
Evaluation of the FA salary limit: the maximum salary of 2 million, the international football team smashed its own rice bowl, no wonder the FA is fierce

"Smashing the pot" becomes a reality

The famous commentator Huang Jianxiang said when the national football team lost to Vietnam: "These players of the national football team are smashing their own jobs!" "It became a reality. The Football Association really wants to start to impose a fierce salary limit, and the annual salary of less than 2 million yuan after tax makes people not know how to evaluate.

Evaluation of the FA salary limit: the maximum salary of 2 million, the international football team smashed its own rice bowl, no wonder the FA is fierce

According to the latest news from Football News, the maximum annual salary of the 2022 season of the Chinese Super League is only 3 million yuan before tax, and the player may really get less than 2 million yuan.

This is the third salary cut by the Football Association

Looking at the salary reduction measures of the Chinese Super League in recent years, the range has become larger and larger every year. From the beginning of the 2020 season, the maximum salary of domestic players is not allowed to exceed 10 million, and after the end of the 2020 season, it directly becomes the maximum salary of 5 million.

Evaluation of the FA salary limit: the maximum salary of 2 million, the international football team smashed its own rice bowl, no wonder the FA is fierce

Truth be told, the pay cut didn't make a real difference

However, limiting salaries does not really improve the performance of the national football team, but instead allows us to see a group of "uncles" who can't even play in Vietnam. Liu Yi, the leader of the Football Association, once made it clear that "the salary limit can encourage Chinese players to go abroad and improve their abilities." However, in recent years, only Wu Lei has been a person who has stayed in the Ocean, plus Li Lei, Guo Tianyu and Jia Boyan who have gone out this season.

Evaluation of the FA salary limit: the maximum salary of 2 million, the international football team smashed its own rice bowl, no wonder the FA is fierce

I have to say, what is the use of this salary restriction? Just like changing the neutral name, forcing Chinese Super League champions such as Jiangsu Suning to choose to disband, coupled with the dissolution crisis of many teams this season. I can boldly say that salary limits, especially if the maximum salary is only 3 million before taxes, will cause many players to be forced to choose to retire.

Evaluation of the FA salary limit: the maximum salary of 2 million, the international football team smashed its own rice bowl, no wonder the FA is fierce

In the case that the security system of the Chinese Super League has not kept up, in the case that the problem of players' wage arrears has not been solved, it is simply to damage the interests of players. The beautiful name is to help them go out and stay in the ocean, which is actually a manifestation of the incompetence of the Football Association.

When the annual salary of the Previous Chinese Super League was not high, there were not many people playing football, and these years of golden football was a fire, which also led many parents to send their children to play football. However, this new generation of players, before waiting for the day of blossoming, has already died, after all, in this case, the maximum salary of 3 million is really worth considering.

Evaluation of the FA salary limit: the maximum salary of 2 million, the international football team smashed its own rice bowl, no wonder the FA is fierce

Moreover, this is only a maximum salary of 3 million, and more players will not get so much salary. Lower salaries mean that the football players at the bottom don't get much money at all. Even really, as the outside world says, professional athletes don't make as much money as Internet celebrities.

At that time, no parents are willing to send their children to play football! Although football should be a love, not to make money. But let's not overlook that no one grows up doing something they don't like, and I believe that all professional players love football when they start playing football.

Evaluation of the FA salary limit: the maximum salary of 2 million, the international football team smashed its own rice bowl, no wonder the FA is fierce

Playing football, the sky-high cost of youth training, crushed a group of people; now, there is a maximum salary of 3 million regulations, but also forced many echelon players to choose to retire early. Because, in the current Chinese Super League environment, there is no hope, the club said disbanded, unpaid running legs to get money...

It doesn't have to work, but the FA can't blame the FA for the salary cut!

But then again, in the current situation of the national football team as a background, salary restriction is also a forced method. In the World Preliminary Round, the international footballers with the top salary showed the fans one game after another without the spirit of hard work, without the spirit of enterprising, and without the spirit of struggle.

Evaluation of the FA salary limit: the maximum salary of 2 million, the international football team smashed its own rice bowl, no wonder the FA is fierce

In the final analysis, the professional players behind them, to blame the international footballers of these two World Preliminary Tournaments, after all, they are in the World Preliminary Tournament and the Asian Cup, with high salaries but with a negative attitude, casually dealing with the game, and not taking the loss as a shame.

Since the high salary, you are just such a performance, it is better to learn the K League in South Korea, the J League in Japan, or even the Vietnamese League, cut the salary, and force the players to be eliminated internally. Otherwise, these pampered "masters" really make the fans lose hope.

Evaluation of the FA salary limit: the maximum salary of 2 million, the international football team smashed its own rice bowl, no wonder the FA is fierce

If you have money, it is easy to drift, and even produce a series of bad behaviors, such as hitting people in bars late at night, bungee jumping during training, drunk driving into the game... Endlessly, it is not uncommon!

Evaluation of the FA salary limit: the maximum salary of 2 million, the international football team smashed its own rice bowl, no wonder the FA is fierce

Good days for you, you will not live, do not know how to cherish, only in the spurn of the fans to cut salaries. When the salary matches your own strength and the results of the national football team, you will find that it is not good to play football, and you may not even be able to afford to eat.

At that time, I am afraid that there will be players who will desperately improve their skills, instead of having a party in their own luxurious villa!


I don't support salary cuts, but there is no way, now the results of the national football team are too bad, so that people can't see any hope! Instead of making the fans unhappy, it is better to make the players feel uncomfortable and feel a sense of crisis. Otherwise, after losing, the players will still eat sea cucumbers and the fans will cry, what is the point?

Evaluation of the FA salary limit: the maximum salary of 2 million, the international football team smashed its own rice bowl, no wonder the FA is fierce

Of course, with the improvement of national football performance and the improvement of players' ability, the Football Association can also choose to increase the amount of the maximum salary at that time, and not only reduce salary, do not increase salary! At this stage, first let the football world have a big wash, let those "masters" quickly retire, don't lose their eyes!

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