
Where is the comfort of a tired urban heart?

author:The heart is far away

When we are tired of the traffic in the city, or sad, or depressed. We need to find a place where we can soothe our tired bodies and minds so that we can start again. Warm Spring Ancient Town is a place where you can find comfort in your heart.

Where is the comfort of a tired urban heart?

The first time you step into The Ancient Town of Warm Springs, you will immediately be attracted by its simplicity. "Three forts, six lanes, eighteen villages" This is the ancient town of Warm Spring, and each fort and each street has its own vicissitudes story. You see, on both sides of the road, red lanterns swaying in the wind seem to be in a hurry to tell the story of this century-old town.

Where is the comfort of a tired urban heart?

Walking into the simple West Castle, from time to time there will be a burst of crisp copper bells, which makes people look up and look for it. You will find that built on the cornices of the walled pavilions, there is an elaborate wind chime. With the pleasant bells, leisurely walking in the ancient town, forgetting the troubles, forgetting the tiredness.

Where is the comfort of a tired urban heart?

Long alleys, lined with street shops. Walk into a paper-cut shop and present yourself with exquisite paper cuts. Talk to the shop to know that this Weixian paper-cutting is handed down from generation to generation, all are pure handmade, you will be very emotional about the inheritance of folk skills.

Where is the comfort of a tired urban heart?

"The aroma of wine is not afraid of the deep alley", indeed. At the end of the alley, I have already asked about the aroma of wine. Looking for the taste, I walked over and just brewed the sorghum wine. Carry a jug of wine, go to a restaurant, order a bowl of dumplings, and ask for a special dried tofu. After taking a sip of wine and eating a piece of dried tofu, he responded with the sentence", "I have a pot of wine, which is enough to soothe the wind and dust." ”

Where is the comfort of a tired urban heart?

In the afternoon, go to the Marriage Customs Museum to understand the local customs and customs; go to the Liao and Song Dynasty Museum to experience, know the changes in Wei County, touch the traces of history; simply go directly to see the locations where these film and television dramas were filmed in Warm Spring, and live a filming addiction. Sometimes, it is in the collision of this culture and civilization that you will suddenly be enlightened.

Where is the comfort of a tired urban heart?

In the evening, go to the theater to watch the indoor amazing performance of "The First Castle under the Heavens", which will shock your heart and vision again. Or be moved by the poignant love story of Brother Stone and Apricot Blossom, or be amazed by the amazing "tree flower" of the shooting. No matter what kind of feeling, there will always be an emotion that is released in the theater. Maybe in that instant, you're healed

Where is the comfort of a tired urban heart?