
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there

author:Manko Movies


When I was very young, I thought that the most romantic thing in the world was to run a long way alone and go to see another person, and now it is. So, I'll see you.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


If you want to, I will always exist.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


I want to see you, pick a full moon evening, look left and right and want to talk and stop counting as a liking for you, the stars and the pond are very good-looking, but not as good as you. The years are deep and long, but you are so amazing, I dare not slacken off, I can hide the ancient well waves in my heart, and I can't hide my blushing face.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


Don't worry, you go read your book first, and I go to see my movies. Someday, we'll be huddled together, reading the same book, watching the same movie.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


Hopefully I can be your niche favorite, hiding joy and being extra proud when showing off.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


From a rough life, squeezing out all the tenderness and dedicating myself to you, I still don't feel enough.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


Life has light, and being able to illuminate you a little before I extinguish it is all I can do.

- "There's a Commissary by the Clouds"

2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


Not good at talking or not, girls are completely immersed in what they like the most cute, the rest of me will be round.

- Kazuya Ninomiya

2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


When I am in a bad mood, I will send me a message, I will reply, something to tell me, any detail of your life I want to know, the world owes you gentleness I give.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


Coming out of the commissary, you said: The next section is a math class, you have not memorized the formula, run fast!
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


People say, "Spring should have a crush on someone, and then summer should elope with him." Now I like that you've been through four seasons, and you say, it's time for us to talk about the rest of our lives.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


I will not hesitate to run to you, this time, every time, again.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


I like you as if by fate. Meeting you is like seeing a ship at sea, in the spring everything will come back to life, and I will love a unique star in the starry sky. I have a hundred ways to express to you my love for you, just because you have a long-term affection for me.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


General, did I know you before I was born, otherwise why would I like you so much?

- "Defective Products"

2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


Do you want to tell him today when he walked and jumped and almost fell, and the math problem was written and laughed out, today, the wind is also very gentle, the sun is hiding in the clouds, and the people around him have become particularly cute, and even the mineral water is sweeter than usual, as if the whole world knows who is moving
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


I can't say why I love you, but I know that you're the reason I don't love anyone else.

- Hayao Miyazaki, "The Hillside where Yu Meiren Blooms"

2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


In fact, the world is also good at creating surprises and romances, and we will meet gentle things, gentle people. Don't be too nervous about this world, after all, everything has a way back, just like the planet belongs to the universe, I hope I can find you.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


It's not a pity that this life is sad or joyful or happy to meet you.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


It's great to be liked by a gentle person, who is like the gentlest and gentlest gust of wind at the turn of spring and summer, and everything passes through you and becomes soft, and then you begin to love the world
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


I am a bad verbal person, but I always want to talk nonsense with you.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


In fact, this world is occasionally good at creating surprises, we will meet gentle things, gentle people, do not have to be too nervous about this world, after all, everything has a way back, just like the planet belongs to the universe, I hope I can find you.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


It's strange, you're fierce and wooden, and I still think you're cute.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


"Preference" itself is not uncommon. It is precisely because people always like to "divide fairly and equally" in their feelings, and preference is precious. Therefore, for me, the equal amount of love that is spilled out, even if it is thick, will not move me. Throw away the same ones as others and give me the extra bit. That's what I really want.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


For me, there are only three things that are important. If you were to arrange them from light to heavy, I think it would look like this: I love you, I love you, you.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


The feeling of liking a person is probably listening to others discuss love, and I only think of you.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


I became interested in many things. For example, paintings, novels, music, movies, etc. that were completely insensitive before. My head seems to have a brighter mind than before, and it's all your credit. But if you want to come back, I can turn back into an idiot.

- Takeshi Kitano, "Progress"

2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


Many people like you because you are a little pretty, good-looking, sensible, and some people like you to see you cry, understand your embarrassment, he carries a small lamp, sits next to you, and wants to give you shoulders and candy.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


I'm willing to go all the way through the bumps but I can always hear you calling me.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


The life I want is every warm winter, with a heavy snow that crunches and crunches, a dim warm light under the street lamp, a cat sleeping soundly under the table, a hot roasted sweet potato, a pot of stomach-warming wine, a book I wanted to read, a fog on the window, a big blanket, and you.
2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there


"I had a dream and they were forcing me to jump off the building and asking me to go up a higher floor."

"I had a dream too, and I caught you."

2022 Fortune loved Good luck is always there