
Supreme People's Procuratorate: Focus on leading cadres, identify "two-faced people", and resolutely eliminate the black sheep

author:China Youth Network

In mid and late September, the second group of the central political and legal organs supervised the first and second stages of the education and rectification of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and pointed out nine aspects of the problem while fully affirming the work. How well have these problems been rectified? What other work needs to be intensified and focused?

On October 9, the Supreme People's Procuratorate held an enlarged meeting of the party group to deeply study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on "July 1st", deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the construction of the political and legal team, study and further implement the measures for supervision and rectification, and promote education, rectification, rectification, rectification, and reform. Zhang Jun, secretary of the party group of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and chief procurator, put forward work requirements.

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of the second batch of national political and legal contingent education and rectification work promotion meeting held on October 8. Everyone unanimously expressed their support for the decision of the party Central Committee on handling Sun Lijun's serious violations of discipline and the law and the decision of conducting a disciplinary review and supervision and investigation of Fu Zhenghua's suspected serious violations of discipline and law, unifying thinking and understanding with the decision of the Party Central Committee, enhancing the "four consciousnesses," strengthening the "four self-confidences," and achieving the "two safeguards." We must profoundly understand the strong determination of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core to unswervingly promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party and the clear attitude of no forbidden areas, full coverage and zero tolerance in anti-corruption. It is necessary to further enhance political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, profoundly find out the conspicuous problems existing in the procuratorial contingent, draw lessons from one case to another, take it as a warning, solemnize political life within the party, strictly supervise the party's politics, strictly abide by the party's political discipline and political rules, always maintain vigilance, solidly and deeply promote the education and rectification of the procuratorial contingent, and forge a loyal, clean, and responsible procuratorial iron army.

From a higher standpoint of "looking at politics," we should speed up the construction of informatization, strive to solve the problems of collecting and judging clues in the supervision of case filing and investigation activities that have long plagued the performance of procuratorial supervision and the improvement of supervision ability, and enhance the timeliness, comprehensiveness, and effectiveness of procuratorial organs' supervision and performance of duties; reflect and analyze the crux of "problems below and root causes above" in a line-by-line manner; conscientiously compare the problems found in the first batch of education and rectification, and profoundly find out the leadership and guidance responsibilities of the Supreme Procuratorial Organs; the reflection of in-depth problems is relatively concentrated, Internal institutions and directly subordinate units with greater risks of honest government carried out research and discussion forums, educated and guided procuratorial cadres and policemen to lay down their ideological baggage, and take the initiative to truthfully explain the problem... The meeting divided labor and clarified responsibilities for further implementing the rectification work pointed out in the first two stages of the central supervision group, determined the time limit for completion, and put forward rectification standards.

Focusing on the implementation of the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the deployment of the Second Batch of Political and Legal Contingent Education and Rectification Work Promotion Committees nationwide, Zhang Jun put forward requirements for solidly and deeply promoting the education and rectification of the procuratorial contingent --

Deeply study and comprehend the great significance of the Party Central Committee's deployment to carry out education and rectification of the political and legal contingent. It is necessary to always unify ideological understanding, strengthen education and guidance throughout and integrate into all links and aspects of education and rectification, so that the vast number of procuratorial cadres and policemen can fully understand that to carry out education and rectification of the procuratorial contingent is to build an iron army of procurators in the new era, to be absolutely loyal and absolutely honest, to conform to the will of the people, to display the authority of the rule of law, to better serve the overall situation, to administer justice for the people, and to lay a solid political foundation for the party's ruling power.

Deepen supervision and vigilance, and implement "strict management is love". Focus on sensitive departments and key positions, keep an eye on key nodes and key links, list risk points, step by step compaction responsibilities, supervise and use typical case reports, strengthen warning education and reminders, and do in-depth and detailed daily supervision. In particular, it is necessary to persist in conducting education on honest administration in a down-to-earth manner, strengthen management of procuratorial personnel outside of the eight hours, regularly carry out home visits and heart-to-heart talks with honest government, supervise and urge leading cadres to implement the main responsibility, and remind, warn, and prevent party members and cadres in their own departments and units as early as possible.

Deepen the thorough investigation of "people" and "things", and strengthen the effectiveness of education and rectification of the procuratorial contingent. Fully understand that the investigation and handling of cases is a powerful weapon for rectifying judicial corruption and an important aspect of highlighting the effectiveness of education and rectification, and strengthen the attitude and determination of "thorough investigation." In particular, it is necessary to mobilize and make good use of the enthusiasm of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the provincial-level procuratorates, promote each other, and jointly implement them. It is necessary to focus on leading cadres, identify "two-faced people," keep an eye on key posts such as judicial case handling, keep a close eye on the invisible variation of the "four winds," persist in having no forbidden areas, full coverage, and zero tolerance, give prominence to the word "thorough investigation," resolutely eliminate the black sheep, rely on the procuratorial contingent to educate and rectify and eliminate the stock of corruption, curb the increase in corruption, and purify the procuratorial contingent.

Leaders of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and full-time members of the Inspection Commission attended the meeting. Principal responsible persons of various departments of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and all public institutions directly under the Supreme People's Procuratorate attended the meeting.

Source: Supreme People's Procuratorate WeChat public account

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