
The Winter Olympics will introduce a large number of hydrogen energy, is the new energy vehicle going to change the sky again?

The biggest highlight of this year's Spring Festival should be the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Of course, this games not only aroused the expectations of athletes and ordinary spectators, but also had very high expectations for the future development of automobiles for auto practitioners such as Tiger.

The Winter Olympics will introduce a large number of hydrogen energy, is the new energy vehicle going to change the sky again?

I don't know if the owners of the car have found that hydrogen energy vehicles have received special care at this year's Winter Olympics, and it seems that the development of new energy has moved towards hydrogen energy. From new energy buses to Toyota hydrogen energy cars, it seems that traditional electric new energy vehicles are gradually flat, and hydrogen energy is suddenly driving the future.

The Winter Olympics will introduce a large number of hydrogen energy, is the new energy vehicle going to change the sky again?

Why do the Winter Olympics use hydrogen vehicles instead of pure electricity?

Is the future of new energy vehicles hydrogen?

Today, Taige will take advantage of the Winter Olympics to talk with you about whether hydrogen energy can fight the future in the end.

Why do hydrogen vehicles be used for the Winter Olympics?

As we all know, the current domestic pure tram market is very mature and can fully undertake the task of personnel transportation.

However, this Winter Olympics is "unusual" to use hydrogen energy as the main energy source for athletes and staff during the Winter Olympic Games.

The Winter Olympics will introduce a large number of hydrogen energy, is the new energy vehicle going to change the sky again?

In the Yanqing and Zhangjiakou races, almost all of them are hydrogen energy vehicles, and more than 700 hydrogen fuel buses are put into use, responsible for the transportation of spectators and staff during the race.

The Winter Olympics will introduce a large number of hydrogen energy, is the new energy vehicle going to change the sky again?

Even sanitation companies' garbage compression trucks are hydrogen fuel cell-driven.

The Winter Olympics will introduce a large number of hydrogen energy, is the new energy vehicle going to change the sky again?

Seeing these many car owners, they can't help but speculate, is this Winter Olympics a signal of a change in the direction of new energy?

In fact, the owners have been worried!

For the use of hydrogen energy vehicles for this Winter Olympics, in Tiger's view, more of a role is to demonstrate and test runs. It also implements the concept of double carbon for the Olympic Games. Moreover, Beijing has already made plans for hydrogen energy in the "Beijing Hydrogen Energy Industry Development Implementation Plan (2021-2025)" released in October last year, and is ready to vigorously develop hydrogen energy during the 14th Five-Year Plan period.

The Winter Olympics will introduce a large number of hydrogen energy, is the new energy vehicle going to change the sky again?

As a "good neighbor" of Beijing, Zhangjiakou is naturally reasonable to hug the hydrogen energy car as a guarantee car released by the big brother. Another reason is that the temperature in the northern region is low, and the car power battery is particularly prone to "virtual electricity" in the low temperature environment, and it is necessary to solve the problem of power consumption and heating insulation, so there is almost no solution.

The Winter Olympics will introduce a large number of hydrogen energy, is the new energy vehicle going to change the sky again?

The same is the battery, hydrogen fuel cell is relatively less sensitive to temperature than lithium battery, and hydrogen energy is also internationally recognized as the ideal form of energy, energy density is much higher than lithium battery, lithium battery calorific value (MJ / kg) is 0.72, hydrogen is 142.5, is more than 100 times the lithium battery. The reserves and sources are quite abundant, and the only discharge after the reaction is only water, which is quite perfect in any way.

Hydrogen energy technology is not mature

In the future, new energy vehicles will still be the world of pure electricity

To say that hydrogen energy is the future, this sentence was said 50 years ago.

Robert Zubrin, an American rocket scientist, once talked about the future of post-oil in his own book Victory of Energy: "Hydrogen can only become the energy source for cars in the worst cases."

Hydrogen was first put on the table as an automotive energy source in the 1970s.

At that time, the two oil crises caused panic around the world, and the United States established the International Hydrogen Energy Association and set up a fuel cell technology cooperation program immediately after the end of the first oil crisis. However, the so-called hydrogen fuel cell technology is only a technical exploration, and there is no substantial development.

By the 1990s, the United Nations had enacted the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which would require developed countries to reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide and other "greenhouse gases" released into the atmosphere to levels in 1990 by 2000.

The Winter Olympics will introduce a large number of hydrogen energy, is the new energy vehicle going to change the sky again?

After the topic of global warming was raised, Europe and Japan began to spend heavily on hydrogen fuel cell technology.

But the good times did not last long, and after the financial crisis in 2008 pulled up a wave of oil prices, it began a large period of gloom and decline. The decline in oil prices and the decline in the heating topic of climate warming have made many countries in Europe and the United States gradually abandon hydrogen energy vehicles, leaving only Japan and South Korea, two resource-poor countries.

Why is it that the cleanest and most efficient energy sources are clearly available, but no one wants to use them?

The reason for this is that the cost of technology and energy storage have not been completely solved until now.

Everyone knows that hydrogen is the lightest known element.

Because of this, it is particularly difficult to produce hydrogen easily and transport hydrogen! Because the density is too low, the boiling point is low, and the transportation efficiency is too low.

Take the current mainstream "gaseous hydrogen transport method" vehicles in Japan and South Korea, the 25-ton hydrogen-carrying special tube bundle trailer can only carry 300 kilograms of hydrogen, accounting for 1.2% of the total weight.

Even if the pressure is increased to transport more hydrogen, the surface area must be reduced, otherwise the material cannot hold up, and to make a slender pipe like the above picture, the higher pressure will be made into a smaller, shorter, and thicker independent container. But everyone knows a law, that is, the more accessories there are, the more failures there are. Each tank and joint of the multi-tube hydrogen truck may leak, and to avoid problems, it is necessary to pile up the material and pile up money.

You said that such a hydrogen truck and a tanker truck drive into the city, so you asked if you are afraid?

So some people think of liquid hydrogen! People rocket is to use liquid oxygen liquid hydrogen propellant!

Yes, liquid hydrogen is indeed very strong, but to remain liquid, it must be in a deep and low temperature state, a low temperature insulation liquid gas transport mode of Dewar tanks.

The Winter Olympics will introduce a large number of hydrogen energy, is the new energy vehicle going to change the sky again?

The liquid is packed in an insulated tank and maintains a temperature below the boiling point to maintain the liquid state. But the external 25 ° C, liquid hydrogen -253 ° C, the temperature difference is huge, even the best insulation material will gradually transfer heat in, then it is necessary to allow the liquid to evaporate, rely on a part of the liquid evaporation to absorb heat, become a gas, and then this part of the gas is discharged to relieve pressure to maintain a deep low temperature.

The Winter Olympics will introduce a large number of hydrogen energy, is the new energy vehicle going to change the sky again?

As an extremely flammable and explosive gas, it is unlikely to be discharged casually when transported into urban areas. And liquid hydrogen is not unloaded to the hydrogen refueling station without tube, if you can not continue to maintain a deep low temperature, the internal pressure gradually increased, the result is a big bang.

At present, liquid hydrogen is only used for special occasions such as rocket launches.

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles can really achieve 0 emissions, but if hydrogen fuel is not done to transport energy storage, hydrogen fuel replenishment sites have no way to completely replace pure electric models, because the power grid can go deep into the urban area of the city, deep into every corner, and the hydrogen refueling station can only choose the desolate land in the suburbs to ensure safety.

The Winter Olympics will introduce a large number of hydrogen energy, is the new energy vehicle going to change the sky again?

There are two hydrogen refueling stations in Modu, and the surrounding area is as empty as possible

Therefore, as far as the current hydrogen energy technology is concerned, only buses and fixed-route logistics transport vehicles can realize hydrogen energy use scenarios, and it is too early for private cars to realize hydrogen energy to be honest.

Write at the end

For the future of pure electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, there is no conclusion to be seen, but in the 2022 Winter Olympics, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have become the core and main force of travel, no matter how has played some demonstration role.

Open a brain hole, maybe N years later, the big explosion of science and technology will perfectly solve the hydrogen energy storage, and then the road will run around is a "sprinkler truck" spraying water

New energy car owners scan the code to receive free car wash

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