Forger Lord ask, "Are you ready?" ”

  What to prepare?

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't have time to answer before she felt herself flying up - and she was lying in the chair and flying up, and after being pressed on the chair and covering her mouth, she finally wanted to understand why this feeling was so familiar, this was basically the seat belt of this flying chair!

Chapter 5

  The three chairs landed swiftly on the Cast Sword Peak.

  The Casting Sword Peak Lord walked down leisurely, Lin Shu calmly stood to the side, Jiang Xiaolou... Took a dizzy, six-kissed step that did not recognize.

  Have you ever seen anyone whose chair will turn three hundred and sixty degrees in the air and still play bumper cars?

  Produced by Cast Sword Peak, it is worth having!

  The Sword Forger Feng Said, "Get acquainted with it for a few more days, and in the future this will be your footwork device." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou: ...

  Is it too late for her to run?

  Lin Shu was very calm and calm, and he also waved his hand: "Lord Xie Feng." ”

  The Casting Sword Peak Lord did not look like he would be impressed by his sincerity at all, but led Jiang Xiaolou and explained to them all the way, "The formation method outside our Casting Sword Peak is changing all the time, and you must first learn to break the formation book before you can freely enter and exit the mountain gate." ”

  "There is not much population in the peak, and there is nothing that cannot be visited except for your brother's cave house, but remember, the back mountain is not allowed to enter."

  Jiang Xiaolou asked curiously, "Why?" ”

  "In the middle of the mountains... There is great terror. The Casting Sword Peak Lord said seriously, and his tone was very mysterious.

  Jiang Xiaolou wasn't sure if he was making a fuss or if he was seriously admonishing, and he was about to ask again, when he was suddenly shocked.

  A flying sword flew straight in, inserted into the head of the Cast Sword Peak Lord, passed through it, and flew away directly.

  The main lips of the Forged Sword Peak were still fluttering, and his head was completely split, scattering red, red, white and white.

  Jiang Xiaolou: ???

  Jiang Xiaolou:!!

  Exploded! Her newly recognized cheap master exploded right in front of her eyes!

  Not only her, Lin Shu did not react, and the two people watched in a daze as the headless corpse fell.

  Jiang Xiaolou's legs trembled, and he suddenly grabbed Lin Shu's hand and said decisively, "Let's run away!" ”

  Before Lin Shu could say anything, he was dragged by Jiang Xiaolou to hide in a grassy field, and he covered his mouth, and the two of them fell to the ground, watching the headless corpse stand up, and the flying sword that had already flown away also circled back.

  Jiang Xiaolou was frightened and weak, and did not forget to recite the words: "Master, you can rest assured, if the disciple can survive this time, he will definitely sacrifice and sweep for you every year, and the three incense sticks of the Qingming Dragon Boat Festival, please go with peace of mind, Amitabha Buddha Immeasurable Heavenly Dignity... Stay back! Don't come here!" ”

  The flying sword circled around and hung in front of Jiang Xiaolou.

  "Cough... That one...... Sorry, didn't that scare you? ”

  Jiang Xiaolou and Lin Shu leaned closer together, their minds blank and trembling.

  Shouldn't she be buried here today?! So what is the point of her hard survival!

  "Misunderstanding, really misunderstanding, I am the Master Brother of the Forge Sword Peak... Oh!! ”

  The voice in the flying sword was explaining its identity, and suddenly it was a scream, and then the flying sword shook and fell to the ground.

  yellow...... Yellow Sparrow in the back?!

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't have time to think about what the misunderstanding that the voice said was, and was about to get up and run when he heard the voice of the Sword Forger Peak Lord coming from afar.

  "I'll let you fly your sword!" I'll let you murder your master!" I'll let you try my puppet instability! ”

  A slightly aggrieved voice came, "That's what Master zun you let you!" Oh! Stop it! I was wrong Master! I was wrong! ”

  I saw that the Sword Forge Peak Lord was walking over with the ear of a young man, and the young man was still begging for forgiveness all the way.

  "If you scare your little master sister out of a good villain, you will go to the library tonight and hang it on the library!"

  “...... Master? Jiang Xiaolou was still trembling, and subconsciously pulled Lin Shu to take a step back.

  The Sword Forger Feng Lord smiled softly at her, "Don't be afraid, it's just that the puppet of the Division was used by this loser to test the sword." ”

  "Don't you come here first..." Jiang Xiaolou remained alert, "How are you going to prove that you are not a puppet?" ”

  "How to prove it?" The Sword Forger Feng Master calmly said, "There is no need to prove it, because The Master is also a puppet now." ”

  He tilted his head and gave Jiang Xiaolou a creepy smile, and then the big head rolled down and made a turn in the air.

  Jiang Xiaolou's eyes were black, and he pinched Lin Shu before he fainted.

  She's on a thief ship, right?

  The young man who was being dragged by the Forged Sword Peak Lord took the opportunity to escape his clutches, and his face was not convinced--who is the scary?!

  "Come and see your brothers and sisters."

  In front of Jiang Xiaolou stood a row of young people--yes, yes, the sword feng Yang Sheng Yin declined to the point that not a single female disciple was there, a pure masculine youth.

  "The boss Stucker, is a hammer."

  "Old ErYan is ruthless and a hammer repairer."

  "Old Sanlu has a knife, or a hammer repair."

  "Old Fourth Meng is fearless, of course, he is also a hammer repair."

  "The old five forests are indisputable, and they are still a hammer repair."

  You liar?!

  The sword that Master Brother had pierced through Master Zun's brain shell had been dangling in front of her eyes for so long, how could it turn into a hammer in the blink of an eye?

  Whose hammer has a long sword blade on both sides?! There is also the hammer of the Third Master Brother, which is basically a thick knife! The Fifth Master Brother was even more excessive, he didn't even disguise himself and came out with a wolf's tooth stick on his back!

  Jiang Xiaolou was slandering while honestly meeting with the five brothers.

  Master Brother Stuke is lively and kind, the meeting ceremony is a storage ring; the second master brother Yan is ruthless and cold, the meeting ceremony is a storage ring; the third master brother Lu Yi is thick and amiable, and the meeting ceremony is a storage ring; the fourth master brother Meng Fearless has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and the meeting ceremony is a storage ring; the fifth master brother Lin Wudi smiles and smiles, and the meeting ceremony is a storage ring.

  Soon in front of him was full of storage rings that looked exactly the same: ...

  Is Cast Sword Peak in the storage ring business?

  The Sword Forger Peak Lord smiled and said, "Open it and see." ”

  What's still inside?

  Jiang Xiaolou listened to his words and confessed the Lord one by one, and was stunned when he saw the contents.

  The master brother's storage ring was full of spirit stones, and all of them emitted a suspicious seven-colored halo, as if it were the appearance of the ultimate spirit stone; the second master brother's storage ring was all porcelain bottles, labeled with different labels, and the elixirs were from one product to five products, which were dazzling; the third master brother's storage ring was a purple rune written on rune paper, and the light rune paper itself was already expensive enough; inside the fourth master's storage ring was a magic weapon sword boat; the fifth master brother's empty ring, but the size of this ring was even larger than the previous ones combined...

  "This... I can't collect it! Jiang Xiaolou swallowed and put the storage ring back.

  It is certainly false to say that she is not moved, but she still has some self-awareness, how can she be worthy of such a heavy gift?

  A single bottle of ultimate elixir sold her Jiang Xiaolou may not be able to afford to buy, according to what she saw in her dreams, even the disciples under the JunxianFeng Sword Throne had to compete for a bottle of ShangpinDan Medicine, casting Sword Feng such a luxurious meeting gift, she really felt that she couldn't afford it.

  "What's polite," the Sword Forger Lord sneered, "you will know in the future, your brothers and masters are all big dogs, and you are sorry for not hollowing them out." ”

  "Exactly." Third Master Brother Lu Smiled thickly, "Brother Master there are still so many here, they can't empty it, they can't empty it."

  He looked like the most unassuming of the five brothers, with a thick face, belonging to the public face, but his eyes were very bright, and the large knife behind him was also shining.

  Yan Ruthless also said coldly, "Accept it." ”

  Lin Wuxian smiled and said, "We have a pulse of cultivation, but we can't live like those poor acid sword cultivators." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou felt a pain in his knee for the one in the dream.

  She still had some hesitation, but thinking about it, she didn't have anything worth calculating, so she stopped rubbing and directly accepted, "... Thank you, brothers and sisters! ”

  Jiang Xiaolou wore a ring on one hand, and he deeply felt that he understood the essence of the dog family.

  The Casting Sword Peak Master smiled and said, "Xiao Lou will be the chief disciple and deputy Peak Master of the Forged Sword Peak from now on, do you have any opinions?" ”

  Hearing this, Stucker was obviously surprised, "Master! ”

  The Casting Sword Peak Lord seemed to have a premonition, "Just inform you, and if you have an opinion, you will hold back." ”

  Stuart swallowed the words back and looked at Jiang Xiaolou worriedly. At the same time, Lu Yidao's eyes were also worried, and Yan ruthlessly stood to the side with his arms in his arms, still expressionless—but his eyes fell on Jiang Xiaolou.

  Even Lin Shu frowned without a trace.

  Jiang Xiaolou was still immersed in the joy of suddenly getting rich, and she didn't notice these dark tides at all—or rather, she didn't realize what this meant.

  Jiang Xiaolou just looked at the life in his dreams, but he did not bring out the exercises or insights, let alone the experience of a lifetime.

  The chief disciples of the various peaks of the Sword Sect were not only status, chance, but also responsibility.

  "Scattered." The casting sword blade master clapped his hands and said, "After giving the gift, I should do what I want to do." ”

  Stucker asked, "Master, who is this disciple?" ”

  "Why, for the master to receive a disciple of the outer door still have to report to you?"

  “...... Do we have Outer Gate disciples at Cast Sword Peak? ”

  "Now there is." The casting sword feng master did not blink his eyes, and hooked his hand towards Jiang Xiaolou, "Xiao Lou and Lin Shu follow me." ”

Chapter 6

  The Casting Sword Peak Lord took Jiang Xiaolou and Lin Shu straight to the mission hall.

  It was nearly dusk, and there was only one drowsy steward in the mission hall, who saw them coming and hurriedly got up to pay their respects.

  "Is this uncle here to receive the order card?"

  "No." Zhu Jianfeng said, "This seat has come to receive the welfare of the newly promoted chief disciple, as well as the chief disciple and the inner disciple this month." ”

  He threw out a token representing the Forged Sword Peak.

  The steward saw the token and hurriedly said, "Uncle Shi is going to joke, and he has not yet congratulated Uncle Shi on accepting the closed door disciples and the outer door disciples..."

  "But Honza thought about it for a moment that I cast the Sword Peak without an outer door, and now he is also a disciple of the Inner Gate." The casting sword peak master looked like an innocent Dao, "There is also the welfare of the new chief disciple of the casting sword peak." ”

  The steward cried bitterly in his heart.

  He guarded the mission hall, which seemed to be mighty, but in front of these peak masters, even the weakest outer peaks he could not afford to offend.

  There was a difference between the inner and outer door disciples, but it was nothing for these inner door stewards, and they couldn't argue with the Lord of the One Peak over this.

  But the welfare of the chief disciple is different.

  The chief disciple of the Sword Sect has always been regarded as the candidate for the next Peak Lord, and he is much richer than others in terms of sect resources, and the welfare of the new chief disciple is even more red-eyed, such a large amount of resources is not something that can be taken out casually.

  The steward said, "Uncle Master, the chief disciple is going through the sword ceremony." ”

  "But my sword blade is an outer peak." The main path of the cast sword peak, "The outer peak has no sword to bear, naturally it is the peak master of this seat who has designated it." Don't grind and chirp, why, Zongmen can't even get this little resource? ”

  ...... The other outer peaks didn't have a chief disciple either!

  Seeing that the Sword Forger Peak Lord was forced to force himself, and even used the coercion of the high-ranking monks, the steward hurriedly begged for forgiveness, "You stay a little while, please ask the Elder of the Mission Hall." ”

  The Casting Sword Peak Lord snorted coldly, frightening the steward even more.

  When the steward explained the reason with the summons stone, there was a whisper of spitting and scolding.

  The Elder of the Mission Hall said fiercely, "Just give it to him!" He wants everything for him! ”

  The steward said cautiously, "But we don't have so many resources, the welfare of the chief disciple includes the exquisite cast sword stone and the Qing Dao stone, and the task hall has no inventory at all." ”

  “...... You make him wait! ”

  A moment later, a middle-aged man came with a sword.

  "Brother Jinsheng is really a rare guest."

  The Casting Sword Peak Lord said slowly, "Who else am I, Xiao Qingting is also mixed up and old." ”

  Hearing the sarcasm in his words, Qingting Zhenjun's face went black.

  "This is the new disciple of the master brother?" Qingting Zhenjun looked at Jiang Xiaolou and Lin Shu.

  Honestly, these are two Heavenly Spirit Roots, but Jiang Xiaolou looks like he really can't get his hands on it, and Lin Shu is still like a bit. Both of them were mortals who had not been inhaled into the body at this time, and it was very shabby to follow a Venerable.

  Qingting Zhenjun sneered, "Heavenly Spirit Root, I am clamoring to enter the forged sword blade." ”

  The Casting Sword Feng Lord was not annoyed, but instead wrapped his arms around Jiang Xiaolou's shoulder and said, "Xiao Lou, come and see Uncle Qingting." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou obediently greeted the ceremony: "Uncle Qingting." ”

  Qingting Zhenjun casually responded.

  At this time, the Sword Forger Peak Lord said, "Brother Master, what about your meeting gift?" ”

  Qingting Zhenjun's face was even more ugly.

  "This is our chief disciple of the Forge Sword Blade." The Sword Forger Peak Lord emphasized, "Heavenly Spirit Root, the qualification is the pinnacle. You, the uncle of the master, have given the thin seat not to rely on. ”

  The threat in the main words of the Forged Sword Peak was obvious, and Qingting Zhenjun could see that he was eating himself- but his cultivation was not as good as the Lord of the Forged Sword Peak, and his status was not as good as that of the Lord of the One Peak.

  The Casting Sword Peak Lord could pull down his face, but Qingting Zhenjun couldn't help but give him a face.

  Qingting Zhenjun took out a black stone from the storage bag, "Many elders in this task hall have studied it, but they have not figured out the use, only that it is a high-grade spiritual material." The master and nephew were the disciples of The Forged Sword Peak, which was just right for it. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou hurriedly put the stone into the storage ring and said, "Uncle Xie! ”

  "There is no need to be polite, but I hope that the master and nephew will remember to abide by the rules of the door and support the right way in the future."

  Again, this is a sign of meaning.

  Qingting Zhenjun glanced at the Casting Sword Peak Lord, and the Casting Sword Peak Lord said with an uninhibited smile, "The welfare of the chief disciple, Master and Brother, you will certainly not lose your master and nephew, right?" ”

  Qingting Zhenjun took out another storage bag, and the Casting Sword Peak Lord opened it and looked at it, "Obsidian, not as good as the sun, but it's okay." ”

  "There is no obsidian inside the door." Qingting Zhenjun yin said compassionately, "There is not necessarily much left in the Cultivation Realm." ”

  The Sword Forger Feng Lord did not accept his words, but checked the storage bag handed by the steward again, "Thirty Spirit Stones on the Top Grade, not bad, no less." ”

  The steward was in a cold sweat by his exaggeration.

  Qingting Zhenjun suddenly said, "Brother Master, you have to bring them with you for every disciple of the Sword Blade, how long can you personally come?" ”

  The malice in his words is undisguised.

  The Sword Forger Feng Lord smiled as if fixed on his face, and his head turned stiffly to look at him, "Who knows, this seat will always live for hundreds of years." ”

  After the three of them left, Qingting Zhenjun also left with a flick of his sleeve.

  On the Huan Sword Peak, Qingting Zhenjun had just landed on the ground, and he saw a young man waiting in front of the cave house.

  "Uncle Qingting, the disciple has already accumulated three thousand Elite Spirit Stones, you see that piece of Obsidian..."

  Qingting Zhenjun said coldly, "No, someone has redeemed the share today." ”

  The young man was shocked: "How could it be? I have asked the chief brothers of each peak, and none of them want to use obsidian. The elders didn't need obsidian either. ”

  There were not many people who could share this spiritual material with obsidian, and most of the elders who cultivated to a higher level could not use it. He also deliberately established a good relationship with the Elders of the Mission Hall, and also inquired about the situation of the chief disciples, accumulating several years of spirit stones to redeem.

  Qingting Zhenjun said expressionlessly, "Cast Sword Feng has newly received a chief disciple, and your obsidian was exchanged by her... However, she was just getting started, and it was far from the time to use the obsidian of the last month. ”

  “...... The disciple understood, thank you Uncle Master. The young man thanked him, and his heart was full of unwillingness.

  Even if he knew that Qingting Zhenjun did not have good intentions in saying this, this young man had indeed regarded the obsidian as a thing in his pocket for a long time, and now that it had been seized by the Forged Sword Peak, he was not without resentment.

  Qingting Zhenjun didn't say much and walked directly into the formation of the Cave House.

  Jiang Xiaolou was holding a full storage ring, but his stomach was empty.

  From the time she visited the master ceremony to the present, she had not dripped water, but because she was too excited to ignore this feeling, she was actually hungry for a long time.

  "Master, I'm hungry." Jiang Xiaolou pitifully pulled the corner of the Sword Feng Lord's clothes.

  "You still want to eat?" The Casting Sword Peak Lord's eyes widened, "It's really troublesome." ”

  As he spoke, he pulled it out of the storage ring.

  "Oh, eat."

  Sugar gourd, chestnut cake, cloud cake, preserves, red bean cake, glutinous rice dumplings, date paste cake... It looks like a lot of things, and I don't know which dim sum shop was looted to get it together.

  "Master Lin, you also eat." Jiang Xiaolou dragged Lin Shu and then picked up a piece of cake. The entry was one step ahead of Lin Shu, and she thought she was a sister.

  Jiang Xiaolou was really hungry and not picky at all - but after swallowing two pieces of red bean cake with double sugar and a rock sugar gourd with a whole sugar thicker than hawthorn, Jiang Xiaolou was defeated.

  Even if she had been a beggar, she couldn't stand such a way of eating.

  But Lin Shu was actually still eating, and it was every pastry that was picking up in turn, eating very Sven but very fast, Jiang Xiaolou did not pay attention to him for a moment and ate a small amount of what the Casting Sword Peak Lord had put out.



  "Does your puppet have no sense of taste?" Jiang Xiaolou stubbornly tugged at the main arm of the Forged Sword Feng, "I want to eat meat." ”

  "There's meat." The Casting Sword Feng Lord picked up a piece of sweet pork breast and ate it with relish.

  Jiang Xiaolou's tears were about to come out, and his voice turned a corner, "I don't want to eat sweet!" ”

  "How can you go to such trouble?" The Casting Sword Peak Lord looked at Jiang Xiaolou with a gloomy look on his face, and his eyes were full of helplessness.

  "Wait. Alas, a master like Master Wei is really hard to find with a sky lantern. ”

  After a few moments, the Sword Forge Peak Lord returned with a large bird, cast a spell to peel the skin, and then hit a spirit fire to roast.

  The aroma of meat and grease spread out, and Jiang Xiaolou watched intently, holding his hand in time when the casting sword blade master felt a can of white spices.

  "Don't put sugar!"

  The Casting Sword Feng Lord regretfully withdrew the sugar canister, "Little apprentice, you don't know the goods." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou ignored him, but said to Lin Shu, "Master Lin is coming soon." ”

  "Not necessarily." Lin Shu shook his head, Jiang Xiaolou looked at the cake pile, it was already half less, deeply felt that this person was terrible, and did not persuade him again.

  Jiang Xiaolou Meizi hugged the roast bird and ate it.

  Probably because it is a bird in the cultivation realm, it is also very delicious without seasoning, the skin is crisp and tender, delicious and juicy, and it is really unattainable by those ordinary chickens in the world.

  The Casting Sword Feng Lord looked at her with a smile and inadvertently swept to his own pile of pastries.

  It was empty, leaving only the snack crumbs and the sugar gourd that Jiang Xiaolou had disliked.

  "You..." The Forge Sword Peak Lord inhaled a cool breath.

  Lin Shu looked back innocently, "I'm full." Thank you for your hospitality. ”

  The Sword Forger Peak Lord was depressed but could not be angry with him, and could only sullen himself.

  His double sugar version of the red bean cake, the sugar deadly version of the glutinous rice dumplings, the honey plus sugar version of the candied fruit, all gone!

  Is this still human?!

  Still a little apprentice to feed, the Casting Sword Feng Lord looked at Jiang Xiaolou, who had eaten the spirit bird cleanly, and there was not a trace of meat left on the bone slag.

  "Tomorrow for the master to teach you to draw qi into the body." Cast Sword Feng said, "Then you can choose the exercises you want to learn." What do you want to learn? ...... Oh yes, you have to learn the hammer. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was very satisfied with his food and drink, and said with a smile, "I don't pick, Master Zun let me learn what I learn." However, it is best to have a stronger attack, a little stronger defense, a little faster body style, and a little stronger strength..."

  The Casting Sword Peak Master mused, "Such a practice..."

  "Is there one?" Jiang Xiaolou's eyes shone brightly at him.

  "You're thinking about farts." The Sword Forger Peak Lord said mercilessly, "When you are full, go to sleep, don't daydream." ”

  The Casting Sword Feng Lord sent Jiang Xiaolou to the side of the cave house, but left Lin Shu behind.

  Lin Shu seemed to have expected it and waited there quietly.

  Since he threatened to worship the master to forge the sword blade, Lin Shu had not said a few words and had been very quiet.

  The Casting Sword Peak Lord asked condescendingly, "Xiao Lou wants to learn the Hammer Technique, what about you?" ”

  "I want to learn the sword technique of forging sword peaks."

  "I forged sword peaks full of hammer cultivation, where did the sword technique come from?" The tone of the Sword Forge Peak Lord was still very relaxed, but his eyes were oppressive, looking directly at Lin Shu.

  Lin Shu looked at him and was not afraid at all.

  The Master of the Sword Forge Peak said, "To learn to cast the sword of the Sword Peak, it is necessary to bear the cause and effect." ”

  Lin Shu said calmly, "Originally that was my cause and effect." ”

Chapter 7

  As soon as Jiang Xiaolou woke up, the good master and disciple became uncles.

  Not only was Jiang Xiaolou full of question marks, but several brothers of The Forge Sword Feng were also confused.

  The saying of the Sword Forger Peak Lord was that he suddenly realized that Lin Shu was a material that could be created, but he had closed the door and could not renege on his word, so he had to accept the apprentice on behalf of the master.

  This remark sounded very reasonable but completely untenable, because Situ Ke had actually reached the Jindan realm where he could receive disciples, but the Sword Forger Lord did not accept the disciples, and Sheng Sheng tossed a master and uncle back to his disciples.

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't have anything unacceptable, the Casting Sword Peak was completely the Word Hall of the Casting Sword Peak Lord, even her brothers didn't say anything.

  More important than this is the practice of inducing qi into the body and majoring in.

  "Reiki is widespread between heaven and earth. Meditate, close your eyes, and feel it with your spirit, as if you were immersed in water. Then, go and receive the Heaven and Earth Reiki and try to merge with the Reiki. ”

  When the Sword Forge Peak Lord was passing on the Fa, he was still very serious and looked serious.

  Jiang Xiaolou closed her eyes according to her words, and after eliminating the distractions in her heart, she could feel the aura actively surrounding her, and the closest thing was the water aura.

  This is very normal, the ice spirit root is mutated from water, nature and water aura are close, Jiang Xiaolou is a heavenly qualification, it is reasonable to say that in terms of feeling aura, it is already more advantageous than others.

  The Water Reiki was almost eager to pour into her body, but Jiang Xiaolou's mind was moving, and he did not choose to merge with the Water Reiki.

  In that dream, Jiang Xiaolou directly jumped to the third layer of condensation qi after inducing qi into his body, but after the Fire Spirit Root awakened, it was difficult to enter the realm because the aura cultivated was pure water aura.

  So, what if she chose fire aura at the same time as she inhaled the qi into her body?

  Jiang Xiaolou is not whimsical, yesterday she had already asked the Sword Forge Peak Lord, the spirit root is born, even if the heavens awaken, it is also the original spirit root in the body from hiding to appearing, so she has a fire spirit root, or a heavenly fire spirit root.

  The cultivator of the Heavenly Pin Double Spirit Root was the only one she had seen in Jiang Xiaolou's dream, but the Double Spirit Root was not a rare qualification. As long as she cultivated herself as a double spirit root, she might be able to solve the problem of the conflict between the spirit roots.

  "The Heavenly Spirit Root should be very quick to induce qi into the body."

  The Casting Sword Peak Lord guarded Jiang Xiaolou's protector, thinking about how to advise Jiang Xiaolou not to be complacent because of her own qualifications if she succeeded at once.

  And then...... He kept it for two hours.

  What's the situation?

  Is this really the Celestial Root? It only took an hour for this seat to be inhaled into the body!

  The Sword Forger Peak Master was almost mad, and when he received the apprentice, he thought he had picked up a big leak, but he didn't expect that the little apprentice seemed to be a waste of firewood.

  Jiang Xiaolou was still breathing and could not be disturbed, the casting sword peak master crouched down depressedly, and thought that it was a waste firewood, and it was waste firewood- the casting sword peak had already collected five waste firewood to come in, and those five were also doing quite well, if they were real geniuses, maybe the days would be worse than them.

  If the Sword Forger Feng Master knew what Jiang Xiaolou was doing at this time, he would definitely retract Fang Cai's conclusion. Jiang Xiaolou is not necessarily a genius, but she is definitely not a waste of firewood, she may be a bold crazy person!

  Jiang Xiaolou made a bold attempt, she constantly communicated with the red fire aura, trying to make the fire aura obedient like the water aura.

  Compared with the Jinmu Earth Aura that did not respond at all, and the water aura that was extremely active, the Fire Aura was a state of unrequited disregard for Jiang Xiaolou, but if it worked hard, it could also touch one or two.

  This undoubtedly coincided with Jiang Xiaolou's speculation, her Fire Spirit Root was just hidden, just like the Lower Pin Ling Root.

  Jiang Xiaolou was dispelling the Water Aura while trying to induce the Balance of Fire Aura and Water Aura.

  For those who have not yet practiced, this is undoubtedly a very difficult thing.

  Jiang Xiaolou's forehead quickly sweated, his spirit was also tired, and his brain was faintly painful.

  "Just take a breath, you won't be going to go crazy, right?"

  The Casting Sword Peak Lord was startled, wanting to take a shot but afraid of hurting Jiang Xiaolou even more, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

  Jiang Xiaolou endured the pain and was still communicating with the aura.

  The spirit was already exhausted to the extreme, but she just stopped like this and chose to draw water aura into her body, could she be willing?

  Even if it doesn't work in the end, try it, now... Not to her limit.

  Jiang Xiaolou sent a fierce heart, the spirit continued to mobilize the aura, the sharp pain could only make her will more awake, and the fire aura was mobilized one by one, filling the gap between the water aura dispersing.

  I don't know how long later, after a long and terrifying period of time in Jiang Xiaolou's eyes, finally, the water aura and fire aura were evenly dispersed and naturally poured into Jiang Xiaolou's body.

  What happened?!

  The Casting Sword Peak Master was uncertain, his puppet was not as sensitive to aura as himself, but he could also immediately perceive the strange surge of aura between heaven and earth, and this strangeness came from the young disciple himself who was inducing qi into his body.

  Can this still be called inhalation into the body? Even the heaven and earth aura changes caused by the foundation building period were nothing more than that!

  The Forged Sword Peak Master quickly threw out a array to cover up the change in aura, and then stared at Jiang Xiaolou deadly.

  Jiang Xiaolou's feeling at this time was very good.

  Heaven and Earth Reiki merged with her like her original possessions, scattered into the meridians and internal organs, and widened the meridians with gentle force, changing her body.

  Since then, Jiang Xiaolou can finally be called a cultivator.


  "How did it take so long?" The Casting Sword Peak Lord wondered.

  At this time, there was a continuous gush of black mud from Jiang Xiaolou's limbs and hundreds of skeletons, which was the effect of washing the pulp after the inhalation of qi into the body, but after this, the continuous flow of aura washed away still did not stop.

  The Sword Forger Peak Lord pondered for a moment and turned off the golem's olfactory function.

  After another hour, Jiang Xiaolou finally opened his eyes... Then I was stinked by myself and closed back.

  The Casting Sword Peak Master stood far away, casually performed a dust removal spell, and said with a disgusted face: "Go take a bath." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou ran to the edge of the spring in the mountain with some embarrassment, rinsed herself, and then a brand new set of legal clothes fell next to her.

  This is not like the handwriting of the Sword Peak Lord, who at most adds a dust removal technique to her old clothes.

  Jiang Xiaoxia subconsciously looked around, but there was neither a shadow nor a word, thinking that she was afraid of embarrassment, she had to say thank you in her heart.

  When Jiang Xiaolou changed into the new clothes and saw his current appearance in the spring water, he was shocked in hindsight.

  Her skin was no longer the black that the little beggar had deliberately sunburned to protect herself, but it was as white as jade, and her hair was no longer yellow, but it was still very short and supple and hanging down.

  This sword robe on her body must have been customized for the female disciple, the color was pink, and Jiang Xiaolou took a picture against the water surface before reluctantly leaving.

  The Sword Forger Peak Master was also a little surprised--his little apprentice was a tomboy at first glance, and he didn't expect to be born so well.

  He cleared his throat and asked, "How much are you cultivating now?" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou felt it for a moment, and held out his hand somewhat uncertainly, "Condensation... Five floors? ”


  The Forged Sword Peak Lord began to rejoice that he had turned off the puppet's facial expression function in advance, otherwise he might be scared out of his jaw.

  The Casting Sword Peak Master touched Jiang Xiaolou's pulse door to check the strength of the aura, and indeed as she said, it was already the middle level of condensation.

  The small condensation period was nothing in the eyes of the Sword Forger Peak Lord, but... This has just been inhaled into the body!

  Even if it is a Heavenly Spirit Root, it can't be so excessive!

  Thinking of Jiang Xiaolou's long process of inhalation, the Casting Sword Peak Lord quickly guessed that there might be a secret in this. But he didn't ask, but took out a Fa BaoyuJue.

  "This object can isolate the perception of your cultivation below the Mahayana period." The Cast Sword Peak Lord had a solemn expression, "I don't ask you what you did. No one is allowed to tell you about your cultivation behavior and the process of inducing your qi into your body, even your brothers and masters, see? ”

  "I understand." Jiang Xiaolou nodded, "Thank you Master." ”

  Looking at her confused eyes, the Sword Forger Peak Lord did not say the rest of the words.

  Jiang Xiaolou did not understand, nor could he understand. It is very normal for the Heavenly Spirit Root to induce qi into the body to the condensation primary level, but once it jumps to the condensation intermediate level, it is no longer a genius, but a demon!

  Genius is the future that the cultivation world is optimistic about, but demons are not!

  If this matter was revealed, Zhu Jianfeng would not be able to protect Jiang Xiaolou.

  The Casting Sword Feng Master hesitated for a moment before he took out a copy of the Gong Fa from the storage bag and threw it to Jiang Xiaolou.

  "This is the top forged sword of the Forged Sword Peak... cough...... Casting hammer technique, self-enlightenment, do not understand the question of the master brother. ”

  "Yes, Master." Jiang Xiaolou accepted the exercise and left with a smile on his face.

  The puppet of the Sword Forge Peak Lord stiffened in place, and he only felt a deep, tiredness that had haunted him for many years.

  Jiang Xiaolou understood that the main thing she was hiding from Jianfeng was probably not to make her look too outstanding, but she did not understand the meaning behind her cultivation at this time.

  In her opinion, the single-line Heavenly Spirit Root directly condensed the three layers after the qi was induced into the body, and she had two kinds of Heavenly Spirit Roots, so it was not too much to go directly to the fifth layer of condensation.

  Her time with cultivation was too short, and she didn't know that cultivation was not a simple addition, nor did she know that there had never been anyone in the Cultivation Realm who could cultivate smoothly with two kinds of Heavenly Spirit Roots, and no one would risk introducing two kinds of Aura when she inhaled qi into her body like her.

  Most of the dual spirit root cultivators have some tendencies and biases, and they are slower than the single spirit root when cultivating because they have to introduce different spirit qi into the body separately.

  Jiang Xiaolou returned to the cave mansion and hung the Jade Seal given by the Casting Sword Feng Lord around his neck before opening the book of exercises.

  On the cover, there are three big characters "Casting Sword Technique", obviously the casting hammer technique mentioned by the Sword Casting Feng Lord is purely foolish, but fortunately, Jiang Xiaolou does not have any obsession with the sledgehammer.

  She did not rush to understand, but continued to look.

  This is a complete practice that can be directly cultivated to the point of crossing the robbery, but this is also enough to make the outside scattered cultivation rush to break the head.

  And the Sword Casting Peak Lord said that this is the Casting Hammer Technique... There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with that.

  This practice will indeed build a hammer out, cast the body with the hammer, and use the body as a sword, so in the final analysis, this is actually a powerful casting technique.

  Jiang Xiaolou looked at the list of required resources listed above the cheats, and his face was completely black.

  The chief disciple benefits she received yesterday could at most support her cultivation to the foundation of her flesh.

  What kind of casting is this, renamed the casting of the golden body!

Chapter 8

  Jiang Xiaolou sat down cross-legged in the cave house and began to learn the "Sword Casting Technique".

  It is true that this exercise is extremely difficult to swallow gold - but if it can be cultivated, the reward is equal to the effort.

  And most importantly, the way of casting oneself with a hammer is actually a practice that is not restricted by the spiritual root. If it was an ordinary Heavenly Spirit Root, it would be pure waste, but for a Double Heavenly Spirit Root like Jiang Xiaolou, which could be crippled at any time, the Sword Casting Technique was the most precious treasure.

  The cultivation of the True Realm was based on "Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang", and the Sword Casting Technique could already be determined as a heavenly product just by ignoring the spiritual root qualifications.

  As for the Spirit Stone Spirit Material, it was all something outside the body, and there was no need to care...

  Jiang Xiaolou was sitting in the center of the formation, his hand holding the storage bag was shaking...

  The obsidian that was not covered with heat, the Ultimate Spirit Stone, and all kinds of heavenly treasures were all piled up in front of Jiang Xiaolou, and immediately, they were going to leave her.

  As a foundation stone, it is not necessary to use a top material such as obsidian. In the package that Jiang Xiaolou received from the chief disciple, there was a spiritual material called the Sea Flame Stone that could also be replaced.

  But Jiang Xiaolou was not willing, and she had never been in the habit of leaving good things behind as a little beggar. Leaving it behind means that it can be lost at any time. And if the foundation is used, it may save a little material, but it will also lose future potential.

  Now she has spiritual materials and exercises, and spirit stones and elixirs, if she doesn't use them, it is simply a godsend.

  According to the words of the Gong Fa, Jiang Xiaolou first used his divine consciousness to pull the reiki to cast the hammer, and then placed the spirit material on his side, and then...

  Sledgehammer smash yourself!

  The illusory spirit hammer first blends with the spirit material in a unique way, and then knocks on the human body's trick hole, so that the process is repeated, and finally the spirit material essence is integrated into the human body, while other impurities are precipitated into the treasure hammer.

  The Reiki Hammer was not so difficult for Jiang Xiaolou, who had already condensed five stories, but the next process was difficult because... It really hurts!

  The Spirit Hammer mercilessly struck each of the caves, but the first time Jiang Xiaolou howled out in pain, fortunately, this cave was complete in sound insulation and did not spread to the outside.

  With the blow of the Spirit Hammer, Jiang Xiaolou's body that had just been inhaled into his body was reddened one by one, which was the inevitable result of the fragile skin not being able to withstand such a heavy blow.

  As the person who guided the Spirit Hammer, Jiang Xiaolou could naturally control the spirit hammer to become smaller, but she did not, but gritted her teeth and endured the pain of the spirit hammer smashing on her body. The exercise is very clear, if the strength is not enough, the natural effect can not be in place.

  The Spirit Hammer smashed back and forth on Jiang Xiaolou's body, and soon, the prototype of a hammer gradually appeared, and the pile of Spirit Materials was slowly decreasing.

  Jiang Xiaolou never stopped, constantly cultivating, if he was hungry, he would eat the Peigu Dan in the case, and when he was tired, he would run the Reiki to close his eyes and recuperate, and then continue to guide the hammer up and down.

  Seven days later.

  Lu Yidao stood outside Jiang Xiaolou's cave house, and then touched the sound transmission array of the cave house.

  "Little Master Sister, are you here?"

  A moment later, Jiang Xiaolou opened the door and came out.

  "Small... Sister. Lu Yidao subconsciously took a step back.

  It is not that he is weak, but that Jiang Xiaolou has been closed for seven days, with a monstrous momentum, carrying the spirit of a fierce soldier who is constantly being beaten, and...

  Lu Yidao was a little confused, why did he feel that The little master's eyes were glowing green?

  He fixed his mind before he said, "Master Zun is closed, and he wants me to inform you that you should go to Huan Jianfeng's Wen Dao Hall tomorrow, and I will send you to tomorrow morning." ”

  “...... Can you not go? Jiang Xiaoxia asked consciously.

  "No, you can't." Lu Yidao said that he could not help, "The teaching of the Wen Dao Hall is something that every new disciple must participate in, otherwise it is regarded as a traitor. Moreover, many of the contents of the Wen Dao Tang Sect are very useful to your new Daoist disciples, and these may not be taught to you in the peak. I think you'd better listen to it. ”

  "I see." Jiang Xiaolou nodded, "Thank you Master Brother." ”

  "You're welcome. I'll go first, and... Pay attention to your body when you are cultivating, and don't work too hard. ”

  "I understand." Jiang Xiaolou squeezed out a smile at the landing knife.

  Lu Yidao's knife was still the creepy smile glowing green in his head until the imperial sword flew away.

  Jiang Xiaolou closed the door of the cave house and immediately collapsed his face.

  Why are her eyes so green, of course she is poor!

  In the past few days, she had been cultivating in a muddy way, and after being disturbed by Lu Yidao, she suddenly found that not only the obsidian and some spirit materials she had prepared were gone, but also the ultimate spirit stones given by the master brother in her storage bag were all gone!

  At this rate, when she reached the yuan baby, she might already have to use up a spirit vein.

  And Jiang Xiaolou is now completely sitting on the mountain, and the resources given by the Sword Sect may be enough for those sword cultivators, but they are far from enough for her.

  Jiang Xiaolou counted his remaining resources while pondering how to make money.

  Throttling she can't do it, she can only rely on open source. But as far as she knew in her dream, those sword cultivation money were made by the demon exorcism voldemort characters who took over the mission hall, but the threshold of this task was about to build the foundation period, and she did not know about other tasks. In the dream, that Jiang Xiaolou was completely focused on cultivating during the condensation period, and he could successfully cultivate to the foundation building period by relying on the sword sect's example.

  She couldn't always rely on nibbling on her brothers to cultivate, right?

  Not to mention whether the masters and brothers are willing or not, Jiang Xiaolou can't do this kind of thing. Her brothers and sisters were richer than one, but that was all theirs and had nothing to do with Jiang Xiaolou. The brothers gave the greeting gift that the brothers loved her, and Jiang Xiaolou was brazen when he asked for it.

  Thinking about it, Jiang Xiaolou still didn't think of a way to come to the Spirit Stone.

  I don't know how the people who used to cultivate the Sword Casting Technique actually cultivated, wouldn't there always be a spirit pulse in both families?

  Maybe you should ask Master Zun, but the Casting Sword Peak Lord retreat, Jiang Xiaolou is not good to disturb.

  Jiang Xiaolou sighed and thought about the Wen Dao Tang that Lu Yidao had talked about.

  There are many contents taught by the Sword Sect Wen Dao Hall for new disciples, including common knowledge of the Cultivation Realm, introductory techniques, sword techniques, and some basic Dan fa, spell methods, and formation methods.

  For external practitioners, this is a course that cannot be sought. The Fact that the Sword Sect was able to establish the Wen Dao Hall was actually a very remarkable thing.

  The Cultivation Realm has always been passed down from master to disciple, and even if it is an ordinary non-flow practice, there are some small sects that cherish themselves. However, the Sword Sect was able to teach these techniques to the novice disciples equally, and it was natural that they did not receive the Spirit Stone.

  Jiang Xiaolou grew up in the mortal world, and when he first recognized words, he overheard it outside the academy, and the Master Meng saw that she was pitiful, and he was bent on learning, so he acquiesced to Jiang Xiaolou's eavesdropping. Rao is so, Jiang Xiaolou can only recognize words, know how to write, but can not afford to buy pen, ink and paper.

  Therefore, Jiang Xiaolou fully understood that knowledge was precious, and he also knew that this opportunity was not easy to come by, if it was before she stepped into the door of the Sword Sect, this must be the opportunity that Jiang Xiaolou dreamed of, and it was also the reason why she had worked tirelessly to come to the Sword Sect to receive the disciple ceremony.

  To this day, Jiang Xiaolou still feels that the academy is sacred, and the Wen Dao Hall is the same.

  But...... According to what she had seen in her dream, this session of the Wen Dao Hall was taught by jun xianfeng sword zun zhen, and if she was lucky, she could also get the sword zun to teach it personally.

  That is to say, Jiang Xiaolou would see the enemies from top to bottom in the dream, and in the dream, Jiang Xiaolou's master, brother and sister, including Jiang Wenyue, who somehow entered the Sword Sect with her.

  Of course, now they were the JunXianfeng who loved each other, and Jiang Xiaolou was just a person who didn't know how to lift up and reject the Sword Zun disciple.

  Jiang Xiaolou's policy of staying away from the Sword Zun and saving his life was so premature.

  Thinking about the road ahead, it was really difficult, Jiang Xiaolou sighed heavily and hugged her hammer tightly.

  next day.

  Lu Yidao saw Jiang Xiaolou with a reluctant face and Lin Shu with a reluctant face.

  ...... Are all the new disciples now so tired of learning?

  Lu Yidao's heart was slanderous, but he did not ask out, and took Jiang Xiaolou and Lin Shu to sit on his... hammer.

  Jiang Xiaolou sighed, "Master, I know that Master Zun is coaxing me, and you don't have to be so aggrieved with your knife." ”

  “...... What are you talking about? Master brother, I am a hammer repairer! Lu Yi's face did not change color, refusing to admit Jiang Xiaolou's words.

  And the big thick knife they were sitting on shook unconsciously.

  It was originally the thinnest sword of the Sword Sect, of course, there were not many people who used the sword in the Sword Sect, but Lu Yi Dao and his sword were definitely the strongest, and to disguise it as a hammer was indeed a grievance against it.

  Lin Shu smiled at this time, and then said to Jiang Xiaolou, "If you arrive at the Wen Dao Hall, you don't need to call my uncle." ”

  "All right, Master Lin." Jiang Xiaolou is as good as a stream.

  Lin Shu looked at her silently.

  “...... Brother Lin. In Lin Shu's eyes, Jiang Xiaolou had to change his mouth.

  Lu Yidao looked into his eyes and smiled slightly.

  Jiang Xiaolou rushed to him and asked, "Brother Master, do we have any way to earn spirit stones by casting sword blades?" ”

  "Spirit Stone? You're short of money? ”

  "No, no, no." Jiang Xiaolou quickly denied, "I just asked." ”

  Lu Yidao couldn't help but give her a bag of spirit stones, "Holding it, it was my negligence, when it was time for you to enroll, you really needed spirit stones." ”

  "No, no, no, I can't take it."

  Jiang Xiaolou shook his head madly, but Lu Yidao, a Jin Dan monk, wanted her to accept it, and after pushing back for a while, Jiang Xiaolou was forcibly hung up in the storage bag by Lu Yidao.

  "Just take it, your brother and I lack nothing and no spirit stone." Lu Yidao was very arrogant.

  "Isn't it easy to earn spirit stones, just sell some charms and you'll have them." Lu Yi dao said, "You asked me what Feng Nei said... The second master brother sells the elixir, the fourth master and the fifth master sell the magic weapon, and the spirit stone is always easier than the elixir magic weapon. ”

  "What about Master Brother?" Jiang Xiaolou found that he had said one less person.

  Of course, she wouldn't forget the storage ring that Stucker gave her, which was full of the Ultimate Spirit Stone.

  "Master Brother... Born into a large family..."

  Jiang Xiaolou understood, Master Brother is a spirit pulse at home!

  Speaking of casting sword blades, the only person she saw who used swords was Master Brother, I don't know if what he was cultivating was "Casting Sword Skills", if Jiang Xiaolou went to ask for advice, and Master Brother really told her this answer, then Jiang Xiaolou was really crying and laughing.

  Lu Yidao told her that the method was easy to say, but Jiang Xiaolou also knew that alchemy was not something that could be successful at will, especially the gifts given to her by her brothers and masters were also the best Dan Medicine Charm Magic Weapons, which she could definitely learn for a while, but in the end it was still very meaningful to point out a way out.

Chapter 9

  Between the three of them chatting, Huan Jianfeng was already close at hand.

  At this time, several sword boats were already parked there, and new disciples came out of them and gathered together.

  After all, not all Sword Peaks were as sparsely populated as The Forged Sword Peaks, and the two new disciples also had to work on Lu YiDao, a Jin Dan Zhenren, to send them. Most of the Main Peak disciples were sent by the Outer Peak Elder with the Magic Weapon.

  Lu Yidao glanced down and walked directly to another place.

  "Brother Lu!" A leading nun called.

  "This is Master Tan of Bao zhen feng." Lu Yidao introduced himself to Jiang Xiaolou and Lin Shu, "You will go to school with the disciples of Bao Zhenfeng and Dan Yufeng, and I will pick you up again after I have finished your studies." ”

  Lu Yidao said to the nun again, "I entrusted my master and sister and my brother to you." ”

  "Brother Lu is assured, I will take good care of them."

  Lu Yidao touched Jiang Xiaolou's head again, "If there is something, use the charm I gave you." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou nodded.

  After Lu Yidao left, Jiang Xiaolou was surrounded by Wai Feng's disciples.

  "Are you Brother Lu's little sister?"

  "That Heavenly Spirit Root of The Born Sword Heart!"

  "The first one to refuse the Sword Lord!"

  "You're amazing!"

  Jiang Xiaolou had expected to encounter some ridicule, but he didn't expect these Outer Peak disciples to be so enthusiastic, and it was a little difficult to overwhelm for a while.

  "Why... Would it be remarkable? ”

  The female disciple who praised her Bao Zhen Feng said, "Because I wanted to take a sledgehammer, I gave up the opportunity to learn swords from Sword Zun, which is a very remarkable thing!" ”

  She skillfully climbed jiang Xiaolou's shoulder and said, "Sister Xiaolou, I think you can definitely become a great hammer repairer!" ”

  “...... Thank you. This was the first time that Jiang Xiaolou had received such blunt encouragement, and although her intention was not to pick up a sledgehammer, she also accepted the kindness of this disciple.

  Great hammering, it sounds like a good target, too.

  Jiang Xiaolou had not yet said a few more words to these fellow disciples when he heard a cry of surprise from the crowd.

  Only to see the two people in the sky come with a royal sword, the shadow of the sword was like a rainbow, and when they fell to the ground, the crowd could clearly see that it was three people.

  The young man in the front was dressed in brocade and full of dignity, and the man behind him was dressed in white, while the last man was dressed in the costume of a new disciple, smiling and smiling, and his hand was still grasping the sleeve of the man in front of him.

  Jing Hongzhen, Yun Zhao, Jiang Wenyue.

  Jiang Xiaolou's fingers clenched tightly.

  "Junxian Peak has arrived!"

  "Brother Jing is worthy of the True Legend of the Sword Emperor, and his life is extraordinary!"

  "But I think Master Yun is a little more handsome!"

  "Speaking of Junxiu, it is definitely Ling Xiaofeng's flower master brother's face that is unique."

  "But Ling Xiaofeng's brothers and masters are too cold."

  "Xiao Lou Sister, what do you say?"

  “...... yes? Jiang Xiaolou broke free from the hatred and felt that he could not participate in their topics.

  If it was a sword, she also knew that the sword of JunXianfeng was overbearing, and the sword of Ling Xiaofeng was cold, and when the two met, it was actually difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat. However, when it comes to cultivation, several people in Jun Xianfeng are the leaders of the same generation.

  Shouldn't normal Sword Sect disciples be discussing whose sword is the strongest?

  Why discuss faces here?!

  A Disciple of Bao ZhenFeng gave her a pamphlet, "Forget that you haven't read the Master Sister, this is the Sword Sect's Top Ten Beautiful Men Ranking, with a treasured version, or my master sister handed down." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou really hadn't seen it, and he was sure that the Jiang Xiaolou in the dream definitely didn't know about it.

  She glanced at it cursorily, still speechless.

  The portraits of the disciples of the Sword Sect are good to look at, but that's all.

  Jiang Xiaolou listened to the teachings of the old beggar since childhood, and got the memory of that dream, deeply aware that male sex is a bone scraper, if you want to achieve something big, you must naturally stay away from men, especially the kind of men who are born well, laugh very beautifully, and are very good at deceiving people.

  Jing Hongzhen is one, and Yun Zhao is also one.

  "Little Lou Shi Sister, what do you think now?"

  “...... Ling Xiaofeng's flower brother. ”

  He doesn't like to smile with a straight face and looks like a good person.

  The female disciple nodded, and then expressed regret, "Unfortunately, Master Hua is just too cold." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou had to echo a few words.

  She was not impressed by that Hua Yiran Master Brother, but Ling Xiaofeng knew that a group of fighting madmen, in order to become stronger, did whatever it took to do, and they were very reluctant to use foreign objects, so it was normal for them to get a cold evaluation from the Outer Peak disciples.

  At this moment, a bell rang, and it was already time for the Wen Dao Hall to open, And Jiang Xiaolou was with Bao Zhenfeng's disciples, and suddenly felt that someone next to her patted her on the shoulder.

  Lin Shu said to her with his lips, "Don't be afraid. ”

  The Hall of Hearing the Dao opened, and many mermaids entered, but the seating was very interesting.

  The main peak disciples were in front, the inner door of the main peak was in the middle, and the outer peak disciples were scattered, all sitting at the end of the Wen Dao Hall.

  Jiang Xiaolou and Lin Shu were clustered in the middle of the outer peak. Sitting next to her was Cong Ruizhen, the female disciple of Bao Zhenfeng, who praised her for her greatness.

  "Are there any rules this time?" Jiang Xiaolou asked in a low voice.

  "That's the way it is." Cong Ruizhen said, "In the academy, who would want to sit close to Mr. Cong?" These kendo lessons were actually taught to the disciples of the main peak. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou looked around again, and sure enough, the disciples of Bao Zhenfeng and Dan Yufeng did not listen carefully at all, one was more energetic than the other, and the Sword Sect Beauty Man Rank looked at several people, including even two male disciples.

  And the one who looked most seriously at the lecturer who still kept writing, Jiang Xiaolou glanced at it and found that she was painting a portrait of Jing Hongzhen.

  Sword Zun's eldest disciple Jing Hongzhen was born in the royal family, and it was said that the mother concubine was a demon concubine who had brought calamity to the country and the people, and the mother he was born with a bit of royal nobility, as well as the immortal qi of sword cultivation, was the first in that ranking, and suppressed yun Zhao and hua.

  This Golden Flower of the Sword Sect was finally plucked by Jiang Wenyue, which also made many people strangle their wrists.

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't think much of Jing Hongzhen, but she remembered revenge.

  This pair of dog men and women do red things on Jiang Xiaolou's white affairs in the dream, even if Jiang Xiaolou realizes that he is not the same person in the dream, he can't help but hate.

  Moreover, Yun Zhao was ruthless, and Jing Hongzhen was not much better. He was born into the royal family, and he was a place where interests were paramount, and what could not be used was a useless place.

  Jiang Xiaolou felt a wave in his heart, trying to control himself that he did not think more about the things in his dreams, but listened to Jing Hongzhen's lectures.

  It is not false for the enemy to see each other, but it is not impossible for the enemy to lecture.

  The only problem is...

  She didn't understand.

  Jiang Xiaolou's cultural level is indeed limited, and she was able to learn about the introduction on her own in "Casting Sword Technique" because the Master of the Sword Casting Peak gave her the original with Dao rhyme, in which the true meaning even went beyond the text, and had reached the level of "Dao".

  The so-called original path is the method that no one can understand and practice, and "the tao cannot be passed on lightly."

  However, Jing Hongzhen's level is obviously not enough, and he can only do kung fu from words.

  "Kendo has three realms, one is light, the other is shadow, and the third is practice. These three swordsmen are all xuanzhi and xuan realms. Jing Hongzhen said slowly, "The lowest sword practice, why not cast the sword peak Jiang Xiaolou sister to talk about it?" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou looked at him confusedly.

  Watch out for your eyes! Dog man!

  Jiang Xiaolou did not expect that he had not yet caused trouble, and Jing Hongzhen came to put on her small shoes first. This was a clear attempt to make her ugly in front of all the new disciples, but she really didn't know what kind of sword realm it was, and her brows were tightly locked for a while.

  There was already a whispering voice, and at this moment, Jiang Xiaolou's voice sounded in Lin Shu's ear.

  "During the night exercise, Fang Day sees the shadow but does not see the light, and the Night sees the light but does not see the form." Its touch is also passing by, passing by, and feeling sick and not bloody. ①”

  Jiang Xiaolou read it out.

  "Well said." Jing Hongzhen was quite surprised, "It is worthy of being born with a sword heart and extraordinary qualifications." ”

  He also lightly praised Jiang Xiaolou, but how Jiang Xiaolou did not understand the malice.

  Jing Hongzhen deliberately pointed out Jiang Xiaolou, and then mentioned a natural sword heart, even if the Sword Sect disciples who did not know about the matter of receiving disciples should remember the name of Jiang Xiaolou after this.

  It seems that she refused to accept the sword zun disciple, or annoyed the JunXianfeng family, so that Jing Hongzhen had to personally come down to target her.

  There was a chill behind her back, but it was also a surge of unwilling hatred.

  If Sword Zun wants to accept disciples, must she worship under the Sword Zun's door?

  Why is Jun Xianfeng so domineering?

  Jiang Xiaolou's heart fluttered, and then he was held down by Lin Shu's wrist.


  Lin Shu whispered, while guiding Jiang Xiaolou's surging aura.

  Jiang Xiaolou breathed a little, only then did he realize that he was almost about to have a heart demon.

  Jiang Xiaolou was afraid after a while.

  Her resentment towards Jun Xianfeng in her heart was too deep, and she was obsessed with becoming a demon, but jing Hongzhen's small provocation could make Jiang Xiaolou unstable. For cultivators, this is a big taboo.

  Lin Shu looked at her quietly, not understanding why Jiang Xiaolou had almost had a magic thought so easily. But he also only felt that maybe Jiang Xiaolou was born with a bad mentality - but this is nothing, just to grind his temperament again.

  Lin Shu thought indifferently, and then said to Jiang Xiaolou, "You don't need to listen to this lesson anymore, and you will return to Fengfeng to look for me after the class." ”

  He didn't think that Jiang Xiaolou couldn't understand what a big problem was, because in his opinion, Jing Hongzhen's lectures were already very bad.

  The disciples who listened to the lecture felt advanced, and that was because Jing Hongzhen could not go deep and simple.

  Such a level can also be the chief disciple of Yi Feng, and it seems that the Sword Sect is really a generation worse than a generation.

  The disciples of the main peak were free to do evil to him, but the disciples of the Forge Sword Peak could not. Although the young disciple's mentality was not good, his heart was not bad, and Lin Shu was still very satisfied.

  Hearing the meaning of Lin Shu's words, Jiang Xiaolou was stunned, and suddenly remembered that this cheap master seemed to be sleeping with his eyes closed before transmitting the voice to himself, and his voice was not discovered by Jing Hongzhen, who was already a real Person of Jin Dan. Is he a monastic genius, or...

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't think about it anymore, but whispered, "Brother Xie." ”

  The author has something to say:

  (1) From "Liezi Tang Qian"

  Xiao Lou: Stay away from men, otherwise you will become unfortunate.

Chapter 10

  After Jing Hongzhen discussed the Tao, it was followed by Yun Zhao's sword technique lesson.

  The handsome young man first took a sword flower in his hand, and then stood in front of the lecture hall with a kind smile on his face.

  There were already disciples in the Wen Dao Hall who were unconsciously applauding and applauding. Even the disciples of Waifeng, who were not in a good mood, were unconsciously attracted to him.

  gaudy. superfluous.

  Jiang Xiaolou was slanderous in his heart, but he still held up his ears and listened carefully.

  "The peaks of my Sword Sect have learned differently, and the Nine Peaks have nine swords, which are taught by the masters of each peak. In the Wen Dao Tang Sword Technique Class, it only teaches basic swordplay and the initial understanding of sword meaning. ”

  A bold disciple below asked, "Why didn't Master Brother teach the Sword Master's sword technique?" ”

  Yun Zhao did not feel offended, but still smiled and explained, "The foundation of kendo is the same in the world, but the sword method is different, and the sword intention of different sword methods has different requirements for the spiritual root qualification and mentality. Moreover, the Fa could not be lightly leaked, and although Jun Xianfeng did not have the heart of self-cherishing, he could not easily pass on the Sword Technique. However, if you have the heart, it is not impossible for you to learn the sword techniques of different sword peaks. ”

  He first hinted that he could not learn the sword if he was not qualified enough, and then his voice turned, but he gave these disciples some hope.

  "Once my Sword Sect Sword Pavilion is opened in ten years, all the Feng Sword Laws are included, and as long as they can be recognized by the Sword Pavilion, they can be practiced."

  “...... However, the last person to receive the sword technique teaching in the Sword Pavilion was Lord Sword Zun. ”

  Someone among the disciples listening to the lecture whispered.

  Yun Zhao said, "When Lord Sword Zun was in the Wen Dao Hall, he also sat under the stage like this. Moreover, Sword Zun is not a top qualification. ”

  This is not a secret. Sword Respect Hua is not a Heavenly Spirit Root, nor is it a Natural Sword Heart, nor is it any Natural Treasure Body.

  But he was the strongest person in the Cultivation Realm in a hundred years.

  Listening to Yun Zhao's words, some of the disciples in the audience looked dejected, some did not feel that this matter had anything to do with themselves, and some of them already had a burning fighting spirit in their eyes, and the latter even had a majority.

  The disciples of the Sword Sect have always been not afraid of fighting, and they also have the ambition to live on people, which Jiang Xiaolou likes very much, and her ambition is not small.

  Jiang Xiaolou not only wanted to surpass The Sword Zun to become the first person in the Cultivation Realm, but also wanted to avenge the sword.

  If you can hang the jun string peak up and down, it is even better. Jiang Xiaolou felt a burst of pride in his heart, and suddenly felt that his state of mind had opened up a lot.


  Jiang Xiaolou looked around and found that all around him were the salted fish that he felt had nothing to do with him.

  What should the disciples of Wai Feng do, the one who painted The portrait of Jing Hongzhen is now painting the portrait of Yun Zhao...

  Yun Zhao only mentioned the Sword Pavilion slightly, and then said, "The three holy places of my Sword Sect are the Sword Tomb, the Sword Monument, and the Sword Pavilion, and after the teaching of the Dao Hall, the new disciples can enter the Sword Tomb to get the sword." Regardless of the outer peak of the main peak, there is a chance to enter the sword tomb, but what kind of sword you can get depends on your sword cultivation in the Wen Dao Hall. ”

  As soon as these words came out, those new disciples were really aroused.

  The chances of the sword court asking for the sword were still far away, and the cultivation to reach the Mahayana realm where he could be made a venerable was even more out of reach, but the sword of the sword was close at hand. For most of the Sword Sect disciples, the sword they got inside the sword tomb should be the immortal sword they used when their cultivation was still low.

  Jiang Xiaolou's eyes lit up.

  She has been very poor lately, and this opportunity for this white sword is not to be missed.

  "The sword of the sword tomb is very provocative." Seeing Jiang Xiaolou's expression, Cong Ruizhen whispered gossip, "Over the years, only two brothers have taken swords back. However, Xiao Lou's sister's words should be no problem. ”

  She suddenly thought that Jiang Xiaolou was born with a sword heart--this was a good qualification for those immortal swords in the sword tomb who did not love people to cry and shout.

  Indeed, in Jiang Xiaolou's dream, the entire sword tomb was at her disposal.

  Yun Zhao had already begun to talk about the sword method.

  "In the realm of condensation, the aura can be transformed into sword qi, and what we have to learn is how to make the sword qi, so that the sword and the sword qi are in harmony, like the arm making the finger."

  While Yun Zhao was speaking, he demonstrated with sword qi, and before the sword could be released, the sword qi had already cut off the window ledge of the lecture hall.

  A moment later, I saw a series of trees collapsing from the window ledge.

  "Being able to produce a sword from a hundred feet away is the minimum requirement that Wen Dao Tang has for you."

  Some disciples unconsciously exclaimed, "How powerful! ”

  "It's just the condensation realm." Yun Zhao collected the sword, "If the cultivation is the ultimate incarnation and Mahayana, it is not necessary to produce a sword from another continent." ”

  Yun Zhao continued, "If you want to turn your aura into sword qi, you need to understand kendo, and at this stage, if you are born with a sword heart, then there will be almost no bottleneck." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou's heart was cold.

  Jing Hongzhen just walked Yun Zhao this is coming?

  But Yun Zhao did not point out her name.

  There were only two disciples in this year of the Heavenly Sword Heart, and the main peak disciples were still looking more at Jiang Wenyue, who was sitting in the middle of the crowd.

  Jiang Wenyue did not have a self-effacing color, but smiled like an embarrassed, very likable.

  The Outer Peak disciples were not even curious, and Jiang Xiao raised his face and did not pay attention to the look in her eyes.

  She was ready to take the call, but Yun Zhao shook a shot in vain, making her feel like she couldn't get up and down, which was very uncomfortable.

  Yun Zhao then only taught how to cultivate sword qi, and finally said, "Check your homework in ten days, and hope that your teachers and disciples will not slacken off." ”

  On the first day of the Wen Dao Hall, the school was suspended.

  Before Jiang Xiaolou could move, he saw Jiang Wenyue walking backwards past a group of Master Peak disciples.

  Without thinking about it, she also knew that Jiang Wenyue was coming for herself, and it seemed that sooner or later she would turn Jun Xianfeng from top to bottom.

  At this time, the disciples of the various peaks did not leave, and they all looked at them curiously.

  Two born sword hearts, one refused to accept the sword zun disciple, and the other was a sword zun disciple, as long as he was in a picture, it was a hot talk.

  "Sister Jiang." Jiang Wenyue said, "The wen dao hall teaches for a period of one month, and after one month, I want to invite my sister to talk about a sword, and I also ask my sister to teach me when the time comes." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou raised an eyebrow, "You want to duel with me?" ”

  Jiang Wenyue smiled shyly, "Just a bit of a fight." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't care: "Then I refuse." ”

  "Why?" Jiang Wenyue did not expect that Jiang Xiaolou would simply refuse like this, "Sister Shi was able to refuse my master's acceptance of the apprentice that day, but did she not even dare to agree to the sword discussion with me?" What is The sister afraid of? ”

  Jiang Wenyue is not only a radical general, but also points out her intentions. This young disciple of her Sword Zun was guangming and zhengda who came to Jiang Xiaolou for a discussion, and he was very upright, and he did not suppress people with force.

  Sword Sect Shangwu, Jiang Wenyue found jiang Xiaolou with her master's dignified face, no one can say what is wrong, but to feel that she is atmospheric, in line with the principles of the sword sect's disciples, if there is a dispute, then discuss the sword in the ring to solve.

  And Jiang Xiaolou, who refused to discuss the sword with Jiang Wenyue, was a weak person who avoided the battle. Coupled with the fact that she dared to refuse the god-like sword dignity in the eyes of these disciples, wasting the good qualifications they could not ask for, whether it was out of resentment or jealousy, these Sword Sect Master Feng disciples already had no good impression of Jiang Xiaolou.

  "Sister Shi and I are the same As the Heavenly Spirit Root Heavenly Sword Heart, I have already introduced My Sister as a friend and an opponent in my heart, please Master Sister don't let me down, otherwise I will also feel that Master Zun chose you to be Master Zun's mistake."

  Jiang Wenyue took advantage of the tight situation and stepped forward step by step, it seemed that Jiang Xiaolou must respond to her request.

  Jiang Xiaolou sneered in his heart.

  Sure enough, it was still the formula she was familiar with, and she didn't even have the maturity of the little master sister in the dream.

  At present, Jiang Wenyue has not yet created herself the image of a kendo genius little master sister, but it seems that she has already planned it, Jiang Wenyue dares to propose that she must be confident, first step on Jiang Xiaolou's face in the name of finding the field for Master Zun, make a reputation within the Sword Sect, and then operate step by step.

  Jiang Xiaolou was just a stepping stone that she had chosen, and it wasn't as useful as in that dream—who made her just an Outer Peak disciple now, but her qualifications were a little better, and she had no status within the Sword Sect.

  But since Jiang Xiaolou already had a premonition, how could he tolerate this enemy stepping on her face again.

  "Sister Shi said she wanted to discuss the sword with me... But I'm not a sword cultivator. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou put on a blank and innocent look.

  "Or will Master Sister come and talk to me about the hammer?"

  Cong Ruizhen on the side suddenly let out a sneer, "It's okay to talk to us about Bao Zhen Feng." ”

  "I can also beat the Sword Sect disciples than Alchemy Dan!" Dan Yufeng didn't know which bold disciple echoed the Tao.

  A burst of laughter came from within the Outer Peak disciples, and the disciples who were watching finally turned the corner.

  Jiang Wenyue wanted to discuss swords with Jiang Xiaolou, and pointed out that they were of equal qualifications, seemingly fair, but in fact they were obviously bullying people.

  One is the true transmission under the sword throne of JunxianFeng, and the other is the true transmission of the casting sword blade, and the sword cultivation and instrument cultivation competition are only through the power of weapons, so what does that mean?

  In the bursts of laughter and whispers, Jiang Wenyue was stunned in his heart, and there was still some embarrassment, but his look was still calm and unchanging, and he forcibly maintained his composure.

  "Although I entered the Master's disciples, I did not receive the Junxian Feng True Transmission Sword Technique. I think the same is true of Zhu Jianfeng's brothers and sisters. Wen Dao Tang taught, and each new disciple learned the same sword technique foundation. I did not deceive my sister as a cultivator, I was only willing to have a fair discussion with my sister, but was my sister still unwilling to agree? ”

Chapter 11

  Jiang Wenyue's words were true and sincere, but they made some people who were originally sideways change their minds.

  Being honest and frank has always been the attitude pursued by the disciples of the Sword Sect.

  "Fair?" Jiang Xiaolou still looked cold, "This matter is fair to you in your opinion, but in my opinion it is not." I was obsessed with learning the hammer, and I had no intention of using a sword. But Master Sister wants to force me to learn swords and then practice with you, but I would like to ask Master Sister if you want me to delay the time to practice the hammer to practice my sword and hinder my path? ”

  Block my way.

  This remark was so heavy in the Cultivation Realm that the onlookers all let out a gasping sound.

  "Sister Xiao Lou's words are a bit too much."

  "I don't think so, if a disciple of Bao Zhen Feng had to ask you to study the runes for a month and then compete with him, would you be willing?"

  "But... The Wen Dao Tang teaching is something that all Sword Sect disciples must study. ”

  It's just that they had never thought about it this way before, so they didn't think about why the Outer Peak disciples had to appear here and learn some sword skills that were of no use to them.

  Jiang Wenyue felt the gaze that fell on him like a thorn in his back. She did not expect Jiang Xiaolou to say such a thing, and directly pushed to such a height as the road.

  "Why did Master Sister say this?" Jiang Wenyueqiang braced himself to keep his expression unchanged, but only slightly squeezed his fingers, "Wen Daotang's entry into school, in the eyes of the master sister, is it a delay in time?" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou said, "Entering the school is not, comparing swords with you is." ”

  Jiang Wenyue said as if he had suddenly made up his mind, "The reward for the first lesson in this Wen Dao Tang class is a Stone of Enlightenment. I am willing to use this object as a bet to fight with my sister, but will my sister refuse? ”

  Jiang Xiaolou said in his heart, you are not the first to talk nonsense here, but he heard Lin Shu's voice say, "Promise her." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou hesitated and said, "Good." But if you are not the first sister? ”

  Jiang Wenyue said, "If I lose to my sister, even if I am not the first, I will give my sister a stone of enlightenment." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou suddenly smiled brightly, "In a word, Shi Jie is really a cheerful person, worthy of being a disciple of sword zun." ”

  Jiang Wenyue also smiled, "Sister Shi is also worthy of being the chief disciple of the Forge Sword Feng." ”

  Both of them were laughing, but the aura between the eyes made people feel chilling.

  The disciples standing on the inner circle trembled, and the outer ones were already chatting hotly.

  "Who do you think will win?"

  "The qualifications are comparable, and they are all born with a sword heart, and I see that it is difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat."

  "I guess Master Jiang, there is a sword master as a master, better than that Jiang Xiaolou is not yet a hand to catch."

  "That's not necessarily true, I don't think Xiao Lou's sister may lose." Although the Sword Lord is strong, he may not be able to point out much during the condensation period. ”

  "Several of Jun Xianfeng's brothers are all lecturers in the Wen Dao Hall."

  Yun Zhao's voice sounded behind him, "Cough... We will not open a small stove for Jiang Shimei because she is the same door as Jun Xianfeng. ”

  The disciples who were discussing were startled: "I have seen Master Yun!" ”

  Someone came up and asked, "Who does Master Yun think will win?" ”

  Yun Zhao smiled, "I think it is possible that both sisters and sisters are possible." ”

  “...... Brother Master said this as if he hadn't said it. ”

  When the main peak crowd dispersed, Jiang Xiaolou asked Lin Shu, "Why does Master Brother want me to promise her?" What is the Enlightenment Stone? ”

  Just looking at Jiang Wenyue's expression, it should be a kind of heavy treasure, but Jiang Xiaolou's kind of dirt bun is naturally unheard of, and he has never heard of this name.

  If it weren't for Jiang Wenyue taking the initiative to say this bet, most of the disciples would not have known that the reward for the first class in wen dao hall would be the enlightenment stone.

  "The Stone of Enlightenment is a specialty of the Immortal Battlefield, a heavy treasure that can help people understand the Tao, understand the Gong Fa and the Dao Fa." Lin Shu explained, afraid that Jiang Xiaolou did not understand the importance, and said, "A Dao Stone of Enlightenment is worth more than five thousand Elite Spirit Stones, and there is no market for it." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was silent.

  After a long time, Lin Shu was about to ask Jiang Xiaolou what was going on, when he saw her look up in a murderous spirit.

  "Take my stuff as a bet, Jiang Wenyue wants to empty the gloves white wolf!" What a shame! ”

  ...... Your stuff?

  Lin Shu was a little puzzled for a moment and looked at her doubtfully.

  Jiang Xiaolou said in an imposing manner, "This is the first, I should be determined!" ”

  Lin Shu couldn't help but laugh, but instead of hitting her, he had praise in his eyes.

  On the west side of the hall, in an attic.

  Qingting Zhenjun sat opposite a middle-aged man, and a water mirror technique reflected the scene inside the Fang Cai Dao Hall.

  Qingting Zhenjun said, "Wen Yue is too anxious." ”

  The man said, "It is also right for young people to be a little energetic, and they are the same as you and me, so how can we stand up among the new disciples?" ”

  Qingting Zhenjun heard the words and said, "Uncle Shi said yes." ”

  He poured a cup of tea and asked, "What about Jiang Xiaolou, what does Uncle Shi think?" This sub-linggen qualification can also be regarded as a genius. ”

  "When will you be able to talk about genius just by looking at qualifications?" The man said sarcastically, "But he has sharp teeth." It was still early and nothing could be seen. ”

  Qingting Zhenjun said respectfully, "I'm just worried that if I let her get the inheritance, it will be too late." ”

  "It's still far from her growing up." Wasn't that line also a gathering of geniuses, born with a sword heart, born with a sword fetus, born with a sword bone, and where are they now? Only an ordinary disciple with unsatisfactory qualifications remained. ”

  ...... But the ordinary disciple who was left with no distinction in that vein was also a Mahayana Venerable, the Lord of One Peak.

  Qingting Zhenjun snorted in his mouth, and did not dare to speak out to refute it.

  As if to see that he had objections, the man said, "JinSheng has been guarding for so many years, and he has not given the first five, nor will he make an exception for this." ”

  "But Master Jin Sheng has already set her as the chief disciple, and she is also a closed disciple."

  The man was still very dismissive: "If there is no chief disciple of the sword, he also deserves to be called the chief disciple?" ”

  Jin Sheng would never dare. He could still hold on for a few years, and when he went, there was no place under his door to rely on except for the outer peaks that could be hugged closely. There is nowhere to be trusted, and to give them is to harm them. The man said, and then admonished Qingting Zhenjun, "You remember, I, a disciple of the Sword Sect, must not fail to hold the sword." You see what kind of scenery the three outer peaks of the main peak, the summit master meeting can also be with the main peak of a bull, but as long as the main peak out of the sword, they still dare to speak? The Elixir Charms are all external paths, and only the sword can be the lord of my Sword Sect. ”

  Qingting Zhenjun bowed his hand, "Master Xie taught." ”

Chapter 12

  After bidding farewell to Bao Zhenfeng's disciples, Jiang Xiaolou and Lin Shu sat on Lu Yidao's large knife again.

  Lu Yidao was not there, leaving only a protective charm on it, and a message from him.

  Lin Shu sat silently looking at the Sword Sect Zhufeng, but Jiang Xiaolou took advantage of the landing knife not to study his big sword.

  Although this knife is still always disguised as a hammer in front of Jiang Xiaolou, the lines are smooth, the body of the knife is shiny and cold, and it is cold to the touch, which is indeed a good knife.

  "Don't touch it, little girl. 】


  Jiang Xiaolou looked at Lin Shu uncertainly, "Are you talking?" ”

  "What?" Lin Shu wondered.

  Jiang Xiaolou said, "Nothing... I heard it wrong. ”

  After Lin Shu turned around again, Jiang Xiaolou hurriedly put his hand back.

  She was sure that she had not heard wrongly, or that Jiang Xiaolou had just realized that this was not a sound at all, but a touch of the soul. And this sentence is not issued by words, but by Divine Thoughts.

  Jiang Xiaolou and Lu Yidao's big knife magically communicated for a moment, perhaps because this knife already had a knife spirit, but what made her feel very confused was that in that instant, she felt that she was born to hold the knife.

  It felt exactly the same as when Jiang Xiaolou was confronted by Jianzun's sword, but...

  Jiang Xiaolou pondered, does this qualification of natural knife heart exist?

  The big knife was casting the sword blade, and Lin Shu said to Jiang Xiaolou, "Follow me." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou followed him around the corner to the front of a three-story tower.

  The front of the tower was full of fallen leaves, which seemed to have not been cleaned up for a long time, but the tower itself did not have any damage, and the heavy protective formation prohibition was prohibitive.

  "Here it is..."

  Lin Shu explained lightly, "This is the library building of the Forge Sword Peak. ”

  How did a new disciple of his know where the library building of The Forged Sword Peak was located?

  Jiang Xiaolou's doubts deepened in his heart, but he did not ask for an exit.

  Lin Shu said, "Middle five, exchange seven, and leave nine." ”

  “...... Say something I can understand. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou's cultural level could only be heard that this seemed to be some kind of footwork.

  "Well," Lin Shu seemed to sigh, "you follow me, you can't lose a single step." ”

  He did walk into the ban with a strange footwork and did not cause a rebound in the formation. Jiang Xiaolou carefully followed until Lin Shu stopped.

  In front of the two, it was not the main entrance of the library, nor was it the side door.

  “...... It seems like a dog hole, right? ”

  Jiang Xiaolou really couldn't help his desire to complain.

  "If the main entrance is closed, the movement is too big." Lin Shu explained, "It's just right here. ”

  With that, he leaned into the dog hole.

  This may have been the entrance and exit that the original library owner deliberately left for the spirit pet, but... The question is still that question, how does Lin Shu know?

  Jiang Xiaolou also followed closely through the dog hole, and then looked up to see that there was no hole in the sky.

  Looking at the inconspicuous tower outside, you can see the dense bookshelves from the inside, and Jiang Xiaolou has a sense of vertigo at a glance.

  Lin Shu naturally summoned the table and chair, and with another wave of his hand, several books flew in and stacked them in his hand.

  "Before I hear the Tao, I ask you, why do you want to cultivate the Tao?"

  His words used some kind of hint of the secret technique, Jiang Xiaolou did not check for a moment, directly said his inner thoughts, "In order to take the first place in the Taoist Hall." ”

  "..." Lin Shu was still getting this kind of answer for the first time, and after a moment, he said, "Wen DaoTang is just a small fight." Well, I ask you again, why cultivate immortals? ”

  Without thinking, Jiang Xiaolou directly blurted out: "For the sake of violently beating Sword Zun!" ”

  As soon as she spoke, she realized that her words were probably crazy in the eyes of others. If it weren't for Lin Shu's guidance, Jiang Xiaolou would never have spoken the truth like this.

  Lin Shu did not rebuke her for being arrogant, but slightly bowed his head.

  “...... Barely bad. ”

  The goal of violently beating the first place in the Cultivation Realm was, in his opinion, barely good.

  Jiang Xiaolou had already raised his vigilance.

  In Fang cai, she clearly felt that she had overspoken from her heart, as if someone had asked her to read directly what she was thinking.

  This method of induction used by Lin Shu is definitely not used by the right path. Even if this did not hurt Jiang Xiaolou in fact, it did not mean that Lin Shu could use such a technique against her without any burden. Unless, of course, he is not a righteous man in the first place.

  Jiang Xiaolou's inference of Lin Shu's identity has one more key point, and it is a key point that may overturn all her inferences.

  Lin Shu seemed to be able to see through what Jiang Xiaolou was thinking, but he was not angry, but praised her.

  "It's good to be defensive."

  Jiang Xiaolou trembled and asked, "What should I call you?" Master? Uncle Shi? Shi Gaozu? ”

  Lin Shu did not respond to her speculation, and smiled slightly, "Just call Master Brother." ”

  He waved his hand again, and Jiang Xiaolou was immediately filled with books in front of him, and he was directly submerged.

  "The sword has a way, and the way is higher than the sword." Lin Shu said lightly, directly overturning what Jing Hongzhen had said in class, "It is a very stupid way to seek the Dao Realm in the Sword Realm. ”

  ...... Sword Zun seems to have been accused of being scolded by Sang?

  Jiang Xiaolou was sitting precariously, listening carefully to the lecture, and had no intention of being unfair to the sword at all.

  "Cultivators can cultivate the Tao, which can be kendo, sword path, Dan dao, or hammer path, the tao is everywhere, but it is naturally better to cultivate the sword to follow the sword path than to follow the sword method." So, you have to learn the Tao Yuan first. In ancient times, there were three thousand Dao treasures, and three hundred forged sword blades were hidden, and you have to read thirty books this month. ”

  After talking for half a day, it finally turned into asking her to read a book. Jiang Xiaolou couldn't help but say, "But..."

  Lin Shu didn't give her a chance to object at all, "No. Since you want to be the first in the Wen Dao Tang, you have to do this. ”

  “...... All right. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou did not dislike reading, she just felt that she might not understand.

  Lin Shu, who is a gentleman, seems to be less reliable than Jing Hongzhen - but the thief ship is also on board, what can she do?

  Jiang Xiaolou opened the Daozang in front of him, and then he was stunned...

  This is a true Dojo!

  No matter how temptingly she went to turn over other Daozang, it was all Daoyuan.

  Lin Shu said that there were three hundred Dao Treasures hidden in the Forged Sword Blade, if the number was naturally not much, it was said that there were three thousand Dao Treasures inside the Dao Gate, but Lin Shu did not say that these were all originals with Dao rhymes!

  As long as these are sold out, they can make Jiang Xiaolou cultivate to Jindan!

  Lin Shu seemed to have peeked into her mind and said calmly, "Read the book seriously." ”

  "Yes." Jiang Xiaolou did not dare to delay any longer, opened the Daoyuan, and immersed himself in the understanding of Daoyun.

  As Lin Shu said, the Dao Fa is supreme, and it is a stupid thing to find the Dao in the sword—this statement is based on having three hundred Dao Yuan at hand.

  Only the original Rhyme can make people read it like an enlightenment, and familiar reading is worth an epiphany.

  How precious this opportunity was, Jiang Xiaolou naturally cherished it, and threw herself into the comprehension, and when she woke up from the Daoyuan in a daze, she was still dizzy digesting the Dao Rhyme in her mind.

  Lin Shu didn't know where he came from, and looked at Jiang Xiaolou condescendingly.

  "Finished reading?"


  Jiang Xiaoxia subconsciously caught what Lin Shu had thrown at her, and then he was stunned.

  It was a wooden sword.

  In Lin Shu's hand was another one.

  The wooden sword tentacles are warm, but there are also some faint traces, which can be seen that someone has used this sword to fight. And these two swords are standard at first glance, obviously made in batches. Combined with this library with three hundred Daoyuan, Jiang Xiaolou couldn't help but speculate that this place had once been a place where the disciples of the Forged Sword Feng were preaching, but why was this place abandoned and hidden in the heavy arrays?

  Jiang Xiaolou felt more and more that this was a mystery, but it was obvious that the insider in front of her would not tell her anything.

  Lin Shu didn't know where he had just gone, the disciple clothes on his body were already somewhat damaged and stained, and his look was a little more tired.

  Lin Shu flicked his sleeve again, and the venue was automatically changed to a sword test platform.

  "There's not much I can teach you about swords, but it's enough." Lin Shu held the sword in his left hand and said coldly, "First, the sword cannot be lost." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou waited for half a day, did not wait for the second.

  “...... That's gone? ”

  Lin Shu said, "You have to do this, let alone ten days." ”

  ...... Who do you look down on?

  Jiang Xiaolou was a little dissatisfied in his heart, and according to the sword method taught by Yun Zhao, he converted the aura into sword qi, fused with the wooden sword, and stood opposite Lin Shu.

  Lin Shu asked, "Are you ready?" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was full of confidence: "Come on! ”

  Yun Zhao was right, the aura transformed the sword qi, there was no bottleneck for her, and she only felt handy when holding the sword.

  Lin Shu took a half step forward, and Jiang Xiaolou blocked with his sword... Then her sword was gone.

  Jiang Xiaolou couldn't feel what technique Lin Shu had used, and even she herself only had time to move her wrist before she lost her sword.

  The wooden sword fell far outside the test bench, making a crisp crashing sound.

  Jiang Xiaolou picked up the sword back, looked at Lin Shu uncertainly, and said, "Come again!" ”

  Lin Shu still made that move, and Jiang Xiaolou's sword once again fell out of his hand.

  She finally understood that what Lin Shu said about ten days was not vain, or that even if it was ten days, she did not have this confidence--the second time, Jiang Xiaolou still felt that this was an unavoidable style.

  Jiang Xiaolou once again picked up the sword and said, "Come again!" ”

  "Come again!"

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't know how many times she had picked up the sword, but by the time Lin Shu finally shouted to stop, she had gone from not being aware of Lin Shu's actions at all to being able to feel something.

  Let's be considered a small improvement.

  Lin Shu's face was calm, and Jiang Xiaolou had no way to judge how well he was doing from his expression.

  After the two of them left the library, Lin Shu turned around and asked, "What about your Spirit Stone?" ”

  “...... What Spirit Stone? ”

  Lin Shu said very calmly, "You listen to the lectures, shouldn't you pay the tuition?" ”

  But you didn't say that beforehand, did you?

  What a scam!

  Jiang Xiaoxia subconsciously covered the spirit stone bag, and really did not understand why this man sitting on the three hundred Hondohara was staring at her small storage bag during the condensation period.

  Didn't the master brother give him a meet and greet gift?

  ...... Uh, it doesn't seem to give. Lin Shu is a master and uncle. In the truth, he had to give the brothers a greeting gift.

  Jiang Xiaolou suddenly realized, and gave Lin Shu the bag that Lu Yi knife had forcibly stuffed into her during the day.

  This was all the spirit stones on her body, but the opportunity to read through Daoyuan and the opportunity to practice swords were not something that the spirit stones could be exchanged for, and Jiang Xiaolou certainly understood.

  Lin Shu took half of it and returned the bag to Jiang Xiaolou.

  "This will be the case in the future."

  Got it! Meet in half!

Chapter 13

  After Jiang Xiaolou returned to the cave house, not only was his head dizzy, but his wrist was still faintly painful.

  The former was because Dao Yun had not yet been thoroughly digested, and the latter was purely beaten by Lin Shu.

  The soft bed was on the side, Jiang Xiaolou took a look, looked away fiercely, and then sat cross-legged in the center of the dongfu formation.

  From the time he came out of the Wen Dao Hall to the time he entered the library cabinet, after reading the Daoyuan and then being trained by Lin Shujia in the sword technique, under normal circumstances, it was time to fall asleep.

  However, if Jiang Xiaolou chose to fall asleep at this time, according to this schedule, she would not have time to cultivate the Sword Casting Technique.

  For cultivators, to be one step behind is to be backward step by step, and Jiang Xiaolou naturally understands the principle of only fighting for the day.

  Jiang Wenyue's bet was still hanging in front of her, she was just tired, and she didn't dare to slack off at this time. Besides, with the imaginary enemy of Sword Zun behind him, Jiang Xiaolou could only cultivate desperately to get closer to the first in the Cultivation Realm.

  Jiang Xiaolou closed her eyes, and the spirit hammer that had already vaguely taken shape flew up under the control of the aura, hitting her body once again.

  Sleepiness, pain and exhaustion are intertwined, and Jiang Xiaolou uses the technique of "Casting Sword Technique" while trying to comprehend the Tao Rhyme in the process.

  Unconsciously, the operation of Reiki and the understanding of Dao Rhyme have become habits, and pain has become a habit.

  After a night of cultivation, the sky was white, And Lu Yidao was outside the door of the cave house, and what he saw was Jiang Xiaolou with a straight eye.

  "Little Master Sister."

  “........................ Well? ”

  Jiang Xiaolou slowly turned his head, expressionless, and looked directly at him.

  Lu Yidao felt as if he had been targeted by some peerless beast, and his back was cold.

  See what the last school forced people into!

  Lu Yidao sympathized with Jiang Xiaolou in his heart and said what he had prepared long ago: "I heard about your bet with Master Jiang of JunxianFeng, you don't have to care too much, even if you lose, it doesn't matter, we don't compare kendo with those sword cultivators." ”

  "I understand." Jiang Xiaolou knew that he was well-intentioned and unwilling to give her any pressure, "I will not lose, Brother Master." ”

  "Just do your best." Lu Yidao touched Jiang Xiaolou's head and emphasized again, "It doesn't matter if you lose." ”

  “...... Master brother, don't always make such unlucky prejudgments. ”

  After Jiang Xiaolou arrived at the Wen Dao Hall, all the people were also surprised.

  Haggard face, godless eyes, tired look...

  "Little Lou Shi Sister is scared."

  "I can't blame her, if Jun Xianfeng's disciples come to challenge me, I will be so nervous."

  "Jun Xianfeng is a bit deceitful and too much."

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't know that she had already put a black cauldron on Jun Xianfeng without her own knowledge. The Bitter Meat Meter was very effective, though, and she was really just sleepy.

  Sleepy and tired, his whole body only had the strength to support the opening of his eyelids, Jiang Xiaolou sat down in the Wen Dao Hall, his eyes looked straight ahead, and his actions were all instinctive.

  When the bell rang, Jing Hongzhen began to preach on time, and then, Cong Ruizhen, who was still talking to Jiang Xiaolou, was stunned to see Jiang Xiaolou fall asleep on the table in an instant.

  In fact, there are many disciples in Baozhenfeng who make up for sleep in the sermon class, but Jiang Xiaolou... It doesn't look like this kind of person. Yesterday, Jing Hongzhen gave a lecture, and she also listened very seriously.

  Moreover, judging from the situation in yesterday's classroom, Jing Hongzhen will obviously target Jiang Xiaolou, how big is her heart to sleep at this time?

  Cong Ruizhen was still hesitating whether to wake up Jiang Xiaolou, but was stopped by Lin Shu.

  Lin Shu did not say the reason, but the two of them were the same as the casting sword peak, and their understanding of Jiang Xiaolou was naturally deeper than cong Ruizhen, and Cong Ruizhen gave up, just carefully paying attention to Jing Hongzhen's movements.

  Of course, Jiang Xiaolou had not forgotten her and Jing Hongzhen's new and old hatreds, but she counted back and forth, the sword law class to listen to, the Daoyuan to read, the sword law to be practiced, the "Sword Casting Technique" also had to be practiced, only the two hours of Jing Hongzhen's preaching in one day were the most useless, the most suitable time for her to sleep, there was no other opportunity to sleep without this time.

  Therefore, even if Jing Hongzhen could retaliate at any time, Jiang Xiaolou could only divide a wisp of divine consciousness to warn him, and then continue to sleep.

  With Lin Shu on the side, in fact, she was not so worried.

  Jiang Xiaolou fell into a deep sleep, and only woke up refreshed when the bell rang at the end of class.

  What's the situation? Jing Hongzhen has changed his nature?

  What jiang Xiaolou completely surprised was that she slept for two hours in fear, but Jing Hongzhen did not take this opportunity to embarrass her.

  Jiang Xiaolou absolutely did not believe that Jing Hongzhen had given up targeting her, but he could not think of the reason for it for a while, and could only raise his vigilance - maybe Jing Hongzhen was brewing a deeper conspiracy?

  She didn't know that Jing Hongzhen also had a bitter heart in her heart.

  After Jiang Xiaolou fell asleep in the sermon class, the sword pill in Jing Hongzhen's hand was so excited that he didn't dare to throw it out.

  Of course, this was not because he was afraid of Jiang Xiaolou.

  Jiang Xiaolou himself was not afraid, he was embarrassed when he casually wanted to, and now that he had the identity of a lecturer, even if he was nominally an ordinary person, these disciples were inferior to him when they heard the DaoTang.

  But Jing Hongzhen can use his identity as a lecturer to be bright and righteous to embarrass Jiang Xiaolou, but there are people who are even more unsympathetic than him.

  After hearing that Daotang had dispersed yesterday, Yan Ruthless and Lu Yidao joined hands to find him.

  These two people were earlier than him, cultivating to be higher, although he was a sword cultivator and a sword master disciple, of course, he might not lose when he really fought, but he couldn't stand these two people backstage.

  Yan Ruthless was a disciple of the Master of the Forged Sword Peak, and at the same time he worshiped an elder of Dan Yufeng as his teacher, and it was said that he was already the heir of the elder's mantle. Dan Yufeng's group of Dan Masters was notoriously tightly hugged, and that elder was also an Alchemy Master, which angered Dan Yufeng, and even if he was a Master Brother of Junxian Feng, he couldn't stop it.

  Yan ruthlessly turned his back on Dan Yufeng, and Lu Yidao almost became Bao Zhenfeng's master brother. Fu Shi's temper is better than Dan Shi's, but the one who should protect the short is still the short guard. Bao ZhenFeng also had several Taishang Elders who were not low in cultivation, although Wai Feng did not usually like to express his opinions on the matters of the Sword Sect, and Jing Hongzhen could not casually provoke such an enemy to Jun Xianfeng.

  And there is another important reason is that after hitting a Jiang Xiaolou, yan ruthless and Lu Yidao came out, and the most troublesome figure in casting sword feng had not yet shot.

  Among the many Venerables, if the Sword Forger Peak Lord, who was known for his miserliness and lack of face, had also been provoked, Jing Hongzhen would not have any chance of winning against this Venerable Lord who could rely on his generations and cultivation to crush him, and would never talk about martial virtue.

  Therefore, in the face of Yan Ruthless and Lu Yidao, he reluctantly agreed to the other party's proposal that "the matter of the new disciple should be left to the new disciple to solve", and promised that he would never take a shot at Jiang Xiaolou in the Wen Dao Hall.

  It's just a little disciple, why bother?

  Jing Hongzhen seemed to take a step back in front of these two people, but he did not feel that he had any loss.

  Originally, he couldn't be too specific to a disciple when teaching, and... He believed in his little sister.

  Wen Yue will never lose.

  Yun Zhao's sword technique class was still without waves.

  On the second day, the disciples finally got the wooden sword and could fight.

  In the introductory stage, the level of Zhu Feng's disciples was not far away, a group of rookies, even if the sword qi was accidentally injured, it was not powerful.

  After Lin Shu's special training, such a sword technique class was not difficult in Jiang Xiaolou's view. She used her three-point sword qi to fight against the disciples of Bao Zhen Feng, and won many battles without any pressure.

  "Sister Xiao Lou is really powerful!"

  "Yes, Master Sister is too strong!"

  In a piece of praise, if it were not for the very stable state of mind, Jiang Xiaolou felt that he would be floating. Soon she woke up—what's the point of playing with these unattractive pickled dogs and salted fish?

  The main peak disciple's side was much more intense than the outer peak, and Jiang Xiaolou took a few looks before continuing his career of abusing vegetables.

  There were also people who felt disdainful of her behavior, relying on the natural sword heart to crush it was simply invincible, but the Outer Peak disciples would not care about these, and Lin Shu was slightly jawed.

  Of course, he could see that Jiang Xiaolou was trying to deepen his control over sword qi in the battle, rather than just blindly attacking with sword qi.

  Using outer peak disciples as opponents is a bit of a dish, but the main peaks are not much better.

  After class, Jiang Xiaolou was ready to continue her full schedule for a day, but was stopped by a young man outside the door of Wen Dao Hall.

  "Master Jiang stays behind, I am Baichuan Feng Puhuai, I don't know if Master Sister can borrow a step?"

  Jiang Xiaolou hadn't heard of this name and looked at him doubtfully, "Is there anything wrong with Master Brother?" ”

  Pu Huai said, "There is an obsidian in the benefits that the task hall gives to the chief disciple of the master sister, and I am willing to buy three thousand elite spirit stones, and also ask the master sister to cut love." ”

  He said it with a straight face, there was no room for Jiang Xiaolou to refuse, and the invitation was just a polite gesture.

  Jiang Xiaolou remembered that there was indeed such a thing as obsidian, but it had long been slag, and she said truthfully, "Sorry, I already used obsidian." ”

  "Sister Shi, don't be kidding. Obsidian was a treasure that could only be used when rebuilding the sword body when building the foundation, and this spiritual material could not be used at all in the realm of Master Jiang. I was already about to break through the ninth layer of condensation qi, and if I could get the Obsidian My Life Sword, I would be able to raise it by one level when I built the foundation. Pu Huai sincerely looked at Jiang Xiaolou, "I can give you up to 3,500 elite spirit stones, which has exceeded the price of spirit materials, I am sincerely seeking to buy, please ask my sister to cut love." ”

  Three thousand and five, Jiang Xiaolou listened to it and was moved.

  “...... But I did use it, no, Brother Pu, you have money, you might as well go elsewhere and ask. ”

  Pu Huai's face changed and he suddenly darkened, "Master Jiang, I have already spoken about this, but do you still want to perfunctory me?" If there is no obsidian, I will not be able to improve the Honmei Sword when building the foundation, Master Jiang, you are blocking my path! ”

  The accusations of these four words sounded a little familiar, and Jiang Xiaolou couldn't help but be laughed at by Pu Huai, "Brother Master's words are ridiculous, according to what you said, the people in the world who don't give you spirit stones are all blocking your path, and there are too many obstacles on your path!" I said that if there is no obsidian, it is gone, and I can't change it into a piece to give to my brother. ”

  "Is Master Jiang going to toast and not eat the penalty wine?" Pu Huai said, "As long as you go out of the Wen Dao Hall, you are the chief disciple, and anyone who cultivates to be within five levels higher than you can challenge you, if Master Jiang is still unwilling to give up the Obsidian, then you and I can only see each other in the ring!" ”

Chapter 14

  What is this rule-breaking?

  The wen daotang disciples had another month's immunity in the ring of the Sword Sect, and Jiang Xiaolou knew this, otherwise Jiang Wenyue would not have waited for a month. However, the chief disciple could be challenged at will within the fifth order, which Jiang Xiaolou really did not know.

  Her chief disciple was purely a temporary intention of the Sword Forger Feng Lord, and Jiang Xiaolou even suspected that he might just come back from the task hall to cheat some welfare--however, the chief disciple's gift package was indeed very fragrant.

  After the big gift bag was eaten, Jiang Xiaolou could only swallow it together with the glass slag of the gift bag.

  The so-called fifth order refers to the five small realms, and the realm that Jiang Xiaolou is now showing is the three layers of condensation qi, and the Wen Dao Hall can reasonably add two more layers, that is, the disciples under the foundation can challenge her at will.

  But by that time, she should have condensed qi seven layers, and even if she could not use five layers of condensation qi in cultivation, it was not without other means. Jiang Xiaolou's ascetic cultivation is not meaningless, Jiang Wenyue she can fight, condensation peak she may not be able to beat.

  Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaolou had a bottom in his heart, and his tone was even less panicked, "I really don't have obsidian, if Master Brother insists on forcing, then you and I will see you in the ring!" As the chief disciple of The Forged Sword Peak, I am not afraid of battle! ”

  She said these words sonorously and forcefully, full of faith, and almost even believed herself.

  Seeing that she was not afraid at all, Pu Huai's face changed slightly, and he gritted his teeth, "I can give you up to four thousand Elite Spirit Stones, Master Jiang, you should think about it again." ”

  When Jiang Xiaolou looked at him, he knew that Pu Huai already had a grudge, or that since the obsidian was taken away by Jiang Xiaolou, Pu Huai had already hated her. That being the case, what else is to be considered?

  "Needless to say, Brother Pu." Jiang Xiaolou said firmly, "You and I will see you in the ring!" ”

  "Okay." Pu Huai's eyes were angry, "I heard that Master Jiang has made a one-month appointment with Master Jiang of JunxianFeng, and I will challenge you after that." The challenge to the chief disciple is a life and death fight by default, and if it is impossible to avoid the battle, the Sect Gate will disqualify the chief disciple. I also hope that Master Jiang will not miss the appointment when the time comes. ”

  The provocation in his words was palpable and threatening.

  "Of course I don't." Jiang Xiaolou said, "I am waiting for Master brother to challenge me." ”

  Wouldn't it be that she had lost the qualification of a chief disciple, she was afraid of something, and the gift package was of no use.

  After Pu Huai whisked his sleeves away, Jiang Xiaolou was about to make peace with Lin Shu, but he saw a nun walking out of the corner.

  After the inhalation of the body, most monks will choose to consciously become more symmetrical, especially the nuns, but this nun still maintains a slightly fat figure, and her smile is a little thick.

  It was Wang Yu who explained the Sword Sect's Zhufeng Sword Technique to Jiang Xiaolou at the time of receiving the disciple ceremony.

  Jiang Xiaolou couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Sister Wang." ”

  "Master Jiang." Wang Yu smiled at her, "Brother Pu has come to find Master Sister?" ”

  "Yes. How does Master Sister know..."

  "Master Pu's original sword water attribute is the mainstay, and he once had the luck to get the baptism of the moon, so for him to rebuild the most suitable treasure for the sword body when building the foundation is the obsidian."

  Obsidian is rare, there are not many goods in the Sect Gate, this top spiritual material even if it is the Inner Gate disciples have to save a long time of spirit stone to redeem, the possibility of being issued directly as a benefit is unlikely, and the demand within the door is not much, so Master Pu is actually determined to get it - but the last one, it was distributed to the master sister by the HuanJianFeng Qingting True King. ”

  Wang Yu said a long list of intelligence lightly, looking at Jiang Xiaolou, "So Master Pu can only come to find Master Jiang you." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou frowned slightly, "... These things my sister told me like this? ”

  She did not doubt whether Wang Yu's intelligence was true or false, but a businessman like this was not profitable, and Wang Yu directly told Jiang Xiaolou that this information was very important to her, but did not ask for any return, then it could only mean that Wang Yu wanted more.

  In short, it was impossible for her sister to be kind enough to explain this to Jiang Xiaolou.

  Wang Yu said, "The future of my sister is promising, I just have a good relationship with my sister." ”

  "Provoking the relationship between me and Huan Jianfeng, but saying that you want to make a good relationship?" Of course, Jiang Xiaolou would not believe her words, "Does Master Sister think I am very good at cheating?" ”

  "How can it be said that it is provocative, I just stated the facts, and Master Sister didn't think that Huan Jianfeng was deceiving people too much?"

  Jiang Xiaolou said, "I think my sister has bad intentions... Is there any contradiction between Chige Feng and Huan JianFeng? ”

  If she remembered correctly, Wang Yu had entered the Chige Peak.

  Of course, Wang Yu denied, "What did Master Sister say?" My Sword Sect Nine Peaks are connected by the same qi, where there will be contradictions. ”


  Jiang Xiaolou turned his head and left, and did not say much.

  "Wait!" Wang Yu pulled Jiang Xiaolou aside, "Master Jiang, your temper is just too anxious." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou said coldly, "Sister Shi wants to use me, so she must also show a little sincerity." ”

  "Am I not giving enough?"

  "Not enough."

  Wang Yu sighed in his heart, Jiang Xiaolou saw that the oil and salt did not enter, and then she was determined to lose money.

  But this business is not hers, and the loss will be lost.

  "Does Master Sister have anything else to ask?" First of all, this matter has nothing to do with Chige Feng. ”

  Whether or not is not up to Wang Yu, Jiang Xiaolou will naturally not be blinded by her.

  "I don't ask ChiGefeng. Since Sister Shi said that it was Huan Jianfeng Qingting Zhenjun who deliberately distributed the obsidian to me, was it Qingting Zhenjun himself or Huan Jianfeng who was not in harmony with the Cast Sword Peak? ”

  On that day, Jiang Xiaolou could also see the confrontation between Qingting Zhenjun and the Lord of the Forged Sword Peak, but she did not understand the attitude of Huan Jianfeng up and down. Wang Yu's intention was nothing more than to ask her to retaliate, and hitting Huan Jianfeng's disciples and attacking Qingting Zhenjun's disciples were two concepts.

  “...... It is a vein of Huan Jian Feng. Wang Yu affirmed Jiang Xiaolou's guess.

  Jiang Xiaolou then asked, "What is the reason for the grievance?" ”

  "I only know about that." Wang Yu's heart was a blood loss this time, "A hundred years ago, the Lord of the Forge Sword Peak fell into the devil and killed dozens of Huan Sword Feng disciples. If the master sister wants to know the details, she can ask the commander of the Forged Sword Peak. If my sister has accurate information, she can also sell it to me. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou completely ignored Wang Yu's last words, and his heart was cold. Entering the devil and killing the same door is a big thing, why has she never heard of it? Moreover, the Lord of the Forged Sword Peak a hundred years ago...

  Jiang Xiaolou did not dare to think about it, maintaining the calmness of his expression.

  "Does huan jianfeng disciple know about this?"

  "Good question." Wang Yu bowed his head slightly, "Some know, some don't know, but those who have cultivated to a certain realm know it all." And even those who don't know the inside story know that Huan Jianfeng and Cast Sword Feng have a festival. ”

  “...... I understand. ”

  Out of thin air, the opposite of a main peak appeared, and Jiang Xiaolou's face was about to collapse.

  She had not yet come out of the Dao Tang Qingting Zhenjun and yin her first, and in the future, the people of Huan Jianfeng and Jun Xianfeng would be mixed together again, and Jiang Xiaolou would not be able to cultivate it?

  Huan JianFeng is a main peak with hundreds of people adding up to the inner and outer doors, and there are only eight people up and down the Cast Sword Peak, and only Jiang Xiaolou has a new true legend, which is simply a good target.

  "Master sister asked so much, good evil also polite exchanges." Wang Yu admired Jiang Xiaolou's expression and said, "Did Master Sister promise Master Pu?" ”

  "Nothing." Jiang Xiaolou told the truth.

  Wang Yu was obviously suspicious, "Brother Pu is so good at giving up? ”

  "Of course he won't." Jiang Xiaolou simply did not hide from her, "Brother Pu said, a month later, he came out of the Wen Dao Hall, and he wanted to challenge me." ”

  "The difference in realms is so big, how can it be..." Wang Yu said halfway before remembering that Jiang Xiaolou was the chief disciple, "There is indeed such a door rule, it turns out that Master Pu has not yet died." ”

  “...... What do you mean? ”

  Wang Yu explained, "Challenge the chief disciple inside the door, live and die in the ring, and if you win, there will be a reward for the sect gate, and the other party must fight, but the challenger must also take out three thousand spirit stones or other equivalents to bet against the chief disciple."

  Otherwise, if everyone challenges the chief disciple, then if someone deliberately takes advantage of the loophole to deliberately disrupt the chief disciple's cultivation, it will not be good.

  It seems that Master Pu had studied the door rules well in order to get the obsidian. ”

  What is this rule-breaking?

  Unexpectedly, Pu Huai looked quite sloppy but secretly hid such a hand, if Jiang Xiaolou did not see Wang Yu and went to the ring without knowing anything, then his plan might have succeeded.

  Jiang Xiaolou knew that she could not change the obsidian, and how to explain the whereabouts of the obsidian was also a problem, but Pu Huai had to go to the ring with her. This person was really annoying, and Huan Jianfeng's Qingting Zhenjun was also yin enough.

  Wait a minute......

  How could she assume she was going to lose?

  Jiang Xiaolou thought about it, and suddenly turned the corner, "What this door rule means is that the spirit stone that the other party took out, if the other party loses, it is mine?" ”

  Wang Yu bowed his head, "That's right, the two sides bet." ”

  But you can't win, what's the point of asking this?

  Pu Huai was already a line of foundation building, otherwise he wouldn't be so eager for the obsidian, but Jiang Xiaolou was still a new disciple who had not yet heard of the DaoTang, and Wang Yu was not optimistic about her.

  Jiang Xiaolou's face changed several times, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

  "It's a good rule!"

  She misread Pu Huai, Who was a magic weapon who rushed to deliver the Spirit Stone! There are not many good people like him!

  Unfortunately, she only has obsidian, and the obsidian in the Sect Gate only sounds like Pu Huai.

  Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaolou's mind moved, and asked: "Do many people know about this door rule?" ”

  "Not much." Wang Yu said, "The chief disciples of each peak are all able to cross the ranks and fight, and they are also the strongest of the peaks, and no one will challenge the chief disciples." ”

  Of course, the vegetable dog Jiang Xiaolou could not be regarded as a normal chief disciple at all. Juxtaposing with her, it was all an insult to the Chief Disciple of the Nine Lords Peak.

  "That... Do the people of Huan JianFeng know? Can The sister let them know? ”

  Let's have a few more good guys!

  Wang Yu heard the words, and after hearing Jiang Xiaolou's words, he had doubts in his eyes, "Is Master Jiang sure of victory?" ”

  "Nothing." Jiang Xiaolou blinked, "But Sister Shi sent a message to Huan Jianfeng, and winning or losing is all my business." ”

  Wang Yu frowned, "Is the Cast Sword Feng very short of spirit materials?" Master Jiang doesn't need top-of-the-line materials now. ”

  She hinted at Jiang Xiaolou not to be too tall.

  Jiang Xiaolou said, "We are super rich in casting sword peaks!" ”

  Her five brothers and sisters were all very rich, and if the wealth was evenly lowered, it could pull Jiang Xiaolou from extreme poverty to a well-off.

  Wang Yu naturally knew about this matter, but she looked at Jiang Xiaolou's green eyes and only saw that Jiang Xiaolou was either poor and crazy, or he was already crazy.

  But Jiang Xiaolou was also right, the victory and defeat were all in Jiang Xiaolou, and Wang Yu just spread a little news.

  "However, my delivery of news is not free, what price is Master Jiang going to pay?"

Chapter 15

  "I don't pay." Jiang Xiaolou had a sly smile on his face, "Since the Sword Sect has set up a ring, there will definitely be a gamble, the master sister will open, I will set the odds, the income is five or five points, how?" ”

  Wang Yu's face changed, and he looked at Jiang Xiaolou with surprise in his eyes.

  Sword Sect disciples have always taken the kendo straight, and few people have studied these things. Jiang Xiaolou dared to pass on the news to Huan Jianfeng, which had already surprised her, not mentioning that the transaction was to talk about the odds, which was not a skilled trader, but also a master.

  However, Jiang Xiaolou is still too tender. By the time she said this condition, her intelligence had already been exposed.

  "It seems that Master Jiang knows the winner or loser." Wang Yu said, "But as long as I lower the odds of my sister, I won't lose too much." How can a bookmaker who personally plays a game of gambling, this is not in accordance with the rules. ”

  "Where do casino rules come from?" Jiang Xiaolou seemed to laugh and said, "Besides, who said I would definitely win?" Among huan jianfeng disciples, there is no shortage of strong people, maybe there will be a dark horse, the sister said is not it? ”

  "You..." Wang Yu was shocked in his heart, "you are too bold! ”

  This is a fake game!

  The disciples who come to challenge Jiang Xiaolou will only be at the peak of condensation, the level is not far apart, if Jiang Xiaolou has the certainty of victory, then she will definitely be able to control the victory and defeat on the field, winning and losing, which is normal in the competition in the same realm.

  Moreover, if she has a win or a loss instead of a streak, then the people who challenge her in the back will only feel that she is not left to catch, Huan Jianfeng has many people, and may think of playing a wheel war.

  Jiang Xiaolou may have won the spirit stone in the ring, but no one could have imagined that she would be the dealer of the gambling game, this one, Jiang Xiaolou pure earning!

  Wang Yu's face began to change, calculating gains and losses in his heart, and he hesitated.

  Jiang Xiaolou was so bold and invited her to participate, so did she follow?

  “...... Sister Shi wants me to gamble too. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou said, "Is that master sister gambling?" ”

  Wang Yu finally made up his mind: "... bet! ”

  She looked at Jiang Xiaolou with a complicated look, "This time, I am betting on you." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou said, "I will not let my sister lose." ”

  "The news that Master Sister wants me to pass on, before the end of the class, I will pass it on to Huan Jianfeng."

  "There's Sister Law." Jiang Xiaolou bowed his head, "In addition to that rule, Master Sister added one more sentence, just say... I may have learned the sword of the Forge Sword Peak. ”

  Wang Yu looked at Jiang Xiaolou in disbelief, "Did Master Sister really learn the sword technique of casting sword peaks?" ”

  “...... Is this the news that the sister can know without spending money? ”

  Wang Yu was silent for a moment, but did not offer to spend money to buy the news. It was only before the separation that he admonished, "I watch my sister take risks in everything, and this is not the way to do it for the time, and it is not appropriate to do so from time to time." ”

  "I know that my sister has good intentions, but cultivating is an undesirable thing."

  At first hearing this, Wang Yu looked at Jiang Xiaolou's calm face, but felt that the sword was awe-inspiring, as if he was looking at a sheathed immortal sword.

  Jiang Xiaolou finished fooling Wang Yu before he and Lin Shuhui made peace.

  Lu Yidao was still absent, and on the way back to the sword peak, Jiang Xiaolou was absent-minded, occasionally secretly glancing at Lin Shu.

  The two of them were speechless all the way, and after entering the library cabinet, Lin Shucai said, "If you have anything to say, you don't have to hide it." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was shocked, and quickly rushed up to hug the corner of his clothes, and said in a sympathetic voice: "Master Brother, you must help me!" There is a master brother who is at the peak of condensation, he doesn't want to face him with big deception! If you don't help me, I'm going to be killed by him!" When I die my master has no disciples! Who will come to give my master pension to the end of the year! ”

  The emotions she had been brewing all the way finally had a landing point, and she squeezed two tears out of her life.


  After a moment of surprise, Lin Shuliang said, "Aren't you going to set up a ring, set odds, and five or five points?" ”

  Tangled all the way together, just trying to hold his thighs?

  Jiang Xiaolou let go of his hand in fright, with a shocked face, "You all heard?!" ”

  "You conspired so loudly, I could hear it clearly." Lin Shu glanced at her, as if he saw what Jiang Xiaolou was thinking, and paused, "... Fortunately, though, no one else was passing around. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was dragged up and down by his tone: "You scared me to death." ”

  She tugged at the corner of Lin Shu's clothes again, "Then Master Brother, you must also help me!" ”

  "Since you learned the Art of Casting Swords and used obsidian to lay the foundation, with your strength, after a month of fighting against the peak of condensation, will you still lose?"

  Jiang Xiaolou said, "But if I only use the aura of the fifth layer of condensation qi, plus the hammer and sword technique, and do not expose the results of the forging body, I may not be able to overcome the peak of condensation." ”

  Lin Shu wondered, "Why is this so?" ”

  Is it interesting to add difficulty to yourself?

  Jiang Xiaolou asked first, "There are not many people inside the door who know about the casting of the Sword Casting Technique, right?" ”

  "There should be only a few old antiques."

  "That's right." Jiang Xiaolou said, "If I only use the hammer and sword technique, then the onlookers will only know that I have cultivated the hammer method, but they will not know that I have also forged my body." As long as everyone doesn't know that I actually learned the method of casting, then if I encounter an enemy who knows my bottom line in the future, I can rely on this to win him over! ”

  She said with some regret, "Actually, if the hammer method can also be hidden, it would be good, but unfortunately I said that day that I must learn the hammer." However, I can practice a different hammer technique, and the hammer will say that my master will reward me, and the grade of the hammer can be mentioned again in the future, but outsiders do not know. ”

  Lin Shu: ...

  He only thought that Jiang Xiaolou might be trying to hide her clumsiness, but he didn't think that she was far more dark-hearted than he thought, first of all, he wanted to yin a Huan Sword Feng to earn the spirit stone, even if it was a matter of time, this idea of hiding cultivation in advance, could ordinary people come up with it? Do ordinary people think about this kind of thing during the condensation period?

  Perhaps only someone like Jiang Xiaolou was suitable for practicing in the current Cast Sword Peak.

  Lin Shu looked complicated, but in the end he did not say anything.

  "Brother, five or five points!" Jiang Xiaolou dragged Lin Shu tightly.

  "..." Lin Shu put back the words of refusal, "Deal." ”

  "Brother Xie!"

  When Jiang Xiaolou went to see Daozang with joy, Lin Shu walked out of the library cabinet and sat silently inside the main entrance formation.

  A large open space in front of the library cabinet was actually the place where the disciples of the Sword Peak had once forged their sword skills to practice their sword skills. As for the inside of the library, it was only prepared for disciples who wanted to fight on a whim.

  Now that this place has been heavily sealed, there are no shadows of people and swords in sight. The great sword casting peak could not even find a person who was accustomed to casting the sword of the sword peak.

  Ten days later, Jiang Xiaolou was finally able to wield the sword without being beaten by Lin Shu, and the curriculum of Wen Daotang also had a new change.

  After dozens of versions of Jing Hongzhen's portrait of Waifeng's disciples were updated, Jing Hongzhen's sermon class was finally coming to an end.

  "I can't wait for Brother Jing!"

  Not only the main peak disciples, but also the outer peak disciples were all clinging to each other.

  "Brother Jing is such a good-looking person, there will be no chance to watch it for free in the future!"

  "Just look at how a few days is enough!"

  "Brother Jing's album is about to be sold, and the sisters must support it reluctantly!" Master Yun's also has! ”

  "Is there one with Master Hua?"

  "Brother Hua's will also have!" The female disciple who sold the album suddenly lowered her voice and said, "Ling Xiaofeng came to ask lord Feng for dan medicine a few days ago, and we seized the opportunity." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou, who listened to everything: ...

  In fact, in the whole Wen Dao Hall, she was the one who was most reluctant to Jing Hongzhen.

  Jing Hongzhen was gone, her time to sleep was gone, and she had to spend half of her cultivation time at night!

  Jiang Xiaolou was both distressed, but there was no way.

  What succeeded Jing Hongzhen in class was her long-awaited Dan Yufeng course, as long as she could learn alchemy, she could take the road of the second master's brother's fortune!

  This course and Bao ZhenFeng's class Jiang Xiaolou must be listened to carefully, and must not be missed!

  The Dan Dao class arrived as scheduled, and the elder who taught it was a Jin Dan Zhenren of Dan Yufeng, with the Dao number Xuan Rong.

  Xuan Rong Zhenren's teaching level was obviously higher than Jing Hongzhen's, and Jiang Xiaolou judged by herself, at least this time she could understand.

  However, there were not many people in the Wen Dao Hall who listened carefully, the main peak disciples were obviously not interested, the Outer Peak disciples had already learned Dan Yufeng's, and Bao Zhenfeng's still felt that it had nothing to do with me.

  No one paid attention to it because The Dan Medicine and the Rune were not within the scope of the examination of the Wen Dao Tang's final class, and the Sword Sect only set up a course.

  But Jiang Xiaolou was very serious, and even took notes.

  XuanRong Zhenren's first lesson is not about Dan Dao, but about pharmacology.

  "The way of alchemy, the technique is the first, the spiritual fire is the second, the Dan furnace is the third, and the herb is the fourth." But what determines the success or failure of the elixir is this last herb. To learn alchemy, we must also start with learning elixirs.

  There are tens of thousands of spiritual plants that can be used for alchemy in the Cultivation Realm, and a qualified Danshi must learn to distinguish these spiritual plants, but also memorize the characteristics of spiritual plants, how to pick and preserve them, what are the uses of rhizomes, leaves and flowers, and how different kinds of spiritual plants will react if they meet.

  Of course, if you are a Pin Dan Master, you can also try different natures of spiritual plants to improve Dan Fang, but there are very few such people who can do it, all of them are Dan Dao masters. ”

  Xuan Rong Zhenren also did not look at the disciples in the Daoist Hall, and said to himself, "If you can refine a hemostatic Dan, you can be called a Dan Master." This is the lowest grade of Danshi, and it is necessary to memorize the three hundred common spiritual plants.

  These spiritual plants, respectively, nine-leaf grass, the grass body is upright, the leaves are like sickles, metal, can be used for condensation elixir; Mao Nan Kui, orange, soft rhizome and straight leaves, wood genus, can be used for mixed yuan Dan; white bone sword, shaped like a metacarpal bone, texture like jade, water genus, can be used for condensing elixir ...


  After Xuan Rong Zhenren had brought these spirit plant characteristics together, he took out a few spirit plants from the storage bag.

  "These are the spiritual plants that I have already talked about, and I must have learned them when I listened to them." Let me order a disciple to discern it. ”

  At this moment, the disciples all looked at him in shock, didn't they say that the Lecturer of the Outer Peak Teaching was better than the disciples who could paddle the water, and never embarrassed anyone?

  Xuan Rong Zhenren, who had lost a thunderbolt, did not look down from the stage, but directly read out a prepared name.

  "Cast Sword Peak, Jiang Xiaolou."

Chapter 16

  Jiang Xiaolou Jiongjiong's eyes were facing Xuan Rong zhenren.

  The entire Wen Dao Hall disciples were looking at her, mixed with expressions that might be worried or perhaps schadenfreude.

  Jiang Xiaolou slept in Jing Hongzhen's class every day, and there were already people in the main peak who were not used to her. Seeing her named, Jing Hongzhen's supporters were overjoyed.

  Dan Yufeng's real person is not a generation with Brother Jing, and he dares to wander in class, this time Jiang Xiaolou will definitely not be able to escape!

  Everyone was looking at Jiang Xiaolou, but Jiang Xiaolou was not as panicked as they thought.

  She said confidently: "The leaves are long and purple, with serrated teeth is bauhinia mustard; light blue flowers, red leaves are red changshan; brown fluff, inverted cone-shaped, is six or eight grass..."

  Seeing Jiang Xiaolou come one by one, Xuan Rong Zhenren did not refute it, and those disciples of Dan Yufeng also bowed their heads slightly.

  Seeing the notes in front of Jiang Xiaolou's desk again, Fang Cai was still reading the joke Officiant Master Feng disciple furniture was incredible, it turned out that Xuanrong Zhenren was not trying to embarrass Jiang Xiaolou, but admired her as an excellent disciple who listened carefully to the lessons?

  Don't look at them to see the hilarity very happy, if you change the main peak disciples, not surely anyone can answer one or two. Even some Of the Inner Gate disciples were simply absent from this class.

  Dan Dao lessons are tedious and useless, far inferior to Jing Hongzhen's kendo lessons, why would anyone abandon kendo and learn Dan Dao?

  Of course, Jiang Xiaolou would not explain the doubts of these people, she continued: "The last one, five-petaled yellow-green flowers, spindle-shaped fruits, red-veined leaves, purple rhizomes... I don't recognize it. ”

  The crowd first looked sideways, but then heard her follow up, "But I guess, this is a fusion of Qin Gui, Shehuang, Zi Dongsheng, Five Leaf Jasmine, and Honey Oil Gui." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou's tone was not certain, there were several, and she was just guessing.

  A boo came from inside the Main Peak disciple, "Scare people! ”

  "If you can't deduce it, don't talk nonsense!"

  "I think she's just sensationalizing!"

  However, at this moment, a disciple of Dan Yufeng suddenly asked, "How did Master Sister see the honey oil gui?" ”

  "Although the fruit is not a spherical fruit of honey oil cinnamon, nor is it condensed outside, the flower buds are waxy, so I guess there is also honey oil cinnamon."

  NaDan Yufeng's disciple exclaimed, "Wonderful, wonderful! I only saw the first four, but I didn't find that the flower bud was not Qin Gui's flower bud. ”

  At this moment, everyone was shocked, Dan Yufeng's disciples' words were confirming that what Jiang Xiaolou said was true, even deeper than Dan Yufeng's disciples, no one could say anything to ridicule Jiang Xiaolou, and even reflected on whether he was too arrogant.

  Xuan Rong Zhenjun did not comment on the remarks of these two people, and after taking a look at Jiang Xiaolou, he took out another spirit plant.

  This plant is a strange shape visible to the naked eye, obviously formed by the fusion of spiritual plants, the flowers are half white, half red, half green and half yellow, the leaves are silky and spindle-shaped, there is no fruit, the stem is transparent, and you can see that there is a light blue liquid flowing inside.

  Xuan Rong Zhenjun said, "What do you say about this plant?" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was stunned and seriously studied the spirit plant.

  "Meaty Cocoon, White Ugly Flower, Carefree Grass, Sea Anemone, Green Evergreen Mountain, Curly Dragon, Zhu Xuanfu, Will Zero Fragrance, Chicken Tail Silk..."

  Jiang Xiaolou's discernment speed became slower and slower, until he announced the names of the sixteen spirit materials, and then he stopped, paused and added, "Transparent stem, I don't think it is a spirit plant." ”

  Xuan Rong Zhenren took a deep look at her and said, "Look for me after class." ”

  After saying that, he left directly.

  Jiang Xiaolou was surrounded by Outer Feng's disciples.

  "Sister Master, how did you provoke Uncle Xuan Rong?"

  "Yeah, you just came to Zongmen, how did you offend him?"

  "Uncle XuanRong is super fierce!"

  "Don't scare Master Xiao Lou, Master Xuanrong is just a bad character, and people are not bad."

  "The last time my sister disturbed his alchemy, he was locked up in the Dan furnace for half a month, and when my sister came out, she had already been refined into a copper-skinned iron arm."

  "My brother has been imprisoned for half a year, and he has already cultivated into silver skin!"

  Listening to them talk like this, I was not afraid to be afraid.

  Is Xuan Rong Zhenren any proclivity for arresting people and putting them in the Dan Furnace?

  But she also couldn't understand how a young disciple of hers who had just entered the Sect Gate had not even figured out where Dan Yufeng's door was open, so how could she have offended a real person again?

  Xuan Rong Zhenren wanted to look for him in front of so many people, it should not be a silence, but he wanted to calculate what account Jiang Xiaolou knew nothing, and he didn't even know which direction to kneel.

  Jiang Xiaolou's face was depressed, and the sword art lessons that were connected were only hastily raised their spirits, and after the class, they even tightly pulled Lin Shu tightly.

  Lin Shu was helpless: "He said that if he wanted to see you, it must be a separate meeting." ”

  "But you can hear it, Brother Master!"

  Lin Shu said, "I will not do anything beyond the scope of the Outer Gate disciples." ”

  "You don't have to save!" Jiang Xiaolou said, while taking out a piece of charm and slapping it in his hand.

  "This is..."

  "This is the Third Master Brother's special Second Master Brother Lifesaver!" In case I'm going to be imprisoned in the Dan Furnace, you must notify the Second Master Brother to stop it! ”

  Jiang Xiaolou's face was about to be righteous, and Lin Shu had no choice but to bow his head: "Good." ”

  If he left Jiang Xiaolou behind, he was afraid that her brothers and sisters, who usually did not see anyone, would all come out, so he had to go.

  Xuan Rong Zhenren casually laid out a soundproof formation not far from the Wen Dao Hall.

  This kind of fa array is simple and convenient, it can isolate the investigation below the gods, it is really a necessary product for conspiracy, Jiang Xiaolou realized that if he could also have such a set of formations when plotting with Wang Yu, Lin Shu would not pass by so easily. But the only drawback of this formation is... expensive. Jiang Xiaolou could only look away and shamefully starved.

  Xuan Rong Zhenren conjured up a set of trap chairs, and before Jiang Xiaolou could sit down, Jiang Xiaolou had already slipped and knelt down one step at a time.

  "Real person, if my second brother offends you, I will kowtow to you on his behalf!" You have a lot of adults, don't be angry with my little disciple! ”

  Xuan Rong zhenren was stunned, but he suddenly felt a tea cup, and there was a shallow spirit tea in it.

  "My head is also bumped, so let's make a cup of tea."

  Is this also the etiquette of apology?

  Jiang Xiaolou did not say a word and took the tea cup and offered it to her, and after Xuan Rong Zhenren took a sip, she stood up carefully.

  "This... Even if it's over? You wouldn't take my second master brother also Guandan furnace, would you? ”

  She felt that this matter might be related to Yan Ruthless, but she did not inform Yan Ruthless in advance, that is, she was afraid of taking another head in, and the brothers and sisters both entered the furnace.

  Xuan Rongzhen said, "It has nothing to do with ruthlessness." ”


  "You smell like my chicken."

  Jiang Xiaolou could not understand this sentence for a while, and his tongue was knotted.

  “...... This, is this something that can be said? ”

  Tiger Wolf Words!

  "..."XuanRong Zhenren looked at her lightly, "After eating ben Zhenren's spirit chicken, do you still want to settle the account?" ”

  In his eyes, Jiang Xiaolou swallowed involuntarily.

  It was really because she had been living in gu dan for more than ten consecutive days in order to save her cultivation time, and her eyes were already green just by hearing the name of chicken, and she automatically recalled the taste of the chicken called flower chicken.

  After coming to the Sword Sect, Jiang Xiaolou tonggong had only eaten the collection of deathly dim sums of the Cast Sword Peak Lord and a roasted bird without seasoning...

  Roast birds?!


  Although that roasted spirit chicken was indeed brought back by her strong request to the Sword Feng Lord, in this matter Jiang Xiaolou felt that he was really innocent!

  But Xuanrong Zhenren obviously didn't think so, but said leisurely: "The spirit chicken of this true person has phoenix blood, and it grew up eating the elixir of essence, and the elixir it has eaten alone is already thousands of spirit stones, you say, how do you pay?" ”

  He was sitting on the ground in the clear.

  Jiang Xiaolou instinctively felt that there was moisture in Xuanrong Zhenren's words, but he was a bitter lord and a real person, and Jiang Xiaolou was just a poor little disciple who had been blackmailed.

  Jiang Xiaolou said pitifully, "Disciple... The disciple made you a medicine boy to pay off your debts..."

  "Ben Zhenren never uses medicine children." Xuan Rong Zhenren ruthlessly rejected her, but turned to say, "... However, there is still one disciple missing. Your head is also prostrated, and the tea is also respected, so I don't ask you if you want to. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was so shocked that he could not speak.

  Strong buy strong sell ah!


  Xuan Rong Zhenren said seriously, "I haven't accepted an apprentice yet." You are no less talented than Kendo in Dando. If you are willing to leave the Forged Sword Peak, you can become my mantle, refine Dan together, pour out your money, and never hide your secrets. Sword Sect Thirteen Peaks, no one will dare to provoke my descendants. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou knew that what Xuan Rong Zhenren said came from the heart, and he was also very sincere. The Danshi Realm is never cultivating, and the Danshi are allies in their own right, and offending one is equivalent to offending the Danshi in the world. Under such circumstances, if you can become the only disciple of a Danshi, the future path will certainly be very smooth.

  "I don't want to."

  Xuan Rong wondered, "Why?" ”

  In his opinion, the chips he had made were enough to impress any new disciple.

  "If you stay in the Forged Sword Peak, it is impossible for you to concentrate on cultivating." Cultivators should stay away from these worldly dusts, otherwise they can only be like your master and brother... You don't have to worry about your master, there has always been a precedent for exchanging disciples between the outer peaks, and I have a little thin face in front of Master Jinsheng. ”

  ...... Did he steal the thin noodles of your chicken?

  They were all masters, and Jiang Xiaolou's cheap master who could not be closed after receiving the disciples was certainly better than the sincere Xuanrong Zhenren.

  But that's not how it counts.

  "Dan Dao is a path, but it is not the path I pursue." Jiang Xiaolou was full of faith, and his eyes glowed, "I must take a sledgehammer!" ”

  If she had become a Danshi, others would not dare to offend, but it would no longer be possible to get the power to hang Jun Xianfeng. The path of monasticism should never be smooth!

  "You..." Xuan Rong Zhenren vaguely remembered that he had also heard this rumor, seeing Jiang Xiaolou's love for the sledgehammer, thinking of his own red devotion to Dan Dao, he could not hit her, only said, "Since this is the case, then it is enough." ”

  He stood up and was about to end the conversation, but he heard a "Master."

  Jiang Xiaolou was looking at him with his eyes.

  "That... The head is also bumped, and the tea is also saluted..."

Chapter 17

  Xuan Rong Zhenren sneered, "Are you still relying on me?" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't feel embarrassed at all, and smiled flatteringly: "I am very similar to my second master brother, don't you think about it?" ”

  Yan Ruthless could be under the hands of Elder Dan Yufeng, and the brothers and sisters of the master were passed down in the same vein, and she naturally could too.

  As for being black-faced by XuanRong Zhenren, Danshi is this kind of temper, if he can worship such a Danshi as a teacher, Jiang Xiaolou doesn't care about his own face at all.

  "It seems you don't know anything, otherwise you wouldn't have said anything like that." Xuan Rong Zhenren looked at Jiang Xiaolou with subtle pity in his eyes, "Ruthless is different from you, and you don't want to be like him." My words have always been counted, and if you make the decision to leave the Forge Sword Peak, come to me. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was stunned and asked, "Then can I still ask you about dan Dao's questions?" ”

  Xuan Rong Zhenren took a deep look at her and said, "Yes." But according to the rules of the Yidan Master, you can't get the true transmission. ”

  With that, he put away his formation and left.

  When Jiang Xiaolou came out of the formation, he saw Lin Shu and Yan Ruthless not far away.

  "Second Master Brother?"

  Her eyes exchanged glances with Lin Shu for a moment, and Lin Shu shook his head.

  Lin Shu did not use that charm. As for Yan Ruthless's intentions, he didn't know either.

  Yan Ruthless was still flat-faced, and only the messy clothes corners because of the royal wind could see that he was actually in a hurry.

  Xuan Rong Zhenren's hint about Yan ruthlessness Jiang Xiaolou had not yet figured it out, and at first sight of Yan ruthlessness, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

  Why not be like him?

  Yan ruthlessly asked, "Did Master Xuan Rong find you?" What did he say? ”

  "Zhenren asked me if I would like to leave The Forged Sword Peak to worship him as a teacher... Of course I didn't say yes! ”

  The master and brother all asked, and Jiang Xiaolou naturally wanted to speak bluntly and show his loyalty.

  However, Yan ruthlessly heard these words and did not seem to be happy to go anywhere.

  He didn't know the beginning and end of the conversation between Jiang Xiaolou and Xuan Rong zhenren, but said in his usual indifferent tone: "You should promise him." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was puzzled, "Why? He wanted me to leave The Forged Sword Peak before I could worship him as a teacher. ”

  She looked at Yan ruthlessly blankly, not understanding why he had said such a thing.

  If Jiang Xiaolou agreed to XuanRong Zhenren, it could actually be regarded as a defection, and it was not a welcome thing anywhere.

  "Forged Sword Peak is not for you." Yan ruthlessly said with a calm face, "Master once told me before the retreat that if XuanRong Zhenren asked to take you as an apprentice, he would let you go with him." Since you refused..."

  He paused and didn't say anything.

  Is this what the Sword Forger Lord means?

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't understand what the Sword Forger Feng Lord was thinking at all, what good could it do him to encourage the disciples of the Origin To defect?

  She didn't see that Lin Shu, who was beside the two of them, heard this, but his face sank slightly.

  Yan ruthlessly continued, "Uncle Xuanrong's lineage of Danshi is difficult, because that vein is all Ice Spirit Root, Dan Fa Qi, but it can also refine a spirit elixir that ordinary people can't refine, and its status in the Cultivation Realm is very high." If you can enter the door of Master Xuanrong, it is a fortunate thing for you. ”

  He was also encouraging Jiang Xiaolou to pay homage to Xuan Rong Zhenren.

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't say a word, but she thought of something she hadn't thought of.

  Ice Linggen is indeed a rare number in the Cultivation Realm, and the entire Sword Sect is only one of her, so she is a strange commodity, and it is not surprising that Xuan Rong Zhenren said that he has been counting, otherwise he would change another person, even if it was a Dan Dao genius, Dan Shi would never mention it a second time if he was rejected once.

  So on the day she first started, the Sword Forger Peak Lord roasted XuanRong Zhenren's spirit chicken, was it intentional?

  Even if Xuan Rong Zhenren didn't know that there was an Ice Spirit Root within the Sect Gate during the retreat, when he found that his Spirit Chicken had been eaten, he would find that there was such a qualification among the new disciples. This lineage is not easy to inherit, and he must be determined to get it. Today, he was ready to first embarrass or inspect Jiang Xiaolou, and then let her worship the teacher.

  The Sword Forger Peak Lord gave Yan ruthless such a command again, as if he had already anticipated it. But he ordered him to go to the retreat himself, and he didn't say when he would come out, and he didn't care about the follow-up, why was this? Sincerely, or tempted, you can't just throw a thunderbolt and run away, right?

  Her cheap master really made her understand more and more.

  Yan ruthlessly sent Jiang Xiaolou and Lin Shu back to Zhu Jianfeng, and finally said, "Uncle Xuan Rong, if you think about it again, I will also persuade him." Little Master Sister... I don't want you to be my little sister. ”

  With that, he hurried away.

  Jiang Xiaolou was in the same place, almost wanting to give him a hammer.

  Yan Ruthless's last words were actually not hurtful, and Jiang Xiaolou was not very sad, she just came up with anger.

  Because Jing Hongzhen's dog thing also said so!

  In the dream, when Jiang Xiaolou Linggen had a problem, Jing Hongzhen persuaded her to leave Jun Xianfeng in this way, with a look of great righteousness and awe, full of great righteousness, and then persuaded her with words that seemed to be concerned but actually hurt the most.

  What stayed in Jun Xianfeng was not good for her, the Sword Zun disciples were too hateful, it was better to leave. Of course, if you can keep the cultivation, it will be better, obediently be a mortal.

  Believe you ghost!

  Of course, Jing Hongzhen did not have good intentions, and only wanted to drive away this sister who had humiliated him. But Jiang Xiaolou also knew that Yan Ruthless was different from him.

  Yan Ruthless only held out such a heavy sentence along the way, and did not even dare to see Jiang Xiaolou's reaction and ran away.

  If you want to be a vicious master brother who drives her away, you can't do it well, and you can only rely on a cold face to hide your emotions.

  Jiang Xiaolou did not complain about him, but he was still very angry.

  One or two, including the Sword Forge Peak Lord, all took their own ideas to arrange her path, even if the starting point was for her good, but why?

  Lin Shu suddenly said, "His sword heart has been destroyed by someone." ”

  "Someone broke his sword and crushed his sword heart, so that he would never be able to return to kendo from now on."

  Lin Shu's tone was indifferent, as if he didn't know what kind of thunder he had dropped.

  Jiang Xiaolou's eyes widened suddenly, looking at him in disbelief.

  Is this the reason why Xuan Rong Zhenren said to let her not be the same as Yan Ruthless?

  Breaking the sword of sword cultivation and destroying his sword heart is the revenge of the broken path, how vicious the person who attacked it is!

  She asked bitterly, "... Was it because he learned the sword technique of casting sword peaks? ”

  "Yes." Lin Shu bowed his head, "That's why he wants you to leave." That Danshi was a Danshi of the Frozen Vein, and as he said, this opportunity was really good. ”

  He said it well, but there was sarcasm in his tone.

  “...... Did the people of Huan Jianfeng do it? ”

  Destroyed his way, but did not kill him, more like to break this sword. Such a thing can only be done by an opponent with hatred.

  "Maybe." Lin Shu said, "Now that you know this, what are you going to do?" Go to that Danshi's door? ”

  Jiang Xiaolou said solemnly, "Of course, it is the spirit stone of the Pit Light Huan Sword Peak, and then blow them up!" ”

  Lin Shu expressed his affirmation without expression, "Not bad. ”

  Lin Shu walked in the direction of the library, and Jiang Xiaolou also followed up.

  She didn't hesitate when she made her decision.

  Not to mention that she had already obtained the main cultivation technique "Casting Sword Technique" in the Casting Sword Feng. Another thing Yan Ruthless didn't know, but she did know, Casting Sword Feng now has this ancestor in it, if Huan Jianfeng really deceives people too much, will Lin Shu leave it alone? There are three hundred treasures in the library, does Xuanrong Zhenren have it?

  If she just ran away, she would be a big fool.

  "In the way of sword law, I can only teach you another sword."

  Lin Shu held the wooden sword in his hand, but the sword intent was already emanating.

  "This sword is nameless, and I can't find the inheritance heel, and I haven't really learned this sword, but I just borrowed one or two, and you looked good."

  Jiang Xiaolou looked at him intently, only to see Lin Shu holding the sword, but it was straight towards her, Jiang Xiaolou was shocked, but she could not avoid it, she could not move, and even had a vague feeling in her heart - this was not a sword that she could dodge, or rather, this was not a sword that she could dodge.

  She stood there, her sword around her neck, as if she had actually been killed once.

  Jiang Xiaolou eased up and realized that his back was already full of cold sweat.

  She understood what Lin Shu said that he had not learned this sword, just like Lin Shu's way of teaching, he must have also been cut off by the sword intention of such a sword, in order to influence Jiang Xiaolou with the sword intention.

  "This sword... Who can fight? ”

  Jiang Xiaolou asked sheepishly.

  The world's recognized sword technique is sword respect Hua, and it just so happens that she has the experience of being beheaded by Chonghua.

  The Sword Lord is strong, but not invincible.

  This is not the case with this nameless sword.

  "That scares you?" Lin Shu said calmly, "The owner of this sword has already been killed." These things are far away from you, you just have to practice your sword. ”

  "There is no invincible man in the world, even if it is..."

  Lin Shu suddenly stopped making a sound, but Jiang Xiaolou didn't notice it either.

  Jiang Xiaolou was deeply ashamed that she was actually frightened, but she quickly made up her mind to learn this sword before the ring.

  This sword was very suitable for her requirements, especially when fighting against the higher realm with a low realm, because it was not determined by the sword qi, and Jiang Xiaolou even doubted that if a mortal who had not cultivated could comprehend a little sword meaning, he could also reverse the cultivator.

  Jiang Xiaolou held the wooden sword, recalling the feeling of Lin Shu's sword attacking.

  Of course, this feeling is not good, it is like repeatedly recalling how he was killed, but the sword intention of that sword is also in between.

  Jiang Xiaolou sweated coldly on his forehead, closed his eyes and swam forward.

  Lin Shu had been watching her from the sidelines, a little surprised.

  This sword looks indistinguishable, out of shape, without its god, but it already has "intention".

  This has nothing to do with kendo talent. Even if it was a natural sword heart, it had no advantage in this regard.

  This meant that Jiang Xiaolou's will could already merge with the sword intent of this sword, but she was still learning this sword for the first time, and such a person, even in his time, was very rare.

Chapter 18

  "Enough is enough. If you continue, you will be hurt. ”

  Lin Shu stopped Jiang Xiaolou's practice.

  "What kind of family did you come from in the mortal world?"

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't understand what he asked and asked this question, and said truthfully, "I am an orphan raised by a beggar, and I can't say that I am from any family." ”

  She had nothing to hide about her origins. Immortals are different, unless they are princes like Jing Hongzhen, otherwise the identity of mortals cannot bring the Cultivation Realm.

  Jiang Xiaolou would not have any inferiority because he was a beggar, if it were not for the old beggar Jiang Old Man picking her up, He was afraid that Jiang Xiaolou, who was abandoned by others, would have died a long time ago.

  In the years when she was born and grew up, there were successive wars, it was not easy to live, the displaced people whose families were destroyed were once rich families in the township, the royal family that was high above could also be slaughtered by the rebels, and Jiang Xiaolou was already a very lucky thing to be pulled up by the old beggar.

  It is precisely because there are too many disasters seen in the mortal world, after the old beggar dies, Jiang Xiaolou will be bent on seeking immortality.

  But it's just that these immortals, who are high in the eyes of mortals, in the face of fame and fortune, are actually no different from mortals.

  Lin Shu sighed in a low voice, "... pardonable. ”

  If Jiang Xiaolou was a little girl who was cared for in mortal dust, and when she entered the Sword Sect and was taken care of by her brothers and masters, the path of cultivation was smooth, the family within the Sword Sect was dominant, and no one suppressed her, then she could not have any resonance with this sword.

  It's like... The original Sword Forger Feng disciples were the same.

  Good times out of heaven, bad times out of evil.

  The reason why he was always unconsciously helping Jiang Xiaolou was probably just because he saw something that he had never seen before.

  Jiang Xiaolou opened his eyes inside the cave house, and the aura was running, and he had naturally broken through to the seventh layer of condensation.

  It was a little earlier than she estimated.

  In these days and days of tempering, her physical strength was already comparable to that of the Xuanjie Treasure Weapon, but this was jiang Xiaolou's deepest hidden bottom card, which could not be easily known to outsiders.

  In addition, it was the hammer she was looking forward to.

  The hammer body has been formed, and after the different kinds of metal have been repeatedly smelted, only the dark hammer is left, and I don't know if it is because the spirit is self-obscuring, this hammer looks ordinary, and even can't reach the edge of the fixed product.

  But Jiang Xiaolou, as the lord of the treasure hammer, of course knew the power of this treasure hammer.

  "Sword Casting" casts the body with a hammer, and the treasure hammer is always one grade higher than the casting body, that is to say, this is at least a Xuan Rank treasure weapon.

  The treasure hammer was not yet born of spiritual wisdom, but it had already communicated with Jiang Xiaolou's heart, and from the moment she began to practice the Sword Casting Technique, she had already decided that this would be her original spiritual weapon.

  Jiang Xiaolou thought of a problem at this time.

  "I see that people's swords have names, you... Or is it called a sledgehammer? ”

  The name given to the treasure by the Cultivation Realm was actually based on the nature of the treasure, but Jiang Xiaolou felt that it was not safe.

  The one with the word "sea" is the water genus, and the nature with "red" and "fire" is the fire genus, not to mention the "dazzling bell" and "descending magic bead", which is simply to paste the weakness of the magic weapon to the opponent's face.

  If the Lord of Baichuan Peak is against the enemy and comes up and says, "This sword is named into the sea", then who doesn't know that he is a Water Spirit Root cultivator?

  But she Jiang Xiaolou can say "this hammer name sledgehammer", as for her hammer attributes, specializing in what way, let them guess it.

  Jiang Xiaolou put away the treasure hammer and prepared to go to wen DaoTang.

  XuanRong Zhenren's Dan Dao class, which only taught some theories, was over, and the next class was Fu Zhen, who was also taught by an acquaintance.

  It was the nun Tan Youyun entrusted by Lu Yidao.

  Compared with Dan Dao, Fu Ji Yi is a little easier to get started and more practical, and there are still many people listening.

  Tan Youyun walked the dragon and snake with his pen and drew a few runes out.

  "Hemostasis, Gathering Spirit, Water Spirit." These three basic runes, as long as you learn their shape, you can be carved with aura, and they are the most suitable for low-level monks such as me. ”

  The way of the rune is the process of talking about the reiki silk and carving it on the rune paper through the pen. The purple sandpaper and dansha required for the common runes are actually to improve the success rate of the Reiki drawing charms, and if you are a master of the runes, you can not borrow things to become a rune.

  Wen Daotang issued a rune paper, and all the disciples were trying.

  Soon someone let out a sigh of chagrin, and the yellow rune paper burned automatically—it was the aura instability that caused the rune paper to self-destruct.

  Jiang Xiaolou was not very good at writing, and he was writing out the Ju Ling Rune, but it was unexpectedly very smooth.

  There is no sense of condensation at the time of writing, and there is no interruption.

  "Am I a genius?"

  Lin Shu suppressed her inflated self-confidence in time, "The drawing of the symbol lies in controlling the aura, and you draw steadily because you can already control the stability of the aura." ”

  "It's because... Can't throw the sword? ”


  Jiang Xiaolou turned the corner and realized that he was thinking too much.

  Lin Shu's ten days of training was to let her learn how to steadily turn the aura into sword qi and hold the sword without loosening it.

  Most of the low-level disciples value cultivation and the amount of Reiki, but they will ignore this. Lin Shu is a tall man, so he is taught from here.

  The path of cultivation is indeed a gap opened from the moment when the worshipper enters the mountain gate, just as the outside of the scattered cultivation is painstakingly pursued, and it may not be exchanged for such a lesson in the path of the runes.

  Jiang Xiaolou continued to draw the symbols, but just when she finished painting steadily, things changed suddenly.

  The rune paper in her hand directly spontaneously combusted after dropping the pen, and it had already turned into ashes when Jiang Xiaolou reacted.

  Lin Shu sneered mercilessly, "The genius of the Fu Zhen? ”

  Jiang Xiaolou took a piece of rune paper and continued to draw.

  This time she changed into a hemostatic, and still had a steady hand, and the aura was absolutely not shaking, and when she finished drawing the last stroke, the rune paper burned again.

  Jiang Xiaolou did not believe in evil, but after she had used up her own rune paper and used lin Shu's remaining rune paper, she had to admit her fate.

  Cong Ruizhen thought that she was a disciple of Bao Zhenfeng and could point out Jiang Xiaolou's first and second, but after she watched the process of Jiang Xiaolou's drawing, she also gave up, "The problem of the master sister is not the next pen. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou's process is very standard, that is, there is no way to succeed, where the problem is, Cong Ruizhen can not see it.

  The spirit ink and the rune paper are the same, and there is no reason why Jiang Xiaolou can't draw it.

  "I may just be at odds with the rune."

  Thinking that there was a way to make money that closed the door to her like this, Jiang Xiaolou couldn't help but feel sad.

  Lin Shu did not feel any pity, and even thought that this was a good thing for Jiang Xiaolou.

  "The Word is one."

  Jiang Xiaolou is good at everything, but he is too greedy.

  "I'm poor!"

  If he could give her a spirit pulse and a top spirit material, she would directly retreat to cultivate the sword casting technique and never get out of the pass again, and would she still need to ponder these things?

  Jiang Xiaolou piled up the ashes of the spell paper in front of him, and he didn't try anymore. Tan Youyun was still busy, and Jiang Xiaolou thought that it would be better to go back to Feng and ask Lu Yidao for advice.

  The way of the rune, she was still very hungry.

  Several people did not find out that Jiang Xiaolou's drawing of the charm was actually successful--but the rune quickly self-destructed, as if the heavens and the earth were intolerable.

  Meanwhile, Huan JianFeng.

  "Brother Jia, Baichuan Feng Pu Huai asks to see you!"

  Pu Huai stood outside a cave mansion and handed over the chief of Baichuanfeng's prayer.

  A moment later, the gate of the cave opened silently.

  Huan Jianfeng Chief Jia Liangcai had a kind smile on his face and asked, "What happened to Master Pu?" ”

  Pu Huai said that he had prepared a draft of his abdomen all the way, "Brother Jia, the Casting Sword Feng's discipleship ceremony has also accepted a disciple with a natural sword heart, I don't know if you know." That Jiang Xiaolou had already been set as the chief disciple by the Casting Sword Feng Master, extremely arrogant, and took away the resources of ordinary disciples in his identity..."

  At this time, Jia Liang interrupted him, "If it is because of the obsidian, Master Pu does not need to say more." The spiritual materials of the Zongmen are distributed according to the rules of the Zongmen. ”

  "I don't have a grudge against the Sect Gate because of this..." Pu Huai hurriedly explained, "Does Master Brother remember that there is a rule in the Door Rule that you can challenge the chief disciple at will within the fifth order." As soon as she's out of the Hall of Smell, I'll bet on her in the Obsidian Ring... But there are many sword-casting peak spiritual weapons, and I am worried that I may not be able to win, so I ask Master brother to help me one or two..."

  "The rings are all life and death, I only need the obsidian, but if Guifeng's disciples can win, they can do whatever they want to that Jiang Xiaolou..."

  "Enough!" Jia Liangcai frowned, "Master and Brother, do you want to use my Huan Jianfeng as a gun?" ”

  Seeing that he was already angry, Pu Huai said with trepidation, "I definitely don't mean this..."

  However, before he could say anything, he had already been sent out of the cave mansion by Jia Liangcai with a wave of his sleeve.

  "Look at Chief Tao's face, you just go down the mountain on your own."

  Pu Huai gritted his teeth, but there was no other way but to slip away from Huan JianFeng.

  In Jia Liangcai's cave house, another person showed his figure.

  It was Ji Tianze, the second master brother of Huan Jianfeng.

  "When he first said that he wanted to use this Pu Huai, did Master Brother ever think that he would also want to use Huan Jianfeng in turn?"

  Jia Liangcai's face was disgusted, "This person is insatiable. ”

  "If it weren't for that, you and I wouldn't have chosen him... But his proposal was good. The rules of the chief disciple... I didn't even expect that. ”

  "The rules for challenging the chief within the fifth order are rules, but in the end it is not a victory." Such a means, Pu Huai can do, I Feng can not. ”

  "When the Sect Gate set this rule, it meant that it recognized that the ability of the chief disciple was far superior to that of the disciples of the same rank." Ji Tianze did not agree with Jia Liangcai's words, "If someone uses this to challenge Master Brother, will Master Brother be afraid of battle?" ”

  “...... What do you want to do? ”

  Jia Liangcai knew that for some reason, his resentment towards the Forged Sword Peak was the deepest in the entire Huan Sword Peak. As long as he could seize the opportunity to cast the sword peak up and down, Ji Tianze would not let go of one.

  "Let the disciples at the peak of condensation move." Life and death ring, no matter what accident is normal. ”

  Jia Liangcai warned, "Zongmen forbids cannibalism. That disciple is just getting started, and you don't have to think about it. ”

  "I don't want her life. Since she is bent on using a hammer, whether true or false, we have broken her sword heart. Ji Tianze sneered, "People whose sword hearts have been broken, can they still carry the sword?" ”

Chapter 19

  Cast Sword Peak, Library Cabinet.

  Three days before the end of the Wen Dao Hall, Jiang Xiaolou was finally able to use the nameless sword in its entirety.

  Lin Shu no longer fought against her these days, but read a book on the side.

  "Brother Master," Jiang Xiaolou leaned forward, "is there a book of the Hammer Technique in the library?" ”

  Lin Shu raised his eyes slightly, "I have already warned you that the Tao lies in one." ”

  If he had been someone else, he wouldn't have said it a second time.

  Jiang Xiaolou said innocently, "I know, my 'one', of course, is the hammer." ”

  Lin Shu looked at her deeply, and then said, "Everything that begins with unitary is the outer path, you can go and have a look." ”

  "Brother Xie."

  No matter what Lin Shu thought in his heart, Jiang Xiaolou had already come to the row of bookshelves with joy.

  Just as Lin Shu said, that whole row was full of outer paths, and there were many exercises that looked very partial, such as "Blood Refining Demon Claw" and "Hehuan Secret Record", which sounded like the practice of the True Path.

  Jiang Xiaolou found the type of hammer method, although there are not many, but there are also dozens of copies.

  "'Thunder Hammer' is too moving, and the spirit root of 'Earth Immortal Hammer' is not suitable..."

  Jiang Xiaolou was very sorry to put these two books back.

  The method of inducing thunder with a hammer described by the former is very powerful, and there is no requirement for the linggen, but the thunder is too dangerous, and the monks who use the thunder method are rare, practicing this practice, as long as the thunder falls, others can also guess who it is with the elimination method. The latter is to attract the power of the land attached to the hammer, with the heavy pressure of the earth vein, Jiang Xiaolou's eyes are very hungry, but unfortunately this practice requires a high degree of affinity with the earth vein Tu Linggen, she is completely useless.

  As for the others...

  Jiang Xiaolou's eyes suddenly moved, and he drew a book without a spine from the bookshelf.

  On the cover page, the twisted and twisted song wrote three big words "Royal Spirit Hammer".

  Jiang Xiaolou turned the first page and quickly closed it again.

  "Master, are there a lot of Michihara here?"

  She almost fell into the realization.

  "Nothing." Lin Shu denied, "The secret books of the Outer Dao are all obtained by chance, and they will not deliberately collect the original." ”

  "I see."

  Looking at the high bookshelf, Jiang Xiaolou was a little disappointed, but he was actually very lucky to be able to find a copy.

  The exercises that can reach the original level of the Dao will never be inferior, and it should be known that those low-level exercises cannot reach the level of the "Dao", and even if they are originally no different from ordinary exercises.

  "What did you choose?"

  Jiang Xiaolou gave him a look, "Imperial Spirit Hammer, I think it's a good thing." ”

  "Imperial Spirit," Lin Shu seemed to think of something, "no wonder it's □□ Yuan." The exercises that begin with these two words are all rare books with Taoist rhymes..."

  But his words turned again, and he struck Jiang Xiaolou, "But the Dao rhyme of each book is the same, although there are not many people practicing, no disciple has ever successfully practiced." ”

  “...... Why is DaoYun the same? ”

  "Because whether it is "Imperial Spirit Sword", "Imperial Spirit Sword", "Royal Spirit Gun"... In essence, it is only the Law of the Imperial Spirit, named after the weapon, as if it was done for the purpose of passing on the Fa. There are about dozens of books in this series, and I don't even remember a hammer book in it. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was a little discouraged, but did not give up, "I still think this is a good thing." ”

  She couldn't say why, it was pure intuition.

  Lin Shu did not resolutely dissuade her, "You can try." This book you can take with you, there is no shortage of Imperial Spirit Methods in the library. ”

  In his tone, there was even a trace of disgust.

  Jiang Xiaolou returned to the cave house with the gong fa and couldn't wait to start understanding.

  No matter what Lin Shu said, she still inexplicably felt that the Imperial Spirit Hammer was a good thing.

  Judging from the original number of dozens of Books with Dao Rhymes alone, this exercise came from an incredible place.

  As for what Lin Shu said that no disciple could succeed in cultivation, Jiang Xiaolou believed it, but she would not die because of it, if she could not succeed in getting started, it was just a waste of one night, and she could still afford it.

  Jiang Xiaolou opened the original of the Imperial Spirit Hammer and fell into the comprehension of the Gong Fa.

  It was two hours before she withdrew. The treasure hammer she named the sledgehammer emerged, moving with Jiang Xiaolou's heart.

  "Wonderful! It's amazing! ”

  Jiang Xiaolou couldn't help but blurt out his admiration.

  After she had personally cultivated, she knew why Lin Shu said that this was essentially the Imperial Spirit Method.

  Treasures have spirits, and the imperial spirit is to communicate and merge with the treasure through the fusion of aura, so as to achieve the realm of controlling the treasure as if controlling oneself.

  Jiang Xiaolou and Sledgehammer's cultivation through the Sword Casting Technique themselves are in touch with each other, but after practicing the Imperial Spirit Hammer, they can obviously feel the difference from before--if it used to be like an arm, then now the feeling is that the sledgehammer is like another part of the body, regardless of you and me.

  If such a practice is leaked out, it will definitely lead to the madness of the world's instrument cultivation. The way of the Royal Spirit is really wonderful.

  And this one is called "Royal Spirit Hammer", nor is it in the title of the person, in addition to the Way of the Royal Spirit, it is indeed a hammer method of attacking and killing, and the quality is not low.

  Jiang Xiaolou practiced according to the requirements of the exercise, until most of the Reiki was consumed.

  She realized a problem with hindsight.

  Lin Shu said that no one could cultivate this fa, and there was no need for him to tell such a lie.

  “...... But it was easy for Youdaoyuan to get started in this exercise. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou did not encounter any bottlenecks, and directly succeeded in cultivation.

  "I... Forget it, I can't be such a genius. ”

  It must have been those disciples before who didn't work hard enough!

  The end day of the Wen Dao Hall arrived as scheduled, and Jing Hongzhen, who had not been seen for a long time, also appeared in the lecture hall.

  "The small competition at the end of the Wen Dao Hall was hosted by Jun Xianfeng, and I hope that all the teachers, disciples, and sisters will be more tolerant."

  Jing Hongzhen smiled slightly, and the disciples in the audience were already applauding wildly.

  Jiang Xiaolou glanced at it, and the disciple who had already sold Jing Hongzhen's album was painting Jing Hongzhen's portrait with amazing hand speed, and also specially marked the latest version.

  She picked up her spirits to listen carefully, and Jing Hongzhen had already talked about what the disciples in the audience cared about most.

  "This small competition is divided into two parts: the literary test and the martial arts test. The first Japanese exam examines the level of understanding of kendo, and the last two days are martial arts exams.

  On the first day of the martial arts test, the group points competition, the candidates draw lots to determine the group, a total of ten groups, defeat a disciple of the same group can get a little points, the disciple with the most points in the group can proceed to the next round.

  In the second round of the martial arts test, the ten disciples who came out of the line were drawn in pairs to fight in the ring and decided to be the first.

  In order to ensure fairness, the martial arts test prohibits the use of non-self-made elixirs, charms, arrays, and other foreign objects, and if there is a fixed spiritual weapon, it needs to be sealed to no grade before it can be played.

  The first place in the literary test and the martial arts test can accumulate ten points, the rest are decreasing, and the final points are added to the ranking, if there are the same points, another ring battle is required to decide the first place.

  The above is the small than the rules, what is the problem? ”

  Immediately, someone asked, "If the first round of the martial arts test draw puts two powerful disciples who can enter the top ten in the same group, then isn't there a chance that one of them will lose the chance to qualify in vain?" ”

  "Yes." At this time, it was Yun Zhao who smiled and squinted, "Luck is also included in the scope of assessment." In the second round of the martial arts test, there will also be two chances to bye. ”

  This remark came out, and the audience was fiercely discussed, some people felt unfair, and some people felt that Jing Hongzhen was reasonable. Most of the main peak disciples were arrogant, and most of them wanted to compete for the top ten, but some people felt that it did not matter to themselves.

  Another person asked, "What is the scope of the examination of the literary examination, and can Master Brother elaborate on it?" ”

  This is waiting for Jing Hongzhen to draw the key point.

  "There is no scope of the Tao, and there is no fixed topic in the examination of the literature examination," Jing Hongzhen broke their illusions, "the form of this examination is very different from the past, and everyone can look forward to it." ”

  Unlike in the past, it means that the intelligence of the brothers and sisters is useless. Some disciples who had listened to their past experience and had been preparing for the examination for a long time heard the words, and their faces were full of regret.

  "Can I use all foreign objects as long as I make myself?" What if someone could make a definite artifact? ”

  Yun Zhao said, "As long as it is made by yourself, it can be used, and if it can make a fixed spiritual weapon, it can also not be sealed." However, the spirit weapon that could produce huang pin was already a refining master. ”

  The disciple who asked the question realized that he had asked a somewhat stupid question. How difficult it was to fix the spiritual weapon, if there was such a master, he would never appear in this group of new disciples.

  The main peak disciples were still trying to implement the details of each rule as much as possible, and the disciples on the outer peak side who realized that this matter had nothing to do with them had begun to share portraits.

  Jiang Xiaolou, who was forced to accept a flowery atlas: ...

  When the doubts were almost solved, Jing Hongzhen continued to talk about the topic that Jiang Xiaolou was most interested in, "The rewards for the top ten in this course are the same, you can choose the same Yellow Pin Spirit Weapon in the Zongmen Warehouse, and the first place can be selected first." In addition, the first place can get an additional Enlightenment Stone. ”

  Jing Hongzhen added, "The Stone of Enlightenment is precious and can only be obtained on the Immortal Battlefield. This piece was originally a reward that Master Zun gave me to Master Feng. However, this time the Wen Dao Hall was taught by my Jun Xianfeng, and it was the master sister who took the initiative to take out the Wu Dao Stone as a reward for Xiao Bi, and to compete fairly, and I hope that everyone must cherish this opportunity. ”

  Someone couldn't help but exclaim, "Jiang Shimei Gaoyi!" ”

  Such a treasure as the Wu Dao Stone, Jiang Wenyue ken took it out, can indeed be called a high righteousness. Even if it is because she has the confidence to win the first place, in case of accident, she will lose this precious treasure that belongs to her. This thing was also a specialty of the Immortal Demon Battlefield, and even if Sword Zun loved the little disciple again, he would not be able to give her a second one for a while and a half.

  For ordinary disciples, the Enlightenment Stone was a treasure that could not be touched at all during the condensation stage, and Jiang Wenyue was willing to give them a fair chance to compete, which had already made them very grateful.

  When Jiang Wenyue was surrounded by the disciples of the main peak, Jiang Xiaolou silently rolled his eyes.

  And that's where the momentum begins?

  No one could know better than her how good Jiang Wenyue was at such a means. It was through such a small favor that she created the image of Jun Xianfeng's pro-people genius among the disciples of the Sword Sect all the way. Although Jiang Xiaolou didn't know why she had to bother to do such a thing, she also knew that what Jiang Wenyue was plotting was not a trivial matter.

  Junxian Fengfeng Master Sword Zun did not ask about sword sect things, but the disciples were more good at dancing than one long-sleeved, which was also very interesting.

  Perhaps, Jiang Wenyue just wanted to be the head of the Sword Sect.

  But no matter what she plots, Wu Daoshi and Jiang Xiaolou are bound to win!

  There were not a few people with the same thoughts as her, and for a while they heard the momentum in the Dao Hall.

  Seeing that what should be said was also said, and the atmosphere was almost set off, Jing Hongzhen said, "After three days, it is the end of the class, please be prepared, all disciples must not be absent." ”

  Then, he smiled again, "Anyway, congratulations on graduating from the Wen Dao Hall." ”

  The cheers rang out in the sky, and it was Jiang Xiaolou who also symbolically clapped his hands.

Chapter 20

  Lu Yidao stood in front of Jiang Xiaolou's cave house, took a deep breath, and fixed his mind.

  A quarter of an hour later, he touched the formation of the cave house.

  "Little Master Sister?"

  This time, when Jiang Xiaolou opened the door and came out, Lu Yidao finally stabilized in place.

  "Tomorrow Xiaobi, I'll send you to wen dao tang." Lu Yidao hesitated for a moment and then asked, "Are you cultivating geometry now?" ”

  "Five layers of condensation."

  Jiang Xiaolou's eyes did not blink as she reported the number she had prepared long ago.

  "So fast?" Lu Yi was slightly surprised, but he was also a little relieved.

  He said happily, "You don't have to be too nervous when you hear the end of the class." The top ten are only Yellow Pin Spirit Weapons, not nothing, the Yellow Pin Spirit Artifacts within the Sect Gate are all handed over by disciples when they can't use them, and there is no good product. Wu Di is not there for a few days, and when he returns, you say what you want for him to practice. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was very impressed... But there was no response, "It's not good to be so tired of the Fifth Master Brother." But if I want to ask the Fifth Master brother some questions about spiritual weapons, can I? ”

  She had been pondering recently whether she could get her sledgehammer to another level if she could have the guidance of the Master of Instrument Cultivation.

  "Of course." Lu Yi dao said, "If you want to learn the runes, you can also come to me." ”

  He wondered what it was like to have a well-behaved sister who was humbly seeking advice.

  Jiang Xiaolou did not change color: "Definitely." ”

  ...... It is possible to line up behind the hammer method, alchemy, and refining instrument.

  In fact, in the beginning, she prioritized the runes after the hammer method, because this way can attack and defend, and there are many practical functions, and the third master brother is the person who Jiang Xiaolou has the most contact with, and he is also the person who looks like the best personality in the master brother.

  But who would have thought that since Jiang Xiaolou's spell class, not a single rune has been successful... It was simply a shame to teach the runes, and it had completely abandoned itself.

  It may be that The lecturer's sister Tan saved her a little face, so that Lu Yidao still maintained an optimistic state of ignorance.

  Lu Yidao did not know that Jiang Xiaolou's heart was weak, and still happily took out a storage bag.

  "Inside are the charms I have drawn in the past few days, and the elixir given to you by the Second Master Brother." He squeezed his eyes, "Second Master Brother is just cold in the face, you don't have to worry about him." ”

  "I know." Jiang Xiaolou said, "... But it was not necessary, and the last time Master Brother gave me, it was useless. And this time the small ratio is not used. ”

  "How come there are still people who are suspicious of the charms?" Won't you be holding on to it? Even if you don't use it, be sure to keep a protective charm on your body. All marked for you, don't be reluctant. Lu Yidao put on a distressed expression, "Dan Yao was entrusted to me by the Second Master Brother to hand it over to you, if you don't accept it, then the Second Master Brother is not looking for me." ”

  He ignored the storage bag and shoved it into Jiang Xiaolou's hand, and the imperial sword ran fast, leaving only a sentence far away, "Tomorrow when yin, don't forget!" ”

  Lu Yidao ran away, and Jiang Xiaolou held the storage bag that had been forcibly stuffed, or opened it to see.

  All kinds of self-defense charms, a few bottles of elixirs, were all put away in different categories, and there were some spirit stones, but Lu Yidao did not say.

  Jiang Xiaolou sighed softly.

  In the face of kindness, she has actually been subconsciously avoiding.

  Jiang Xiaolou was born as a beggar, fatherless and motherless, only dependent on an old beggar, and knew from a young age that there was nothing in the world that could be obtained for nothing.

  Although the brothers and masters would not expect her return, would she be able to accept it with peace of mind?

  If she could, then she was not Jiang Xiaolou.

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't know about the past, but even his experience in these days could also understand that the Casting Sword Peak's pulse seemed detached in the Sword Sect, but in fact it was full of dangers.

  However, although her cheap master had lost her own practice and raised her, the brothers had not treated her badly, and what Lin Shu had given her could not be measured in value.

  Therefore, Jiang Xiaolou also had no way to put down the casting sword blade.

  Back inside the cave house, Jiang Xiaolou sat down on her legs, the sword casting technique naturally ran, the sledgehammer flew up, and in front of her was a book of Daoyuan.

  For the past two days, she had been trying to use this method, trying to achieve cultivation while enlightening.

  Thanks to the Imperial Spirit Method, she was able to skillfully command the sledgehammer, and the consumption of the mind became minimal.

  Dao Yun filled his mind, and then led to the flow of aura, and after a big week of calming down, Jiang Xiaolou's spiritual breath surged and broke through a small section.

  With only a hint of it, she was eight layers of condensation.

  Of course, this was related to her asceticism, but Jiang Xiaolou was vaguely aware that such a speed was still faster. She subconsciously stroked the Jade Seal that the Forged Sword Peak Lord had given her.

  If it can be fixed, it is at least a spiritual weapon of the earth product. Jiang Xiaolou and Lin Shu tried repeatedly, and finally they were able to make her cultivation two steps behind the real cultivation when it was exposed.

  "Wen Dao Tang First... It should be enough. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou put away Yu Jue, closed his eyes, and continued to cultivate.

  Jiang Xiaolou put down Daoyuan and carried two talisman spirit runes in front of him before going out.

  Lu Yidao's words gave her inspiration, the spirit rune could not be activated, but it could not be without.

  Otherwise, if you think you are safe in the sect gate and are suddenly attacked, wouldn't it be very unjust.

  Lu Yidao waited outside, but before he could speak, Jiang Xiaolou said in time: "Brother Master, I am not afraid, nor am I nervous, nor am I short of money, nor do I care about winning or losing." ”

  Lu Yidao's full of care had nowhere to rest, and he couldn't help but look away from lin shu, but Lin Shu refused with his eyes.

  He aggrievedly pasted the large knife.

  The three of them arrived outside the Wen Dao Hall, where an examination room had been temporarily opened.

  "Brother Master." Jiang Xiaolou looked back.

  "What's wrong?"

  Jiang Xiaolou said, "Don't be nervous. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou and Lin Shu were very indifferent, and Lu Yidao seemed to be the one with the worst mentality.

  "I can take first." Jiang Xiaolou patted Lu Yidao's hand, "You believe me." ”

  “...... For the brother of course believes in you. Lu Yidao would be suspicious of the letter, but it was not good to attack Jiang Xiaolou's enthusiasm at this time, "Go ahead." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou and Lin Shu walked into the examination room.

  The first Japanese test, one person and one table, the pen and ink had been placed on the table, but it was a little strange that when entering the door, there were no restrictions on the disciples, not even storage bags.

  A bell rang, and Jing Hongzhen appeared in front of the examination room.

  He wore a moon-white embroidered gold dress, and the clothes were faintly reflective, which was very fancy in Jiang Xiaolou's eyes.

  Jing Hongzhen first announced: "There is no examination paper in this examination. ”

  The candidates were in an uproar, and Jiang Xiaolou also narrowed his eyes, not knowing what medicine he was selling in the gourd.

  One of the elders who maintained order shouted, "Silence." No sound is allowed in the examination room. ”

  "You may also wonder why the wen test can't help cheating." Jing Hongzhen sold a guanzi, "Because of this literary test, there is no chance of cheating." Even if you can contact the disciples outside the field, you can't get help from them. ”

  Jing Hongzhen flicked his sleeve, and a stone monument appeared in front of the examination room.

  At the moment of seeing this stone tablet, all the disciples lost their minds for a moment.

  The Tao rhymes shock their hearts and make them involuntarily realize the Tao.

  Jing Hongzhen was not surprised, as if he had expected it earlier, he interrupted the process with a loud voice, "The official examination content of this examination is to comprehend the hidden kendo of this inscription from the fragment of this sword stele, and write it out, which is limited to two hours." The score will be decided by the Nine Peaks Elders, and there is no need to worry about unfairness. ”

  This is indeed a way to completely eliminate cheating.

  The sword tablet is mysterious, and each fragment contains the sword path, but the fragment can only understand the kendo in the inscription if you witness it with your own eyes. The Dao Fa is not something that can be transmitted by spiritual weapons, so only the disciples present can be considered to have participated in the literary examination.

  Since this fragment can be taken out for examination, it has been thoroughly studied, and just taking it out can also open the eyes of the new disciples.

  The disciples stood in front of the monument, and before a quarter of an hour had passed, someone had already begun to write a book of diseases, presumably understanding the long sword technique.

  The rest of the disciples also wrote with their pens within half an hour, and constantly raised their eyes to understand the inscription.

  This stele is called the Sword Stele, but because it contains Dao rhymes, the Tao is higher than the sword, and the Outer Peak disciples who do not understand kendo can also write a stroke or two.

  Lin Shu also leisurely picked an unobtrusive time to start writing.

  Until everyone started, Jiang Xiaolou was still looking at the fragments of the sword monument with his eyes blank. When it was almost an hour, she finally began to write.

  Outside the exam room.

  A water mirror technique showed the situation in the field, and the people who were watching were the elders of the peaks who were responsible for the scoring this time, except for Jing Hongzhen.

  "If the most reasonable thing in the sword tablet can comprehend one or two, it is already very remarkable for them." The new disciple was very lucky to have such an opportunity. ”

  "This person who has comprehended the sword method is a disciple of Nanhua Feng, and the future life is terrible."

  Elder NanhuaFeng hurriedly humbled himself, "I don't dare to be, it just happened." ”

  "Well, is this someone who has come to understand the method of refining the body?" The sword tablets are all-encompassing, but this path is rare and remarkable. ”

  Elder Zhongfeng commented on the disciples' answers one by one, and praised each other from time to time.

  Suddenly, an elder exclaimed, "This disciple's answer sheet is exquisite!" ”

  Hearing this, another person leaned over, "Indeed, I have broken away from the Fa and approached the Dao!" Even the disciples in the foundation building period could achieve this level at most. This is a genius! This is...... Sword Zun's newly acquired young disciple? ”

  "It's the moon." Jing Hongzhen said, modestly for Jiang Wenyue, "Wenyue still has to learn." ”

  I heard that he was a disciple of Jian Zun, and some people touted it: "Sword Zun's vision is indeed good." ”

  Jing Hongzhen only smiled and said nothing.

  The water mirror turned again, and some elders noticed Jiang Xiaolou, who had not yet started writing.

  "Is this person still comprehending?"

  "Impossible. The sword tablet was mysterious, and the new disciple could not survive this time. ”

  The elder of Huan Jianfeng suddenly said, "I see that her heart is empty, and she has no way to write." ”

  One of the elders frowned and asked, "Which peak disciple is this?" ”

  Elder Huan Jianfeng said directly, "The one who forged the Sword Peak." ”

  Wasn't the new disciple of The Forge Sword Feng the one who rejected the Sword Lord?

  Everyone was dumbfounded, and after a moment, Jing Hongzhen made a round field, "This son is young, and his heart is still a little stubborn... I just don't like kendo. ”

  He was taking medicine while his tone was very sorry.


Chapter 21

  Jiang Xiaolou was struggling to write a book.

  The Dao rhyme contained in the sword tablet and the Daozang she had read through all these days echoed each other, collided, and felt that she did not want money to spill out. If Jiang Xiaolou was willing, she could write out the three methods of hammer, dan and sword from the understanding of the inscription.

  This is already amazing, ranking in the top ten is not a problem, but Jiang Xiaolou feels that it is not enough.

  After all, the Fa is only inferior, and the Tao is superior. Since it is an examination of kendo, in the Dhamma, there must be a part that fits the Tao, in order to stand out in the literary examination. But even so, it was still like something was missing, so When Jiang Xiaolou was already able to understand the sword technique, he forcibly extended the time of enlightenment, and finally found his own answer.

  Thanks to those Daozang in the Library, Jiang Xiaolou's endurance to the impact of Daoyun was much higher than that of others. However, if it weren't for Jiang Xiaolou's daily practice of Daozang this month, even more than lin shu stipulated thirty books, she would never have been able to do so.

  There was only the rustling of the pen in the field, and the disciple who answered the first question had already handed in the paper, but it was a look of chagrin--he realized the Tao quickly and was also very eager, afraid that he would not be able to finish writing in two hours, but he forgot that the Dao had no order, but there was a high and low.

  One by one, people handed in their papers and left, but it did not affect those who were still writing.

  When it was almost an hour, Jiang Xiaolou finally stopped writing, and when he looked up again, there were only a few people left in the examination room.

  Jiang Wenyue was still there, and there was also a disciple of Ling Xiaofeng and a disciple of Dan Yufeng.

  Jiang Xiaolou handed in the answer sheet, and the disciple of Dan Yufeng followed closely behind her, but his answer sheet made the disciples who were still watching outside the examination room talk about it.

  At the distance between the inside and outside of the examination room, they certainly couldn't see the contents of the answer sheet clearly - but they didn't need to look at it, because it was a white paper.

  Looking at the costume again, it was the standard of the disciples of Waifeng.

  For a little vanity to stay in the exam room until the end, as for?

  When Jiang Xiaolou walked out, he didn't know what these disciples were thinking, and he was surrounded by mocking eyes.

  Na Dan Yufeng's disciple suddenly said, "A bunch of mediocre people." ”

  That sentence seemed to have lit a cannon battle among those Master Peak disciples, but that Dan Yufeng disciple waved his sleeve and left, his back shadow was very free, but the speed was so fast that those Master Peak disciples could not keep up.

  As a result, there was only one person who seemed to be with him, and it happened that this person had heard that there had been two scenes in the Hall of Fame, and everyone recognized him.

  "I see some people, who have never listened to a class, but pretend to delay the time to the end, what is the picture?"

  "I can't afford to lose that person, but when the ranking comes out, I still have no face."

  Jiang Xiaolou, who was inexplicably yin and yang, said: "...? ”

  These people did not name names, but she did not understand. But before she could fight back, the disciples all went around the two people who had just come out of the examination room and threw her aside.

  Lu Yidao and Lin Shu walked towards Jiang Xiaolou.

  Lu Yidao frowned, "How did the mind become like this?" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was stuffed with a Yiqi Dan by him, and only then did he realize that his appearance must not be very good-looking.

  But in fact, she was already very accustomed to such a feeling, in the cultivation of these days, Jiang Xiaolou had been using this method of almost overdrawing herself to catch up with the progress.

  The three of them sat on the big knife of Lu Yi's knife, and Jiang Xiaolou finally returned from pranayama.

  "Master, how did you answer without asking me?"

  She saw that Lu Yidao's face was full of words and stopping, which was very entangled.

  "Huh?" Lu Yi shook his head fiercely, "Don't ask or ask, you have a number in mind." ”

  "Hmm." Jiang Xiaolou nodded, "I'll know when the ranking comes out." ”

  Just like the disciples said.

  Huan JianFeng.

  After everyone left the examination room, the fragments of the sword tablet were collected by Jing Hongzhen, and they were now placed in front of the elders. In addition to that, there are some books.

  "The research on this fragment has been drawn from the library, and you are also familiar with it," Jing Hongzhen said, "if there is anything that has not been included, it can also be confirmed by this fragment." There's you guys. ”

  The answer sheets were scattered in the hands of the elders of each peak, and according to the rules, each answer sheet needed to be scored by three people and then averaged.

  Elder Shao Yufeng smiled, "It seems that the top of the list this time should be Jiang Wenyue." ”

  "No surprises." The elder of Nanhua Feng echoed, "If you can have such an understanding at a young age, it is really the next generation of my Sword Sect Heavenly Pride!" ”

  Elder Bai Chuanfeng said, "That's not necessarily true, after all, I haven't read the answer sheets in the field one by one." ”

  "Among these disciples, besides Jiang Wenyue, are there also people who are close to the Dao?" It doesn't have to be so conservative. ”

  These elders chatted idly while judging the scrolls, and inadvertently exposed some of their own attitudes.

  The Nine Peaks of the Sword Sect are neat on the outside, but not without gaps on the inside, and each peak has a careful thought.

  "This answer sheet is rather interesting," Elder NanhuaFeng said suddenly, "I was able to directly understand the sword technique on the sword tablet from this fragment." Amazing! ”

  "It's Ling Xiaofeng's little guy, he has a good understanding, and he should have kendo qualifications."

  At this time, Ling Xiaofeng's elder coldly put down an examination paper, "Full of nonsense, how was he recruited into the door?" ”

  Seeing the three words of NanhuaFeng on the examination paper, the elder of Nanhuafeng said, "They are still young disciples." ”

  At this moment, Shao Yufeng's elder suddenly said, "Look at Jiang Wenyue's answer sheet." ”

  She handed over the answer sheet, "It's not just close to the Dao, she can already see the Dao Fa from the sword tablet!" The future life is terrible, the top of this list, I am afraid it will not be a bystander. ”

  After Elder Zhu Feng saw it, he also agreed with it.

  Jiang Wenyue's answer sheet was indeed amazing, she opened with the sword method, and finally approached the law. Moreover, this was the first time she had seen the fragment of the Sword Tablet, which showed her Daoist heart and understanding.

  Elder Chi Gefeng, who had not been speaking, said at this moment, "What is the hurry?" Have you read all of them? ”

  "No need to look any further." Elder Huan Jianfeng swore, "This generation of new disciples will not surpass Jiang Wenyue." ”

  "Is it?" Elder Chi Gefeng had already guessed that he would say this, and took out another answer sheet with a mocking face, "Look at this." ”

  The elders gathered around, and at the first glance, they saw a bad word.

  Someone whispered, "That's too unpretentious." ”

  But by the time they looked down from the beginning, they were shocked and even ignored how ugly the word was.

  They had long expected Jiang Wenyue's excellence, but there was another answer sheet that far exceeded the disciple realm, but the elders had not expected it.

  "This is... Explanation! ”

  "The afterlife is terrible... The afterlife is terrible! ”

  The words of praise were all used on Jiang Wenyue once, but some people couldn't help but repeat them several times.

  The so-called Taoist explanation is the language that explains the Daofa, and it requires a deep understanding of the Daofa to write. The fragments of this sword tablet have long been written out by someone, and the elders have a good idea, but they are 70% similar to the above of this answer sheet, but the words of this answer sheet are more simple... Words are also uglier.

  But you must know that the people who have solved the Dao within the Sword Sect are all Jin Dan Elders who have been cultivating for hundreds of years!

  "Which peak's disciple is this?"

  Some elders could not wait to grab the last page of the answer sheet.

  It was still the ugly handwriting, with six big words written on it.

  Cast Sword Peak, Jiang Xiaolou.

  Everyone was stunned, and Jing Hongzhen was even more shocked.

  Just now, he also smeared Jiang Xiaolou fiercely in front of the elders. However, Jiang Xiaolou had indeed never listened to his preaching lectures, so how could she possibly write a Taoist explanation?

  "Did this person come into contact with the Sword Tablet or the Dao Xie before the wen examination?" An elder suddenly asked.

  It wasn't that he thought too much, but that such a genius disciple was simply not within the scope of what they could imagine. What's more, it was still a long-lost sword peak.

  "Elder Meng said cautiously." Jing Hongzhen looked solemn and said, "The examination form of this examination is confidential throughout the process. ”

  He also hoped for this in his heart, but he had to maintain Jiang Xiaolou's achievements.

  The person in charge of Xiao Bi was his Jun Xianfeng, and if someone was found to have leaked the problem, it would not be the face of The Sword Zun who was lost. Besides, none of the people above and below Jun Xianfeng had a good feeling for Jiang Xiaolou, even if they wanted to plant stolen goods, there was nowhere to start.

  The elder was also aware of the problem, "... I was the one who lost my word. ”

  Elder Chi Gefeng said slowly, "It seems that the top of this list is fixed, right?" ”

  "Can't do that!" Elder Huan Jianfeng said sharply, "I think Jiang Wenyue's answer sheet is even better, although this Jiang Xiaolou has realized the Taoist explanation, the interpretation is rough, and this font is also unobtrusive." ”

  There was still some truth in his previous words, but when he said that, Elder ChiGefeng sneered, "I don't know, when did the literary examination have a written score?" ”

  Competing for the top spot were the disciples of Jun Xianfeng and Zhu Jianfeng, but it was Chige Feng and Huan Jianfeng who were arguing bitterly, and they did not want to see the opposing disciples win the top position.

  Elder Ling Xiaofeng spoke out at this moment, "Wen Tried to examine the Sword Dao, and naturally he was able to write out the victory of the Dao Solution. ”

  As we all know, Ling Xiaofeng does not take sides, she is just to maintain Xiaobi's fairness.

  "You said." Jing Hongzhen had to stand up at this time, "Wen Yue is indeed inferior. ”

  He also understood that this was powerlessness, and it was better to leave a fair impression on these elders. Even if there was regret in his heart, on the surface he was still the Master Brother of Jun Xianfeng.

  It's just a point worse, the battle of the ring, Wen Yue will not lose.

  Jing Hongzhen thought so, but he was even more disgusted with Jiang Xiaolou.

  The elder of ChigeFeng looked at him contemptuously, but did not say anything sarcastic.

  Everyone had no objection, and only Elder Huan Jianfeng's face was ugly.

  When he didn't agree when he opened his mouth, he knew that there were still people in the Sword Sect who were looking forward to forging sword blades.

  The Forged Sword Peak vein must not have a head anymore! This jiang xiaolou must also be suppressed!

  The next day, when the disciples arrived at the Wen Dao Hall, they saw that the ranking of the Wen Examination had been posted in front of the Wen Dao Hall.

  The top ten are high above, and the names can be seen from afar.

  Jiang Xiaolou was still waiting for Jing Hongzhen to roll call, but he did not expect that he actually chose Zhang Bang. If Jiang Wenyue had won the first, he would never have done so.

  But that's enough.

  Jiang Xiaolou walked slowly to the two disciples she felt were very familiar.

  "Ah, how can some people not be able to beat even people who have never listened to a lecture?" Can you afford to lose this person? ”

  The disciple saw that she was a little weak-hearted, but his mouth refused to admit defeat: "Even if you can get lucky enough to win the wen test, can you be so lucky in today's martial arts test?" ”

  "When the time comes, you will see yourself in the ring!"

Chapter 22

  "Then you'd better make a wish to draw a group with me."

  Jiang Xiaolou glanced at him lightly, and then lined up to draw lots.

  The disciple looked at her back in shock and anger, but somehow failed to utter the remaining provocative words.

  The meaning in Jiang Xiaolou's words was as if as long as she drew a group, she would definitely be able to defeat him.

  She was a disciple of waifeng, where did she get such courage?

  There was already a long line in front of the signs of the martial arts test.

  Jiang Xiaolou whispered, "Brother Master, will it be possible to have a black box in such a lottery method?" ”

  Before Lin Shu could reply, the disciple next to him said, "Under the JunxianFeng Sword Throne, how can you engage in such a small action?" ”

  The status of the Sword Sect's disciples was very high, and no one would be so suspicious except Jiang Xiaolou.

  But Jiang Xiaolou couldn't help but compare his heart to heart, and he was a little afraid to rest assured. If she sat on top of Jing Hongzhen's position, and Jing Hongzhen came to take the exam, she would also be tempted to wear small shoes for him...

  "That sign is the Xuanpin Spiritual Weapon 'Unsatisfactory Sign'," Lin Shu said, "Ordinary people can't do anything on the Spiritual Weapon, which also eliminates the possibility of cheating." ”

  "That's the way it is." Jiang Xiaolou glanced at the sign in the distance, and sure enough, the spirit rhyme was exposed.

  Seeing that her eyes lit up, Lin Shu said, "Inside the Xuanpin Spirit Weapon, this is the most chicken rib." In terms of value, it is still better than Huang Pin attacking the spirit weapon. ”

  But that's also a mystery!

  Jiang Xiaolou was hungry, but he still withdrew his infatuated eyes.

  When she arrived, Jiang Xiaolou had words in her heart.

  "Give a good sign, give a good sign, give a good sign..."

  [The strongest two are put to the fourth, the main peak of the even number of places, the outer peak randomly put, the smallest competition seems to be the seventh, the best sign.] 】

  Jiang Xiaolou's hand on the top of the sign holder was tight, and there was no hurry to go to the lottery.

  She kept silently saying in her heart, "I want number seven, I want number seven..."


  "Give me number seven, give me number seven, give me number seven..."

  The disciple guarding the sign holder was a little impatient, "What you do, the draw is the same!" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou did not respond to him, feeling that a spirit sign inside the sign holder took the initiative to touch her finger, and then pulled it out, and did not forget to continue to meditate.

  "The one with the round face and the wind ear is also put on the seventh, thank you!"

  She took the sign and left, looked at it with her backhand, and sure enough, it was number seven.

  Lin Shu also drew a lottery back, but it was number nine.

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't know how he planned to fight, but he didn't ask. Lin Shu was like an invisible person in the Sword Sect these days—Jiang Xiaolou suspected that no one might remember that The Forged Sword Feng had such an outer disciple.

  The disciple in charge of the ring shouted, "Group Seven is gathered here!" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou and Lin Shu were separated, and when they looked over, the disciple who said that he was going to meet her in the ring, with a round face and a flamboyant ear, was indeed there.

  Jiang Xiaolou only knew his name at this time.

  Du Ruxue didn't match this person at all.

  Jiang Xiaolou silently made a lip gesture at him: "Wait. ”

  Du Ruxue stared back.

  After this group of people arrived, Jiang Xiaolou understood why he would say that the competition for the seventh was the smallest.

  Among the ten disciples, there were four disciples of Dan Yufeng and two disciples of Bao zhenfeng. For these Dan divisions to fight, it would be too difficult for them.

  In addition, it is Jiang Xiaolou, Nanhua Peak Du Ruxue, Shao Yu Peak Zhang Zhiyi, Yueyuan Peak Han Jing. The outer peak is seven, the main peak is three, and the competition is indeed very small. Before the ring battle, the three Main Peak disciples were already full of confidence.

  As soon as the bell rings, the group battle in the ring begins.

  Each group has three rings, and initially there are six disciples fighting, and the winner can choose whether to continue the ring, or choose to rest, or challenge the other ringers until each person plays nine games. The sword used in the ring is a unified wooden sword.

  I don't know what the situation was with the other groups, but in the seventh group, the disciples on duty directly acquiesced to the three main peak disciples to guard the ring first.

  Jiang Xiaolou was about to pick du Ruxue's platform, but found that the Outer Peak disciple was faster than her, and...

  They lined up, conceding defeat one by one, and before their feet had even touched the ring, they had already begun to speak, "Master Brother/Sister Swordplay Super God, I can't reach it!" Admire admire! ”

  Then he turned around and jumped out of the ring, and his figure was very dashing.

  The corners of Jiang Xiaolou's mouth twitched, and he simply stood aside and waited for them to finish the line.

  She knew she couldn't expect anything from the salted fish on these outer peaks...

  The female disciple of Shao Yufeng was already overjoyed, and Du Ruxue was also full of helplessness, but these two people would also give their respects to every opponent who directly conceded defeat.

  Only Han Jing, who had crossed the Yuanfeng Peak, had condescending contempt written on his face, and even when the last female disciple of Dan Yufeng conceded defeat, he also took out a sword, directly cutting through the female disciple's clothes, frightening her to almost fall out of the ring. After this, Han Jing even drew the corners of his lips and smiled.

  Jiang Xiaolou frowned and walked towards Han Jing's ring, and in the direction she was going to go, Du Ruxue actually jumped down.

  Jiang Xiaolou was not angry and said to him: "Queue up in the back." ”

  Du Ruxue didn't have time to stop her, when he saw Jiang Xiaolou jump into the ring.

  For a while, he also forgot the old grudge between the two, and there was even a trace of worry. Han Jing was not weak, in fact, he was not sure in his heart.

  And Han Jing still had a very contemptuous expression, and even implied a little malice, "Master Jiang, why don't you admit defeat?" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't plan to talk nonsense with him either, and directly pulled out the sword flower and used her strongest sword.

  As soon as the nameless sword came out, Han Jing's face suddenly turned cold.

  He immediately grabbed his sword to block it, but this sword was so powerful that before the sword in Han Jing's hand came out, it was already against Jiang Xiaolou's throat.

  One move to win or lose!

  Han Jing's face was full of shock, disbelief, and a little disbelief.

  In Han Jing's view, Jiang Xiaolou was only a disciple with good qualifications, but the disciple who had willingly degenerated to Waifeng, he was still ready to humiliate her and then make her concede defeat, but the person who lost was already himself.

  He borrowed Dan Medicine a few days ago to break through the fifth layer of condensation, the other two people in the seventh group were not afraid, this group was the first, he was obviously already in the pocket, how could he suddenly kill a Jiang Xiaolou?

  The victory or defeat was already clear, but the disciples on duty had not yet decided. Han Jing gritted his teeth and tried to throw his sword at Jiang Xiaolou again.

  He gambled, Jiang Xiaolou only had this sword power!

  Han Jing guessed correctly, Jiang Xiaolou's other sword styles could not be compared with the nameless sword--but that did not mean that he could win. This time, his calculated sword path was still in vain.

  Jiang Xiaolou's wooden sword smashed his wrist, and Han Jing was caught off guard, and he directly lost the sword in his hand!

  Before the disciples on duty could judge that when Jiang Xiaolou won a great victory, he did a move that no one had expected.

  She first covered Han Jing's mouth, and the wooden sword in her hand was merciless, smashing into Han Jing's body one after another. Han Jing's cries of pain were covered to death by her, and the people in the audience could only hear one or two whimpers.

  Du Ruxue, who was closest to him, watched from the stage and suddenly felt faint pain.

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't look like she was using a sword, it was more like using a hammer, and her sword walked and went down three ways in a certain direction...

  "I... I concede..."

  When Jiang Xiaolou finally had enough to let go of his hand, Han Jing could open his mouth and admit defeat and be teleported out of the ring.

  Jiang Xiaolou stood with his sword and nodded at Du Ruxue, "You, come up!" ”

  Before the battle, Du Ruxue was already afraid.

  He understood that this was not good, but when he came to power, he still remembered Han Jing's screams in his mind.

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't know what Du Ruxue was thinking, and she didn't give a hard hand, Han Jing was only a skin trauma at most.

  In the battle with Du Ruxue, she also made a quick decision, directly using the nameless sword, and before Du Ruxue could react, the sword was already on her neck.

  As soon as he froze, he turned around and saw Jiang Xiaolou with an unkind face.

  "Why don't you leave?" Waiting for me to invite you to dinner? ”


  Du Ruxue immediately jumped out of the ring like he was fleeing for his life.

  Jiang Xiaolou also did not pranayama, and directly found Shao Yufeng's female disciple Zhang Zhiyi.

  "Sister Master please."

  Seeing That Jiang Xiaolou turned over his hand, Zhang Zhi was also slightly surprised.

  This time, the two people came and went, like testing swords, they only used the sword style of Professor Wen Daotang, and after a burning incense, Zhang Zhi also revealed a flaw, and was stabbed by Jiang Xiaolou.

  "I lost." She had long anticipated victory or defeat and conceded defeat.

  "Master Sister Fang is better than Master Du's sword, why don't you use it?"

  Jiang Xiaolou said calmly, "I originally wanted to try my sword skill level. If he hadn't been too distracted, I wouldn't have beaten him with a sword. ”

  Zhang Zhiyi's eyes lit up, "Then do I have the honor to see you?" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was stunned, only to realize that she might feel that she was looking down on her without using that sword. Jiang Xiaolou held the sword and said solemnly, "Sister Shi is optimistic." ”

  The nameless sword potential, in fact, whether Lin Shu or Jiang Xiaolou is just imitating, so the sword is difficult to control itself, but the strength of this sword is especially vivid in the low realm of Jiang Xiaolou.

  "Good swordplay." Zhang Zhi also admired, with a little regret in his eyes, "The talent of the master sister should learn the sword." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou said indifferently, "I can also take the first place when I learn to hammer." ”

  Zhang Zhiyi jumped out of the ring, Jiang Xiaolou began to stand on top of the ring, and then began a familiar process...

  She stood where she was, waiting for the Outer Peak disciples to come up one by one and admit defeat.

  Nine points Jiang Xiaolou has been full, the first place in the group stage has no objection, Zhang Zhiyi and Du Ruxue have also played once, the group stage has ended.

  As for Han Jing, perhaps feeling too ashamed, he did not participate in the rest of the group battle.

  Jiang Xiaolou jumped out of the ring, but Du Ruxue rushed to her side, and several times hesitated to open his mouth.

  "Little Lou Sister, today is too narrow for me. I...... I apologize to you. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou looked at him with a slightly wide eye and said, "Well, I forgive you." ”

  Originally, it was not a deep hatred, and she would not be able to hold on to this. As for whether Du Ruxue repented or apologized for fear of retaliation, Jiang Xiaolou did not care.

  Seeing that Du Ruxue had not yet left, she raised an eyebrow, "Are you still in trouble?" ”

  Du Ruxue said, "I would like to ask where did you learn that sword?" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou saw that the roots of his ears were red, and it was obvious that he had struggled several times in his heart. She said slowly, "That's the sword technique that we don't pass on to the Sword Forge Peak, if you want to learn it, you have to join the Forge Sword Peak." ”

  Du Ruxue was surprised, "Isn't the Forge Sword Peak an outer peak?" ”

  How can there be swordplay?

  Zhang Zhiyi, who had been listening to their conversation, said meaningfully, "Actually, in the past, the Sword Sect had ten peaks. ”

  Not only was Du Ruxue shocked, Jiang Xiaolou didn't know about it, the two of them were shocked, but Zhang Zhiyi refused to say anything.

  Jiang Xiaolou was about to ask questions, but she heard a noise coming from the no. 6 group ring nearest to them, and she subconsciously looked up and saw a scene that shocked her immensely.

  Du Ruxue was already surprised to stutter.

  "He... How could he do that!? ”

Chapter 23

  I saw that on the other side of the ring, a male disciple was half-stripped, half of his chest exposed, and on the other hand, he pulled his clothes out with some intoxication, his eyes were confused, his body was charmingly twisted, and he was still undressing, and he was about to touch the edge of his pants.

  It can't be said that Du Ruxue was surprised, the Cultivation Realm actually had a lot of wandering skeletons, but that was only when they reached the realm of power that they could have a reputation.

  If the low-level monk is like this, it can only be called a bad manner.

  For a while, almost all the people who were not in the ring turned their eyes to the sixth group, and the female disciples of the Sword Sect had bold and curious eyes, and some of them were shy, and under the influence of the masters and sisters, they did not cover their eyes.

  Having already embarked on the Immortal Road, those mortal rules would have no meaning any longer. However, although such acts have not violated any rules, they are still very obstructive.

  Jiang Xiaolou frowned slightly, she was more concerned about the person opposite him than the male disciple.

  If she was not mistaken, it should be the Dan Yufeng disciple who provoked a group of Master Peak disciples and then flew away, and then left her with a black cauldron.

  "Master Miao Miao's elixir is still so terrible."

  "As soon as this Dan comes out, who can compete..."

  The two disciples of Dan Yufeng also had a relationship in their hearts.

  Jiang Xiaolou couldn't help but ask, "Can the two brothers talk about it in detail?" ”

  What the hell is going on with this meow brother?

  "Brother Miao's Dan Fang is said to be an ancestral elixir brought from Fan Chen." A Disciple of Dan Yufeng explained, "This Dan can make people fall into the illusion, but what is seen in the illusion, Master Miao can't control." Brother Miao distributed it to several disciples in Dan Yufeng a few days ago, but no one said what they saw afterwards. ”

  Thinking of dan yufeng's tragic situation that day, he still had a lingering palpitation in his heart. Although Dan Yufeng often had the side effects of Danshi's failure to refine Dan, those poisonous gas disciples were used to it, and Danshi would also compensate for one or two, but Miao Miao's phantom elixir was a great killing weapon!

  The disciple added, "The medicinal properties of this Dan are only slightly known to me, and Master Xiao Lou should not pass it on." ”

  He was willing to tell Jiang Xiaolou that it was because Jiang Xiaolou had beaten Han Jing violently, and he was Yan's ruthless sister.

  Jiang Xiaolou said, "I know." ”

  Looking at the sixth ring, the male disciple fell down in a strange footwork posture, and Miao Miao won without a fight. When the male disciple woke up from the hallucination and recalled what he had just done, his face turned red.

  This is no longer a question of winning or losing, Miao Miao is a shot, it will kill people socially. Jiang Xiaolou couldn't help but think, what if he met Miao Miao? Only the first move is strong, before he can produce the elixir, but she has no idea how Miao Miao's elixir is stimulated and how effective it is. If he can't make a shot, Jiang Xiaolou doesn't have the confidence to win.

  The disciples in the sixth ring seemed to have the same mind as her, and several of them had given up on the initiative to fight Miao Miao--winning Miao Miao with their strength might not be able to win the first place in the group, so why should they fight with this difficult Danshi.

  After Miao Miao defeated a disciple in the same way, the quota of the sixth group had already been decided.

  After the group war, the Wen Dao Tang Martial Examination appeared in the top ten outer peak disciples for the first time, or two. However, Miao Miao made a big splash, and the name of "pickpocket demon" resounded throughout the Sword Sect, and for a time it suppressed Jiang Xiaolou's attention.

  After all, the configuration of the seventh group is the weakest group at first glance, and Jiang Xiaolou's qualifications are there, and it is not surprising that he can win. And Han Jing would not say humiliating things everywhere, Zhang Zhiyi and Du Ruxue were even more verbal, and did not disclose Jiang Xiaolou's sword technique.

  Jiang Xiaolou didn't know what he was feeling in his heart, but after returning to the Forge Sword Peak, he began to drag Lin Shu to study the tactics against Miao Miao.

  "His elixir is just hallucinogenic and very hallucinogenic." Lin Shu commented, "But if you meet someone with strong willpower, the effect is actually not so strong." ”

  "Brother Master, do you see that I have strong willpower?"

  Jiang Xiaolou's willpower, Lin Shu can rest assured in the cultivation matter, but if it is replaced by something else, it may not be necessary. Like what...... Let her see a spiritual vein full of elite spirit stones in the hallucination.

  Lin Shu finally said, "Defensive treasures can't be used, and against him, you can only make a quick decision." ”

  Such a ring battle is really too suitable for Miao Miao's elixir, if it is not in the ring, as long as he can use the spirit treasure of the defensive soul, he has no chance of winning.

  On the second day of the martial arts test, the ten winners of the group stage will be drawn again.

  The two disciples who may be the top of the list met in the fourth group in advance, and Jiang Wenyue fought against The Peak of Yanshan and won the first place in the group.

  But with Miao Miao there, this is no longer a shocking news. Two disciples fight, there are wins and losses, of course, which is comparable to the "pickpocket demon" to attract people's attention.

  Jiang Xiaolou guessed that Jiang Wenyue probably already had a grudge against Miao Miao - yesterday she and Yanshan had a very exciting battle, both of them showed good kendo attainments and outstanding psychological qualities, playing like a fake match, all kinds of difficulties to distinguish between victory and defeat, as if it had reached the decisive game of the martial arts test.

  For Yan Shan, all the disciples were also full of regrets, and even regarded him as the second place in their hearts.

  But none of this matters, what matters is that the Sword Sect has produced a "pickpocket demon"...

  Miao Miao didn't care about these frightened eyes, and when Jiang Xiaolou looked at him, he also showed a smile at Jiang Xiaolou.

  He wants to me?

  Jiang Xiaolou was shocked, and his heart could not lose, so he also smiled back at Miao Miao.

  The two looked at each other, but they had their own thoughts.

  This lottery, the use of unsatisfactory signs.

  Jiang Xiaolou continued to meditate.

  "Don't Miao Miao, don't Miao Miao, don't Miao Miao..."

  [Understood.] 】

  The sign holder took the initiative to probe out a spirit sign.

  "Thank you very much."

  Jiang Xiaolou glanced at it, it was number six.

  The disciples watching the battle in the audience talked a lot.

  "It is said that Master Jiang Wenyue has already obtained the Fengming Sword given by Lord Sword Zun and confronted her, and it will be miserable."

  "Brother Yanshan is also unlucky. If he hadn't been in a group with Master Jiang, he would have been among the ten. ”

  "What about that 'pickpocket demon'?" Isn't it also miserable for him? ”

  "Yesterday someone asked the elders, if such a elixir had been prepared and adhered to the mind, it would not have had such a terrible effect."

  "That's the way it is. The man didn't seem to be good at martial arts, and if he could draw him, he would also take advantage. ”

  "But that Dan medicine is really terrible, yesterday Master Zhang was forced by several people to ask, only to confess that he was in the hallucination, thinking that he should be a cooked corn, peeling ..."

  "It is the best luck to win that Jiang Xiaolou, and among these ten people, the weakest one is her."

  Du Ruxue in the crowd was displeased, "Sister Jiang Xiaolou is not weak!" ”

  Immediately, someone said, "Brother master, you can't hold her up just because you were defeated by her." ”

  "That is, although you lost to her, you could not defeat the rest."

  The crowd was filled with a cheerful breath, and Du Ruxue tried to defend himself several times, but he was refuted and did not say more.

  Several people on the stage actually had similar thoughts to the stage, only Jiang Wenyue was still a little wary of Jiang Xiaolou.

  In order to save time, after the draw, the five rings began to fight at the same time, and the disciples could choose their own viewing location.

  "Five or six battles."

  Jiang Xiaolou was greeted by a female disciple of Baichuan Feng, Lin Bantao.

  Lin Bantao was not a very powerful disciple, so not many people chose this ring to watch the battle, most of them were watching Jiang Wenyue and Miao Miao's ring. Jiang Wenyue was fighting against a disciple of Baichuan Feng, and Miao Miao's opponent was a disciple of Huan Jianfeng.

  Jiang Xiaolou and Lin Bantao first greeted each other, and then each produced a sword.

  This time, she was still trying to use only the basic sword technique taught by Yun Zhao.

  Lin Bantao was obviously better at using swords than Zhang Zhiyi, and it could be said that it was watertight.

  But Jiang Xiaolou also had no flaws, even more stable than her.

  In the sword-piercing style, it returned with a point sword; in the piercing sword style, it returned with a sword-stirring style, and the disciples who saw it at the bottom all began to yawn, and the two finally finished.

  Lin Bantao's aura was unsustainable, and he was hit by Jiang Xiaolou at the right time.

  Lin Bantao said with some regret, "I still haven't been able to see master sister's strongest sword." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was slightly surprised, and saw her smile, "Zhiyi also said to me, Xiao Lou's sister is a person who pities Xiang Xiang and cherishes jade, and it is true." ”

  I kind of suspect that you have a habit of splitting your sleeves.

  She smiled at Lin Bantao, turned and jumped out of the ring, without saying much.

  This set of rings, although boring, is only the third ending.

  In the remaining two rings, the two disciples in one ring were evenly matched, so both sides were fighting hard, and the situation was reversed several times. The other ring was Miao Miao and the Huan Jianfeng disciple...

  Everyone in the audience was crying and laughing.

  The disciple had prepared in advance, but knowing that strong willpower could resist and willpower strong enough to resist were two different things, he was going crazy in the middle of the ring, violently attacking the air, and Miao Miao was hiding in the corner of the ring.

  The means of frontal attack, even if this disciple is not conscious, Miao Miao has no chance of winning, but all he has to do is wait for his opponent to exhaust his aura...

  That disciple had a deep accumulation, and the violent air could also be exported for a long time, Miao Miao just watched like that, and from time to time he had to dodge a blow that was accidentally injured. He was agile, but he was also very hiding.

  This battle seems strange, but the people watching the battle can't help but raise their vigilance one by one. The impact was so far-reaching that the disciples of the Sword Sect's generation all attached great importance to spiritual protection, which made the Cultivation Realm feel strange.

  After the disciple finally collapsed with all his strength, Miao Miao suddenly landed on the ground, and Jiang Xiaolou looked at it from a distance, always feeling that he had looked at himself.

  provocation? Covenant?

  Jiang Xiaolou wondered, she didn't seem to have any festivals with this person.

  but...... Maybe there will be a war between them.

  After the ten-man ring, another five-man draw was drawn.

  Jiang Xiaolou had not yet gone up, and the person who was the first one had already finished smoking.

  Four, one, two, three.

  “...... Number five is a bye? ”

  After the disciples on duty affirmed, the disciples who were watching the lottery smirked one by one and looked at Jiang Xiaolou one by one, surprised and envious, but there was no lack of jealousy, and some people even felt that if they stood in the ring, they could reach this point.

  The group stage is in the weakest group, ten into five luck to win, five into three draws can be drawn bye, just all the way to the top three, what is this luck?

Chapter 24

  Five into three or two rings, Jiang Xiaolou decided to see Jiang Wenyue first.

  Against Miao Miao, she only had a tactic of quick battle and quick decision, and she looked at it in vain, but to deal with Jiang Wenyue, she had to make some effort.

  Jiang Wenyue also used a wooden sword, in the basic sword style, there was more charm, and the sword shadow flowed between them, such as the sound of the piano.

  The disciples who were watching were astonished, "This is Asking Zhang Jianyi!" ”

  Jun Xian asked Zhang, this is the signature swordplay of jun string peak, sword meaning is rare, and it is even more rare for a new beginner disciple like Jiang Wenyue to be able to practice sword meaning.

  "Worthy of being born with a sword heart!"

  Jiang Xiaolou was studying the flaws in Jiang Wenyue's sword technique while pondering. There are very few disciples who can use their swords at the lower levels, so they can almost be crushed in this kind of fight.

  But Jiang Wenyue's Qingzhang Sword was obviously imperfect in Jiang Xiaolou's eyes—perhaps because she had felt the sword of The Sword Zun before she could detect the huge difference inside. Moreover, Jiang Wenyue's basic sword style was also very different from Lin Shu's, only a little stronger than Lin Bantao's disciples.

  When Lin Shu was teaching her, he once made it clear to her that when he introduced the sword technique, he did not seek speed, but sought proficiency. He didn't have time to let Jiang Xiaolou master more introductory sword styles, and Jiang Xiaolou didn't want to learn it, so he taught the nameless sword in order to win.

  The Nameless Sword is very strong, but when the opponent is Jiang Wenyue, can he still defeat the enemy with one move?

  When Jiang Xiaolou was thinking, Jiang Wenyue had already ended the ring.

  This time she won beautifully, and there was applause all under the ring.

  Meanwhile, above the other ring, there is still a battle that people don't know how to evaluate.

  Miao Miao confronted a Chi GeFeng disciple. Chi Ge Feng was a group of fire madmen, and the disciple's willpower had obviously reached the limit of what Miao Miao's phantom elixir could influence, so this scene was very unfavorable to Miao Miao.

  As soon as he got into the ring, the Chi Ge Feng disciples began to attack furiously, not giving Miao Miao the opportunity to use the elixir. At first, he did almost do it, and even wanted to knock Miao Miao out of the ring... But what no one expected was that Miao Miao's phantom elixir could actually form a Dan Array.

  As a result, everyone saw that the Chige Feng disciple broke free from the control of the Phantom Spirit Elixir, Miao Miao made up a Dan Pill with his backhand, and the Chi Ge Feng disciple was controlled again, broke free again, and was controlled again...

  At first, his performance affected by the elixir was to stand motionless in the center of the ring, and after Miao Miao Dan had made up another elixir on the top, he began to frantically attack and output reiki like the Huan Jianfeng disciple who had defeated Miao Miao's hands, and at the same time he was awake for a second or two, but he refused to admit defeat, and could only be in such a cycle until the reiki was exhausted and fainted.

  “...... It's cruel! Make somebody's blood boil! ”

  "Oh the son of man!"

  When Miao Miao got out of the ring, the disciples around him all took a step back in silence.

  The "Pickpocket Demon" was already infamous, but this way of playing that consumed people alive, even if the Sword Sect disciples thought that their will was superior, they didn't know how to resist. Even chi gefeng's battle maniacs had already been defeated, not to mention ordinary disciples.

  After the second round of ringing, it was the familiar draw.

  Jiang Xiao went upstairs and took a step forward to take the sign box first.

  "Don't give me number three this time."

  Jiang Wenyue and Miao Miao were also extracted successively.

  "This bye is..." The disciple on duty glanced at Jiang Xiaolou, "Number two." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou froze.

  She showed the sign with her backhand.

  "How come it's her again!?"

  "She only played one game and made it to the final..."

  "If it weren't for the signing tube and not cheating, I think there must be some deal here!"

  Jiang Xiaolou was also helpless.

  Although she did want to steal a little laziness at first, this time she was ready to have a good fight! She had secretly asked not to take a bye! Who is doing it?

  The disciple on duty saw her mournful eyes, and it was also a heart attack. The temporary adjustment, even cheaper her, what luck!

  And Miao Miao and Jiang Wenyue are so on the same page.

  Dealing with Miao Miao's phantom elixir attack, most people can use the same playing style. Jiang Wenyue, too, took the lead in choosing to erupt into an attack.

  "Nine swords! It's awesome! ”

  "Sleeper! What is that!? ”

  Inside Jiang Wenyue's rainy sword attack, Miao Miao quickly retreated, and without blinking, he sprinkled a spirit elixir outward.

  Only then did he use the first-order Dan Array, and at this time, he directly went up to the three layers of Dan Array to overlap, and the spirit elixir interacted, enveloping Jiang Wenyue in its entirety.

  Then, Miao Miao began to fill them one by one.

  “...... This picture is also too familiar. ”

  "How many elixirs does he have, and doesn't the elixir cost money?"

  Miao Miao didn't panic at all and threw another layer up.

  Jiang Wenyue had not yet been completely conquered, but she was still struggling, and suddenly, she gritted her teeth and directly plunged a sword into her left arm to try to keep herself awake.

  "What a cruel man!"

  "That's what my generation of monks should be!" Shi Jie had the wind of the sword zun of that year! ”

  Seeing jiang Wenyue's sword shadows overlapping, he was going to fight for injuries and tear up a road, Miao Miao... Another four-fold Dan array was thrown.

  “...... Is there any Dan Yufeng to explain? ”

  "The Dan Array is arranged in order to improve the efficacy of the elixir, so it is arranged in combination with a variety of elixirs, and most of the Dan arrays are auxiliary in nature, such as the Lingshu Dan Array for healing and the Lingling Dan Array for retreating and gathering spirits. The single elixir is repeatedly superimposed, because there is no repulsive force, which can achieve a multiplier effect. ”

  A disciple of Dan Yufeng looked at the ring while explaining, with a hint of fear in his eyes, "Sigh, Master Miao's phantom elixir superimposed on the effect of the Seven-Fold Dan Array, I guess Master Miao himself doesn't know..."

  "I concede!"

  Jiang Wenyue said suddenly, with these words, she was teleported out of the ring.

  Someone was surprised: "How did Jiang Shimei admit defeat so quickly?" ”

  "Seven-fold Dan Array, if it were me, I would recognize it!" That elixir is terrible! ”

  "But..." The one at Chige Peak lasted.

  Everything is afraid of contrast, knowing that they can't win, the first two people of Miao Miao Zhan are not so happy to admit defeat.

  Jiang Wenyue's face was calm, and he was not unwilling, he was taking a Dan medicine to go down, and his luck healed his wounds.

  The final was in the middle of Jiang Xiaolou and Miao Miao, and Jiang Xiaolou could be said to have no pressure at this time.

  Wen test Jiang Xiaolou nine points Jiang Wenyue eight points, Wu test Jiang Wenyue seven points Jiang Xiaolou guaranteed the bottom eight points, even if losing to Miao Miao did not hinder, such an opponent, she also wanted to know if she could fight in the end.

  Jiang Xiaolou and Miao Miao stood in the ring, and when she wanted to make a sword out of the sword, Miao Miao immediately made the appearance of being thrown out and sincerely said, "Master Sister's sword technique is profound!" I concede! ”

  When he was teleported out, Jiang Xiaolou's sword momentum did not come out, and he was dazed.

  The underside of the ring seemed to explode, and the whole audience was in an uproar.

  Miao Miao made a dark horse killed from the disciples of the main peak, and although they were angry, they also admitted that his illusion elixir was terrible, but what did it mean that he immediately conceded defeat as soon as he went up to Jiang Xiaolou?! Jiang Xiaolou just had a bye all the way, and in the final, he could directly make the opponent concede defeat, can this still be summarized by luck? They must have some deal!

  "Fake race!"

  "Shameless! Shameless! ”

  "There's a shady scene!"

  The disciple in charge of the competition stood up, "Silence! No noise! ”

  After a moment, Jing Hongzhen walked over and said with a strange face, "According to the rules of the martial arts test, the top of this list is Jiang Xiaolou of the Forged Sword Peak." The martial arts test is fair and just, and there is no possibility of shading. ”

  This remark came out, and the audience was even more indignant.

  Jiang Xiaolou had not yet eased up from the shock that Miao Miao had given her, and her heart was not good.

  Jing Hongzhen This is the arch fire to see the drama coming.

  What the hell is going on with this Miao Miao, and who sent it?

  What a lack of morality! What a trick!

  The disciples in the audience couldn't wait.

  "Master brother gave her the top of the list according to the rules, is she worthy?"

  The disciple turned to Jiang Xiaolou again, "If you still have some shame, you'd better get out of the ring!" ”

  "Don't be rude!" Jing Hongzhen scolded, "The first person in this literary test is Jiang Xiaolou's sister, and the top of the list has been determined." ”

  "We are not convinced!"

  "That's it! We are not convinced! ”

  Jing Hongzhen shouted, "Silence! ”

  However, it was useless, and the angry disciples even felt a little displeased with him.

  The voices of several people who had fought with Jiang Xiaolou and Wai Feng's disciples defending her could not reach people's ears at all, or they were not willing to listen at all.

  Jiang Xiaolou lowered his face, and the anger in his heart gradually rose, but his heart felt unusually calm, and his heart was like stopping water.

  She asked, "Who is the first in your hearts?" ”

  "Jiang Wenyue?"

  Someone replied, "That's right! I wait for the Sword Sect disciples, how can I rely on the outer path to win! ”

  Jiang Xiaolou laughed angrily, "Even if the first in your heart has already lost to Miao Miao, you still can't look at Dan Dao?" ”

  She looked at Jiang Wenyue in the crowd again.

  "A month ago, Master Jiang Wenyue made a january appointment with me, betting on the Daoshi. However, Xiao Bi's first enlightenment stone has already belonged to me. ”

  When Jiang Xiaolou spoke, the boos and scoldings in the audience gradually subsided.

  "A month has passed, and the ring is still here, so why don't you and I fulfill this bet today?" I also don't treat Jiang Shimei badly, this Enlightenment Stone is the bet I can take out. ”

  Jiang Wenyue looked deep and looked at Jiang Xiaolou from afar.

  The disciples under the ring were gradually attracted by Jiang Xiaolou's words, and after understanding her meaning, they began to wonder.

  How dare she?

  Jiang Xiaolou continued unhurriedly, "However, that day Master Sister wanted to discuss swords with me, but today I want to change the rules." I heard that My Sister had already received the Sword of Honor and the Spirit Sword, and by coincidence, I also had the Spirit Hammer. Today's master sister uses a sword, I use a hammer, there is no need to have any restrictions, just play a game according to the rules of the ordinary ring, how? ”

  Her eyes were indifferent, and some of the people in the crowd unconsciously looked at her, and they couldn't help but look away from themselves.

  "Also show these fellow disciples, is the first sword technique in your heart stronger, or my hammer technique is stronger, does The master sister dare?"

Chapter 25

  "Master Jiang has fought three battles today, and her injuries have not yet healed, so you are taking advantage of the danger!"

  There were disciples who held the unfair path for Jiang Wenyue.

  Everyone looked over, and Jiang Wenyue's face was indeed pale, and he had not yet recovered from the Fangcai First World War.

  "That's easy to say." Jiang Xiaolou unhurriedly felt a porcelain bottle from the storage bag, "Best Purple Ding Dan, I provide it to Master Jiang." If it is not enough, there is also the ultimate elixir. ”

  The elixir is a elixir that restores Reiki, but most people in the audience have never heard of the name of Zidingdan.

  "What kind of elixir is that?"

  Dan Yufeng's disciples once again stood up and explained, "Ziding Dan is a kind of healing holy medicine, Mo said that it only hurts an arm, even if the whole body is broken, it can be saved." This elixir can only be refined by a Danshi with more than five products, and the success rate is very low. This is a life-saving elixir, how can it be taken out so casually? What a waste! ”

  Where did the losers come from!

  Someone immediately reminded him, "Don't forget that Sister Xiao lou is Brother Yan's sister-in-law!" ”

  Bao Zhenfeng's disciple also interjected, "She is still Brother Lu's sister-in-law." ”

  With these two pockets, Jiang Xiaolou can completely be the number one loser of Tianzi -- although these people don't know that Jiang Xiaolou has always been cultivating gold, going in less and out more. The first reason for taking dan medicine was to force Jiang Wenyue, and the second was that she did not think that Jiang Wenyue would receive it.

  As soon as Zi Ding Dan came out, Jiang Wenyue's way to avoid battle was also blocked, and she was silent for a moment before she said, "I can't represent the same door that cultivates the sword method." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou said, "The battle between you and me is only the battle between you and me!" ”

  She did not intend to amplify her duel with Jiang Wenyue to the sword technique and the outer path, so it would have no meaning and would only invite unnecessary hostility. Moreover, it doesn't matter what Jiang Wenyue says, she has already successfully created momentum among these disciples, then Jiang Xiaolou can take advantage of the situation to fight back, as long as she defeats Jiang Wenyue, she is the first person to be upright, and no one can deny it anymore.

  Jiang Wenyue said awe-inspiringly at this time, "The Fengming Sword is the Earth Spirit Sword." ”

  She felt that things were gradually getting out of control... Or since the beginning of the essay test, it has been wrong. Jiang Xiaolou dared to point out her battle in front of everyone, that is, there was a certainty of victory. Jiang Wenyue thought to himself that the sword technique was not weaker than a person, but at the moment he was also a little hesitant.

  If you want to win the light and righteousness, you must not rely on the power of the magic weapon. However, if he didn't use the Spirit Sword, Jiang Wenyue was vaguely uneasy in his heart. After a little thought, she still did not pretend to give up the power of the Spirit Sword generously.

  After all, the requirement of fairness is also put forward by Jiang Xiaolou, isn't it?

  After Jiang Wenyue confessed to the Spirit Sword Grade, the disciples under the four were slightly embarrassed and surprised at the same time.

  "Jiang Shimei is planning to move the real thing, some people are going to be miserable."

  "Not necessarily. If Master Jiang could win steadily, why would she use the Spirit Sword? She wasn't sure about that either. ”

  "But Master Jiang is a disciple of sword dignity..." The disciple who said this suppressed his voice, "How could Jun Xianfeng lose?" ”

  He didn't realize that he had already begun to hesitate about the outcome of the fight.

  Jiang Xiaolou said, "My hammer is also close to the ground, very fair." ”

  She saluted the disciple on duty again, "Brother Lao has changed the rules of this ring." ”

  The disciple on duty had the heart to refuse, but he also knew that he had no room to refuse at all. Because this battle was not just Jiang Xiaolou's request, the new disciples in this class were all watching, how dare he do tricks and feet?

  Everyone gave way to a road, and Jiang Wenyue walked to the top of the ring.

  Jiang Xiaolou pushed back first: "Doesn't The master sister want dan medicine?" ”

  "Not necessarily."

  After Jiang Wenyue refused, he saw Jiang Xiaolou retract the Dan Medicine back into the storage ring with lightning speed, and also showed a bright smile to her.

  ...... In fact, she just means it, right?

  After affirming his guess in his heart, for some reason, Jiang Wenyue's originally fluttering state of mind calmed down.

  She clenched the Fengming sword and stood opposite Jiang Xiaolou, who was holding a sledgehammer.

  Jiang Xiaolou looked very personable and held his arm and said, "Master sister please." ”

  Jiang Wenyue took a deep breath, and without hesitation, he picked up the sword, the sword was as bright as a rainbow, straight to Jiang Xiaolou.

  When the Fengming Sword flew out, there was a faint sound of golden stones in the air, and those present could even hear the crisp strings!

  The disciples present were all mesmerized by the sight of each other, and suddenly understood that Jiang Wenyue still had his hand left in the first two battles. If she goes all out, those opponents will not be able to support three moves at all!

  But she still miscalculated Miao Miao, and would only break in that battle, otherwise, Miao Miao might not be able to win.

  Jiang Xiaolou was also shocked when he saw the situation, and the sledgehammer that was in line with her heart appeared in front of her and exchanged hands with Feng Ming's sword head-on.

  Zheng --

  After the collision of the Fengming Sword and the Sledgehammer, both of them took a step back, and the sword qi and aura recoil caused the ring boundary to begin to fluctuate, and the disciples on duty had to add another spirit stone into it.

  "Comparable? Fake it! ”

  After Jiang Wenyue came out of the sword, he thought that the disciples who had settled down in the dust could not help but be stunned when they saw this scene.

  If the blow is missed, both on the stage are also shocked.

  Jiang Wenyue was shocked by the strength of Jiang Xiaolou's aura and spirit hammer, and Sheng Sheng resisted the style she carried with the sword intention. Jiang Xiaolou was surprised by the fit between Jiang Wenyue and Qingzhang Jianyi.

  She's playing me in front of me—


  After a moment of confusion, the two continued to attack. Jiang Wenyue quickly drew his sword, Jiang Xiaolou counterattacked with a hammer, a series of weapons exchanged sounds sounded, just a few moments the two had already fought several times, and the disciple with poor eyesight could not see what was happening at all.

  Jiang Wenyue's sword qi glowed with a faint golden light, but Jiang Xiaolou's hammer was very simple, if it were not for the failure of the two sides to win several times, it would not be visible at all that it was a spirit hammer comparable to the Xuanpin Spirit Sword.

  The sword above the ring was full of lights, and occasionally the black hammer shadow could be seen, and later, it was full of flying sand on the ground--that was the sand that flew away after the ring, which had not been destroyed after several battles was destroyed by the two people's battle.

  Jiang Xiaolou's disciple costume had been cut several times, and there were places on her body that began to hang up, but the injury was not deep, and for her, it was not even a point of feeling pain.

  Jiang Wenyue looked better than she was—but not much better, the perfect image she had always maintained had been completely destroyed, the white robe was stained with fly ash, and her hair was disheveled. Hammer strikes without trauma, but very painful!

  At this time, the battle between the two gradually slowed down, and the disciples in the audience finally saw their situation clearly.

  Jiang Wenyue continued to attack, Jiang Xiaolou defended step by step, and after several exchanges of positions, Jiang Wenyue seemed to gradually gain the upper hand, and the sword momentum became more and more fierce.

  "Sister Jiang Wenyue is going to win?"

  "No..." Speaking was Jiang Wenyue's defeated general Yan Shan, his eyes lit up, staring straight at the ring, "She... She was sharpening her sword! ”

  "Sister Wenyue?"

  "No..." Yanshan said, "It's Jiang Xiaolou, she's grinding the hammer!" If I'm not mistaken, she hadn't fought anyone with a hammer before this ring. ”

  He realized his slip of the tongue... But then again, is the hammer grinded?

  The crowd smirked, but because Yanshan, who said this analysis, was the one they believed, no one refuted him. Only in my heart I remembered the situation when the two men first fought.

  Du Ruxue said triumphantly to the people around him at this time: "I said that Jiang Xiaolou is very strong!" ”

  "So you lost, is that something to be proud of?" Du Ruxue's fellow disciple pressed this disciple who lacked a root in his brain back.

  But no one can deny that Jiang Xiaolou is indeed very strong, strong enough to slap all their doubts back in their faces.

  Compared with the people in the audience, Jiang Wenyue, who was fighting with Jiang Xiaolou head-on, was the one who felt the most.

  She could feel that every time Jiang Xiaolou attacked, he was familiar with the process of hammering, and at the same time, Jiang Xiaolou had slowly become more and more comfortable from the initial strangeness!

  She must not be allowed to drag on any longer!

  As soon as Jiang Wenyue gritted his teeth, the sword qi soared, and several sword rays were connected in succession, and there was a crisp cry among the cracking sounds.


  This blow she had already emptied her aura, all of which was transformed into the Qizhang Sword Qi, and after stabbing out this sword, she had no power to resist, breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat, only to kill with one blow!

  Jiang Xiaolou saw that the sword light was shining brightly, without the slightest fear, the ink-colored hammer shadow flew over, looking for flaws in the sword light, allowing many wounds to be scratched on her body, she approached Jiang Wenyue's body, and the last hammer smashed down!

  At this moment, the collision of aura directly caused the ring boundary to collapse and shatter, and the ring also cracked a gap!

  "Who won?"

  The disciples in the audience looked up at the top of the ring, the dust and sand dissipated, Jiang Wenyue fell to the ground, jiang Xiaolou stood alone, his body was full of wounds, but his expression was relaxed.

  After defeating Jiang Wenyue, Jiang Xiaolou felt as if there was a layer of haze dissipating, and his mood suddenly opened up.

  Originally...... You're no more than that.

  She breathed a long sigh of relief and arched her hand, "Admit it." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou did not go to help Jiang Wenyue, nor did he say anything more.

  At this time, there was no need for her to say anything more, she had already proved everything, and even did not need to win or lose, just in the decisive battle between her and Jiang Wenyue, these Sword Sect disciples could already realize the strength of these two people.

  Jiang Xiaolou walked down from the ring, the injury on her body was still there, and from her back, she could even see a hint of loneliness.

  There was no cheering or mocking, and the Sword Sect disciples were silent until one of them suddenly spoke.

  "Wait! Little Lou Sister! ”

  Jiang Xiaolou looked over and found that the person who spoke was Yanshan.

  He continued, "I wonder if I'll have the honor of fighting with my sister?" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou frowned at him, "Are you not convinced?" ”

  "Nope!" Yan Shan quickly denied, "Master Sister's last move is sword intention!" I think I can't be an enemy, but I only want a war! ”

  When he said this, his eyes were sincere and his eyes were shining.

  Jiang Xiaolou knew that Yanshan had no malicious intentions, he was just purely happy to see the hunter, even if it was not Jiang Xiaolou standing here, he would come up to ask for battle.

  As he said, in the last blow, Jiang Xiaolou tried to dissolve the nameless sword intent into the hammer method, and only then did he use that hammer, and the two sword intentions collided with each other, directly crushing the Qingzhang Sword.

  As long as it is a person who can see the mysterious meaning of the nameless sword, he will naturally be attracted.

  Jiang Xiaolou did not respond to the challenge of going down to Yanshan, but said, "Another day." ”

  She's busy!

  She still had more than two hundred Hondo treasures that she hadn't read, she hadn't mastered the hammer technique, she didn't have a single way to make money, and she was lined up to challenge herself to grab a handful!

  Yan Shan's face was filled with regret, and the Sword Sect disciples who surrounded him also expected Ai Ai to speak, "I am also willing to fight with Xiao Lou's sister!" ”

  "I want it too!" I'll come first! ”

  "All let Jean! line up! Du Ruxue loudly presided over the order.

  More and more Sword Sect disciples came around, and Jiang Xiaolou was shocked to find that these people had all come to ask for battle, and they also apologized to her.

  And I don't know when, these Sword Sect disciples were taken one by one and only called her Xiao Lou Master Sister.

  "I misunderstood my sister, and with the strength of my sister, I will never be shady!"

  ...... I'm ashamed to say that she actually moved a little bit of her hands and feet.

  "When I have condensed the fifth layer, I must come to challenge my sister!"

  ...... You go to the queue first.

  When they were talking evilly, Jiang Xiaolou was still able to calm down, but at this time, she was a little overwhelmed.

  When the Sword Sect disciples slowly dispersed, Jiang Xiaolou broke free from his helpless state.

  A voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

  "This is the Sword Sect."

  Jiang Xiaolou was shocked and suddenly found that a middle-aged Daoist appeared beside her, but strangely, it seemed that no one except her had discovered his existence.

  She subconsciously took a step back and vigilantly took out a charm.

  It was the most powerful attack charm that Lu Yidao had given her, which could counter The Yuan Baby—but in the face of this middle-aged Daoist, Jiang Xiaolou was not at all sure in his heart.

  The Daoist said leisurely, "Honza Mystery." ”

  Who's that?

  Looking at Jiang Xiaolou's doubtful eyes, the Daoist coughed lightly, and his eyes turned to the past, "The sword sect leader is also." ”

  The head of the Sword Sect, the Mysterious Master who has been closed for more than a hundred years? Within the Sword Sect, this person's sense of existence was almost equal to nothing, and Jiang Xiaolou didn't understand why the boss would find her.

  Jiang Xiaolou performed a ritual, "Disciple has seen the boss. ”

  Whether it is true or not, follow his meaning first.

  His Holiness Xuanji continued with what he had just said, "Sword Sect disciples respect the strong and admire the strong, and no matter how geometric they are cultivated, they all have a heart to become strong. As long as you can prove yourself with strength, you can make them happy. ”

  After saying that, he glanced at Jiang Xiaolou.

  Jiang Xiaolou was full of doubts, not knowing what he meant, he could only echo, "You are right! Wonderful! ”

  Her face was full of sincere approval, and there was a subtle admiration in her eyes.

  His Holiness snorted coldly.

  This little cub was purely in and out of the right ear, did not listen to the words at all, and was ready to activate the charm at any time.

  His Holiness Xuanji asked, "You've been in the Sword Sect for a month, how do you feel?" ”

  “...... The Sword Sect has a deep foundation, the sword method is theosophical, the master is kind, and the disciples are harmonious, and they will be able to prosper! ”

  Jiang Xiaolou had exhausted his barren cultural level to sing praises and praises.

  His Holiness sneered again.

  "Tell the truth!"

  "Uh..." Jiang Xiaolou was not understanding what he really wanted to hear, "Sword Sect... It's good. ”

  His Holiness asked, "Don't you feel disappointed?" ”

  "Why disappointed?" Jiang Xiaolou was puzzled.

  His Holiness Xuanji said calmly, "Kendo Is straight, as the first Kendo Sect in the Cultivation Realm, not all of them are people who are bent on cultivating swords and asking questions, but there are also people who are fighting with their hearts and minds and fighting for power." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou froze for a moment before he said, "This will not disappoint me." No matter where there are people in this world, this is always the case. ”

  Beggars can break their heads for a steamed bun, small households have to calculate an acre and three points of land, the emperor will provoke a war for a city, why wouldn't the cultivators? Will the Spirit Stone, the Elixir, the Rune fall from the sky?

  She had never felt that the Cultivation Realm might be a pure land, and the Sword Sect was actually clean enough in the Cultivation Realm. If it weren't for the fact that she was worshipping the Forged Sword Peak, she wouldn't have encountered any twists and turns at this time.

  His Holiness Xuanji did not expect Jiang Xiaolou to answer him in this way.

  He had seen too many disciples of the Sword Sect or the Cultivation Realm as holy places, and it was rare for someone like Jiang Xiaolou who was too sober.

  Is that why she was able to touch that sword?

  His Holiness suddenly felt a hint of trepidation.

  "But in ancient times, when there was enough aura between heaven and earth, cultivators could soar up only by relying on enlightenment, and all battles were Dao disputes." His Holiness Xuanji said, "It's just that now, the path of ascension between heaven and earth has been cut off." ”

  Seeing that Jiang Xiaolou still did not change his face when he heard this, Xuan Ji said curiously, "The path of ascension is broken, don't you feel sad and surprised?" ”

  This little disciple was really strange.

  Jiang Xiaolou blinked, "I'm surprised, but not sad." ”


  "I am a little monk in the condensation period, why should I worry about the path of ascension?"

  She may not even be able to handle the spiritual root that she has awakened within a year, what do you think about soaring, is it meaningful? Moreover, the head of this first meeting said this kind of secret as soon as he came up, and his face was simply full of the four big words of "plotting against evil".

  “...... You're saying that. His Holiness Xuanji bowed his head, "Then what are you worried about, the Sword Peak Controversy?" ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was frozen.

  Sure enough, it came, she thought to herself.

  Xuan Rong Zhenren added, "Each peak may have the mind of each peak, but for thousands of years, the Sword Sect has always been the number one sword sect in the world." Sword Sect disciples, as you can see these people today, their hearts have never been bad. Even if there are old grudges between the peaks, they will not be too excessive. ”

  After a moment of silence, Jiang Xiaolou asked, "... Then why did my brother's sword heart break? ”

  "He's not dead yet. Jing Ming killed eleven disciples and seven elders in a row, and those people were not even killed. Jingming's cause and effect, as his disciple, this is what he should bear. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was still the first time to know the Dao number of the legendary Master Ancestor.

  "You mean to tell me that this is what I should bear?" Should they be allowed to suppress and bully, and if they can't fight back, they won't fight back? ”

  "Sharp teeth." His Holiness Xuanji didn't feel offended, and laughed, "As the head of honza, I just don't want to watch a disciple of the Sword Sect who can carry the sword sect in the future be ruined by these bullshit things." ”

  He is a Venerable, but when he speaks, he uses words without paying attention to words, which is very vulgar.

  Jiang Xiaolou said, "I learned to hammer." ”

  Her small body could not carry the Sword Sect's Ding.

  "As long as you are strong enough, whether you use a sword or a hammer, you can have a place in the Sword Sect." Genji Saiden, "Honza is still when you have already figured it out." Take a look and don't let the Battle of the Sword Peaks trap you. ”

  At this admonition, His Holiness the Mysterious One faded into a body shape and walked away as if he had appeared mysteriously.

  Jiang Xiaolou looked back, his mind was a mess.

  She believes his word, but she will not believe it. Not to mention that whether he is the head of the Sword Sect is still debatable, but he just wants her to carry the banner after a long talk, which shows that he is fooling people!

  Moreover, most importantly, the boss received the disciples and did not even give a greeting gift! What is the future of cutting it like this?

  Jiang Xiaolou was scolding and was about to return to the peak when he saw the disciple on duty in the ring and Jiang Wenyue coming together.

  "Master Jiang stays!"

  "What's going on?"

  The disciple on duty said, "The ring that was destroyed during the battle between the two sisters should be compensated by the two sisters according to the door rules." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou's face was completely black.

  The disciple on duty said, "A hundred Elite Spirit Stones, let's discuss it?" ”

  Jiang Wenyue smiled slightly, "It was I who lost the battle, so I don't have to take the shot from my sister, I'll pay for it." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was overjoyed in his heart, and said in his heart that this guy was indeed a good material for the wronged head, but on the surface he said politely, "How does this mean..."

  Before she could say the next sentence, Jiang Wenyue quickly picked up the stubble, "Since the sister of the master feels that she is too unwilling to go, then I and the sister are half of each." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou looked shocked when he heard this, but Jiang Wenyue smiled calmly at her.

  This smile is different from Jiang Wenyue's past, and it will not be opened, right?

  Jiang Xiaolou hesitantly took out the maintenance fee for fifty Ultimate Spirit Stones and watched the disciple on duty leave with an eyebrow and a smile.

  Jiang Wenyue smiled, "I will send the two Enlightenment Stones to the Forged Sword Peak." Xiao Bi's reward will be collected in the Zongmen Storeroom tomorrow, and the sister should not forget. ”

  Jiang Xiaolou said, "I know, thank you Master Sister." ”

  She always felt that Jiang Wenyue had changed somewhat... However, this has nothing to do with her.

  After today's war, the former dust and grievances were all over, and Jiang Wenyue could no longer become her obsession.

  When Jiang Xiaolou returned to The Forge Sword Peak, he met another uninvited guest.

  Compared with Jiang Wenyue, this person now made her hate even more and tickle her teeth.

  Miao Miao smiled at her, "Master Jiang." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou was looking for him to settle the account, but he sent it to the door himself.

  "What's the matter with Master Brother?"

  "I have something to ask for, I don't know if My Sister can borrow a step?"

  "Brother Master, why don't you explain first," Jiang Xiaolou said murderously, "why do you have to concede defeat today?" ”

  Having framed her, did he dare to brazenly come to her and say that there was something to ask for? Is she afraid that her hammer is not heavy enough?

  "Doesn't Shi Sister want to take the first?" Miao Miao wondered, "Is it not good for me to eliminate some enemies for my sister and then concede defeat?" ”

  "Of course not." Jiang Xiaolou said compassionately, "You'd better explain clearly, otherwise my hammer won't be able to control it." ”

  However, after Miao Miao finished explaining, Jiang Xiaolou still couldn't help but hold the handle of the hammer.

  “...... Therefore, the reason why you handed in the papers at the end of the essay test and put words was to attract my attention, and the martial arts test deliberately conceded defeat also to please me because there was something to ask for? ”

  You're sick!

  Miao Miao scratched her head, "Isn't it normal to concede defeat?" I see that the brothers and sisters all do this..."

  "Can they concede the same as you concede?"

  What is the comparison between the salted fish that do not fight and the dark horse of this year?

  Jiang Xiaolou was still suspicious, "I always feel that you are donkey me." ”

  But after a conversation with Miao Miao, she did feel that Miao Miao's brain circuits were actually not quite right, and her thinking was always deviated from the thinking of normal people.

  But if he plays, it is not impossible.

  Jiang Xiaolou said coldly, "So what did Master Brother ask for?" ”

  If Miao Miao couldn't say a reason, she still had to drop the hammer without hesitation.

  "I have admired Master Xuanrong's method of freezing ice for a long time, and I want to borrow the law to use it." Miao Miao said frankly, "But Uncle Shi rejected me many times, and I heard that Master Sister is the only disciple that Uncle Shi values..."

  "Who do you listen to?"

  Miao Miao said, "Uncle Shi said it himself, he won't help me, but Master Sister can." ”

  Hearing this, Jiang Xiaolou froze.

  So, this matter boils down to Xuan Rong Zhenren in the pit apprentice?

  Ren is how she did not expect this reason, Miao Miao is purely good intentions to do bad things? Is this an oolong?

  However, xuanrong zhenren's attitude on that day did not seem to be so certain, and there must be some other reason in the middle.

  Jiang Xiaolou still had some doubts, so he said, "I have been busy recently, and I have no leisure, and when I have time to go to Danyufeng, I will definitely ask Master Xuanrong for my brother." ”

  Miao Miao said, "Thank you Master Sister!" I will wait for my sister every day! ”

  ...... That's not necessary.

  Jiang Xiaolou was about to say goodbye to him, when he suddenly had a thought in his mind and asked, "Master Brother's elixir, I don't know if you can sell it to me?" ”

  Lin Shu returned here one step earlier than Jiang Xiaolou and was reading as usual.

  After a moment, he felt the boundary touch, and Jiang Xiaolou sneaked in, like a rat who stole oil, and the smile on his face did not go down for half a day.

  Lin Shu said, "I thought you were proud of the spring breeze today, so you won't come." ”

  "Huh?" Jiang Xiaolou looked at the past vigilantly, and quickly expressed his intentions, "It's just that xiaobi is the first, how can I stop my steps in seeking the Tao!" ”

  She still had more than two hundred pieces of wool hidden in the Dao, so it was impossible to interrupt the run!

  Lin Shu said lightly, "Just so you know." ”

  Jiang Xiaolou looked at him, but there was some hesitation in his heart, and when he sat down, he said, "I met a person who claimed to be in charge today." ”

  Lin Shu said, "What he said to you, what you know, don't tell me." ”

  He was always so calm, as if nothing could escape his control.

  Jiang Xiaolou was stunned, and then he nodded slightly, and threw himself into Dao Yun's understanding again.

  Where she couldn't see, Lin Shu silently looked in the direction of Bihua Peak.

  It is said that the head of the gate is in the Bihua Peak retreat.

  Lin Shu's eyes remained unchanged, but they made people feel a chill in their bones.

  If you don't ask about the world, then you always don't ask, why do you want to come out and get muddy at this time?

  The next day, Jiang Xiaolou asked Lu Yidao to send her to the Sword Sect's warehouse, and was complained about by Lu Yidao all the way.

  "What's so good about those artifacts in the storeroom?" Yellow product only, which can be seen? ”

  Jiang Xiaolou had already touched his temper and said, "In the end, it is also the first honor!" Doesn't Master Brother feel very faceless! ”

  "That's what you said." Lu Yidao mused, "... But don't you think that the Xuanpin Spirit Artifact has more face? ”

  "..." Jiang Xiaolou said silently, "I can want it all." ”

  The Sword Sect Treasury was built on Baichuan Peak, and Lu Yidao took a detour to arrive.

  Elder Bai Chuanfeng took out the token of the storeroom, and Xiao Bi's top ten were all waiting here.

  Except for Jiang Wenyue, the rest are all people that Jiang Xiaolou doesn't know, but when they see Jiang Xiaolou, these people are also very enthusiastic.

  It turns out that the little master sister is so popular?

  Lu Yidao looked at it from a distance, but he was somewhat relieved.

  Jiang Xiaolou was polite and polite, in fact, he did not have much heart, and only concentrated on waiting for the warehouse to open.

  And Jiang Wenyue, who is always left and right, is also frequently distracted today.

  Finally, the unlocking of the warehouse was opened, and the pearlescent treasure came to the face.

  Jiang Xiaolou suddenly raised his spirits.

  "The first ten entered in turn, this time only opened the yellow product area, only one piece can be taken, the warehouse array will detect, but also ask the teachers and brothers to remember."

  "I have a question!" Jiang Xiaolou raised his hand, "If you don't take it, can you touch it?" ”

  The Disciple of Bai chuanfeng looked at her with a strange look and said, "Yes." ”

  "Thank you Master Brother!"

  Jiang Xiaolou took the token and was the first to enter the warehouse.

  There was a cold feeling in the Sword Sect's warehouse, but Jiang Xiaolou only felt happy at the moment!

  It's a sense of happiness surrounded by artifacts, like a rat entering a cylinder!

  Although only one of these spiritual artifacts was destined to be taken away by her, just looking at it also made her heart flutter.

  The artifacts in the storeroom were dazzling, and only the swords were few.

  That's because the Sword Sect disciples' spirit swords would belong to the sword tomb and not here, and the swords in the storeroom were all unluttered spirit swords obtained outside.

  Jiang Xiaolou looked at the past in a daze and suddenly saw a familiar spiritual weapon.

  The unsatisfactory ruyi sign holder used for the lottery was placed on the shelf of Huang Pin, emitting an out-of-place Xuan Pin halo.

  Jiang Xiaolou put his hand on it, trying to pass on his thoughts to the past.

  "Little girl, it's you again."] 】

  "Well, thank you yesterday."

  [You're welcome.] Let's help each other, that's the way it should be. You're so young, how did you come out like this? 】


  Jiang Xiaolou keenly captured this wording, and tentatively said in his heart, "I am already a teenager, not small!" ”

  [Hahaha, when I was a teenager, I was still a stone.] 】

  Jiang Xiaolou unconsciously clenched the sign holder and repeatedly rubbed his fingers to think.

  "Oh, you don't touch it, you little girl, how can this be? 】

  Jiang Xiaoxia subconsciously shrunk his hand, "I'm sorry, I don't know. ”

  [It doesn't matter, you're still too young.] 】

  After repeatedly catching this key word, Jiang Xiaolou carefully asked, "What do you see me like?" ”

  Aren't you just an ice attribute sword spirit, you kid has a bad brain!] 】

  Jiang Xiaolou was cold, and on the surface he smiled and said, "Maybe I'm too young." ”

  She was shocked!

  The signer would not deceive her on this issue, nor was there any need for her, she could always find a spiritual seal with wisdom.

  That is to say, in the eyes of the spirit, she was a spirit sword, and it was also an ice attribute.

  Is this because of the Ice Spirit Root, and what about the Fire Spirit Root that she has not yet awakened?

  Was this because she had practiced sword casting, or was there some other reason? What is her natural sword heart?

  Jiang Xiaolou keenly felt that this issue was very important, related to the spiritual root problem in her body, and also related to the life of Jiang Xiaolou in the dream.

  But she didn't have a clue at this time, or too many clues to start.

  She continued to slip on the sign.

  "Little girl like me, have you ever seen anyone else?"

  [No, there's not even a talker here.] 】

  "Then there are no other spiritual artifacts here except you?"

  [Not here.] Going further inside, there are a few who have a particularly bad temper and do not respect the old and love the young at all, you must not provoke them. 】

  In the tone of the signing tube, there are still some grievances.

  "Thank you, I'll remember." Jiang Xiaolou suddenly had a thought, "Are you willing to follow me?" ”

  Although this is a Xuanpin Spiritual Weapon, it is placed in the scope of the Huang Pin Spiritual Weapon, which means that its value is equivalent to that of the Huang Pin Spiritual Weapon, and if you want to take it away, you will not have a lot of trouble.

  [No, I'm here for the elderly, and it's very comfortable.] At such a young age, you just run around outside a little more, hahaha. 】

  "That... Where should I go to find a companion like us? ”

  [I don't know.] However, I know that those essential magic weapons cannot give birth to spiritual wisdom. 】

  "Okay." Jiang Xiaolou said in his heart, "I will find an opportunity to see you!" ”

  After talking with the signator, she didn't even have a few points left in her mind about selecting spirit weapons, and as Lu Yidao said, these spirit weapons were also quite eye-catching, And Jiang Xiaolou left the storeroom after hastily choosing a Dan furnace with good materials.

  Lu Yidao was waiting for her not far away.

  The Dan furnace was indeed picky by him to no avail.

  "That is, the material is a little better!" This forging technique is simply a waste of spiritual materials! ”

  While jiang Xiaolou echoed him, he pretended to ask inadvertently, "Master Brother's sword looks very extraordinary, is it Master Brother's original life magic weapon?" ”

  "No." Lu Yi dao said, "This sword has followed me for many years, but I have not refined it into a magic weapon." In fact, only sword cultivators would be accustomed to refining swords that were in line with themselves as their own treasures, and other cultivators generally would not talk about their minds being connected to external objects. There are even rumors that in ancient times, there was no such thing as a treasure of life. ”

  It's antiquity again!

  Jiang Xiaolou suddenly thought of the Imperial Spirit Hammer, this practice, as well as Daozang, in fact, can all be regarded as relics of the ancient period.

  Is that really an era when enlightenment can soar, and there is no dispute but only a taoist dispute?

  Jiang Xiaolou actually didn't want to believe it.

  She instinctively remained suspicious of something that seemed too good on the surface. However, these things had nothing to do with her, the ancient times, the road to ascension, were too far away.

  His Holiness said a lot of useless things, and one sentence was not wrong.

  "As long as I'm strong enough..."

  If she wasn't just during the condensation period, if she could crush the Huan Sword Peak crowd by cultivation, if she could match the Sword Lords who were in charge... Why was she so cautious as she is now?

  Jiang Xiaolou clenched his fists, and his stronger heart had never been so fierce!

  Lu Yidao was flying with his sword, and suddenly felt a burst of murderous qi coming from around him.

  He couldn't help but recall the oppressive feeling he had felt in front of Jiang Xiaolou's cave house several times before.

  Little Master Sister seems to have grown, and this momentum is almost ready to be relaxed!

  The two returned to Cast Sword Peak, and someone else was waiting for Jiang Xiaolou.

  An outer door deacon came with a box and offered it respectfully.

  "These are two Enlightenment Stones."

  There was no lack of envy in the deacon's eyes.

  Lu Yidao took over and inspected it first, before signaling to Jiang Xiaolou, "There is no problem." ”

  The Special Nature of the Stone of Enlightenment cannot be placed in the Storage Magic Weapon, which is one of the reasons why it is so precious.

  After the deacon left, Jiang Xiaolou happily held the box, thought about it, and went to the library first.

  Lin Shu was not there.

  Jiang Xiaolou waited for a while, and after looking for another book of Exercises and reading half a book, Lin Shu appeared, full of exhaustion.


  Jiang Xiaolou brought the box containing the Wu Dao Stone like a treasure, "Five or five points, Master Brother." ”

  "You have a heart." Lin Shu said lightly, "However, this thing is useless to me." Do you know how to use it? ”

  Jiang Xiaolou shook his head violently.

  If only she knew she would still be here?


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