
People over sixty, if you want to sublimate your life, you have to do more of these things

author:You've got me by your side

Bi Shumin once said: Life has no meaning, but you have to give it meaning.

Time is life, to be able to put limited time, to do what they think is meaningful, life is worth the trip, did not come to this world in vain.

How people should spend this life, there is no standard and no answer, everything is the direction of the heart, everything is their own decision.

When we are young, we will have to take on our own responsibilities because of the many drags and obligations of working families, and many times even in order to support our families, we have to go to the task of seeking perfection, and we cannot act willfully in life, and we do not even have the right to choose what we like.

After sixty years, people finally survived until retirement, no longer have to run for life, have their own time, children have established a family, at this time we really have our own time, but also restored the body of freedom.

People over sixty, if you want to sublimate your life, you have to do more of these things

There are many people who, after retirement, just want to enjoy life, spend time eating and drinking, just want to live happily, can enjoy leisure; but there are still people who seek the true meaning of life, seek higher meaning, are not willing to spend limited time to eat, drink and have fun, want to make life more advanced, more quality, any way of life is not right or wrong, as long as you want, is "everyone has their own aspirations" .

People over sixty, want to sublimate their own life, you have to do these things, life will be more meaningful.


Do what you love and pick up your hobbies.

I believe that in this life, everyone has their own ideals and dreams when they are young, have their own hobbies and interests in things, and later because of the pressure of life, in order to support their families, they have to endure pain and love, and they also have loss and regret in their hearts.

Interest is the best teacher, for life, for money, there are many things that even if we don't like it, we have to complete it, and there are many things that even if you love it again, because you don't have time and can't meet the needs of life, you have to let go.

When we retire and pick up the hobbies we once put down, we can not only be pleasant and entertaining, perhaps after time thinking and understanding, but also be able to make achievements, and even be able to achieve great success, not only a lifetime of regrets, but also a windfall in life.

People over sixty, if you want to sublimate your life, you have to do more of these things

Some people take the things they are interested in as entertainment, some people take the things they like as a career, no matter what kind, what they cultivate is their own sentiments, what is enriched is their own life, good interests and hobbies, and sublimation is their own life.

People are old, the most afraid of emptiness and loneliness, life is boring, there are many people can not be idle, once idle will have many problems, have their favorite things to do, regain hobbies, is to enjoy it, but also make their lives more meaningful.


Read and learn, sublimate wisdom.

There is a saying that living to learn from old age, reading and learning is a lifelong thing, but also a lifelong benefit to themselves, when you are young, you may not have time to read well, and when you are old, you can pick up books again and see valuable and meaningful books, which is an elegant behavior.

There are always many people who think that they are old and unwilling to read, but reading and learning is not the patent of young people, Mr. Yang Dai, at the age of 93, wrote an essay essay "We Both", at the age of 96 published a philosophical essay "Walking on the Edge of Life", those who love to read all their lives, have something to do in their lives, and will not be old.

Reading and learning is a steady investment, no matter what age, will not be outdated, will not be late, reading and learning is to broaden the horizon, the accumulation of knowledge, sublimation is wisdom, how many books you have read, how much you know about the world.

People over sixty, if you want to sublimate your life, you have to do more of these things

Yuan Ming, a great talent of the Qing Dynasty, has two poems: Books are late to be read in this life, benefiting the future life at this time; a person's wisdom is not a matter of a lifetime, the books you have read are the wisdom in your mind, and those who read particularly well may really be the "seeds of reading", so they will be particularly intelligent in this life.

When people pass sixty, they will know the past, know the future, read history, and see through the real life, so that they can live more wisely and wisely, and they are more open-minded and transparent, and the sublimation is their own quality of life.


Give full play to the residual heat, accumulate virtue and do good deeds, and widely do public welfare.

In all life behaviors, being able to put aside the heart of fame and fortune, being able to help others contribute to society regardless of gains and losses, is a noble thing, a thing worthy of social praise, and an example for each of us to learn.

After sixty years, people can still exert their residual heat, dedicate themselves to society, pay silently, never ask for returns, and have no complaints or regrets, such an old man is the accumulation of virtue and good deeds, the salvation spirit of the bodhisattva, and the person with high morality.

There are always many old people, silently doing public welfare, at the fork in the road of a small district, whenever school is out of school, there is always an old man wearing a sign suit, holding a small yellow flag, directing the vehicles going back and forth, protecting those primary school students from passing smoothly through the road.

People over sixty, if you want to sublimate your life, you have to do more of these things

A driver of a large truck once asked the old man: "You are so busy, do you have money to give you?" The old man righteously said: "Even if no one gives me money, if I can protect these children, it is a thousand dollars, I am willing." ”

When a person is over sixty, he can bring beauty and touch to this world, so that life can be more beautiful and meaningful.


Learn to exercise and keep yourself healthy.

The beauty and quality of life comes from a healthy body, people over sixty, neither drag themselves down, nor trouble their children, they live happily and happily, and only then will they have the rest of their lives in peace.

When people are over sixty, wise old people will first pay attention to their own health, only when they are healthy, can they enjoy life, can they eat well and sleep soundly, and can they go outside to see the beauty of this world.

Tianxingjian, a gentleman to self-improvement, life lies in sports, people are old to learn to exercise themselves moderately, walking every day, punching, practicing swords, dancing, not only moving the bones, but also entertaining the body and mind, those who nest at home all day, not only have bad legs and feet, but also their spirit will often be weak.

People over sixty, if you want to sublimate your life, you have to do more of these things

The "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic" says: Eat and drink moderately, live and live regularly, do not work in vain, so that you can walk with The Gods, and spend all your days and years, and spend a hundred years is to go.

People are old, in accordance with the law of life, learn to diet and eat less, do not bother to work hard, is the best health, can have a good "spirit", our life will be full of vitality, can be healthy and long-lived, heat will improve the quality of life.

If you want to make life more meaningful, you must let yourself do things that interest you and make yourself happy and fulfilling; read and study, improve your wisdom; accumulate virtue and do good, do public welfare, and accumulate your own merits; learn to maintain health and exercise, you will prolong your life, and what you will improve is the quality of life.

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