
In addition to liver disease itself, what other factors are affecting your immunity, and how can you improve it?

We live around a variety of bacteria and harmful substances, people can live a healthy life, the immune system plays a vital role.

Speaking of immunity can be a bit strange.

Immunity is produced by the immune system, which has lymphocytes as its core component. Lymphocytes enable the immune system to have the ability to recognize and remember, when viruses and bacteria and other foreign pathogenic microorganisms into the human body, lymphocytes quickly recognize, and through a specific response to eliminate it, at the source of the disease to suppress the occurrence of the disease.

At the same time, immunity also affects human aging and damage. An individual's immunity is related to innate genetic factors, one's own lifestyle, and environmental factors.

In addition to liver disease itself, what other factors are affecting your immunity, and how can you improve it?

Under normal circumstances, immunity can ensure that the human body is not invaded by external pathogenic microorganisms; and when this defense function is reduced, various pathogenic microorganisms can easily invade the body, which in turn causes colds, asthma, infections and other diseases.

It is often seen that some people rarely catch a cold and are not prone to illness, while others are just the opposite!

Some people are born with strong immunity, or good genetics, but there are also some people who have acquired bad habits that destroy their own immunity.

In addition to liver disease itself, what other factors are affecting your immunity, and how can you improve it?

What damages your immunity? And how can you improve your immunity?

There are many reasons for low immunity.

In addition to the factors of the disease itself, some bad lifestyle habits can also cause a decline in immune function.

For example, picky eaters, nutritional imbalance, smoking, drinking, staying up late, overwork, and probably a lot of bad habits are eating away at your immune function step by step.

In addition to liver disease itself, what other factors are affecting your immunity, and how can you improve it?

Patients with liver disease should improve immunity and pay attention to the following points:

First, maintain nutritional balance.

To improve the body's immunity, it is necessary to maintain good eating habits and pay attention to a balanced diet.

Paying attention to protein intake in daily life is not only the basis of life, but also a major component of the immune system. At the same time, it is necessary to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, supplement the body with vitamins and dietary fiber, and improve the body's disease resistance.

It is recommended that patients with liver disease pay attention to:

Consume fish, legumes, milk and eggs in moderation, and eat more vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits.

Eat less fat foods, too much fat will make immune cells become lazy, hindering immune function;

Eat less sweets, which can affect the activity of white blood cells and reduce resistance to disease.

At the same time, patients with liver disease must pay attention to chewing slowly and swallowing, so that food can be fully chewed, which can help maintain the stability of the internal environment of the body, especially the digestive enzymes in saliva are fully mixed with food, so that food digests relatively quickly, which helps to reduce the burden on the stomach and intestines and reduce the risk of disease.

In addition to liver disease itself, what other factors are affecting your immunity, and how can you improve it?

Second, maintain a good night's sleep.

The role of sleep is self-evident, is the cornerstone of a person's health, lack of sleep will lead to organ overload, but also cause serious harm to human health, reduce autoimmunity, increase the risk of disease.

It has been shown that lack of sleep leads to a decline in immunity, and the University of Chicago study found that people who slept only 4 hours a night had 50 percent fewer antibodies to fight the flu than people who slept 7.5-8.5 hours a night.

Adequate sleep can significantly increase the number of lymphocytes in the body.

During sleep, the body can produce a sleep factor called cell wall acid, and macrophages are more active. The number of white blood cells increases, and the detoxification ability of the liver is enhanced, which can well eliminate viruses and bacteria that invade the human body. Ensure high-quality sleep, so that your body's organs can be repaired, in order to promote the improvement of immunity.

Patients with liver disease should rest on time every day, go to bed early and get up early, and sleep for 7 to 8 hours a day. In addition, nap habits should be developed to supplement sleep deprivation at night.

In addition to liver disease itself, what other factors are affecting your immunity, and how can you improve it?

Third, do not smoke, do not drink.

When smoking, the blood vessels of local organs are prone to spasm; the supply of blood, nutrients and oxygen to local organs will decrease, and the ability to resist diseases will naturally decline.

Drinking alcohol will weaken the normal function of immune cells, but also affect the normal function of the liver and pancreas, and people with liver disease should be more satisfied with alcohol.

In addition to liver disease itself, what other factors are affecting your immunity, and how can you improve it?

Fourth, exercise more and drink more water.

Studies have shown that long-term inactivity can lead to a decline in the body's immunity and increase the risk of disease.

Life lies in exercise, adhering to appropriate aerobic exercise every day can increase the body's immune cells, enhance the body's ability to resist pathogens, but also promote the body's blood circulation, provide nutrition and oxygen to the body's organs and tissues, improve the function of various tissues and organs, and help to remove harmful substances in the body.

Try to maintain at least 20 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, such as walking, cycling, and swimming. Aerobic exercise such as brisk walking for 30 minutes a day helps to improve the number and quality of white blood cells and improve immune system function.

When exercising, you should adhere to the principle of moderation and choose the physical exercise items within your ability, such as walking, jogging, gymnastics, and tai chi.

Regular drinking of water can promote the metabolism of the human body, and adequate drinking water can keep the respiratory mucosa moist, making it difficult for cold viruses to multiply rapidly and enhance immunity. It is recommended that the daily water intake is calculated according to 40 ml of water per kilogram of body weight, and children need to drink more water.

In addition to liver disease itself, what other factors are affecting your immunity, and how can you improve it?

Fifth, maintain an optimistic attitude.

Long-term psychological stress will increase the number of hormones in the body that have an inhibitory effect on the immune system, and the immune function will be vulnerable to viruses or bacteria, and positive and optimistic emotions can maintain the best state of the human body. Optimism can fully regulate the body's nerve, endocrine, and cardiovascular system functions, which is of great benefit to physical and mental health.

Longevity people can generally face life optimistically and positively, and a good attitude can not only enhance the ability to prevent diseases, improve the body's disease resistance, but also maintain the stability of the internal environment, promote the stability of endocrine, and improve immunity.

The immunity of patients with liver disease is not as good as that of normal people, and low immunity is not conducive to the treatment and rehabilitation of liver disease.

In addition to liver disease itself, what other factors are affecting your immunity, and how can you improve it?

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