
"Post-10s" little poet Kuang Hongyu came out with a collection of children's poems, from "little readers" to "little poets", how he was refined

author:Purple Cow News

"Mom and Dad go to work, but I have to go to school, I have to go to 'class', On Monday night, my father wants me to go to the Olympic number class, on Tuesday night, my mother wants me to go to English class, on Wednesday night, my grandfather wants me to go to calligraphy class, Thursday night, grandma wants me to go to piano class, Friday night, I have to go to table tennis class myself, Saturday and Sunday, one class after another is endless, alas, I really want to grow up quickly, I don't have to go to school, I don't have to go to class, I don't have to go to class" "Such a childlike little poem is not to make a worker like you smile, this poem is called "Going to the 'Class'" The author is Kuang Hongyu, a member of the Chinese Poetry Society and a young poet of Jiaxing's "post-10s", who wrote about the common troubles of contemporary primary school students with witty humor and positive energy. This poem is also included in Kuang Hongyu's latest collection of children's poems, "Peach Flavored Tendon Douyun", which was launched by Zhejiang Literature and Art Publishing House. The poetry collection selects 96 children's poems, exquisitely conceived and complete, and the words flash with the light of childlike fun, true feelings and wisdom, whether children or adults, when reading, they can't help but raise the corners of their mouths, smile, and get great emotional resonance and thinking collision from the poems.

"Post-10s" little poet Kuang Hongyu came out with a collection of children's poems, from "little readers" to "little poets", how he was refined

Kuang Hongyu began writing at the age of 7, has published more than 140 poems, more than 40 compositions, scattered in "Poetry Journal", "Poetry Tide", "China Young Writers Daily", "China Children's And Children" and other more than 70 newspapers and periodicals, has won the Fourth "Future Writers Cup" National Primary and Secondary School Students Composition Competition Excellent Work Award, the 18th "New Composition Cup" National Primary School Students Bold Composition Competition First Prize, the 14th National Youth Bingxin Literature Competition Second Prize and other honorary awards.

With many good achievements and great gains, how was Kuang Hongyu's work written? Recently, Kuang Hongyu was interviewed by the Purple Cow News reporter to see how the little poet was refined!

"Post-10s" little poet Kuang Hongyu came out with a collection of children's poems, from "little readers" to "little poets", how he was refined

"Translating language into words makes me feel happy and happy"

The children's poetry collection selects 96 poems published by Kuang Hongyu in various newspapers and periodicals, and is divided into 6 series of "fun", "truth", "feelings", "sorrows", "thoughts" and "dreams". The works not only have the record of daily life of the young poet, but also the understanding of family and friendship, as well as the observation of social phenomena, each very small or even inconspicuous to see and hear, may only occupy one or two seconds in life, but it is enough to support Kuang Hongyu's imagination and interesting description.

"Post-10s" little poet Kuang Hongyu came out with a collection of children's poems, from "little readers" to "little poets", how he was refined

"My name is Kuang Hongyu, born in 2010 in Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province, I am lively and cheerful in life, I am a sports athlete, like running, playing basketball, swimming, etc., but these are not important, my favorite is still reading and writing", in the introduction to himself, the sunny handsome Kuang Hongyu children said with a smile. Despite his younger age, he was well-written. He began publishing works at the age of 8 and is now a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, where teachers and classmates often call him a "little writer" and "little poet".

When talking about why he likes writing, Kuang Hongyu said: "Writing allows me to discover the beauty of life, transform language into words to express it, and make me feel happy and happy." In the first grade, the initial writing began with a simple look at pictures and words, and then slowly practiced writing essays, fairy tales, poems, etc. Since then, the seeds of writing have begun to sprout in Kuang Hongyu's heart.

When he first started writing, he also encountered the "nine-nine-eighty-one difficulties" like the Tang monks who took the scriptures. For example, many words can not be written, can only write pinyin; will only write "flowing accounts", "squeeze toothpaste" to make up the number of words; words are scattered, upside down, sentences do not make sense; will not use metaphor, anthropomorphism, exaggeration and other rhetorical techniques, will not quote ancient poems, famous quotes and famous sentences; will not conceive compositions, will not "crested pig belly leopard tail"...

In the wonderful journey of writing children's poems, there is one thing that Makes Kuang Hongyu unforgettable. "One day, on the way to school, my father took me to school, and it started to rain a little, and I saw all kinds of umbrellas. Dad inspired me to write a small poem, I looked closely, while opening the wings of imagination, watching and watching, an umbrella slowly turned into a flower... Within a day or two, "Rain and Umbrella" was freshly baked. Later, my father helped me type an electronic draft and sent it to the Language teacher, and after the teacher read it, he proposed several revision suggestions, and I carefully revised it several times, and a small poem "Rain and Umbrella" was completed. Later, Dad helped to submit essays to participate in the essay competition, and won the first prize of the 18th "New Composition Cup" National Primary School Students Bold Essay Competition! Therefore, he went to Shanxi to participate in the "New Composition" study summer camp." Since then, Kuang Hongyu's confidence in writing children's poems has become more sufficient, and his interest has become stronger!

From "little readers" to "little poets", educational guidance is essential

Writing poetry may seem simple, but poetry is more about emotion and talent than argumentative essays or narrative essays. Kuang Hongyu's parents attach great importance to cultivating their children's ability to find "beauty" in their daily lives and express it in written records. They believe that children's observation, imagination, writing ability, and happiness are far more important than the "98 points" and "100 points" on the test paper. Because these abilities have their own growth, they can help children continue to harvest progress and move towards a higher and brighter future.

Kuang Hongyu told reporters that when his parents were in kindergarten, they bought him a lot of picture books, and also ordered magazines such as "Toddler Pictorial", which was read to him at night, which effectively stimulated his interest in reading, "After I went to primary school, my parents rarely watched TV at home, but looked at various books and read with me, and now, usually I am responsible for writing good compositions, creating good composition shells, and my father will help find magazines and newspapers to accurately 'bomb'... Without the guidance and help of my parents, I would not have been able to write so many good essays."

After writing for several years, Kuang Hongyu felt that the most meaningful thing was: writing very interesting fairy tales, which can bring children a lot of laughter; writing wonderful children's poems, which can bring children unlimited imagination space; writing touching novels, which can tell the sour, sweet and bitter life stories of ordinary people; writing good science fiction stories, you can imagine the future of mankind...

Talking about the changes brought to himself by writing, Kuang Hongyu thought about it and said: "Writing polished my eyes, let me observe nature carefully, discover the beauty and wonder of life with my heart, like to read all kinds of books, like to use my brain to think and discuss problems, have more confidence in myself, and make my life more colorful!" ”

One more word

Under the "double subtraction", the child can choose "poetic growth"

In the face of the "double reduction" policy, parents actively respond to the call to reduce the pressure of their children's learning, and on the other hand, they are also groping for a new way to educate and cultivate their children in confusion and anxiety.

The "double subtraction" policy allows children to have more free time, which greatly determines the future growth and development of children. As the first person responsible for children's education, how should parents lead their children?

Education is not about teaching, but about teaching by example, not by indoctrination, but by awakening. If you want to raise a healthy child, then exercise with your child; if you want to raise a child who loves to read, then put down your mobile phone and read with your child; if you want to have a child who loves to work, then do housework with your child; if you want your child to do things more organized and efficient, then make a plan with your child and work hard to implement it; if you want to make your child more wise, then go to life with your child, to nature to explore, think, and discover... Only by respecting and grasping children's freedom and leisure time can children learn wisdom and enjoy happiness during this period of growth.

Kuang Hongyu's parents chose to accompany their children to grow up poetically, and their expectations for their children were: "Be a cultured person, be a spiritually rich person, and be a morally noble person!" I hope that you will always maintain a childlike heart, take every step of life, and be a 'poetic homesickness' of life! ”

Children are naturally poetic people. Children's poems are pure and pure, so that children feel beautiful; children's poems are children's fun, let children feel happy; children's poems are sentient and loving, let children feel great love... For children, writing children's poems, fun, frank and pure, can be said to be a "fun" thing, but also a "meaningful" thing. Yangzi Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Huang Yanwen

Source: Purple Cow News

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