
warm! During lactation, the disease is the son's "crowdfunding" breast milk, and many bao mothers in Changchun relay milk donation

We often say crowdfunding, but have you ever heard of "crowdfunding" breast milk?

Changchun citizen Ms. Liu is a nursing mother, because of postpartum illness need to be hospitalized for treatment she helplessly weaned, did not expect that the baby due to serious allergies can not drink ordinary milk powder, for a time, the baby's food and clothing has become a major problem. Anxiously, Ms. Liu posted a request for help message of "urgent need for breast milk" in the weChat group of mothers and babies, and got a positive response from many enthusiastic mothers, who "donated milk" and helped forward it, which made her very moved.

Onset of lactation suddenly unable to stand

Weaned after nearly 50 days of hospitalization

Ms. Liu is 31 years old this year, and on July 25, 2021, she gave birth to her beloved son through natural childbirth, and the accident came just after the baby had passed the "100 days".

"I was sitting there, and suddenly I couldn't move, and I couldn't stand my legs, I couldn't stand up. First went to the emergency department of the First Hospital of Jida University, and then to the Chinese Medicine Hospital, all the examinations were done, it took more than a month to find out the cause, I was because of the pelvic deformation in the process of normal delivery, resulting in serious deformation of the lumbar spine, and later to Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, from the onset of illness to admission to treatment about 50 days to get better, discharged home. When it comes to the scene at the time of the onset of the disease, Ms. Liu still has palpitations, but in addition to the pain of the disease itself, the baby's "rations" problem is what she is most worried about.

Aiko's regular milk powder is severely allergic

Refusal of hydrolyzed milk powder is almost a "hunger strike"

Ms. Liu said: "At the beginning, my milk was very good, the child usually could not finish drinking, I used the breast pump to suck it out, with a milk storage bag in the refrigerator frozen, generally such breast milk can be stored for about 3 months, during the hospitalization, the family will give the child to drink the milk." I was admitted to the hospital for treatment of milk volume decline, slowly there is no milk, after storing milk and drinking no milk, I can only give the child milk powder, but after drinking milk powder, I found that the child was not quite right, I had a rash all over my body, and I was itchy and painful, and I was very guilty..."

After taking the baby to the hospital for examination, Ms. Liu learned that Aizi was allergic to milk powder, and could only drink hydrolyzed milk powder instead, "That hydrolyzed milk powder is to break down the protein relatively finely, but the taste is also very strange, very bitter, the general child does not like to drink, my child is hungry and does not drink, every day is crying ..."

Helpless to ask for help in the WeChat group

Multiple moms reached out to help

Looking at the baby who was full of rashes because of allergies, Ms. Liu came up with a way, "I sent a message in the WeChat group of the hospital where I gave birth, introduced my situation, hoping to have more breast milk to donate a little to us, and as a result, several enthusiastic mothers took the initiative to contact me, not only that, but there were many people who helped forward." ”

Ms. Liu introduced that there are already three or four bao moms helping her to save milk for a long time. "There is a bao mom who is particularly enthusiastic, yesterday it snowed in Changchun, it was particularly cold, I told her, she let her in-laws drive me to send it, the snow road is still slippery, uncles and aunts sent me a lot ... Often, the breast milk sent by this mother was just about to be drunk, and the breast milk saved for me by other mothers was connected. Everyone knows each other, I am really grateful to be able to help me so enthusiastically, and my heart is so warm and warm. When my children are older and more resistant, I will add milk powder and try again. ”

warm! During lactation, the disease is the son's "crowdfunding" breast milk, and many bao mothers in Changchun relay milk donation
warm! During lactation, the disease is the son's "crowdfunding" breast milk, and many bao mothers in Changchun relay milk donation
warm! During lactation, the disease is the son's "crowdfunding" breast milk, and many bao mothers in Changchun relay milk donation
warm! During lactation, the disease is the son's "crowdfunding" breast milk, and many bao mothers in Changchun relay milk donation
warm! During lactation, the disease is the son's "crowdfunding" breast milk, and many bao mothers in Changchun relay milk donation
warm! During lactation, the disease is the son's "crowdfunding" breast milk, and many bao mothers in Changchun relay milk donation

Ms. Liu's help information and some chat records

Enthusiastic Mother Politely refused to be interviewed: Compare hearts to hearts

"Take as much as you want to eat, not enough to take again"

"That bag is all 150 ml, I'll save it for you"


Ms. Liu's chat record with your enthusiastic mothers is touching, on February 12, 2022, Huashang Bao-Ersanli Information tried to contact one of the mothers, but she politely declined the interview, "Thank you for your kindness, but I don't want to accept the interview, this is not a big deal..." "Heart to heart, my help If I can make her children suffer less, I am very happy in my heart." ”

warm! During lactation, the disease is the son's "crowdfunding" breast milk, and many bao mothers in Changchun relay milk donation

Establishment of "breast milk banks" in some parts of the country

Two mainstream hospitals in Changchun said they had not yet been established

For sick children, breast milk is not only food, but also can effectively enhance the immunity of sick and weak babies and improve their quality of survival. Therefore, the establishment of a breast milk bank and the encouragement of society to donate breast milk have a similar significance to blood donation.

According to the data, at present, only large hospitals in major cities such as Guangzhou, Nanjing, and Shanghai have set up breast milk banks in the mainland. Judging from its operation, it is still more embarrassing. Only 336 mothers donated in one year in the Nanjing Breast Milk Bank, and the Breast Milk Bank in Beijing Taihe Hospital received only enough donations for one baby for 3 months in two years. Guangzhou conducted a questionnaire survey of hundreds of pregnant mothers and mothers who had just given birth in the preparatory stage of the breast milk bank, and found that only 25% were willing to donate breast milk. The low willingness to donate breast milk is due to the fact that donors not only need to undergo medical examinations, but also need to go to the hospital to donate, and the use of breast milk lacks transparency.

On February 12, 2022, Huashang Bao-Ersanli Information contacted Changchun Maternity Hospital and Jilin Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and the staff said that no "breast milk bank" had been set up.

(Huashang Daily reporter Liu Yuanyuan)

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