
"My Founding Story" keeps the seeds of civilization alive

author:Pocket Luan

On February 7th, the seventh day of the first lunar month, the first day of work, a heavy snow that arrived as scheduled wrapped the silver clothes of Lu'an City, which was particularly enchanting. In order to facilitate the travel of the general public, I and more than 60 volunteers from our bureau came to the Baobao road section to start clearing the snow, from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m., after an hour and a half of busyness, the road finally revealed its "true" face. I can't remember how many times I participated in the Chuangcheng volunteer service activities, but each activity always had some gains, although a little tired but always happy.

"Hello! This is the 'Chuangcheng apron' specially made by our Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, please accept it, the apron is printed with socialist core values, and Chuangcheng also asks everyone to help us publicize more. "On the eve of the Spring Festival, I also came to the pairing and construction of Longhu Mountain Villa Community, and sent "Chuangcheng Apron" and "Chuangcheng Shaking Fan" to the community residents, which not only allowed residents to enjoy the benefits, but also publicized the knowledge of Chuangcheng to the residents, deepened the residents' understanding and support for the work of Chuangcheng, and improved everyone's enthusiasm for participating in Chuangcheng. Every time I go to a family, I say such a passage, repeating the words, but the difference is that every time we knock on the door of a family, our work of creating a city has taken a small step forward.

Go door to door to inform the city of Chuangcheng, check small advertisements along the district, pile up randomly, illegal parking, safety hazards... We do small things, but we volunteers do it very seriously. "Some of them are still children, the age of my grandson, and seeing them running up and down in order to publicize the knowledge of creating a city for us, tired and breathless, we are really heartbroken and grateful to these volunteers, what reason do we have not to actively participate in the work of civilization creation?" 」 Grandma Zhang shook my hand and said excitedly.

Since 2021, in order to actively help Lu'an to create a national civilized city, so that the masses can cross the "last meter" separated from civilization, every day 6 volunteers have gone to the community separately, adopted carpet publicity methods, distributed publicity materials door to door, patiently and meticulously explained and publicized the knowledge of creating a civilized city for community residents, listened to the voices of the masses face to face, let the citizens receive education in the creation, and improve the quality of civilization in participation. In the process of creating a city, our bureau will be the work of the city into one of the key work content of the bureau, carefully arrange the deployment, and clearly assign a person to be responsible. With "party building + city creation" as the carrier, the implementation of the spirit of the national civilized city creation work training class conference and the daily work are deployed and implemented together, and the systematic, normalization and refinement level of the city creation work is further improved. At the same time, at the party group theory center group (expanded) study meeting and the party branch collective study meeting, all party members and cadres are required to conscientiously study the "Measures for Rewarding and Punishing Lu'an City to Create a National Civilized City", further improve the political position, enhance the sense of responsibility for work, and actively give play to the strength of the volunteer service team of the people's social security.

Civilization is not a temporary norm; creating a city is by no means a temporary task. In the next work of creating a city, I will work together with the volunteers of our bureau to insist on establishing and improving civilization to create a long-term normal, focusing on making civilized behavior form habits, focusing on making Lu'an more well-known, more beautiful, and more attractive, working together, rolling up my sleeves and working hard, so that the seeds of civilization will always stay in my heart. (Zhu Li, full-time deputy secretary of the party committee of the municipal human resources and social security bureau, dictated by Rong media reporter Huang Xueyan)

Source: West Anhui Daily Rong Media

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