
World of Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Serendipity Rhythm Debut, No. 4 can't beat, so the wild group equipment becomes expensive?

The first CD of the P3 phase of the World of Warcraft TBC nostalgia suit has passed, and the simple summary is that the head team can pass in one day, the team that can pass can end in two to three days, and the team that cannot beat can also complete the all-pass in the second CD. With the arrival of the second CD, the number of all-access teams began to increase, but the new version also began to arrive, that is, the wild group began to blow the difficulty; more surprisingly, this rhythm came from the seamount.

World of Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Serendipity Rhythm Debut, No. 4 can't beat, so the wild group equipment becomes expensive?

Seamount rhythm debuts

The Seamount Regiment was originally beaten into a sieve on the first day, but considering that the teams that could pass on the first day were relatively strong or strong online, it may not be objective enough to say that the Seamount is simple, but starting from the second CD, the normal team will turn on logging mode. For the wild group, the more difficult part is the No. 4 boss and the mobs in front, if the No. 4 boss can't fight, then the seamount tour is mostly over, either change the team, or let the leader find the reason. Because the wild group cannot smoothly pass through the seamount, so the wild group equipment becomes expensive? Does this logic hold up?

World of Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Serendipity Rhythm Debut, No. 4 can't beat, so the wild group equipment becomes expensive?

P3 group-based optimal solution

The value of the P3 stage double group is not high, compared to the situation when the P2 stage first arrived, the boss blood volume did not strengthen, but felt a little insufficient, if Ak's blood volume increased by 1 million, then talk about the difficulty of the seamount may have something to say, as far as the current Ake is concerned, whether it is normal or underwater or tree root play, there is no difficulty. The secret of double all-round access does not know whether everyone has found out, that is, DPS is the optimal solution of P3 group.

World of Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Serendipity Rhythm Debut, No. 4 can't beat, so the wild group equipment becomes expensive?

Whether it is the last two bosses of Seamount, or the last four bosses of the Dark Temple, as long as the DPS can be guaranteed to be full and the battle can be solved quickly, then the so-called mechanism, process, and playing style are all decorations. To know that the current players are no longer as ignorant as they were a decade ago, whether it is team configuration or personal equipment collocation, everything is to play the limit, look at the head team that is now all accessible, all of them have found a way to maximize the play of DPS. From Ak turning twice and falling to the ground, to directly pressing into Illidan's demonic form, the answer to the problem has long been given.

World of Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Serendipity Rhythm Debut, No. 4 can't beat, so the wild group equipment becomes expensive?

Why is it difficult to preach?

Still in the P2 stage, G Brother clearly remembers that there are not many teams that can stabilize all-through, and even if most of the teams pass, there will still be some moths every time they face Wa Sister and Prince, so the T5 equipment in the P2 stage is always at a high level, until P2 weakens, many players have reached a CD graduation achievement. Next we will look back to the present, the difficulty of the P3 stage is actually between P2 and the weakened P2.5, at present, graduating with a CD is really a bit like a fantasy, but Brother G feels that this time will not be too long, because wearing T4 to open up P2 and wearing T5 to open up P3 are completely different things, one is Kelsas and Vassy who can rank in the top two on the TBC difficulty list, and the other is Akmund and Illidan who have dropped the line on the line.

World of Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Serendipity Rhythm Debut, No. 4 can't beat, so the wild group equipment becomes expensive?

Since the bento is inevitable, then the ribs of the leader of the wild regiment are not easy to eat, if the P3 double book becomes a casual situation like Karazan at some point in the future, how many wild regiment leaders will be sad to sleep? At present, black books, chaotic storms, dog sticks, T6 sets and other equipment have begun to drop in price, some equipment even sold the cabbage price on the first CD, and many P3 products in the future, including egg knives, will inevitably be cheaper, because once Blizzard is determined to make a certain version of the bento, then the national standard will be the final result, I don't believe we can look later.

World of Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Serendipity Rhythm Debut, No. 4 can't beat, so the wild group equipment becomes expensive?

Write at the end

World of Warcraft TBC nostalgic suit P3 will achieve a new history, this history can refer to the 60 version of the nostalgic suit of the BWL stage, everyone played happily, played happily, while updating the equipment, while sharing gold coins, in fact, this is the nostalgic suit should look like. Finally, I still give some advice to the leader of the rib regiment, instead of advocating the difficulty of the regiment, it is better to find a few more bosses who do not understand and are not willing to learn, because if they do not grasp it, they will be snatched away by other regiment leaders; after two years of nostalgic service baptism, this kind of player is no longer many, first flicker first.

——Every day, Brother G accompanies everyone to talk about the little things in the nostalgic clothes of the World of Warcraft, and I hope that everyone can avoid the pit perfectly.

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