
Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd took to Twitter to blaze a wrath at the Defense Ministry Of Defence.Tarton. He said, I have a question for hypocrite Dutton. Why did they lend Darwin Port to China? Why freedom

author:Wei Zongyou American Observation

Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd took to Twitter to blaze a wrath at the Defense Ministry Of Defence.Tarton. He said, I have a question for hypocrite Dutton. Why did they lend Darwin Port to China? Why did Liberal Party member and former Foreign Minister Downer become a paid director of Huawei's board? Why did the Liberal Party attack me for being tough on China on human rights issues during my tenure as prime minister?

Why did Rudd anger the Defense Ministry Of Defense Yardton on Twitter? The main reason is that not long ago, Dutton and Prime Minister Morrison publicly accused the Labour Party of not being tough enough on China. They claim that there is no "bipartisan unity" in Australia's current national security issues, and that only the ruling coalition formed by the Liberal Party and the State Party can truly be tough on China, while the Labour Party will only be "weak against China".

Australia will see a general election in May. Polls show That Australian Labour Leader Albanes is poised to be the next prime minister. In order to attract attention, the leaders of the Labor Party and the Liberal Party have competed to take a tough stance on China as a weapon to win votes. As the former leader and former prime minister of the Labour Party, Rudd was furious with Dutton and nothing more than a rake to prove to the outside world that they were not weaker than the Liberal Party on the issue of China, but on the contrary, they were tougher.

Former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd took to Twitter to blaze a wrath at the Defense Ministry Of Defence.Tarton. He said, I have a question for hypocrite Dutton. Why did they lend Darwin Port to China? Why freedom

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