
1. When transferring money to a female colleague who shares a room, I accidentally have an extra 0, and I hurry over to let her give me the excess. As a result, she said, "Brother, why are you so stingy, 500 becomes."

author:Funny is also an art

1. When transferring money to a female colleague who shared the house, I accidentally had an extra 0, and I rushed over to ask her to give me the excess. As a result, she said: "Brother, why are you so stingy, 500 becomes 5000, isn't there more than 4500?" With our relationship, we can't take such a little money from you in vain? I said busily: "Don't talk nonsense, we have a normal relationship, hurry up and give me the money!" The female colleague said, "Brother, if this is not the case, I will invite you to dinner." "I refused as soon as I saw that it was already eleven o'clock in the evening. The female colleague said, "Brother, are you stupid?" I sneered darkly, who didn't know her thoughts, went out to dinner so late, and by the way, naughty, and then I was sure I was embarrassed to ask for money. But that's 4500, not worth it! The female colleague saw that I couldn't get in the oil and salt, so she went back to the room breathlessly, and after a while she opened the door and said: "Brother, it's late autumn, it's a little cold!" "I said you put the warm water bag on. The female colleague said I was stupid. I ignored it. The time is not much, and the female colleague called me again: "Brother, how do I feel that there is someone outside the window, a person is very afraid!" I exhaled and said, "You still say I'm stupid, are you stupid, is your room by the window?" Obviously my room is by the window. The female colleague said, "Am I not in your room?" "I hurried over and chased her up, really, I haven't washed it in a year, how can I let someone else sleep?" So tossed into the middle of the night, the female colleague was sleepy, so she returned the money to me, and said breathlessly: "I really served you, and I still see someone like you for the first time!" I sneered again, not caring about her taunts at all, what was wrong with me? I just want my money back. How difficult it is to make money, 4500 more than a month of salary, it is really not worth it!

2. When I came home from work on tanabata, I walked alone down the street and looked at a couple who were very envious. Suddenly, a girl with a large bouquet of flowers stopped me and asked: Buy flowers? I was stunned: What do you do when you buy flowers? Sister: Buy flowers for your girlfriend. I smiled and said, "Oh! So how many flowers can you buy to send a girlfriend? Then I saw the girl's smiling expression disappear immediately, and silently took the flowers back and left!

3. Brother-in-law bought a new laptop to play fresh, at night sister lay on the bed to sleep with netizens to chat, sister felt that the laptop screen is too bright to sleep let him go to the living room to surf the Internet! The brother-in-law ran to the living room with his laptop... After 5 minutes, I only heard my sister shouting inside: "I can't sleep, you still come to the bedroom to surf the Internet!" The brother-in-law was very strange and asked what was going on. My sister sighed and said, "I don't feel at ease if you chat on the Internet behind my back!" ”?

4. I grew up marrying a little girl and invited me to be her bridesmaid. I spent a week with the bridesmaids designing many shows and traps to keep the groom from picking up red envelopes. But on the day of my wedding, I found myself carrying a spare pair of shoes to open the door and run! Swearing in his mouth: Want to pit my husband's money? No way! My mother-in-law and I were stunned.

5. The brother-in-law stole the old man's bank card, took out all the 100,000 yuan in the card, and took me to the countryside to camp. As a result, the two of us got lost and walked through the woods for a day without getting out. At that time, we were in a hurry, and the brother-in-law called the old man: "Dad, we are trapped in the mountains, what should we do?" The old man said calmly, "Don't worry, lie down and sleep for a while." Brother-in-law: "Hey, hey, daddy, don't hang up!" ”

6. The old man spent more than 300,000 yuan to buy a car, and the brother-in-law also wanted to drive, so he went to the driver's license. On this day, the brother-in-law went to take the third subject, got on the car and checked it again. Then he said to the examiner next to him: "The rearview mirrors are good, the instruments are working properly, please take off." The examiner smiled and said, "Then if you want to fly, fly!" So he went on the road for half an hour, and the brother-in-law wondered why he didn't turn around when everyone else was driving for a while. Finally, he couldn't hold back: "Examiner, is it time for us to turn around?" Examiner: "Don't worry, this is where it is, keep driving forward, how do you land when you don't reach the airport?" ”?

7. Some time ago, the good brother got engaged, and the girlfriend asked for a dowry of 300,000 yuan at home. Although the conditions in the good brother's family are average, they are also satisfied. The next day, the good brother was scolded by the boss because of a mistake in his work. Drinking to dispel sorrow, feeling the pressure of life, drinking too much and running to the wife-to-be's house to cry and vent. As a result, the woman's parents thought that the bride price was more, and the next day the brothers sobered up and retreated back to 100,000 pieces!?

8. My sister-in-law studied at East China University of Science and Technology, and I didn't expect to get pregnant before I was married! After the family knew, the old man sent two brothers-in-law to arrest her. He lectured: You have forgotten the rules of our house, haven't you? Give you a chance to speak up about that man! The sister-in-law swore not to say it, the old man: If you don't say it, I will not be polite, come on people, the family law is waiting. Then one of the brothers-in-law came up and shouted: Please listen! How much does 595265+15655 equal?

9. When I go shopping with my wife at night, I see a lot of flowers selling. At that time, when my wife went to try on clothes, I secretly bought a tuzhi to romanticize. As a result, after I gave my wife, her brother first responded with a surprise, the second reaction was to say that I was wasting money, and the third reaction was to scold me. She said angrily: Did you do something to be sorry for the old lady? Needless to say, I still can't sleep on the couch! What about good romance?

10. My girlfriend woke me up by sending me a message in the middle of the night and asking me to chat with her. What to talk about, the topic is up to me. I thought about it and replied happily: Let's talk about heavier topics, such as your weight! After a period of silence, the girlfriend replied with a text message and wrote: This is also too heavy. Me: Let's talk about something superficial, like your IQ!

11. That day I tried to call my boyfriend to their dorm room, who knows if it wasn't the boyfriend who answered the phone. At that time, I was a little embarrassed, so I made up a name and said, "Are you in the dormitory?" In fact, I want to pretend to find the wrong person, who knows that the roommate hesitated for a moment and said: Beautiful girl, you wait for me, I will call you over. I panicked at the time, I didn't expect the prank to fail to return to the pit, and quickly hung up the phone in fright. I didn't know until later that my boyfriend said they were across from a guy in the dorm room who called me that name, oh my God.

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