
The "strange tricks and tricks" in the ancient people's rooms made people look at the case and exclaimed, and there were such strange things in ancient times

The "strange tricks and tricks" in the ancient people's rooms made people look at the case and exclaimed, and there were such strange things in ancient times

As we all know, many of the things we use now, which have been handed down from history, may have changed, no longer the original, but in essence have not changed. We have a lot of innovation, but there are also a large part of the history of the inheritance, see these things, have to admit, the wisdom of the ancients is really clever, let's take a look at the "strange tricks" in the ancient room.

The "strange tricks and tricks" in the ancient people's rooms made people look at the case and exclaimed, and there were such strange things in ancient times

The first thing is to think, I believe that many people have seen similar medicine boxes in TV series. In ancient times, unlike now, it was generally herbs, and there were many kinds, so doctors went out to see doctors with herbs, which were packed in sacks. However, later someone invented this medicine box, which has many small lattices, which can hold many different herbs and is also convenient to distinguish.

The "strange tricks and tricks" in the ancient people's rooms made people look at the case and exclaimed, and there were such strange things in ancient times

The second is the toilet, Ken can many people see this toilet, the first thing that comes to mind is the toilet, which does look very similar to the modern toilet. In fact, as early as a long time ago, the toilet appeared, and the ancient people were also very good at enjoying, and they would choose a comfortable way to go to the toilet. Ancient toilets, not only sitting, but also have backrests, I have to say that the ancients will really enjoy.

The "strange tricks and tricks" in the ancient people's rooms made people look at the case and exclaimed, and there were such strange things in ancient times

The third is the Tangram table, which is a relatively special table, which is somewhat different from the table we are using. It is a combination of seven small tables, which are put together when they are usually needed, and when they are not used, they are separated, and some things can be placed. In ancient times, most rich people had it, and every time they received distinguished guests, they would use it, and the quality was also very good.

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