
#I'm going to be on the headlines##Gold Powder Community#Recently encountered a strange thing, why say strange, the silent night fluttering with a woman's Sithian singing, it feels a little weird

author:Flower Shadow Flow Year 8329

#我要上 Headline ##Gold Powder Community# Recently encountered a strange thing, why say strange, silent night floating a woman Sithian singing, feel a little weird. Here's the thing, my family lives on the sixth floor, next door (not a unit) in the last few days every night can hear a woman singing, judging from the singing voice and the songs she sang should be an elderly woman, estimated to be about fifty years old! What I admired was her singing ability, and lung capacity, from ten o'clock in the evening to twelve o'clock, and it didn't stop, and I felt like I was listening to a free concert every night. What makes me wonder is that the people in her family don't sleep, or they don't have a family, and they are too bored to use music to relieve time. But no matter how you can't sing this point of call, if you don't really want to talk to her in the middle of the night, can we change the time, even if it is to move the time forward for an hour! Every night when I was going to sleep, the concert over there began, and I was about to become depressed, I had a bad night's sleep, and now I couldn't mention it, counting the stars, counting the sheep, counting nothing, and one of the woman's voices lingered in my ears. Later, I also asked the neighbors, saying that she did not often live at home, and occasionally came back to live for a while, just hoping that she would come back to live for a shorter time, or I would really collapse.

February 10, 2022

Night 11:35

#I'm going to be on the headlines##Gold Powder Community#Recently encountered a strange thing, why say strange, the silent night fluttering with a woman's Sithian singing, it feels a little weird

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