
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

author:GUILD Gem Education

12 days

4000 km

5 domestic flights

And also

Travel between winding mountain roads

Those dawns and dusks

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

This way


There are more surprises to be tired

Coincide with the rainy season and enjoy the sunshine even more

We went alone

But they came back together


Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)


Full of fruit

Empower the future

May 5, 2019-May 16, 2019

GUILD Brazil Study Tour is a success!

Thank you to every student

Thank you for the support and help behind it

Brazilian partners and ALL GILD staff

Thank you to everyone who gave warmth on the way to study

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

Looking back on the journey, laughter and beauty are always there, and the occasional exhaustion is washed away by the wonderful experience of entering the mine again and again and the surprise of discovering gemstones. The road is constantly moving! The road is rewarding!

Study Tour: A Feast of Gemstones

We walked through the winding mines, encountered gemstones unexpectedly, and dug emeralds, tourmalines, and crystals from the middle of a pile of ore! That wonderful experience is like stepping into the plot of Adventures in the Center of the Earth. If it weren't for this study tour, I'm afraid it would be rare to see it in this lifetime!

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

The variety of gem museums, crystal-filled cathedrals, and even the amethyst "scraps" piled up in the courtyards of the mining area are all jaw-dropping, and we are once again impressed by the magic of nature.

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

If the colored gemstones of the mine and the museum cannot be willingly sunk because of their simple appearance, then after cutting and polishing, they are like noble and cold queens, so that everyone is caught in a chopping carnival.

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

Study Tour: Swim in the ocean of gem knowledge

The charm of the study tour lies in "reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles". Led by MS. Liu Lihong, President of GUILD, and Mr. Andrew Lucas, Vice President, the team docked rare resources, enjoyed VIP benefits, and went deep into major mining areas with a high degree of privatization.

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

Witness the mining, cutting and polishing of colored gemstones from the Belmont Emerald Mine, the Cruzeiro Tourmaline Mine, and the Chapeco Amethyst Mine.

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

Everywhere they go, mine owners work closely with the GOLD team to dismantle the colored gemstone supply chain from the perspective of origin and interpret the changes and development of the colored gemstone market from the perspective of consumption. Unconsciously, everyone has gained a full harvest and has a new understanding of the gem industry and gem procurement.

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

Study Tour: Face to face with big coffee

Clement Sabbagh, Brazil Distinguished Lecturer of guild study tour team and president of the International Association of Colored Gemstones, accompanied him throughout the tour.

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

The owner of the world's most important imperial topaz mine specially renovated the road and arranged the excavation site to welcome the arrival of the study tour team.

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

The owner of the Cruzeiro mine, the world's largest tourmaline producer, greeted the study tour team by helicopter from the sky, and the scene was shocking, after which he personally taught in his large mountaintop villa, leaving an unforgettable impression on everyone.

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

The owner of the crystal mine in the Chapeco region, the world's largest amethyst and crystal cave producer, opened the wine he had treasured for many years and drank with the study tour team, which was endlessly evocative.

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

The humorous and humorous itatya mine owner lets us know that a biologist who can't play a guitar is not a good mine owner.

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

There is also the head of Belmont, the world's most automated and most advanced emerald mine, and the head of the Paraíba mine, which is rarer than diamonds...

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

These gem world celebrities who only heard their names and rarely saw them, this time, they could communicate with them face-to-face. The students quickly invited them to sign a name, take a picture, and give each other good wishes!

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

Study Tour: Meet the Beautiful

We had breakfast by the sea in Rio de Janeiro, talked in the dusk of our Ouro Preto, raised a glass of wishes in the amethyst-filled restaurant, and...

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

Everywhere we go, we encounter unique landscapes, hospitable passers-by, historic and modern architecture, and wine and food that dance the taste buds.

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

The experience of studying abroad has made people deeply appreciate the meaning of "shallow on paper". Look at the feelings that everyone releases in the circle of friends every day, the harvest can be more than a little...

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)
Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

Study Tour Highlights: Easter eggs not to be missed

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

△ Folding fan became a big hit for this study tour, causing locals to watch and take a group photo.

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

△ At the end of the study tour, when they were separated at the airport, the students collectively signed the folding fan and presented it to clement, president of the Colored Gem Society.

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

△ Don't underestimate this bus, refrigerator, toilet, wifi are readily available, first class treatment Oh!

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

△ The table in the dining room in the crystal mining area is made of crystal, and some students think it is too beautiful, so they bought the table and the accessories on the table on the spot.

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

△ The white drink is waist juice.

Goodbye, Brazil! (Meitu, Meiji, Meishi)

△ The scene shared by the circle of friends of the students was a swimming pool party held at the home of Clement Sabbagh, president of the International Chroma Gem Society

The farewell after each long trip is for a better encounter on the next journey. Luckily, guild can walk with you and share the moments of the journey together. The world of gemstones is so vast and fascinating that it's worth exploring again and again.

On your next trip, if I invite you, will you attend an appointment?